Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Liberals and their pathetic, hypocritical moral platitudes.

Nothing but pure hypocrites. Is there anything they actually care about, or do they just feign outrage over every fucking non-issue in order to get pats on the back from each other?

Rightwinger, the biggest fucking bandwagon dickhead on these boards. He thinks we think he cares about dudes giving cat calls to women.

The men in the video are conservatives attempts at finding a mate

You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it
Liberals and their pathetic, hypocritical moral platitudes.

Nothing but pure hypocrites. Is there anything they actually care about, or do they just feign outrage over every fucking non-issue in order to get pats on the back from each other?

Rightwinger, the biggest fucking bandwagon dickhead on these boards. He thinks we think he cares about dudes giving cat calls to women.

The men in the video are conservatives attempts at finding a mate

You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

When I was in college they caught some freak in the library jerking off.

He had picked out a copy of "Crime In America" and was wacking away.


That reminds me that some lady at another forum a while back told everyone that she masturbates on the subway. :ack-1: Lol! I was like why? Why can't you just wait until you get home? WTH? :lol:

When I worked at TRANE they spoke of an office girl who was a nympho. She would rub out at least 5 times per shift in the ladies toilet.

Okay, well at least in the ladies room, she can wash her hands afterwards! On the subway, not so much, and then she's spreading around her vagina hands. :biggrin: Make you think twice about shaking hands with people. Lol.
People put their hands in worse things than vaginas. :smoke::ssex::suck::puke::puke3::hmpf:

That's disgusting. I'm never shaking hands with anyone again without a glove. :biggrin: Now I understand why Michael Jackson wore the one glove. Lol!

The medic on my team told us about the easiest ways to spread diseases, and most of them begins with hands. Best thing you can do is never touch your face unless you wash your hands or us Pureal.
Liberals and their pathetic, hypocritical moral platitudes.

Nothing but pure hypocrites. Is there anything they actually care about, or do they just feign outrage over every fucking non-issue in order to get pats on the back from each other?

Rightwinger, the biggest fucking bandwagon dickhead on these boards. He thinks we think he cares about dudes giving cat calls to women.

The men in the video are conservatives attempts at finding a mate

You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?
Liberals and their pathetic, hypocritical moral platitudes.

Nothing but pure hypocrites. Is there anything they actually care about, or do they just feign outrage over every fucking non-issue in order to get pats on the back from each other?

Rightwinger, the biggest fucking bandwagon dickhead on these boards. He thinks we think he cares about dudes giving cat calls to women.

The men in the video are conservatives attempts at finding a mate

You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?
rightie winger of course.
Liberals and their pathetic, hypocritical moral platitudes.

Nothing but pure hypocrites. Is there anything they actually care about, or do they just feign outrage over every fucking non-issue in order to get pats on the back from each other?

Rightwinger, the biggest fucking bandwagon dickhead on these boards. He thinks we think he cares about dudes giving cat calls to women.

The men in the video are conservatives attempts at finding a mate

You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?

Who else, rightwinger.
The men in the video are conservatives attempts at finding a mate

You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?
rightie winger of course.
I have him on ignore.
You know, that would be a decent come back if it was actually funny. Keep on letting us know how much you care about these blacks (all obama voters, you can guarantee that) making cat calls at women.

Most women are actually flattered when men whistle at them. If they do not want men whistling at them, then do shave anything, do not wear G strings that everyone can see, do not put on sweet smelling fragrances, and then they will never ever get whistled at.

You are nothing but an ass wagon. Go blow your feigned outrage over this issue out of your gaping ass.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?
rightie winger of course.
I have him on ignore.

Do not blame you. He is nothing but MSNBC talking points. No ability to think for himself, just like everyone else just like him.
More from the Neanderthal mating rituals of conservatives

Women enjoy being whistled at. It is one of the first steps in trying to get laid. Women who wear perfume are asking for it

Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?
rightie winger of course.
I have him on ignore.

Do not blame you. He is nothing but MSNBC talking points. No ability to think for himself, just like everyone else just like him.
I was talking to a guy in my shop today who's just like him.

The guy is from Texas. He's a Democrat. All he needs is an excuse to vote Democrat, so every election they are supplied to them. His big pet-peeve is the lie that Republicans are only helping the rich. Every conservative Democrat I've talked to repeats this same bullshit. They actually believe it. They don't even want to hear that Obama has opened our borders to illegals, and supports policies that goes against everything they believe in, the Repugs help that rich and these folks don't like that. Perfect example of a single-issue voter.
Your hypocrisy and your fake concern along with your moronic cliches are always on full display.

