Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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atives believe in less govt except they believe they have a right to women's body parts...
Actually, no. A baby in the womb is not a body part of the is a unique and separate life....due all the protections of every other human being.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
Our fetal homicide laws define a "child in the womb" during "any stage of development" as "a child" and as "a human being."
What state are you representing?
You can call a fetus or embryo whatever else you want, but they remain inside a woman's body ... until birth and becoming a citizen.
Actually, no. A baby in the womb is not a body part of the is a unique and separate life....due all the protections of every other human being.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
Our fetal homicide laws define a "child in the womb" during "any stage of development" as "a child" and as "a human being."
What state are you representing?
You can call a fetus or embryo whatever else you want, but they remain inside a woman's body ... until birth and becoming a citizen.

Still a child
Still a Human Being
Still a MURDER if you kill one in a criminal act
(murder by definition is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another)
Still a double MURDER if you criminally kill a pregnant woman

And you still can't bring yourself to recognize the legal FACT that it's a human being. A child.
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Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
Our fetal homicide laws define a "child in the womb" during "any stage of development" as "a child" and as "a human being."
What state are you representing?
You can call a fetus or embryo whatever else you want, but they remain inside a woman's body ... until birth and becoming a citizen.
Still a child
Still a Human Being
Still a MURDER if you kill one in a criminal act
(murder by definition is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another)
Still a double MURDER if you criminally kill a pregnant womn

And you still can't bring yourself to recognize the legal FACT that it's a human being. A child.
At the Federal level, the killing of the fetus is only "murder" if the pregnant woman intended to deliver it & create a US citizen.

Just a girl from Homer, Alaska.
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Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
Our fetal homicide laws define a "child in the womb" during "any stage of development" as "a child" and as "a human being."
What state are you representing?
You can call a fetus or embryo whatever else you want, but they remain inside a woman's body ... until birth and becoming a citizen.
Still a child
Still a Human Being
Still a MURDER if you kill one in a criminal act
(murder by definition is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another)
Still a double MURDER if you criminally kill a pregnant womn

And you still can't bring yourself to recognize the legal FACT that it's a human being. A child.
At the Federal level, the killing of the fetus is only "murder" if the pregnant woman intended to deliver it into a US citizen.

Not only is your claim FALSE but there have been convictions already, where a pregnant woman/ girl has had their boyfriends HELP force a miscarriage and the boyfriend / father was convicted.

There is nothing in the text of the Federal law which supports your claim on this.
atives believe in less govt except they believe they have a right to women's body parts...
Actually, no. A baby in the womb is not a body part of the is a unique and separate life....due all the protections of every other human being.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
Besides, with the ACA that little whore has access to everything she needs, PP is redundant. Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over. We will all (well, most of us) have no interested in her crab infested blistered and puss oozing vagina.
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
Our fetal homicide laws define a "child in the womb" during "any stage of development" as "a child" and as "a human being."
What state are you representing?
You can call a fetus or embryo whatever else you want, but they remain inside a woman's body ... until birth and becoming a citizen.
Still a child
Still a Human Being
Still a MURDER if you kill one in a criminal act
(murder by definition is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another)
Still a double MURDER if you criminally kill a pregnant womn

