Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Well, they can't be hideous. :lol: I've known plenty of men who I didn't initially find attractive, but because they had that "something" about them, they became more attractive to me the better I knew them, so I can understand that.

But did you date those guys? Finding a guy more attractive doesn't do him any good if you won't actually go with him.

I've dated a couple of guys who were less than attractive, yes. Do you think I only date 10s or something? :rolleyes-41:

Remember this conversation we had back in Aug.

Can't you see it? Look at who you DATED and look at who you TALK about dating. The kind of guy that you talk about dating is finding no solace in the fact that you're willing to date him, but are not because you're too busy dating the guys who don't have a personality. Meanwhile that guy who you dated and who didn't have a personality got the benefit of a date with you and will have to console himself with the fact that you TALK about him not being the right guy for you.​
It depends. I've been fortunate enough to be able to take two significant breaks from the work force. The first time, I got a very nice severance package when the large company I worked for had to lay off a third of its workforce due to gas prices. I was frugal and stretched that 6 mo package to a year break. I was able to take my newborn niece during the day while my baby brother and his wife worked so they didn't need daycare.

The second time, we sold our house in the divorce (before the bust) and I got a lump sum. I moved cross country and took a year to clear my head and absorb my new surroundings. Both were experiences I would not trade. Most people never get to do that, so I'm blessed that I could do it twice. I'm hoping good things really do come in threes!

Okay, but most women have to work in order to survive. Just like everyone else.

I generally do, too, and have planned accordingly. I work to live, though, not live to work. I think most of us are like that. When the opportunity presents, we will grab it, be it a severence package, house sale, lottery win, spouse who earns enough to cover bills so the other can manage the younguns or elderly, or whatever. The trick is to do it if it's doable and not at the grudging expense of another or the taxpayers.

If the 401k's stay put, you aren't ditching obligations and you aren't trapping a partner against his or her will into supporting you, it's not a bad thing to be unemployed or underemployed.

I wouldn't take that kind of break on govt assistance, btw, or against my spouse's wishes, which I think is what you were talking about. I agree with you on that for sure.
Also, I don't think she has a very nicely shaped body either. Personally I prefer a smaller frame on a woman, but maybe that's just because I'm a tiny petite girl and I'm used to looking at myself. Don't know, but I just don't really like her body type. I think a woman has to have a very tiny waist to be able to pull off the big bootie and big boobs look
Well, they can't be hideous. :lol: I've known plenty of men who I didn't initially find attractive, but because they had that "something" about them, they became more attractive to me the better I knew them, so I can understand that.

But did you date those guys? Finding a guy more attractive doesn't do him any good if you won't actually go with him.

I've dated a couple of guys who were less than attractive, yes. Do you think I only date 10s or something? :rolleyes-41:

Remember this conversation we had back in Aug.

Can't you see it? Look at who you DATED and look at who you TALK about dating. The kind of guy that you talk about dating is finding no solace in the fact that you're willing to date him, but are not because you're too busy dating the guys who don't have a personality. Meanwhile that guy who you dated and who didn't have a personality got the benefit of a date with you and will have to console himself with the fact that you TALK about him not being the right guy for you.​

I told you that I do NOT date guys without personality. You have no idea about my dating habits, just like I told you back in our conversation months ago. AND you are annoying too.
It depends. I've been fortunate enough to be able to take two significant breaks from the work force. The first time, I got a very nice severance package when the large company I worked for had to lay off a third of its workforce due to gas prices. I was frugal and stretched that 6 mo package to a year break. I was able to take my newborn niece during the day while my baby brother and his wife worked so they didn't need daycare.

The second time, we sold our house in the divorce (before the bust) and I got a lump sum. I moved cross country and took a year to clear my head and absorb my new surroundings. Both were experiences I would not trade. Most people never get to do that, so I'm blessed that I could do it twice. I'm hoping good things really do come in threes!

Okay, but most women have to work in order to survive. Just like everyone else.

