Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

You know what makes women feel uncomfortable too? When you are talking to a man, and he blatantly stares at your "body parts." I mean, a passing glance or maybe even a prolonged "gaze" is acceptable and can even be sexual sometimes, as long as the eyes move away from those areas and to your face when you are speaking. I've had guys that I've talked to just stare at "parts" and that makes me just want to smack them upside their stupid heads. :rolleyes-41: It's annoying, embarrassing, and a bit humiliating to be honest.
I have found the art of walking the fine line between appreciating a woman and ogling her is a long lost art with most guys. A woman knows if you are checking her out but if you smile and mention she makes her outfit look great she seems to forget about that and smile back.



Oh Rik!! There is a difference between being complimented and being "ogled." We women DO know the difference! :nono: We know when you're looking at our "body parts" and thinking naughty thoughts!!! Women like to be told they are beautiful and admired, yes, but they don't like to be "ogled."
Rhiz the permission is given before you are even aware of it. Women spot you before you spot them in most cases. The look in their eyes and their body language will tell you its OK. If you really are waiting for words then you must have had someone take sympathy on you.
Damn straight. The women who lived before toxic feminism infected their souls had far more grounded lives and better heads on their shoulders:

The iconic 1951 image “American Girl in Italy” turns 60 on Monday. As its anniversary approaches, the stunning woman in the photo — Ninalee Craig, now 83 — is speaking up about it. She wants to explain what the photo represents, and what it doesn’t.

“Some people want to use it as a symbol of harassment of women, but that’s what we’ve been fighting all these years,” Craig said in a telephone interview from her home in Toronto. “It’s not a symbol of harassment. It’s a symbol of a woman having an absolutely wonderful time!”

Back in 1951, Craig was a carefree 23-year-old who had chucked her job in New York and secured third-class accommodations on a ship bound for Europe. She spent more than six months making her way through France, Spain and Italy all by herself — something very few women did in the years following World War II. . . . .

Of course, a good documentary photograph welcomes viewers into a scene and invites their interpretations. That’s understandable, say Craig and Engel — but both of them stress the same point about “American Girl in Italy”: The photo is primarily a celebration of strong, independent women who aren’t afraid to live life.

“Men who see the picture always ask me: Was I frightened? Did I need to be protected? Was I upset?” Craig said. “They always have a manly concern for me. Women, on the other hand, look at that picture, and the ones who have become my friends will laugh and say, ‘Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t the Italians wonderful? ... They make you feel appreciated!’”

Craig said she certainly did feel appreciated in Italy and elsewhere in Europe. She turned plenty of heads wherever she went because she was 6 feet tall and traveling alone. She knows the men in the photo appear to be leering and lascivious, but she insists they were harmless.

“Very few of those men had jobs,” Craig said. “Italy was recovering from the war and had really been devastated by it … I can tell you that it wasn’t the intent of any man there to harass me.”


Interesting. I can understand where it makes some women feel "uncomfortable," but it certainly isn't any kind of assault.

There are plenty of things in life which make me uncomfortable. This liberal notion that one has a right to not have their feelings hurt or to be made to feel uncomfortable by having to listen to people speak to you or about topics that you don't want to hear is a really bizarre and infantile view on life.

Many complain about helicopter parenting, this is the feminist equivalent - pass laws in order for women to feel safe in a bubble floating along on top of a sea of oppression. The tyranny of nice.

Even if this law passed we'd still have women complaining, but the complaints would be about how men are such cowards for not talking to women, men being too timid, too withdrawn in their shells.

Well, I agree, but that doesn't mean that the men who do this are not lacking in class anyways. You guys really need to get a grip! Lol!

I just don't consider this an assault or a harassment in any way, shape or form, that doesn't mean that it's "enjoyable" though. It is embarrassing and, yes, it makes you feel very uncomfortable when men are leering at you. I actually do feel for the woman in the picture above. Although she doesn't hold it against the men, you can see by her facial expression and her body language that she appears uncomfortable with all of the attention.

She says differently and so do her old biddy friends. I think they're talking about a sense of power, the desired women has power over those men who desire her.

