Sharing Youtube discussion about LA homeless camps

Honest to God these homeless bums will stand on street corners and freeway off ramps all day long in the hot sun pan handling with a cardboard sign but wont work a job
Have you ever applied for a job without having an address?
How many times were you successful?

And why would you not have an address?

Why is it that Somalis can come here from the other side of the planet, can find a place to live, but a born bred American can not?

See every time you try and make this point, I ask what choices were made to put in that position? Because isn't it amazing that millions of people from across the entire world, can come to this country, and you don't see them stranded on the streets, do you?

The shelter I worked for, had a job placement program. You could have a private address, at the shelter itself, until you moved out into an apartment. Companies and local businesses routinely hired through our job placement program.

Yes, you can get a job. You can.
Why is it the most socialized cities in America, that spend the most on social programs, even for the homeless, have the highest rates of homeless?
I suspect the answer to that question requires looking at the relationship between homelessness and intergenerational poverty.

I come in contact with the homeless every day in my neighborhood, and I've experienced the condition a number of times during my lifetime.

Blacks are far more likely to find themselves on the streets than Whites, and you can't separate that from official US governmental policies over that past century, at least:

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"Today African-American incomes on average are about 60 percent of average white incomes.

"But African-American wealth is about 5 percent of white wealth. Most middle-class families in this country gain their wealth from the equity they have in their homes.

"So this enormous difference between a 60 percent income ratio and a 5 percent wealth ratio is almost entirely attributable to federal housing policy implemented through the 20th century.

"African-American families that were prohibited from buying homes in the suburbs in the 1940s and '50s and even into the '60s, by the Federal Housing Administration, gained none of the equity appreciation that whites gained."

No it has nothing to do with that.

If it did, then how do you explain wealthy and successful blacks, that started off in poverty?

There are thousands of examples.

No one was "prohibited" from buying homes. Further, if they had bought homes in the suburbs... the whites would have left the suburbs, and they would have lost value there too.

The problem with blaming 'white flight' is that you forget the whole reason for white flight.

It's same reason we have today in fact. Crime, drugs, domestic disturbances. Which we are now seeing crime drastically increasing in black areas, because the police are accused of racism and leaving those areas.

If you put those same black people in the suburbs, the suburbs would end up crime infested and drug infested, and end up ghettos.

I know this specifically, because we had it happen here in Hilliard Ohio where I live. The government (foolishly) allowed a Section 8 housing project in the middle of a middle class neighborhood.

That housing project decline in value like a rock, as people fled the area, because of break ins, vandalism, and drugs spread throughout the complex. The police are called there every single week for problems.

So no, the reason for black poverty is not that they were prevented from moving to the suburbs or something. They would have just made the suburbs ghettos too. The problem is crime and drugs.

Even in the ghettos today, if you eliminate all the crime, and eliminate all the drugs... those property values would start going up. It's not going to happen, because you call the police racists every time a black criminal gets an owwy.
Needles, shitting in the street, and jerking off in front of kids isnt a temporary down on their luck homeless person. Forgive me for not supporting them setting up in front of someone’s business.
Compassionate liberals in Portland...bull dozed the homeless camp because it was near a park in a wealthy liberal neighborhood. Then they put up like 100 no camping signs. :auiqs.jpg:
Unless you are saying that Chavez's daughter making billions off government food contracts while the poor starve death, is perfectly fine with you....
This should've been you're first clue, Sherlock

"Maria Gabriela Chavez, 35, the late president's second-oldest daughter, holds assets in American and Andorran banks totaling almost $4.2billion, Diario las Americas reports."

There are NO billionaires in socialist economies.

The richest woman in Venezuela is Hugo Chavez's daughter
Go watch this guy in Cuba, and see where he lives. And compare that to the absolute worst off, poorest, full time working people in the US.
I've lived under a bridge in this country without any access to medical care; how does that compare to the homeless in Cuba who would not be homeless absent US economic sanctions.
Unless you are saying that Chavez's daughter making billions off government food contracts while the poor starve death, is perfectly fine with you....
This should've been you're first clue, Sherlock

"Maria Gabriela Chavez, 35, the late president's second-oldest daughter, holds assets in American and Andorran banks totaling almost $4.2billion, Diario las Americas reports."