I generally do, too, and have planned accordingly. I work to live, though, not live to work. I think most of us are like that. When the opportunity presents, we will grab it, be it a severence package, house sale, lottery win, spouse who earns enough to cover bills so the other can manage the younguns or elderly, or whatever. The trick is to do it if it's doable and not at the grudging expense of another or the taxpayers.

If the 401k's stay put, you aren't ditching obligations and you aren't trapping a partner against his or her will into supporting you, it's not a bad thing to be unemployed or underemployed.

I wouldn't take that kind of break on govt assistance, btw, or against my spouse's wishes, which I think is what you were talking about. I agree with you on that for sure.

I think men define themselves through their job a whole lot more than do women. Men and women judge men by the same standard. Women are judged by more varied standards. For some people, men and women, the standard applied is the same as that of men - focus on job and career accomplishments. However, others may judge them on how supportive they are, how they make the man feel about himself, how kind they are, how they are with kids, and who knows. So a woman without a job doesn't face a death sentence in the dating world like that imposed on men.
It depends. I've been fortunate enough to be able to take two significant breaks from the work force. The first time, I got a very nice severance package when the large company I worked for had to lay off a third of its workforce due to gas prices. I was frugal and stretched that 6 mo package to a year break. I was able to take my newborn niece during the day while my baby brother and his wife worked so they didn't need daycare.

The second time, we sold our house in the divorce (before the bust) and I got a lump sum. I moved cross country and took a year to clear my head and absorb my new surroundings. Both were experiences I would not trade. Most people never get to do that, so I'm blessed that I could do it twice. I'm hoping good things really do come in threes!

Okay, but most women have to work in order to survive. Just like everyone else.

I generally do, too, and have planned accordingly. I work to live, though, not live to work. I think most of us are like that. When the opportunity presents, we will grab it, be it a severence package, house sale, lottery win, spouse who earns enough to cover bills so the other can manage the younguns or elderly, or whatever. The trick is to do it if it's doable and not at the grudging expense of another or the taxpayers.

If the 401k's stay put, you aren't ditching obligations and you aren't trapping a partner against his or her will into supporting you, it's not a bad thing to be unemployed or underemployed.

I wouldn't take that kind of break on govt assistance, btw, or against my spouse's wishes, which I think is what you were talking about. I agree with you on that for sure.

I think men define themselves through their job a whole lot more than do women. Men and women judge men by the same standard. Women are judged by more varied standards. For some people, men and women, the standard applied is the same as that of men - focus on job and career accomplishments. However, others may judge them on how supportive they are, how they make the man feel about himself, how kind they are, how they are with kids, and who knows. So a woman without a job doesn't face a death sentence in the dating world like that imposed on men.

Awwww. Poor babies.
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.

Revolutions are usually led by a few committed diehards and they manage to drag the rest of the population along because most people don't care enough to fight with the same intensity as the revolutionaries.

Professional feminist grievance-mongers are setting the standards here because of the intensity of their frivolous grievances.

Let's compare. You think that women in the video is a weirdo. She though got 10s of millions of people to listen to her message. She cared enough to go out and make that video and then spread her message.Which of you has the greatest intensity? You don't really see the harassment but that's all she sees and she's pushing that message and changing the nature of the debate.

As with most areas of life, there is good and bad, and the democratization of media has given voice to social misfits like this feminist and others like her and they're doing great damage because they can sway the minds of the simpleminded who love feeling like victims fighting back against "something."

It would be nice if your voice was the more dominant, but the squeaky wheel seems to direct the conversation here.
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.

Revolutions are usually led by a few committed diehards and they manage to drag the rest of the population along because most people don't care enough to fight with the same intensity as the revolutionaries.

Professional feminist grievance-mongers are setting the standards here because of the intensity of their frivolous grievances.

Let's compare. You think that women in the video is a weirdo. She though got 10s of millions of people to listen to her message. She cared enough to go out and make that video and then spread her message.Which of you has the greatest intensity? You don't really see the harassment but that's all she sees and she's pushing that message and changing the nature of the debate.