As for enjoyable, I've never once heard a woman complain about male attention and male desire when it's the right men who are focused on her and expressing themselves. That seems to be quite enjoyable. The problem, which you allude to, is that these guys are low class, the wrong kind of guys. How dare they speak to a woman who is better than them.

You just don't understand how it feels. One time, I was walking down the street just minding my business, walking by a home where the people were out in their yard having a cookout, and a car load of guys goes by and they start yelling things out at me, and then I had to walk by this home with all of these people out there just looking at me. THAT is embarrassing as hell!

One time I approached a woman at a party and she stuck her hand in my face before I even got a chance to speak to her. That was embarrassing. I lived through it and talked to another woman.

Plenty of men get rejected and embarrassed. That's life. So long as women are the objects of desire and it's incumbent on men to make the approach, women are going to have to deal with the wrong kind of men talking to them. If women don't like this state of affairs, then they should flip the script and take on the job of making all the cold approaches for this puts them in control of which men they talk to.
You know what makes women feel uncomfortable too? When you are talking to a man, and he blatantly stares at your "body parts." I mean, a passing glance or maybe even a prolonged "gaze" is acceptable and can even be sexual sometimes, as long as the eyes move away from those areas and to your face when you are speaking. I've had guys that I've talked to just stare at "parts" and that makes me just want to smack them upside their stupid heads. :rolleyes-41: It's annoying, embarrassing, and a bit humiliating to be honest.
I have found the art of walking the fine line between appreciating a woman and ogling her is a long lost art with most guys. A woman knows if you are checking her out but if you smile and mention she makes her outfit look great she seems to forget about that and smile back.



Oh Rik!! There is a difference between being complimented and being "ogled." We women DO know the difference! :nono: We know when you're looking at our "body parts" and thinking naughty thoughts!!! Women like to be told they are beautiful and admired, yes, but they don't like to be "ogled."

And women asking about your job and your car is a form of gold digging.

People with more class conduct themselves to higher standards - men don't blatantly ogle and women don't blatantly gold dig. Men will ogle when the woman's attention is elsewhere, women will gold dig by doing a deep background internet search on you.
Interesting. I can understand where it makes some women feel "uncomfortable," but it certainly isn't any kind of assault.

There are plenty of things in life which make me uncomfortable. This liberal notion that one has a right to not have their feelings hurt or to be made to feel uncomfortable by having to listen to people speak to you or about topics that you don't want to hear is a really bizarre and infantile view on life.

Many complain about helicopter parenting, this is the feminist equivalent - pass laws in order for women to feel safe in a bubble floating along on top of a sea of oppression. The tyranny of nice.

Even if this law passed we'd still have women complaining, but the complaints would be about how men are such cowards for not talking to women, men being too timid, too withdrawn in their shells.

Well, I agree, but that doesn't mean that the men who do this are not lacking in class anyways. You guys really need to get a grip! Lol!

I just don't consider this an assault or a harassment in any way, shape or form, that doesn't mean that it's "enjoyable" though. It is embarrassing and, yes, it makes you feel very uncomfortable when men are leering at you. I actually do feel for the woman in the picture above. Although she doesn't hold it against the men, you can see by her facial expression and her body language that she appears uncomfortable with all of the attention.

She says differently and so do her old biddy friends. I think they're talking about a sense of power, the desired women has power over those men who desire her.

As for enjoyable, I've never once heard a woman complain about male attention and male desire when it's the right men who are focused on her and expressing themselves. That seems to be quite enjoyable. The problem, which you allude to, is that these guys are low class, the wrong kind of guys. How dare they speak to a woman who is better than them.

You just don't understand how it feels. One time, I was walking down the street just minding my business, walking by a home where the people were out in their yard having a cookout, and a car load of guys goes by and they start yelling things out at me, and then I had to walk by this home with all of these people out there just looking at me. THAT is embarrassing as hell!

One time I approached a woman at a party and she stuck her hand in my face before I even got a chance to speak to her. That was embarrassing. I lived through it and talked to another woman.

Plenty of men get rejected and embarrassed. That's life. So long as women are the objects of desire and it's incumbent on men to make the approach, women are going to have to deal with the wrong kind of men talking to them. If women don't like this state of affairs, then they should flip the script and take on the job of making all the cold approaches for this puts them in control of which men they talk to.

