Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.

Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.

Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Looking at boobs tells you nothing about a person. You might think that a person has a nice body, but that doesn't tell you anything about the person. That person could be an asshole. I've learned that good looks does NOT equal good personality or good person.
I agree. I'm just saying men dont look at womens boobs to see how good of a person they are. Nor do women check men out to see how good of a person they are. They are following instinct.
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.

That really doesn't play an important role in the relationship. Bodies change and people's appearances change. That is NOT what you base a relationship on unless you are a dumb ass who is a glutton for punishment.
I didn't say anything about basing a relationship. I'm talking about initial filtering. We all sort, we accept and reject and then move on to the next stage of assessment. For most guys, looks are pretty important on first sighting. Personality kicks in after looks.

Sure, but that's not what you are saying. You are basically saying that looks are the only thing or the most important thing. You seem to know really nothing about relationships at all. It's really quite stunning how clueless you are.

So tell me, how are these jobless women surviving with no income?

What I'm saying is that mate selection proceeds through stages. Think of it like a series of concentric fields. First the outer gate has to be opened, then the next gate, then the next. Physical appearance is usually the first gate for men. Jobs and personality and hobbies and such are locked behind the first gate. A girl with a terrific personality and unflattering appearance is gong to have a more difficult time in getting men to the point where they can marvel at her fantastic personality.
It depends. I've been fortunate enough to be able to take two significant breaks from the work force. The first time, I got a very nice severance package when the large company I worked for had to lay off a third of its workforce due to gas prices. I was frugal and stretched that 6 mo package to a year break. I was able to take my newborn niece during the day while my baby brother and his wife worked so they didn't need daycare.

The second time, we sold our house in the divorce (before the bust) and I got a lump sum. I moved cross country and took a year to clear my head and absorb my new surroundings. Both were experiences I would not trade. Most people never get to do that, so I'm blessed that I could do it twice. I'm hoping good things really do come in threes!
In most relationships, both people work because they have to in order to live. Good grief! :rolleyes-41: And again, there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a person's employment and their financial status. Both of those things are important.

Similarly there's nothing wrong with checking out how a woman fills out her clothes.

That really doesn't play an important role in the relationship. Bodies change and people's appearances change. That is NOT what you base a relationship on unless you are a dumb ass who is a glutton for punishment.
I didn't say anything about basing a relationship. I'm talking about initial filtering. We all sort, we accept and reject and then move on to the next stage of assessment. For most guys, looks are pretty important on first sighting. Personality kicks in after looks.

Sure, but that's not what you are saying. You are basically saying that looks are the only thing or the most important thing. You seem to know really nothing about relationships at all. It's really quite stunning how clueless you are.

So tell me, how are these jobless women surviving with no income?

What I'm saying is that mate selection proceeds through stages. Think of it like a series of concentric fields. First the outer gate has to be opened, then the next gate, then the next. Physical appearance is usually the first gate for men. Jobs and personality and hobbies and such are locked behind the first gate. A girl with a terrific personality and unflattering appearance is gong to have a more difficult time in getting men to the point where they can marvel at her fantastic personality.

Yes, but you make some really silly claims about jobs and other things. You are like a person who seems to get all of your information from reading materials instead of through actual living. Everyone has different experiences, and everybody likes different things. Like the woman in the OP video, I don't find her attractive in the least bit. At best, she looks average to me. That's not just because I'm a woman. Plenty of men have expressed the same opinion about her. But then you have some guys on the video behaving as if she is the most beautiful woman they have ever seen!
It depends. I've been fortunate enough to be able to take two significant breaks from the work force. The first time, I got a very nice severance package when the large company I worked for had to lay off a third of its workforce due to gas prices. I was frugal and stretched that 6 mo package to a year break. I was able to take my newborn niece during the day while my baby brother and his wife worked so they didn't need daycare.

The second time, we sold our house in the divorce (before the bust) and I got a lump sum. I moved cross country and took a year to clear my head and absorb my new surroundings. Both were experiences I would not trade. Most people never get to do that, so I'm blessed that I could do it twice. I'm hoping good things really do come in threes!

Okay, but most women have to work in order to survive. Just like everyone else.
Judging by the reactions and timing of comments of the Black guys in the video the woman must have a very nice rear end. Her face leaves a lot to be desired.
A job tells you things about a person. Is it a motivated person? A responsible person? Etcetera.

Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.

Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Looking at boobs tells you nothing about a person. You might think that a person has a nice body, but that doesn't tell you anything about the person. That person could be an asshole. I've learned that good looks does NOT equal good personality or good person.
I agree. I'm just saying men dont look at womens boobs to see how good of a person they are. Nor do women check men out to see how good of a person they are. They are following instinct.

I've never really been one who was big on men's appearances. I've dated a body builder before. He was an asshole. So self-absorbed, and that's very common for good-looking guys. I know this. I find that my attractions to men come from having a connection. It's not something that can be explained and it really doesn't have much to do with their appearance. Maybe I'm weird. I don't know. :D
Judging by the reactions and timing of comments of the Black guys in the video the woman must have a very nice rear end. Her face leaves a lot to be desired.