As with most areas of life, there is good and bad, and the democratization of media has given voice to social misfits like this feminist and others like her and they're doing great damage because they can sway the minds of the simpleminded who love feeling like victims fighting back against "something."

It would be nice if your voice was the more dominant, but the squeaky wheel seems to direct the conversation here.

Well, if her biggest problem in life is guys who say things to her on the streets, and it bothers her so much so that she actually went through the time and trouble of walking the streets for 10 hours, then yes I would say she is way over thinking it, is crazy, or has an agenda. I mean, sure, it's embarrassing, sometimes even demeaning, but really? Perhaps it's HER with the problem. :D
Remember that stupid bitch at UCONN who said the new logo promoted rape?

College s husky dog logo promotes rape says student The Daily Caller


That logo, according to one woman, promoted rape.

Remember that stupid bitch at UCONN who said the new logo promoted rape?

College s husky dog logo promotes rape says student The Daily Caller


That logo, according to one woman, promoted rape.

:cuckoo: Crazy people are crazy. Lol.

What really sucks is it is always a few, even one person, that makes things so miserable. All it takes is ONE person to be offended by something, for whatever reason.

I still love how someone like rightwinger, in his pathetic attempt to endear himself to the liberal women on this board, feigns outrage over dudes giving women cat calls.

I do think it is rather funny though how that woman actually represents herself to be a racist. Cause we all know, based on her elitist demeanor, that if a man with with Ferrari pulled up or if it was Brad Pitt, we would never now how "harassed" she was. Most of the ones that "offended" her were, let us just say......NOT IN THE UPPER CLASS OF SOCIETY.

Perhaps if some fairy tale dude that looks like Leonardo DiCaprio came up to her and asked to draw her.

Snickering at liberals and all of their double standards and bullshit. I snicker in utter disrespect at all of them.
Remember that stupid bitch at UCONN who said the new logo promoted rape?

College s husky dog logo promotes rape says student The Daily Caller


That logo, according to one woman, promoted rape.

:cuckoo: Crazy people are crazy. Lol.

What really sucks is it is always a few, even one person, that makes things so miserable. All it takes is ONE person to be offended by something, for whatever reason.

I still love how someone like rightwinger, in his pathetic attempt to endear himself to the liberal women on this board, feigns outrage over dudes giving women cat calls.

I do think it is rather funny though how that woman actually represents herself to be a racist. Cause we all know, based on her elitist demeanor, that if a man with with Ferrari pulled up or if it was Brad Pitt, we would never now how "harassed" she was. Most of the ones that "offended" her were, let us just say......NOT IN THE UPPER CLASS OF SOCIETY.

Perhaps if some fairy tale dude that looks like Leonardo DiCaprio came up to her and asked to draw her.

Snickering at liberals and all of their double standards and bullshit. I snicker in utter disrespect at all of them.

I'm sure she went walking in the seedier sides of the city on purpose. Meh, we have bigger fish to fry, IMO. This is pretty insignificant in comparison.
Remember that stupid bitch at UCONN who said the new logo promoted rape?

College s husky dog logo promotes rape says student The Daily Caller


That logo, according to one woman, promoted rape.

:cuckoo: Crazy people are crazy. Lol.

What really sucks is it is always a few, even one person, that makes things so miserable. All it takes is ONE person to be offended by something, for whatever reason.

I still love how someone like rightwinger, in his pathetic attempt to endear himself to the liberal women on this board, feigns outrage over dudes giving women cat calls.

I do think it is rather funny though how that woman actually represents herself to be a racist. Cause we all know, based on her elitist demeanor, that if a man with with Ferrari pulled up or if it was Brad Pitt, we would never now how "harassed" she was. Most of the ones that "offended" her were, let us just say......NOT IN THE UPPER CLASS OF SOCIETY.

Perhaps if some fairy tale dude that looks like Leonardo DiCaprio came up to her and asked to draw her.