Who are you talking to?
rightie winger of course.
I have him on ignore.

Do not blame you. He is nothing but MSNBC talking points. No ability to think for himself, just like everyone else just like him.
I was talking to a guy in my shop today who's just like him.

The guy is from Texas. He's a Democrat. All he needs is an excuse to vote Democrat, so every election they are supplied to them. His big pet-peeve is the lie that Republicans are only helping the rich. Every conservative Democrat I've talked to repeats this same bullshit. They actually believe it. They don't even want to hear that Obama has opened our borders to illegals, and supports policies that goes against everything they believe in, the Repugs help that rich and these folks don't like that. Perfect example of a single-issue voter.

Yeah, the morons are nothing but puppets or pawns for the democrats and their never ending line of cliches.

Meanwhile they ignore ALL of the rich elitist liberals. Starting with Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, all of Hollywood. Who, make the giant big deal with what they wear on the red carpet as they have at least 5 or 6 self adulation parties in a year.

They certainly all ignore ALL of the corporate scandals that were busted UNDER BUSH from Enron. They certainly ignore all of the no bid contracts Clinton awarded Halliburton.

They have no idea what tax shelters are given to GE under Obama, and how many factories have been built under the obama administration in China.

They are ignorant as hell. They are brainwashed morons. None of them are worthy of one ounce of respect.
Who are you talking to?
rightie winger of course.
I have him on ignore.

Do not blame you. He is nothing but MSNBC talking points. No ability to think for himself, just like everyone else just like him.
I was talking to a guy in my shop today who's just like him.

The guy is from Texas. He's a Democrat. All he needs is an excuse to vote Democrat, so every election they are supplied to them. His big pet-peeve is the lie that Republicans are only helping the rich. Every conservative Democrat I've talked to repeats this same bullshit. They actually believe it. They don't even want to hear that Obama has opened our borders to illegals, and supports policies that goes against everything they believe in, the Repugs help that rich and these folks don't like that. Perfect example of a single-issue voter.

Yeah, the morons are nothing but puppets or pawns for the democrats and their never ending line of cliches.

Meanwhile they ignore ALL of the rich elitist liberals. Starting with Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, all of Hollywood. Who, make the giant big deal with what they wear on the red carpet as they have at least 5 or 6 self adulation parties in a year.

They certainly all ignore ALL of the corporate scandals that were busted UNDER BUSH from Enron. They certainly ignore all of the no bid contracts Clinton awarded Halliburton.

They have no idea what tax shelters are given to GE under Obama, and how many factories have been built under the obama administration in China.

They are ignorant as hell. They are brainwashed morons. None of them are worthy of one ounce of respect.

The Democrats demonize anyone who blows the whistle on them, so basically, he hasn't been exposed to the truth all that much. He's repeatedly been told to avoid the truth-tellers out there.
It's another manufactured "controversy"
How many women would watch that video and say.......I wish that was me

None. That said, she isn't walking on the upper east side. She is not walking in any affluent neighborhood. You're going to hit a point on the socioeconomic ladder where there is nothing but hustling. It's harmless. The only time you have real problems is that these are areas where there are psych wards and where there are sexual offenders housed. Those are the whackos.

It's meh until they are ready to actually address the economic situation. Otherwise move to an affluent neighborhood.
It's another manufactured "controversy"
How many women would watch that video and say.......I wish that was me

Seriously? Why would they "wish" that was them?

It comes down to whether that is harassment or not

I think there is a difference between being "annoying" and being "harassing." Don't you? Sure, sometimes it's annoying, maybe even embarrassing, but I still don't consider it harassment when someone tries to talk to another person. IF there was name-calling or rude things being said, that is another story. But "hello, you look beautiful today" is NOT harassment. Also, she is not being "harassed" like that all the time. This was because of the part of the city she was in. At least in Boston, when you are in the nicer sections of the city, it is not like that at all. You go where all the street people and street vendors hang out, then you are encountering another class of people.

I am unfamiliar with the particular setting you describe, but that does not at all infer that I don't believe such settings exist and you very well may be right about that. But I agree that guys just calling out comments might be crude, rude, and insensitive, but it is not harassment. I can't imagine feeling threatened in any way by that on a crowded city street. If a guy started obviously walking along beside me or obviously following me, that IS harassment, but I would have ditched him in a hurry.