And you still can't bring yourself to recognize the legal FACT that it's a human being. A child.
At the Federal level, the killing of the fetus is only "murder" if the pregnant woman intended to deliver it into a US citizen.
Not only is your claim FALSE but there have been convictions already, where a pregnant woman/ girl has had their boyfriends HELP force a miscarriage and the boyfriend / father was convicted.
There is nothing in the text of the Federal law which supports your claim on this.
Please provide specifics, such as a reference/link, to the Federal facts you allege.
We can go from there ...
atives believe in less govt except they believe they have a right to women's body parts...
Actually, no. A baby in the womb is not a body part of the is a unique and separate life....due all the protections of every other human being.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget.
Actually, no. A baby in the womb is not a body part of the is a unique and separate life....due all the protections of every other human being.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget.
And I dont care if you want to support the prostitution industry, just do it with your own money.
If my tax dollar goes to paying a bill for planned parenthood providing preventive care, then that opens up dollars in planned parenthood to violently murder children. Get that through your dense perverted head.
You all keep crying about the preventative care and try to pretend that the abortion isnt the number one reason for PP, put your money where your mouth is. How about PP just completely drop the abortion aspect of their business. I assure you, there is not a hospital or should I say doctor out there that would not choose abortion in the case of it being a threat to the mothers health. Abortions when needed would still be available, and with a much higher level of care since it would be done in a hospital with resources to accommodate any problems that might arise during the proceedure
You just want sluts to be able to get free abortions at the expense of the taxpayer.
people that support PP are nothing more than filthy child murderers. Its a shame we have to share the same planet with them.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget.
And I dont care if you want to support the prostitution industry, just do it with your own money.
You all keep crying about the preventative care and try to pretend that the abortion isnt the number one reason for PP, put your money where your mouth is.
You just want sluts to be able to get free abortions at the expense of the taxpayer.
You talk like a SLUT. You talk about prostitution. You talk about your fucking wallet, like being ripped off by a whore you frequented.
I've already shown you that abortion is only 3% of PP's budget. PP provides mainly health care for planned parenthood.
That's a good thing, so fewer sluts like you are born and interfere with other's decent lifestyles.
Our fetal homicide laws define a "child in the womb" during "any stage of development" as "a child" and as "a human being."
What state are you representing?
You can call a fetus or embryo whatever else you want, but they remain inside a woman's body ... until birth and becoming a citizen.
Still a child
Still a Human Being
Still a MURDER if you kill one in a criminal act
(murder by definition is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another)
Still a double MURDER if you criminally kill a pregnant womn

And you still can't bring yourself to recognize the legal FACT that it's a human being. A child.
At the Federal level, the killing of the fetus is only "murder" if the pregnant woman intended to deliver it into a US citizen.
Not only is your claim FALSE but there have been convictions already, where a pregnant woman/ girl has had their boyfriends HELP force a miscarriage and the boyfriend / father was convicted.
There is nothing in the text of the Federal law which supports your claim on this.
Please provide specifics, such as a reference/link, to the Federal facts you allege.
We can go from there ...

You were making claims about the Federal laws earlier, yourself.

Did you do so without actually having READ the law?
Apparently, she thinks she is banned from schools, airports, voting polls, and many other places. She thinks she is especially restricted in some cities, like Chicago. She thinks she should be kept away from children. (I agree with the last one)

We have rights as women. No one is stopping women from doing as they please. We dress the way we want to, associate with anyone we please and we don't have to obey our husbands. If our husband or anyone else lays a hand to us, they will get arrested. We can choose to go to college. We can choose whatever career we'd like. We can choose whether or not to get married and to whom. We can vote. We can run for office. We can protest in the streets and say whatever we want to say. The list goes on.

And, women can get abortions if they want to and they don't even have to tell their husbands.

Just because other people aren't forced to pay for other women to have abortions, which are elective surgeries and preventable, she thinks she has no rights. Libs claim you are denying them something when you refuse to hand it over to them for free.

Shame that the same ones who are protesting here never speak up for the women who truly are oppressed. In Muslim countries, women can't vote, can't wear anything they want, can't speak to men in public and sometimes can't even go in public without an escort. They are forced to obey their husband's every wish or face severe punishment. They face being stoned to death if they try to leave Islam. Many young girls endure genital mutilation. But, hey, the women here don't get free abortions so they whine like babies.

Of course, the major flaw in the thinking of the left is claiming that guns have rights. Guns have zero rights. It's people who have the right to protect themselves since it is impossible for police to protect everyone.