Snickering at liberals and all of their double standards and bullshit. I snicker in utter disrespect at all of them.

I'm sure she went walking in the seedier sides of the city on purpose. Meh, we have bigger fish to fry, IMO. This is pretty insignificant in comparison.

Every issue brought up by liberals is a non-issue. Like Redskins, gay marriage, or water boarding 5 sand apes who planned 911.

Every one of their pathetic issues, are pathetic.

Man made global warming.

Remember that stupid bitch at UCONN who said the new logo promoted rape?

College s husky dog logo promotes rape says student The Daily Caller


That logo, according to one woman, promoted rape.

:cuckoo: Crazy people are crazy. Lol.

What really sucks is it is always a few, even one person, that makes things so miserable. All it takes is ONE person to be offended by something, for whatever reason.

I still love how someone like rightwinger, in his pathetic attempt to endear himself to the liberal women on this board, feigns outrage over dudes giving women cat calls.

I do think it is rather funny though how that woman actually represents herself to be a racist. Cause we all know, based on her elitist demeanor, that if a man with with Ferrari pulled up or if it was Brad Pitt, we would never now how "harassed" she was. Most of the ones that "offended" her were, let us just say......NOT IN THE UPPER CLASS OF SOCIETY.

Perhaps if some fairy tale dude that looks like Leonardo DiCaprio came up to her and asked to draw her.

Snickering at liberals and all of their double standards and bullshit. I snicker in utter disrespect at all of them.

I'm sure she went walking in the seedier sides of the city on purpose. Meh, we have bigger fish to fry, IMO. This is pretty insignificant in comparison.

Every issue brought up by liberals is a non-issue. Like Redskins, gay marriage, or water boarding 5 sand apes who planned 911.

Every one of their pathetic issues, are pathetic.

Man made global warming.


That's true. I can't argue with that. Some of their issues are pretty pathetic. :lol:
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.

Revolutions are usually led by a few committed diehards and they manage to drag the rest of the population along because most people don't care enough to fight with the same intensity as the revolutionaries.

Professional feminist grievance-mongers are setting the standards here because of the intensity of their frivolous grievances.

Let's compare. You think that women in the video is a weirdo. She though got 10s of millions of people to listen to her message. She cared enough to go out and make that video and then spread her message.Which of you has the greatest intensity? You don't really see the harassment but that's all she sees and she's pushing that message and changing the nature of the debate.

As with most areas of life, there is good and bad, and the democratization of media has given voice to social misfits like this feminist and others like her and they're doing great damage because they can sway the minds of the simpleminded who love feeling like victims fighting back against "something."

It would be nice if your voice was the more dominant, but the squeaky wheel seems to direct the conversation here.

Well, if her biggest problem in life is guys who say things to her on the streets, and it bothers her so much so that she actually went through the time and trouble of walking the streets for 10 hours, then yes I would say she is way over thinking it, is crazy, or has an agenda. I mean, sure, it's embarrassing, sometimes even demeaning, but really? Perhaps it's HER with the problem. :D

The woman in the video was an actress taking part in a social experiment. The video was professionally made, to illustrate what women go through on a day to day basis, just walking around. They deliberately selected someone who wasn't blonde and beautiful. They covered her from head to toe so she wasn't flashing a lot of skin. There was nothing about her appearance which was provocative or inviting. She didn't act flirty.

And yet just walking around and going about her business, men felt they had the right to comment on her appearance, to call out to her. Women don't want strangers calling out to them. They also don't want people judging them on their looks, which a lot of you have done here.

I've been appalled at the comments I read on this site about women, not just in this thread. And some of them are written by other women.
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.

Revolutions are usually led by a few committed diehards and they manage to drag the rest of the population along because most people don't care enough to fight with the same intensity as the revolutionaries.

Professional feminist grievance-mongers are setting the standards here because of the intensity of their frivolous grievances.