But why does a woman buy and wear skin tight jeans and a skin tight tee? It sure isn't to not be noticed or appreciated. And if you dress to be noticed and appreciated, it seems a little silly to expect to be noticed and appreciated silently.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Just about every message board out there is discussing this video. I'll have to say that I am suspicious that it is the real deal. The only clearly incidents of harassment would be those guys walking along with her, but what woman would have tolerated that for more than a few seconds without comment? What woman would not have changed direction, gone into a store, or otherwise made reasonable effort to ditch the harasser? And who was making the video? Would not such person have been really obvious after the first 30 seconds or so? Yet the guys walking along with her seemed oblivious to that.

So I'm guessing this is a purely propaganda video made by some extremist feminist group. But I wasn't there and I could be wrong.

As for the rest of it, no harm, no foul, no big deal. If all those comments were actually made--and we have no way of knowing that--so what? In some cultures that would be considered a compliment. But harassment? No.

It s easy to video without being obvious. Mount a GoPro on the person in front of you and follow him around.
Are catcalls harassment or just rudeness? It was obvious that the calls ere not being encouraged or welcome. The purpose seemed to be to illustrate what women encounter in public. Lot of creeps out there and a lot of pathetic attempts......maybe this will get me laid

Well yeah, I hadn't thought about the sports camera and she was obviously attaching it to her front man at the beginning of the video. But are those things so small they aren't noticeable? I haven't seen one up close and personal.

But while the comments were crude and rude, I still don't see that alone as any kind of harassment in that setting.
It's another manufactured "controversy"
How many women would watch that video and say.......I wish that was me

Seriously? Why would they "wish" that was them?

It comes down to whether that is harassment or not

I think there is a difference between being "annoying" and being "harassing." Don't you? Sure, sometimes it's annoying, maybe even embarrassing, but I still don't consider it harassment when someone tries to talk to another person. IF there was name-calling or rude things being said, that is another story. But "hello, you look beautiful today" is NOT harassment. Also, she is not being "harassed" like that all the time. This was because of the part of the city she was in. At least in Boston, when you are in the nicer sections of the city, it is not like that at all. You go where all the street people and street vendors hang out, then you are encountering another class of people.

I am unfamiliar with the particular setting you describe, but that does not at all infer that I don't believe such settings exist and you very well may be right about that. But I agree that guys just calling out comments might be crude, rude, and insensitive, but it is not harassment. I can't imagine feeling threatened in any way by that on a crowded city street. If a guy started obviously walking along beside me or obviously following me, that IS harassment, but I would have ditched him in a hurry.

But why does a woman buy and wear skin tight jeans and a skin tight tee? It sure isn't to not be noticed or appreciated. And if you dress to be noticed and appreciated, it seems a little silly to expect to be noticed and appreciated silently.

Sure I agree. I mentioned earlier in the thread about one of my friends who has very large breasts and does not like people looking at them, so she always wears loose-fitting baggy shirts. Funny, it seems the women who walk around with the most cleavage exposed are the ones who seem to do the most complaining about men "looking." Well, cover them up them!! What do you expect when half of your boobs are hanging out of your shirt? :lol:

Certainly that doesn't give anyone a green light to harass, but it's just a funny observation. Lol.
You judge for yourself and post any comments please.
So, she walks her blubber ass in tight pants around Harlem to make video about street harassment and catcalling. She pretends to hate all the attention, yet join the group where success is determined by how much attention she gets. But whose attention? At the end of video it says "100+ instances of harassment in 10 hours involving people of all backgrounds" Really? Whole 10 hours cut to two minutes of video (less then 1%) to prove some point how bad it is, and honestly, I haven't seen any alpha man do what she claims. Hurrdurr feminism dont want you to know that 99% of people dont give a fuck about them.
Sure I agree. I mentioned earlier in the thread about one of my friends who has very large breasts and does not like people looking at them, so she always wears loose-fitting baggy shirts. Funny, it seems the women who walk around with the most cleavage exposed are the ones who seem to do the most complaining about men "looking." Well, cover them up them!! What do you expect when half of your boobs are hanging out of your shirt? :lol:

Certainly that doesn't give anyone a green light to harass, but it's just a funny observation. Lol.
Good post. I feel so dirty when those things stare directly at my eyes!
I wonder what the reaction would be if women were the ones who had to adhere to tradition and "make the first move" and guys had to paint themselves up and dress to be noticed?
Mud, that's exactly what feminists are about. Step aside man, we gonna take it from here.
I spent some time on the upper east side and there are many attractive babes there. Among other things, I noticed that those who dress metrosexual/flamboyant/gay enough can eyebang any bitch without getting a second thought. Why? Cause they seem gay at a glance so they just dismiss them as benign and you pose no threat whatsoever. At the same time, eyebanging by alphas was more then welcomed, betas would get "what you're looking at, creep".

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