People should have rights to defend themselves. I'm not willing to die at the hands of thugs who would break into my house just to appease some idiot liberals. If they would rather be victims, let them but leave the rest of us alone. It's the criminals in the streets disobeying laws and disrespecting human life. Your laws won't touch them.

Seems to me that the only ones being denied any right or any say are the unborn babies. A better sign would be that eagle's eggs have more rights than human fetuses.

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Seriously, libs, why is your desire to get your abortion paid for more important than my right to protect myself against a person who breaks into my house in the middle of the night? I am not asking anyone to pay for my gun or ammo. It's none of your business. And no woman's uterus is regulated. Do whatever the hell you want with yours, just stay out of my pockets.

Libs call it unnecessary regulations when doctors want to ensure that the surgery is done according to medical protocol. Libs said any tests prior to an abortion is wrong. You guys say ultrasounds are wrong. I know damn well there are two reasons you guys are against ultrasounds. One, that the woman can see the clump of cells looks exactly like a baby. Two, that the ultrasound is the only way a doctor can determine the gestational age of the fetus and ensure that the procedure is within the law. Planned Parenthood wants more developed fetuses because they sell for a higher price. Allowing at least a two week window means they can exceed the limit. Doctors also do ultrasounds to ensure that there are no major problems that could potentially risk the woman's life. That should be the number one consideration, but libs say it's too invasive. Shame that the mother's health is secondary to controlling the population. You guys don't care that abortions are done a long way from hospitals and ambulance services. In the event of an emergency, the woman would wait a long time before getting help. Libs don't even think doctors should have to perform the procedures. You guys want to train non-physicians and you treat abortions like they are manicures. And, in a really sleazy move, PP changed the way the procedure is done so they can remove the fetus intact. Yup, it poses a bigger risk to the mother but money is money, right?

Libs, who claim to be all about high standards and who support overregulation of businesses want the abortion industry to be free of any oversight or reasonable regulations.

A woman's uterus, or more accurately, the medical procedures relating to it, is less regulated than a hotdog stand and yet you bitch simply because someone else isn't footing the bill. You guys are slowly getting back to the back alley abortions and the only difference is that PP makes a shit ton of money off them. Money that they will spend on political campaigns. It's against the law for non-profit organizations that take tax payer money to support candidates, but PP is allowed to get away with that.

Want an abortion? Get one. Pay for it yourself. Better yet, do more to prevent it in the first place. Birth control is easy to obtain and cheap. Morning after pills are cheaper than abortion. What more do these militant libs want?

It's all about getting what you want, when you want it and never having to pay for it. Fuck that.
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Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget.
And I dont care if you want to support the prostitution industry, just do it with your own money.
You all keep crying about the preventative care and try to pretend that the abortion isnt the number one reason for PP, put your money where your mouth is.
You just want sluts to be able to get free abortions at the expense of the taxpayer.
You talk like a SLUT. You talk about prostitution. You talk about your fucking wallet, like being ripped off by a whore you frequented.
I've already shown you that abortion is only 3% of PP's budget. PP provides mainly health care for planned parenthood.
That's a good thing, so fewer sluts like you are born and interfere with other's decent lifestyles.

So then you are saying they could stop doing abortions altogether and not suffer a real loss...good to know, so we strip the baby killing clinics of money if they keep killing babies...they can make their profit from actual reproductive issues...
Seriously, libs, why is your desire to get your abortion paid for more important than my right to protect myself against a person who breaks into my house in the middle of the night? I am not asking anyone to pay for my gun or ammo. It's none of your business. And no woman's uterus is regulated. Do whatever the hell you want with yours, just stay out of my pockets.