Let's compare. You think that women in the video is a weirdo. She though got 10s of millions of people to listen to her message. She cared enough to go out and make that video and then spread her message.Which of you has the greatest intensity? You don't really see the harassment but that's all she sees and she's pushing that message and changing the nature of the debate.

As with most areas of life, there is good and bad, and the democratization of media has given voice to social misfits like this feminist and others like her and they're doing great damage because they can sway the minds of the simpleminded who love feeling like victims fighting back against "something."

It would be nice if your voice was the more dominant, but the squeaky wheel seems to direct the conversation here.

Well, if her biggest problem in life is guys who say things to her on the streets, and it bothers her so much so that she actually went through the time and trouble of walking the streets for 10 hours, then yes I would say she is way over thinking it, is crazy, or has an agenda. I mean, sure, it's embarrassing, sometimes even demeaning, but really? Perhaps it's HER with the problem. :D

The woman in the video was an actress taking part in a social experiment. The video was professionally made, to illustrate what women go through on a day to day basis, just walking around. They deliberately selected someone who wasn't blonde and beautiful. They covered her from head to toe so she wasn't flashing a lot of skin. There was nothing about her appearance which was provocative or inviting. She didn't act flirty.

And yet just walking around and going about her business, men felt they had the right to comment on her appearance, to call out to her. Women don't want strangers calling out to them. They also don't want people judging them on their looks, which a lot of you have done here.

I've been appalled at the comments I read on this site about women, not just in this thread. And some of them are written by other women.
Couple of notes.

Blonde doesnt equal beautiful.
If you have on tight jeans and a tight shirt you are stil going to display some assests regardeless of if skin is shown.
People judge you on your looks. Its instinctive.
The woman in the video was an actress taking part in a social experiment. The video was professionally made, to illustrate what women go through on a day to day basis, just walking around. They deliberately selected someone who wasn't blonde and beautiful. They covered her from head to toe so she wasn't flashing a lot of skin. There was nothing about her appearance which was provocative or inviting. She didn't act flirty.

Woman you say. This is a problem that women face? Why didn't they then pick a woman like this?


The cure for catcalling is old-age. Maybe obesity qualifies as a cure too. What was inviting about the women in the video was her youth.

And yet just walking around and going about her business, men felt they had the right to comment on her appearance, to call out to her.

I've got news for you - I DO HAVE THE RIGHT to make any comment I want to any person I see or meet. You had better get used to living in a free society.

Women don't want strangers calling out to them.

I don't want liberals to live in society. What do you propose to do about that hardship which bears down on me?

They also don't want people judging them on their looks, which a lot of you have done here.

Too bad. I'll judge anyone by any standards I please. You fucking liberals and your thought control. You guys love diversity only when people do and think like you want them to.

I've been appalled at the comments I read on this site about women, not just in this thread. And some of them are written by other women.

I'm appalled that people like you exist. Your totalitarianism makes my skin crawl.
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.

Revolutions are usually led by a few committed diehards and they manage to drag the rest of the population along because most people don't care enough to fight with the same intensity as the revolutionaries.

Professional feminist grievance-mongers are setting the standards here because of the intensity of their frivolous grievances.

Let's compare. You think that women in the video is a weirdo. She though got 10s of millions of people to listen to her message. She cared enough to go out and make that video and then spread her message.Which of you has the greatest intensity? You don't really see the harassment but that's all she sees and she's pushing that message and changing the nature of the debate.

As with most areas of life, there is good and bad, and the democratization of media has given voice to social misfits like this feminist and others like her and they're doing great damage because they can sway the minds of the simpleminded who love feeling like victims fighting back against "something."

It would be nice if your voice was the more dominant, but the squeaky wheel seems to direct the conversation here.