There are NO billionaires in socialist economies.

The richest woman in Venezuela is Hugo Chavez's daughter

What are you even talking about! LOL

There are billionaires in EVERY SOCIALIST ECONOMY.

Name *ONE* that doesn't have billionaires? Name one. ONE!

In fact, it's built into the system. You know how you (or those like you) say that Capitalism concentrates the wealth with the few at the top at the expensive of the poor?

While that isn't in fact true with Capitalism.... that is SPECIFICALLY how socialism works.

You take away wealth from everyone in the country, and put it in control of those in government. Which be definition makes the people in government super wealthy. It always does.

This is why the Soviet elite had access to "Party Stores" Meaning communist party officials, had communist party stores, stocked with meat and fruits and things that average people in Soviet system never saw in their entire lives.

This is Castro was able to make at least $900 Million, so almost a billionaire, despite the supposed impossibility because of the sanctions that people like you claim destroyed the country.

How did he get that wealthy? Well I'm sure had it had nothing to do with the state run sugar cane and tobacco exports. Or the state run resorts. Or the state run grocery stores. While the average Cubans are not starving, but not eating well either.... Castro was making a fortune off the system.

Same with North Korea. Kim is likely worth well over $5 Billion, while his own soldiers eat grass.

See, under free market Capitalism, anyone can engage in .... capitalism. The ability to sell your labor, and invest your profit, to expand benefit to yourself.

As a result, anyone can be rich in a capitalist system, which is why the US, and other free-market capitalist countries have the most wealthy, and highest standards of living in the world.

Under socialism, you are born poor, live poor, and die poor, while those in power live in luxury off your back. All the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the elite.

So when you complain about the Chavez family becoming billionaires.... that is the natural unavoidable result of your ideology at work.
Go watch this guy in Cuba, and see where he lives. And compare that to the absolute worst off, poorest, full time working people in the US.
I've lived under a bridge in this country without any access to medical care; how does that compare to the homeless in Cuba who would not be homeless absent US economic sanctions.

Well first, with or without economic sanctions they would be poor. There is zero evidence that the US caused any of the decline in Cuba. Zero. That's opinion, without a factual basis.

The businesses that created jobs and wealth, left Cuba, because the people who created jobs and wealth left Cuba. Castro sent them fleeing from the country. We know this because many of them ended up in Miami.

Without jobs you can't rent a place to live. There are no economic sanctions that stop Cubans from creating jobs. What prevented Cubans from creating jobs.... was the government of Cuba.

And the reason why, is because if you allowed people to create businesses... that would be..... CAPITALISM!
The reason they don't have building supplies, is because of socialism. Before Socialism, they made bricks in Cuba. Before socialism, they made cement in Cuba. You don't need to change a single US policy to start creating building supplies in Cuba.
The reason they don't have many things is an illegal economic embargo imposed by capitalists who know they can't compete on a level playing field with an economic system that does not put the profits of a few over the general welfare:

United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia

"Since 1992, the UN General Assembly has passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law. In 2014, out of the 193-nation assembly, 188 countries voted for the nonbinding resolution, the United States and Israel voted against and the Pacific Island nations Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia abstained.["
" Camps" is a polite term for degenerate druggies and alcoholics to invade areas that used to be considered parks. Years ago I visited Seattle and was shocked to see permanent tents set up in parks that were once set aside for the enjoyment of people. Citizens didn't seem to mind the likelyhood of their kids witnessing some creep shitting or pissing in public or the waste associated with permanent camps.
So I watched a video about the fight between people who live there, verses the city allowing homeless people just destroy their property and ruin their lives. I got into a discussion with some apparent homeless supporter. My first thought was "Ok, let's dump them on your property and see how you like walking out your front door to step in human poop every day." But I decided to go a different direction. Thought I'd open my comment for response.

Richard K
This is disgusting. The city officials should be ashamed.

I hope to god you are homeless one day so you learn a little humility. May the next time you say “i help those who need or want it” or allude to being that type of person, be your last.