By the looks of her, it's going to be the size of Texas in a couple of years. :D She's chubby IMO.

Didn't it say she was a "model" too? What in the hell is she modeling?
HOW are these unemployed women surviving? What do you do? Go to your local welfare office to pick up women or something? Only the large breasted ones though, eh?

How the hell would I know? I'm not scoping out the welfare office. Look, there are guys who don't work, or live at home, or whatever. Male participation in the labor force has taken a huge hit over the last few decades. I imagine that many of these men are good guys but without jobs women don't see them as husband material and so they don't even want to sample the goods. Guys, apparently, have no trouble with sampling the goods of unemployed women. They don't judge the women by the same criteria that women judge men.
Scoping out a woman also tells a man something.

All I said was that there are subtle ways of checking each other out.

Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Looking at boobs tells you nothing about a person. You might think that a person has a nice body, but that doesn't tell you anything about the person. That person could be an asshole. I've learned that good looks does NOT equal good personality or good person.
I agree. I'm just saying men dont look at womens boobs to see how good of a person they are. Nor do women check men out to see how good of a person they are. They are following instinct.

I've never really been one who was big on men's appearances. I've dated a body builder before. He was an asshole. So self-absorbed, and that's very common for good-looking guys. I know this. I find that my attractions to men come from having a connection. It's not something that can be explained and it really doesn't have much to do with their appearance. Maybe I'm weird. I don't know. :D
Before you know their personality or have a connection how do you decide to give them a chance? I understand about having a connection because if one is not there for me its going to be a one night stand at most...if that. I have also been in a situation where a woman that was not initially physically attractive "grew" on me after spending a lot of time with her but those are few and far between.
HOW are these unemployed women surviving? What do you do? Go to your local welfare office to pick up women or something? Only the large breasted ones though, eh?

How the hell would I know? I'm not scoping out the welfare office. Look, there are guys who don't work, or live at home, or whatever. Male participation in the labor force has taken a huge hit over the last few decades. I imagine that many of these men are good guys but without jobs women don't see them as husband material and so they don't even want to sample the goods. Guys, apparently, have no trouble with sampling the goods of unemployed women. They don't judge the women by the same criteria that women judge men.

Sure, it probably doesn't bother them at first, but wait until they move in together or something. THAT is when the problems arise. I've seen it time and time again. The guy gets annoyed, and who wants to have to ask your husband for money to go shopping or whatever? What do you want to give your woman an "allowance" or something? I would much rather have my OWN money that I can spend as I want without having to answer to anyone else. You seem to be from the 1950s or something, out of touch with today's world.
Such as? What does it tell you? That she has big boobs or small boobs? Maybe medium sized boobs? WTF?
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Looking at boobs tells you nothing about a person. You might think that a person has a nice body, but that doesn't tell you anything about the person. That person could be an asshole. I've learned that good looks does NOT equal good personality or good person.
I agree. I'm just saying men dont look at womens boobs to see how good of a person they are. Nor do women check men out to see how good of a person they are. They are following instinct.

I've never really been one who was big on men's appearances. I've dated a body builder before. He was an asshole. So self-absorbed, and that's very common for good-looking guys. I know this. I find that my attractions to men come from having a connection. It's not something that can be explained and it really doesn't have much to do with their appearance. Maybe I'm weird. I don't know. :D
Before you know their personality or have a connection how do you decide to give them a chance? I understand about having a connection because if one is not there for me its going to be a one night stand at most...if that. I have also been in a situation where a woman that was not initially physically attractive "grew" on me after spending a lot of time with her but those are few and far between.

Well, they can't be hideous. :lol: I've known plenty of men who I didn't initially find attractive, but because they had that "something" about them, they became more attractive to me the better I knew them, so I can understand that.
Judging by the reactions and timing of comments of the Black guys in the video the woman must have a very nice rear end. Her face leaves a lot to be desired.

By the looks of her, it's going to be the size of Texas in a couple of years. :D She's chubby IMO.

Didn't it say she was a "model" too? What in the hell is she modeling?

I can only see her shape from the front but she is not chubby looking to me. :D
Sexual attraction is not a conscious thing. Its instinctive. Matter of fact pheromones play a large part in sexual attraction. What you observe is confirmation of their suitability to procreate. Women look too. I have caught the most sophisticated women doing just that.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Looking at boobs tells you nothing about a person. You might think that a person has a nice body, but that doesn't tell you anything about the person. That person could be an asshole. I've learned that good looks does NOT equal good personality or good person.
I agree. I'm just saying men dont look at womens boobs to see how good of a person they are. Nor do women check men out to see how good of a person they are. They are following instinct.

