Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.

Most of the time, what you do tells a lot about a person. For what reason would a woman have for not having a job? How is she making money and living then? Does she still live at home with her parents? Wow, that's just messed up way of thinking dude.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.
You could also say the guys that dont care lack the ability to deal with the threat to their manhood. Their whole being is wrapped up in their job. A woman that can also bring in income is perceived as a threat to that manhood. These type of men gravitate towards women that will have to rely on them. I value strong women. I want a woman thats going to be with me for love and not out of necessity.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.
You could also say the guys that dont care lack the ability to deal with the threat to their manhood. Their whole being is wrapped up in their job. A woman that can also bring in income is perceived as a threat. These type of men gravitate towards women that will have to rely on them. I value strong women. I want a woman thats going to be with me for love and not out of necessity.

Yes, you could say that. I don't buy it, but it sounds plausible enough on the surface. The reason I don't buy it is that the dependency arises after marriage, not during dating, so I can't see the dependency being the basis for the attraction, it's a cart before the horse type of scenario.
A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.

Speaking for myself? Yes and no.

I don't have any particular desire to marry a "career woman" or anything. However, I would definitely prefer a woman who seems to be sane and motivated enough to manage her own affairs.

As Chris said, credit is also important, particularly if you're looking at a long term commitment.

At the same time, however, I do get your other point. The way I see it, my really wife shouldn't have to work for us to get by if I'm doing my job right.

My father was the same way. He made my mother a deal when they first started having children together. If she'd stay home until we were at least old enough for school, he'd pay for everything, and she could decide whether she wanted to go back to work or not afterwards.

In the meantime, she simply happened to have discovered the "homeschooling" movement, and basically decided to make that a full time career for herself instead.

She's only re-entered the labor force more recently, now that we're all pretty much grown.
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A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.

Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.

That really doesn't play an important role in the relationship. Bodies change and people's appearances change. That is NOT what you base a relationship on unless you are a dumb ass who is a glutton for punishment.
A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.

Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.

Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.
You could also say the guys that dont care lack the ability to deal with the threat to their manhood. Their whole being is wrapped up in their job. A woman that can also bring in income is perceived as a threat. These type of men gravitate towards women that will have to rely on them. I value strong women. I want a woman thats going to be with me for love and not out of necessity.

Yes, you could say that. I don't buy it, but it sounds plausible enough on the surface. The reason I don't buy it is that the dependency arises after marriage, not during dating, so I can't see the dependency being the basis for the attraction, it's a cart before the horse type of scenario.

You are badly mistaken and dont fully understand human nature. The dependency starts the moment you meet.
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.

Most of the time, what you do tells a lot about a person. For what reason would a woman have for not having a job? How is she making money and living then? Does she still live at home with her parents? Wow, that's just messed up way of thinking dude.

And yet:

Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed​
And women asking about your job is NOT gold digging. Nobody wants to be with a loser. They are more than welcome to ask about my employment status too, and I certainly do not consider that to be gold digging. Gold diggers are women who usually ONLY date rich old men in the hopes they will marry them and then kick the bucket.
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.

Most of the time, what you do tells a lot about a person. For what reason would a woman have for not having a job? How is she making money and living then? Does she still live at home with her parents? Wow, that's just messed up way of thinking dude.

And yet:

Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed​

What people say and do are two entirely different things. I've known plenty of men to bitch about their wives/girlfriends who are "lazy" and they don't do anything all day, and the guy is tired of paying for all of her shopping excursions and her spending all of his money, yada-yada-yada.
A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.

Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.

Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.

That really doesn't play an important role in the relationship. Bodies change and people's appearances change. That is NOT what you base a relationship on unless you are a dumb ass who is a glutton for punishment.
I didn't say anything about basing a relationship. I'm talking about initial filtering. We all sort, we accept and reject and then move on to the next stage of assessment. For most guys, looks are pretty important on first sighting. Personality kicks in after looks.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.

That really doesn't play an important role in the relationship. Bodies change and people's appearances change. That is NOT what you base a relationship on unless you are a dumb ass who is a glutton for punishment.
I didn't say anything about basing a relationship. I'm talking about initial filtering. We all sort, we accept and reject and then move on to the next stage of assessment. For most guys, looks are pretty important on first sighting. Personality kicks in after looks.