Well, if her biggest problem in life is guys who say things to her on the streets, and it bothers her so much so that she actually went through the time and trouble of walking the streets for 10 hours, then yes I would say she is way over thinking it, is crazy, or has an agenda. I mean, sure, it's embarrassing, sometimes even demeaning, but really? Perhaps it's HER with the problem. :D

The woman in the video was an actress taking part in a social experiment. The video was professionally made, to illustrate what women go through on a day to day basis, just walking around. They deliberately selected someone who wasn't blonde and beautiful. They covered her from head to toe so she wasn't flashing a lot of skin. There was nothing about her appearance which was provocative or inviting. She didn't act flirty.

And yet just walking around and going about her business, men felt they had the right to comment on her appearance, to call out to her. Women don't want strangers calling out to them. They also don't want people judging them on their looks, which a lot of you have done here.

I've been appalled at the comments I read on this site about women, not just in this thread. And some of them are written by other women.

That's your opinion. I have my opinions which I'm entitled to and not afraid to express, regardless of what you and people like you (who are obviously irrational and fearful of men) might think about them. You are probably just as much of a nut as the woman in the video.
Tyler Durden:

There are two things you can count on from feminist bloggers covering a story of female harassment. First, they too have suffered such indecencies. One columnist wrote that she has suffered nasty comments and catcalling every day of her four years living in New York (solution: Kansas now has the Internet). Second, everything is tantamount to rape in the rape culture where raping rapists rape the living rape out of women with their raping eyes, their raping words, and their raping thoughts. Not to belittle catcalling, it’s the obnoxious sport of losers, but it’s not rape. Rapists are those relatively small number of guys who need to be shot in the head or locked up for life to be raped by other rapists. Catcallers need to be punched in the nose. I wish Hammurabi were still alive, he could explain this better.

I’ve never catcalled a woman in my life. I’ve known from the start I’m in that rather large category of guys who has to make a little effort to get women. The idea of leading with my inner asshole never seemed to fit that strategy. I’m sure it sucks for women that some percentage of men are socially retarded douchebags, but most aren’t. Rape culture labeling is just as bad as catcalling. Save the inciting words for when they really count. What do you mean there’s no room left in the 4:00 spin class? Rape!

That's pretty good. I agree, and I don't even consider most of what the woman on the video went through to be harassment. She's just a weirdo, like a lot of people.

Revolutions are usually led by a few committed diehards and they manage to drag the rest of the population along because most people don't care enough to fight with the same intensity as the revolutionaries.

Professional feminist grievance-mongers are setting the standards here because of the intensity of their frivolous grievances.

Let's compare. You think that women in the video is a weirdo. She though got 10s of millions of people to listen to her message. She cared enough to go out and make that video and then spread her message.Which of you has the greatest intensity? You don't really see the harassment but that's all she sees and she's pushing that message and changing the nature of the debate.

As with most areas of life, there is good and bad, and the democratization of media has given voice to social misfits like this feminist and others like her and they're doing great damage because they can sway the minds of the simpleminded who love feeling like victims fighting back against "something."

It would be nice if your voice was the more dominant, but the squeaky wheel seems to direct the conversation here.

Well, if her biggest problem in life is guys who say things to her on the streets, and it bothers her so much so that she actually went through the time and trouble of walking the streets for 10 hours, then yes I would say she is way over thinking it, is crazy, or has an agenda. I mean, sure, it's embarrassing, sometimes even demeaning, but really? Perhaps it's HER with the problem. :D

The woman in the video was an actress taking part in a social experiment. The video was professionally made, to illustrate what women go through on a day to day basis, just walking around. They deliberately selected someone who wasn't blonde and beautiful. They covered her from head to toe so she wasn't flashing a lot of skin. There was nothing about her appearance which was provocative or inviting. She didn't act flirty.

And yet just walking around and going about her business, men felt they had the right to comment on her appearance, to call out to her. Women don't want strangers calling out to them. They also don't want people judging them on their looks, which a lot of you have done here.

I've been appalled at the comments I read on this site about women, not just in this thread. And some of them are written by other women.

Hey, she's got on TONS of eye makeup, she's ugly, she's got short fat legs, thunder thighs, as well as a big fat ass. Also, she walks like a dude. How do you like me now? :razz:

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