Women from my generation do just that. Specifically white women (in general) tend to be more aggressive for some reason and will approach you without you even saying anything. All you have to do is smile at them.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

It's not just Manhattan. It's everywhere.

I stopped being able to walk down the street without being harassed in the early 70s. Since then I've experienced things from nearly being kidnapped to men walking beside me for blocks trying to pick me up.

For all of you men's information, women don't like that. It doesn't matter how anyone is dressed. You're blaming the victim for the abuse she endures. Which is wrong. Women should be able to walk down the street dressed any way she wants without being harassed by men.

No we don't like it. No it's not flattering. We just want to be able to get from point A to point B without men harassing us.

For the record, she wasn't wearing anything provocative. She was wearing pants and a top. Not a low neck top either. Just a regular top that is worn by millions of women everyday.

Stop blaming women for the horrible behavior of men. You sound like muslims who force women to wear burkas and blame the women for what men do to them.

Well, but, well, her ass liked too good.

What would you do if the following happened to your daughter or mother or sister or wife?

I was at the farmer's market with a friend of mine and some guy was trying to pick me up. I walked by him and forgot him. That is until I was standing in front of a booth of a jeweler. The jeweler was sizing a ring for me and was about to check to see if it fit when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and then dragged me away from the booth. This was the same man who tried to pick me up 10 minutes prior to being at that jeweler's booth. He picked me up and started to walk away with me. I'm screaming and my friend is also screaming for the police. The police did hear and came. The man dropped me on the cobblestone street and ran. The police took off after him and caught him.

Another time I was just walking down a residential street to go a few blocks to my parents house from a friend's house. A van drove by. It turned the corner and a few minutes later it was back. It pulled over and a man got out. He started to talk to me and I started to walk faster and was rude to him so he would go away. He didn't go away. He picked me up and tried to take me into his house. He slung me over his shoulder. I'm short and small with legs just the right length so that when I swung them as hard as I could, I got him right between his legs. He screamed and dropped. I ran to my parents house and they called the police.

That's just two of many different experiences I've had just walking down the street or being in a public place.

These things happen every day in America. We women don't know if that rude man calling at us is going to harm us or not. We just want to get away from them. We just want to be able to walk to our destination and get there in one piece.

It doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. If she wanted to be picked up she would be in a club to meet someone. If you want to pick up a perfect stranger, go to a club. That type of behavior is appropriate at a club. A woman is expecting it there. She shouldn't have to deal with it just walking down the street.

That is beyond harassment! That is horrific and traumatic. It is pretty uncommon. The majority of that video was not sexual harassment, though, even if you don't want anyone speaking to you on your way from point A to point B. I don't see any good coming from coddling women to the point of infringing on freedom of speech so we never have to be bothered or uncomfortable. Mostly, she wasn't even uncomfortable, just annoyed.

People don't need to watch what they say around women any more than they have to watch what they say around men. Have you heard the way they talk to each other? Even their friends! The world doesn't need to change to spare my feelings ... just equal pay for equal time and work, the same opportunity for the same education and experience, and the right to not be physically assaulted ... just like a man. I can handle my own feelings, stresses and even uncomfortable situations, just like a man.

I am not a delicate flower. I wish people would quit insisting I am. Attempted kidnapping is very different from, "Hi. Wow, nice smile."
Interesting. I can understand where it makes some women feel "uncomfortable," but it certainly isn't any kind of assault.

There are plenty of things in life which make me uncomfortable. This liberal notion that one has a right to not have their feelings hurt or to be made to feel uncomfortable by having to listen to people speak to you or about topics that you don't want to hear is a really bizarre and infantile view on life.

Many complain about helicopter parenting, this is the feminist equivalent - pass laws in order for women to feel safe in a bubble floating along on top of a sea of oppression. The tyranny of nice.

Even if this law passed we'd still have women complaining, but the complaints would be about how men are such cowards for not talking to women, men being too timid, too withdrawn in their shells.

Well, I agree, but that doesn't mean that the men who do this are not lacking in class anyways. You guys really need to get a grip! Lol!