Libs call it unnecessary regulations when doctors want to ensure that the surgery is done according to medical protocol. Libs said any tests prior to an abortion is wrong. You guys say ultrasounds are wrong. I know damn well there are two reasons you guys are against ultrasounds. One, that the woman can see the clump of cells looks exactly like a baby. Two, that the ultrasound is the only way a doctor can determine the gestational age of the fetus and ensure that the procedure is within the law. Planned Parenthood wants more developed fetuses because they sell for a higher price. Allowing at least a two week window means they can exceed the limit. Doctors also do ultrasounds to ensure that there are no major problems that could potentially risk the woman's life. That should be the number one consideration, but libs say it's too invasive. Shame that the mother's health is secondary to controlling the population. You guys don't care that abortions are done a long way from hospitals and ambulance services. In the event of an emergency, the woman would wait a long time before getting help. Libs don't even think doctors should have to perform the procedures. You guys want to train non-physicians and you treat abortions like they are manicures. And, in a really sleazy move, PP changed the way the procedure is done so they can remove the fetus intact. Yup, it poses a bigger risk to the mother but money is money, right?

Libs, who claim to be all about high standards and who support overregulation of businesses want the abortion industry to be free of any oversight or reasonable regulations.

A woman's uterus, or more accurately, the medical procedures relating to it, is less regulated than a hotdog stand and yet you bitch simply because someone else isn't footing the bill. You guys are slowly getting back to the back alley abortions and the only difference is that PP makes a shit ton of money off them. Money that they will spend on political campaigns. It's against the law for non-profit organizations that take tax payer money to support candidates, but PP is allowed to get away with that.

Want an abortion? Get one. Pay for it yourself. Better yet, do more to prevent it in the first place. Birth control is easy to obtain and cheap. Morning after pills are cheaper than abortion. What more do these militant libs want?

It's all about getting what you want, when you want it and never having to pay for it. Fuck that.

Actually, no. A baby in the womb is not a body part of the is a unique and separate life....due all the protections of every other human being.
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget. think each person has full rights to their own do we.....the baby has full rights over it's body too.......
Sorry to have to explain the obvious, but an embryo or fetus is a part of the woman's body.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget. think each person has full rights to their own do we.....the baby has full rights over it's body too.......

Nope, the woman has first priority. Her mental, physical, and financial health come first. That is backed up by Roe v. Wade.
Nope....the baby has DNA that does not belong to the's cells are completely different from hers.....
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget. think each person has full rights to their own do we.....the baby has full rights over it's body too.......

Nope, the woman has first priority. Her mental, physical, and financial health come first. That is backed up by Roe v. Wade.
where in Roe VS Wade does it say that the government should fund abortions.
Thats what this is about in the first place, the argument isnt because people want abortion to be made illegal, its because we want the little whores to pay for their own abortion out of their pockets.
So, stop trying to twist it around to make it look like its about ending the right to abortion when the reality is that it is about ending the taxpayers contribution to abortion.
Murder all the little babies you want, just dont ask me to pay for it.
The DNA in the fetus is half from the woman and is in her body and belongs to her, and her partner ... not you.
the money in my wallet belongs to me. Not you.
No funding for PP is the only way to solve this problem.
... Just make it so PP accepts insurance, no more government funding and this whole argument will be over.
I don't give a shit about your greedy wallet. I also don't give a shit what your beliefs are about other people's lifestyle. I am a libertarian who believes each person has full rights to their own body, male or female.
Gov does NOT fund PP directly. Get that thru your dense brain. PP gets gov funds only thru med insurance.

Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. There’s no keep-Planned-Parenthood-running part of the federal budget. think each person has full rights to their own do we.....the baby has full rights over it's body too.......

Nope, the woman has first priority. Her mental, physical, and financial health come first. That is backed up by Roe v. Wade.
where in Roe VS Wade does it say that the government should fund abortions.
Thats what this is about in the first place, the argument isnt because people want abortion to be made illegal, its because we want the little whores to pay for their own abortion out of their pockets.
So, stop trying to twist it around to make it look like its about ending the right to abortion when the reality is that it is about ending the taxpayers contribution to abortion.
Murder all the little babies you want, just dont ask me to pay for it.

Who funds abortions?
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