@DiscordedBraeburn See that's the problem. I've worked at the homeless shelters. The people who don't want to be there, get a job. They find work, they earn a living, and then they move out of the shelter. We provide free job training. We provide free job placement. We provide free health clinic services. Free food. Free clothing. Even a free package bundle for moving into your apartment, with bed sheets, towels and other things you need when you start with nothing.

And yet we have people that lay in the cot, do nothing, go no where, and refuse to even attempt to better their lives.

My church has what is called the a Samartian offering. A special officer to help people in dire need within the church. Plus I have family, and extended family, all which would be willing to help me, and I them, if needed. Then I even have friends who would put me up for a short time until I could find work and my own place. On top of that, I am extremely conservative in my spending. I have no less than $5,000 in my bank account at all times, and no bills.

Before you end up homeless... where is your money that you saved, by spending less than you make? Where is your savings you have for a rainy day? Where is your family that you have maintained good relations with? Where is your extended family? Where is your church that you have been faithful to? Where are your close friends?

This is my problem with people today. You cuss out your family and tell them to get lost. You make no attempt save money. You have no close friends. You swear off the church. You cut all ties, cut friendships, have a trail of broken relationships behind you, and then.... you turn around when your life implodes, and pretend as if society itself owes you for your irresponsible behavior.

No. You dug your hole, and now you get to dig yourself out. Learn to take responsibility for your choices. Join a church, and be part of it. Get with your family, and apologize for your actions. Get friends, and treat them like they are worth knowing. Find a spouse, and treat someone as being more important than yourself. And save your money, and stop blowing it on things you don't need, so that when bad things happen... AND THEY WILL... you will have money to deal with it.

My Dad was born in 1960 in LA and grew up there, he's a 4th Generation Angelino and LA used to be a great place, the beaches were just wonderful, it was even okay into the late 2000's I remember us going there when I was a child, all of my California relatives got out of LA about 10 years ago and are now either in San Fernando or San Diego.

It's very sad what has happened to LA.
The reason they don't have building supplies, is because of socialism. Before Socialism, they made bricks in Cuba. Before socialism, they made cement in Cuba. You don't need to change a single US policy to start creating building supplies in Cuba.
The reason they don't have many things is an illegal economic embargo imposed by capitalists who know they can't compete on a level playing field with an economic system that does not put the profits of a few over the general welfare:

United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia

"Since 1992, the UN General Assembly has passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law. In 2014, out of the 193-nation assembly, 188 countries voted for the nonbinding resolution, the United States and Israel voted against and the Pacific Island nations Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia abstained.["

Again, this is impossible. Cuba produced their own building supplies. They made bricks. They made concrete.

Let me ask you something.......

Archipelago International, the largest independent hotel company in Southeast Asia, is adding two resorts in Cuba, the company said.​
Archipelago has already signed a management contract for the rebranded Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort in Cuba, following a signing ceremony in Havana.​

How is that possible? If the US embargo is the cause of them not being able to build anything... how are they able to build this?

Screenshot_2020-10-18 This Company Is Adding Two New Cuba Resorts.png

How are they able to get construction materials into Cuba, and build luxury resorts like this?

According to you, the reason they can't build anything is because of the Embargo, and yet here they are able to build all that, in spite of the embargo.

Care to explain? Because I can explain.

There is a very simple reason. The Cuba government is allowing capitalism, when it benefits them. Allowing this company to make a huge profit, allows the Cuban government to become rich.

Allowing a Cuban citizen to build a home, doesn't benefit the Cuban government.

So the government can get concrete, and cement, and all the building materials they want... when it suits their purpose.

Has nothing to do with the US. As I said before... and I'll say it again. Not a single Cuban would be better off, or worse off, with or without the US economic sanctions.

The government of Cuba, is why Cubans are stuck in poverty.
So I watched a video about the fight between people who live there, verses the city allowing homeless people just destroy their property and ruin their lives. I got into a discussion with some apparent homeless supporter. My first thought was "Ok, let's dump them on your property and see how you like walking out your front door to step in human poop every day." But I decided to go a different direction. Thought I'd open my comment for response.

Richard K
This is disgusting. The city officials should be ashamed.

I hope to god you are homeless one day so you learn a little humility. May the next time you say “i help those who need or want it” or allude to being that type of person, be your last.