I just don't consider this an assault or a harassment in any way, shape or form, that doesn't mean that it's "enjoyable" though. It is embarrassing and, yes, it makes you feel very uncomfortable when men are leering at you. I actually do feel for the woman in the picture above. Although she doesn't hold it against the men, you can see by her facial expression and her body language that she appears uncomfortable with all of the attention.

She says differently and so do her old biddy friends. I think they're talking about a sense of power, the desired women has power over those men who desire her.

As for enjoyable, I've never once heard a woman complain about male attention and male desire when it's the right men who are focused on her and expressing themselves. That seems to be quite enjoyable. The problem, which you allude to, is that these guys are low class, the wrong kind of guys. How dare they speak to a woman who is better than them.

You just don't understand how it feels. One time, I was walking down the street just minding my business, walking by a home where the people were out in their yard having a cookout, and a car load of guys goes by and they start yelling things out at me, and then I had to walk by this home with all of these people out there just looking at me. THAT is embarrassing as hell!

One time I approached a woman at a party and she stuck her hand in my face before I even got a chance to speak to her. That was embarrassing. I lived through it and talked to another woman.

Plenty of men get rejected and embarrassed. That's life. So long as women are the objects of desire and it's incumbent on men to make the approach, women are going to have to deal with the wrong kind of men talking to them. If women don't like this state of affairs, then they should flip the script and take on the job of making all the cold approaches for this puts them in control of which men they talk to.

True and good point. I never said that women wouldn't live through it; I just said it was embarrassing because it is embarrassing. Sorry, but you cannot talk that away. :D

Ah, but only SOME men do these things. Other men will go out of their way to not be seen behaving in such a way. Women don't mind being approached and talked to by men (well, some women don't anyway, going by this thread - lol). We just want to be treated with some respect too. We want you to look at us and think we are beautiful and want to get to know us better. Some guys are obviously NOT interested in getting to know us, at least not in the way we want.
You know what makes women feel uncomfortable too? When you are talking to a man, and he blatantly stares at your "body parts." I mean, a passing glance or maybe even a prolonged "gaze" is acceptable and can even be sexual sometimes, as long as the eyes move away from those areas and to your face when you are speaking. I've had guys that I've talked to just stare at "parts" and that makes me just want to smack them upside their stupid heads. :rolleyes-41: It's annoying, embarrassing, and a bit humiliating to be honest.
I have found the art of walking the fine line between appreciating a woman and ogling her is a long lost art with most guys. A woman knows if you are checking her out but if you smile and mention she makes her outfit look great she seems to forget about that and smile back.



Oh Rik!! There is a difference between being complimented and being "ogled." We women DO know the difference! :nono: We know when you're looking at our "body parts" and thinking naughty thoughts!!! Women like to be told they are beautiful and admired, yes, but they don't like to be "ogled."

And women asking about your job and your car is a form of gold digging.

People with more class conduct themselves to higher standards - men don't blatantly ogle and women don't blatantly gold dig. Men will ogle when the woman's attention is elsewhere, women will gold dig by doing a deep background internet search on you.

That's not true. Some men are just gross about it. That's just a fact.
You know what makes women feel uncomfortable too? When you are talking to a man, and he blatantly stares at your "body parts." I mean, a passing glance or maybe even a prolonged "gaze" is acceptable and can even be sexual sometimes, as long as the eyes move away from those areas and to your face when you are speaking. I've had guys that I've talked to just stare at "parts" and that makes me just want to smack them upside their stupid heads. :rolleyes-41: It's annoying, embarrassing, and a bit humiliating to be honest.

Yea. Honestly, you've got to have at least some subtlety about it.

I doubt most women mind a little "peak" here and there so long as you're not being a creeper about it. However, if you're basically talking straight into her chest, you're just asking for trouble. lol
You know what makes women feel uncomfortable too? When you are talking to a man, and he blatantly stares at your "body parts." I mean, a passing glance or maybe even a prolonged "gaze" is acceptable and can even be sexual sometimes, as long as the eyes move away from those areas and to your face when you are speaking. I've had guys that I've talked to just stare at "parts" and that makes me just want to smack them upside their stupid heads. :rolleyes-41: It's annoying, embarrassing, and a bit humiliating to be honest.

Yea. Honestly, you've got to have at least some subtlety about it.

