Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Men's responses are what they're going on about. We say it's nothing and benign, but to the women it might mean a great deal. Shouldn't be whistling or lobbing sexist remarks at strangers on the street. It's inappropriate and rude. To the people who think it's benign, yes, one occasion's benign. But women who get it many times every day probably get tired of it. It's as good as an offer for cheap meaningless sex, and when it happens frequently it begins to settle in a person's mind and that's all they're good for - sex. Too much of a good thing then and precisely why you shouldn't do it.

Sure I agree. I mentioned earlier in the thread about one of my friends who has very large breasts and does not like people looking at them, so she always wears loose-fitting baggy shirts. Funny, it seems the women who walk around with the most cleavage exposed are the ones who seem to do the most complaining about men "looking." Well, cover them up them!! What do you expect when half of your boobs are hanging out of your shirt? :lol:

Certainly that doesn't give anyone a green light to harass, but it's just a funny observation. Lol.
Good post. I feel so dirty when those things stare directly at my eyes!

:lol: Yeah, I'm sure that you do.
Meh, she should probably feel grateful that any men are paying any attention to her at all, because IMO she really isn't very good looking and looked kind of like a bitch in the video. She should enjoy it while she can because in a couple more years she is probably going to be huge and no guys will be looking her way anymore. :D

I only saw that one (or maybe it was two) instances that I would actually consider "harassment" and I feel that this was probably because those men thought she was stuck up and were just kind of trying to razz her, like "oh, you think you're too pretty to say hello?" Thing is, she really isn't even that pretty, so I have to attribute it to her tight clothing.

Now, if she really didn't like the attention, she would take a cab, or she would wear looser fitting clothing IMO. :) Women wear clothing that fits their breasts and butts tightly to attract attention from men. Period. End of story.
Well: dressing like a tart is one thing, but even so a gentleman does not notice that sort of thing...deliberately!!


She is not dressed as a tart. She is doing nothing to encourage the harassment other than walking

How would you feel if you were walking behind your daughter and she were treated that way?

Only reason this video exist.

Has anyone else noticed, or mentioned, that another poster put this video up as an attempt to show how black men harass white women? I guess it's a multi-functional video, meant to demonstrate black men attacking the purity of white womanhood, OR the thin-skinned liberal feminist victim mentality.

It's a fail, either way.

"Hi" and "Have a nice day" are not sexual harassment. And her lack of acknowledgment sometimes led to further comments.
I often find myself asking this question. How on earth do they think cash donations are going to change anything? :lol:
I often find myself asking this question. How on earth do they think cash donations are going to change anything? :lol:
Pay for some more videos, on rest on administrative expenses. After awhile, donations will stop, they'll change the name and find another cause.

Here is one more video...

Has anyone else noticed, or mentioned, that another poster put this video up as an attempt to show how black men harass white women? I guess it's a multi-functional video, meant to demonstrate black men attacking the purity of white womanhood, OR the thin-skinned liberal feminist victim mentality.

It's a fail, either way.

"Hi" and "Have a nice day" are not sexual harassment. And her lack of acknowledgment sometimes led to further comments.
Yeah I pointed out that they edited out the parts white men harassed her.
The woman in the video is an aspiring actress. Kudos to her for making this video, now she has a leg up on her competition.
Saying hi isn't sexual harassment.

Most of the men that said something else were back.
I bet I could dress the same young woman modestly and appropriately, and cut the remarks by 90%. She was dressed and probably selected to project an appearance that drew the kind of attention they were looking for.

Still, no one should have to face a gauntlet of commentary just walking down the [fucking] street, even if some of it could be construed as complimentary.
There was no gauntlet. She walked for ten hours and was able to cobble together four whole minutes where she got some kind of words in her direction. She walked for 9 hours and 56 minutes where no one said anything to her.
I can understand that it gets annoying if you're a girl and you get hit on by men all the time, but at the same time, there's not a woman in the world that doesn't enjoy being hit on sometimes. In our society men are expected to be the initiators. There are pluses and minuses for both genders to that. Both men and women should just shut the fuck up and accepr the good with the bad.
I can understand that it gets annoying if you're a girl and you get hit on by men all the time, but at the same time, there's not a woman in the world that doesn't enjoy being hit on sometimes. In our society men are expected to be the initiators. There are pluses and minuses for both genders to that. Both men and women should just shut the fuck up and accepr the good with the bad.

Ohhhh I don't know about that. I had a guy that always texted me with hey beautiful. Or the even worse hey sexy. I told him over and over I didn't like it. Finally I said ENOUGH! Don't contact me again.
There was no gauntlet. She walked for ten hours and was able to cobble together four whole minutes where she got some kind of words in her direction. She walked for 9 hours and 56 minutes where no one said anything to her.

She received 100 comments in 10 hours - that's one every six minutes.

That most of the posters on this board cannot understand that women don't walk around in their everyday lives wanting strangers to comment on their appearance or to generally be treated like a piece of meat shows how little women are respected in today's culture. And you all think it's no big deal.
There was no gauntlet. She walked for ten hours and was able to cobble together four whole minutes where she got some kind of words in her direction. She walked for 9 hours and 56 minutes where no one said anything to her.

She received 100 comments in 10 hours - that's one every six minutes.

That most of the posters on this board cannot understand that women don't walk around in their everyday lives wanting strangers to comment on their appearance or to generally be treated like a piece of meat shows how little women are respected in today's culture. And you all think it's no big deal.

No big deal.

It's up to women to filter the bad attention from the good attention. If it was George Clooney saying hello and Tom Cruise saying "You have a nice smile" and Daniel Craig saying "you look lovely" no women would be complaining, they'd instead be riding high, feeling very flattered and happy.

This isn't striclty a male perspective, my wife agrees with this position too.

Look, I can sympathize. Whenever a liberal talks to me in real life my skin crawls and I feel like vomiting over their face, but I can't criminalize liberals and exile them to a remote island in order to make society more pleasant for the normal people. Having to deal with liberals is part of the price I have to pay for living in civilization.

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