Sure, but that's not what you are saying. You are basically saying that looks are the only thing or the most important thing. You seem to know really nothing about relationships at all. It's really quite stunning how clueless you are.

So tell me, how are these jobless women surviving with no income?
Guys don't really care about a woman's job. Here's a silly feminist expressing her befuddlement at this phenomenon:

They surveyed 925 people and found that a huge percentage of women said they wouldn't date a guy who was unemployed. When the situation was reversed, only one-third of men said they would not date an unemployed woman. Damn, why are women so much less tolerant of having a partner that's not bringing home any bacon?

Apparently, men aren't concerned with finding women who have plans and are keeping themselves busy. Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed—19 percent of guys said they'd have "no reservations" and 46 percent said they were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job. Well, look who comes off looking a lot more open-minded and compassionate on this topic—kind of, unless these guys are the kind who don't care if a woman has a job because they secretly believe women shouldn't have jobs? Commence hand-wringing.​
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.

Most of the time, what you do tells a lot about a person. For what reason would a woman have for not having a job? How is she making money and living then? Does she still live at home with her parents? Wow, that's just messed up way of thinking dude.

And yet:

Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed​

What people say and do are two entirely different things. I've known plenty of men to bitch about their wives/girlfriends who are "lazy" and they don't do anything all day, and the guy is tired of paying for all of her shopping excursions and her spending all of his money, yada-yada-yada.

Two things. 1.) Simply because a woman is unemployed doesn't mean that she is lazy or will be lazy when you get married. 2.) I never said that guys always pick by the best criteria. If they get stuck with a lazy wife, then they should have picked better, just like a woman who ends up with a wife-beater should have picked her husband by employing better standards.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.

That really doesn't play an important role in the relationship. Bodies change and people's appearances change. That is NOT what you base a relationship on unless you are a dumb ass who is a glutton for punishment.
I didn't say anything about basing a relationship. I'm talking about initial filtering. We all sort, we accept and reject and then move on to the next stage of assessment. For most guys, looks are pretty important on first sighting. Personality kicks in after looks.
I mostly agree but personality can be quite a turn off for me. If you have a bad personallity you better have a hell of a body to keep me interested for more than 10 minutes.
A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.

Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.

Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Looking at boobs tells you nothing about a person. You might think that a person has a nice body, but that doesn't tell you anything about the person. That person could be an asshole. I've learned that good looks does NOT equal good personality or good person.
I wonder what is the average age of these guys in poll? I know I want to know what a woman does for a living. I wouldnt date a woman that was not working.
The world is filled with all types and you're represented in that poll, you're just not in the segment who doesn't care about her career or job. Someone is marrying those female art history and child psychology majors. I'd say it's guys who are confident enough in what they bring in that they don't need to focus on the woman's earnings and when marriage and family comes around there is going to be a lot more role specialization going on. If this is so, then the value of a woman's career is lessened, her other qualities, become much more important, and the guys aren't going to write off women with no job who may have terrific personal qualities that the men desire.

Most of the time, what you do tells a lot about a person. For what reason would a woman have for not having a job? How is she making money and living then? Does she still live at home with her parents? Wow, that's just messed up way of thinking dude.

And yet:

Basically two-thirds of guys said they didn't have a problem going out with a woman who was unemployed​

What people say and do are two entirely different things. I've known plenty of men to bitch about their wives/girlfriends who are "lazy" and they don't do anything all day, and the guy is tired of paying for all of her shopping excursions and her spending all of his money, yada-yada-yada.

Two things. 1.) Simply because a woman is unemployed doesn't mean that she is lazy or will be lazy when you get married. 2.) I never said that guys always pick by the best criteria. If they get stuck with a lazy wife, then they should have picked better, just like a woman who ends up with a wife-beater should have picked her husband by employing better standards.

HOW are these unemployed women surviving? What do you do? Go to your local welfare office to pick up women or something? Only the large breasted ones though, eh?

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