I doubt most women mind a little "peak" here and there so long as you're not being a creeper about it. However, if you're basically talking straight into her chest, you're just asking for trouble. lol

Exactly. Subtlety. It goes a long way, especially when you are strangers.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
There are plenty of things in life which make me uncomfortable. This liberal notion that one has a right to not have their feelings hurt or to be made to feel uncomfortable by having to listen to people speak to you or about topics that you don't want to hear is a really bizarre and infantile view on life.

Many complain about helicopter parenting, this is the feminist equivalent - pass laws in order for women to feel safe in a bubble floating along on top of a sea of oppression. The tyranny of nice.

Even if this law passed we'd still have women complaining, but the complaints would be about how men are such cowards for not talking to women, men being too timid, too withdrawn in their shells.

Well, I agree, but that doesn't mean that the men who do this are not lacking in class anyways. You guys really need to get a grip! Lol!

I just don't consider this an assault or a harassment in any way, shape or form, that doesn't mean that it's "enjoyable" though. It is embarrassing and, yes, it makes you feel very uncomfortable when men are leering at you. I actually do feel for the woman in the picture above. Although she doesn't hold it against the men, you can see by her facial expression and her body language that she appears uncomfortable with all of the attention.

She says differently and so do her old biddy friends. I think they're talking about a sense of power, the desired women has power over those men who desire her.

As for enjoyable, I've never once heard a woman complain about male attention and male desire when it's the right men who are focused on her and expressing themselves. That seems to be quite enjoyable. The problem, which you allude to, is that these guys are low class, the wrong kind of guys. How dare they speak to a woman who is better than them.

You just don't understand how it feels. One time, I was walking down the street just minding my business, walking by a home where the people were out in their yard having a cookout, and a car load of guys goes by and they start yelling things out at me, and then I had to walk by this home with all of these people out there just looking at me. THAT is embarrassing as hell!

One time I approached a woman at a party and she stuck her hand in my face before I even got a chance to speak to her. That was embarrassing. I lived through it and talked to another woman.

Plenty of men get rejected and embarrassed. That's life. So long as women are the objects of desire and it's incumbent on men to make the approach, women are going to have to deal with the wrong kind of men talking to them. If women don't like this state of affairs, then they should flip the script and take on the job of making all the cold approaches for this puts them in control of which men they talk to.

True and good point. I never said that women wouldn't live through it; I just said it was embarrassing because it is embarrassing. Sorry, but you cannot talk that away. :D

Ah, but only SOME men do these things. Other men will go out of their way to not be seen behaving in such a way. Women don't mind being approached and talked to by men (well, some women don't anyway, going by this thread - lol). We just want to be treated with some respect too. We want you to look at us and think we are beautiful and want to get to know us better. Some guys are obviously NOT interested in getting to know us, at least not in the way we want.

You've probably head tales of the men who open with "Wanna fuck?" and get slapped in the face 9 times out of 10 before they get a "sure." So when you say that some men aren't interested in getting to know you, that's because there exist women who are receptive to the direct approach, perhaps due to personal style or maybe they just had an argument with their boyfriend and right at that precise moment they're receptive to an offer.

What's going on is a mismatch in styles. This goes on in all facets of life. That annoying person who wanted to be your fiend ends up being a terrific friend for someone better suited to her style. That coworker who didn't fit in your office will click well in another office.

Now that video would likely be very different if she was walking through a country club party, or at a yacht club, or through a faculty lounge, or through a law office. That video was very popular with a lot of guys for it showed them a world that they really don't intersect with because that's not their style. What happened here was a woman from a higher station in life went slumming and met men from a lower station in life.
You know what makes women feel uncomfortable too? When you are talking to a man, and he blatantly stares at your "body parts." I mean, a passing glance or maybe even a prolonged "gaze" is acceptable and can even be sexual sometimes, as long as the eyes move away from those areas and to your face when you are speaking. I've had guys that I've talked to just stare at "parts" and that makes me just want to smack them upside their stupid heads. :rolleyes-41: It's annoying, embarrassing, and a bit humiliating to be honest.
I have found the art of walking the fine line between appreciating a woman and ogling her is a long lost art with most guys. A woman knows if you are checking her out but if you smile and mention she makes her outfit look great she seems to forget about that and smile back.