I've never really been one who was big on men's appearances. I've dated a body builder before. He was an asshole. So self-absorbed, and that's very common for good-looking guys. I know this. I find that my attractions to men come from having a connection. It's not something that can be explained and it really doesn't have much to do with their appearance. Maybe I'm weird. I don't know. :D
Before you know their personality or have a connection how do you decide to give them a chance? I understand about having a connection because if one is not there for me its going to be a one night stand at most...if that. I have also been in a situation where a woman that was not initially physically attractive "grew" on me after spending a lot of time with her but those are few and far between.

Well, they can't be hideous. :lol: I've known plenty of men who I didn't initially find attractive, but because they had that "something" about them, they became more attractive to me the better I knew them, so I can understand that.
You sound like a woman that consciously takes her time. Thats actually a good thing. However, you cant expect me to believe you dont find men sexually attractive. I've been around way too many women to believe you dont have your horn dog moments.
Judging by the reactions and timing of comments of the Black guys in the video the woman must have a very nice rear end. Her face leaves a lot to be desired.

By the looks of her, it's going to be the size of Texas in a couple of years. :D She's chubby IMO.

Didn't it say she was a "model" too? What in the hell is she modeling?

I can only see her shape from the front but she is not chubby looking to me. :D

I'll bet you $100 that in 2 years, she's going to be enormous, or right after she has a kid. :D She is going to be a fatty.

Yup, I just looked again, and she has those really thick hips and thighs. Dead giveaway of future weight problems, probably already has a difficult time keeping the weight off. I also don't think she has a very nice shape to her body either. She really kind of reminds me of a tomboy, the way she carries herself is not very feminine. But hey, these are just my opinions. If I as a lesbian or a bisexual, she would not be on my radar at all. :D Unless she was a SUPER person, but she really doesn't come across as a super person either.
HOW are these unemployed women surviving? What do you do? Go to your local welfare office to pick up women or something? Only the large breasted ones though, eh?

How the hell would I know? I'm not scoping out the welfare office. Look, there are guys who don't work, or live at home, or whatever. Male participation in the labor force has taken a huge hit over the last few decades. I imagine that many of these men are good guys but without jobs women don't see them as husband material and so they don't even want to sample the goods. Guys, apparently, have no trouble with sampling the goods of unemployed women. They don't judge the women by the same criteria that women judge men.

Sure, it probably doesn't bother them at first, but wait until they move in together or something. THAT is when the problems arise. I've seen it time and time again. The guy gets annoyed, and who wants to have to ask your husband for money to go shopping or whatever? What do you want to give your woman an "allowance" or something? I would much rather have my OWN money that I can spend as I want without having to answer to anyone else. You seem to be from the 1950s or something, out of touch with today's world.

Sure, but we're not talking about the most sensible path to develop good relationships, we're talking about the world as it really exists. You're arguing SHOULD and I'm pointing out IS.
Judging by the reactions and timing of comments of the Black guys in the video the woman must have a very nice rear end. Her face leaves a lot to be desired.

By the looks of her, it's going to be the size of Texas in a couple of years. :D She's chubby IMO.

Didn't it say she was a "model" too? What in the hell is she modeling?

I can only see her shape from the front but she is not chubby looking to me. :D

I'll bet you $100 that in 2 years, she's going to be enormous, or right after she has a kid. :D She is going to be a fatty.
My wife has had 2 kids and she was about her size 135lb when we met. My wife still looks the same. It all depends on if she lets herself go. She has child bearing hips. I'm not into skinny girls so maybe thats why. "God bless you mami" :laugh:
Well, they can't be hideous. :lol: I've known plenty of men who I didn't initially find attractive, but because they had that "something" about them, they became more attractive to me the better I knew them, so I can understand that.

But did you date those guys? Finding a guy more attractive doesn't do him any good if you won't actually go with him.
[QUOTE="ChrisL, post: 10101856, member: 50165"

Well, they can't be hideous. :lol: I've known plenty of men who I didn't initially find attractive, but because they had that "something" about them, they became more attractive to me the better I knew them, so I can understand that.

But did you date those guys? Finding a guy more attractive doesn't do him any good if you won't actually go with him.[/QUOTE]

I've dated a couple of guys who were less than attractive, yes. Do you think I only date 10s or something? :rolleyes-41:
Judging by the reactions and timing of comments of the Black guys in the video the woman must have a very nice rear end. Her face leaves a lot to be desired.

By the looks of her, it's going to be the size of Texas in a couple of years. :D She's chubby IMO.

Didn't it say she was a "model" too? What in the hell is she modeling?

I can only see her shape from the front but she is not chubby looking to me. :D

I'll bet you $100 that in 2 years, she's going to be enormous, or right after she has a kid. :D She is going to be a fatty.
My wife has had 2 kids and she was about her size 135lb when we met. My wife still looks the same. It all depends on if she lets herself go.

Okay, but I've known MANY women with that body type and they get large. I recently saw a friend that I haven't seen in years, and oh my!!! I was shocked to say the least.

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