Oh Rik!! There is a difference between being complimented and being "ogled." We women DO know the difference! :nono: We know when you're looking at our "body parts" and thinking naughty thoughts!!! Women like to be told they are beautiful and admired, yes, but they don't like to be "ogled."

And women asking about your job and your car is a form of gold digging.

People with more class conduct themselves to higher standards - men don't blatantly ogle and women don't blatantly gold dig. Men will ogle when the woman's attention is elsewhere, women will gold dig by doing a deep background internet search on you.
Most people (men and women) ask about your profession. I can kind of see asking about your car but that would depend on context.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
Well, I agree, but that doesn't mean that the men who do this are not lacking in class anyways. You guys really need to get a grip! Lol!

I just don't consider this an assault or a harassment in any way, shape or form, that doesn't mean that it's "enjoyable" though. It is embarrassing and, yes, it makes you feel very uncomfortable when men are leering at you. I actually do feel for the woman in the picture above. Although she doesn't hold it against the men, you can see by her facial expression and her body language that she appears uncomfortable with all of the attention.

She says differently and so do her old biddy friends. I think they're talking about a sense of power, the desired women has power over those men who desire her.

As for enjoyable, I've never once heard a woman complain about male attention and male desire when it's the right men who are focused on her and expressing themselves. That seems to be quite enjoyable. The problem, which you allude to, is that these guys are low class, the wrong kind of guys. How dare they speak to a woman who is better than them.

You just don't understand how it feels. One time, I was walking down the street just minding my business, walking by a home where the people were out in their yard having a cookout, and a car load of guys goes by and they start yelling things out at me, and then I had to walk by this home with all of these people out there just looking at me. THAT is embarrassing as hell!

One time I approached a woman at a party and she stuck her hand in my face before I even got a chance to speak to her. That was embarrassing. I lived through it and talked to another woman.

Plenty of men get rejected and embarrassed. That's life. So long as women are the objects of desire and it's incumbent on men to make the approach, women are going to have to deal with the wrong kind of men talking to them. If women don't like this state of affairs, then they should flip the script and take on the job of making all the cold approaches for this puts them in control of which men they talk to.

True and good point. I never said that women wouldn't live through it; I just said it was embarrassing because it is embarrassing. Sorry, but you cannot talk that away. :D

Ah, but only SOME men do these things. Other men will go out of their way to not be seen behaving in such a way. Women don't mind being approached and talked to by men (well, some women don't anyway, going by this thread - lol). We just want to be treated with some respect too. We want you to look at us and think we are beautiful and want to get to know us better. Some guys are obviously NOT interested in getting to know us, at least not in the way we want.

You've probably head tales of the men who open with "Wanna fuck?" and get slapped in the face 9 times out of 10 before they get a "sure." So when you say that some men aren't interested in getting to know you, that's because there exist women who are receptive to the direct approach, perhaps due to personal style or maybe they just had an argument with their boyfriend and right at that precise moment they're receptive to an offer.

What's going on is a mismatch in styles. This goes on in all facets of life. That annoying person who wanted to be your fiend ends up being a terrific friend for someone better suited to her style. That coworker who didn't fit in your office will click well in another office.

Now that video would likely be very different if she was walking through a country club party, or at a yacht club, or through a faculty lounge, or through a law office. That video was very popular with a lot of guys for it showed them a world that they really don't intersect with because that's not their style. What happened here was a woman from a higher station in life went slumming and met men from a lower station in life.

What is this bunch of malarkey? Do you think I was born yesterday or something? :lol: Some people are just jerks who want to use other people. So, the lower class people will just come out and say it and the higher class guy will put on airs. Some people aren't interested in getting to know you but in seeing what they can get from you, and these kinds of people come from all walks of life.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​

That is not true. There are plenty of men who are interested in your job as well as your credit history. That kind of stuff is important!
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​

That is not true. There are plenty of men who are interested in your job as well as your credit history. That kind of stuff is important!

It also depends on the nature of the relationship. In order to simply date a woman I don't really care at all if she is unemployed and a lot of guys apparently think the same way. Credit history is important for a lifetime relationship.

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