@DiscordedBraeburn See that's the problem. I've worked at the homeless shelters. The people who don't want to be there, get a job. They find work, they earn a living, and then they move out of the shelter. We provide free job training. We provide free job placement. We provide free health clinic services. Free food. Free clothing. Even a free package bundle for moving into your apartment, with bed sheets, towels and other things you need when you start with nothing.

And yet we have people that lay in the cot, do nothing, go no where, and refuse to even attempt to better their lives.

My church has what is called the a Samartian offering. A special officer to help people in dire need within the church. Plus I have family, and extended family, all which would be willing to help me, and I them, if needed. Then I even have friends who would put me up for a short time until I could find work and my own place. On top of that, I am extremely conservative in my spending. I have no less than $5,000 in my bank account at all times, and no bills.

Before you end up homeless... where is your money that you saved, by spending less than you make? Where is your savings you have for a rainy day? Where is your family that you have maintained good relations with? Where is your extended family? Where is your church that you have been faithful to? Where are your close friends?

This is my problem with people today. You cuss out your family and tell them to get lost. You make no attempt save money. You have no close friends. You swear off the church. You cut all ties, cut friendships, have a trail of broken relationships behind you, and then.... you turn around when your life implodes, and pretend as if society itself owes you for your irresponsible behavior.

No. You dug your hole, and now you get to dig yourself out. Learn to take responsibility for your choices. Join a church, and be part of it. Get with your family, and apologize for your actions. Get friends, and treat them like they are worth knowing. Find a spouse, and treat someone as being more important than yourself. And save your money, and stop blowing it on things you don't need, so that when bad things happen... AND THEY WILL... you will have money to deal with it.

My Dad was born in 1960 in LA and grew up there, he's a 4th Generation Angelino and LA used to be a great place, the beaches were just wonderful, it was even okay into the late 2000's I remember us going there when I was a child, all of my California relatives got out of LA about 10 years ago and are now either in San Fernando or San Diego.

It's very sad what has happened to LA.

Well it would be sad to me... if it wasn't because of the people who live there.

The people who live there voted for those politicians. The people who lived there, wanted those progressive policies. The people who lived there, got exactly what they voted for.

This video is example of that. Here a guy wants to create a building, that will created a hundred housing units, and the people of the city, that are in desperate need of housing, are fighting him at every possible turn.

So it's not so much sad, as... justice. People are getting what they wanted.
When you offer free stuff, people change how they live to get the free stuff. Instead of changing their lives to... oh I don't know... get a income, find an apartment... improve their lives....

Instead, when you offer they free stuff, they find ways to collect the free stuff. This includes traveling from Florida, all the way to New York, to get free stuff.
Capitalism is the most efficient economic engine ever created for producing stuff, and it is the least efficient at distributing stuff, like shelter, food, and medical care. When people can not survive in one location they will move to one where they can. Since capitalism is no longer concerned with providing enough living wage jobs, government is required to socialize the cost unless you think those on streets deserve to perish for the failure of neo-liberal capitalism.
When you offer free stuff, people change how they live to get the free stuff. Instead of changing their lives to... oh I don't know... get a income, find an apartment... improve their lives....

Instead, when you offer they free stuff, they find ways to collect the free stuff. This includes traveling from Florida, all the way to New York, to get free stuff.
Capitalism is the most efficient economic engine ever created for producing stuff, and it is the least efficient at distributing stuff, like shelter, food, and medical care. When people can not survive in one location they will move to one where they can. Since capitalism is no longer concerned with providing enough living wage jobs, government is required to socialize the cost unless you think those on streets deserve to perish for the failure of neo-liberal capitalism.

Simply not true.

Capitalism was never concerned with providing living wages, and there were just as many low paying jobs in the 1950s. People just didn't work low paying jobs.

Nothing has changed with Capitalism ever.

And as far as wealth isn't being distributed..... are you nuts? In the Soviet Union they built vehicles from the 1940s to the 1990s. By the end of the Soviet Union, cars were STILL reserved for only the elite.

Today some of the poorest people in our country have smart phones, cars, central air, internet, and so on.

That's wealth. Wealth is distributed to everyone. Some of middle class around the world, live a lower standard of living, than the poor in our country.

So no, distribution of wealth is better under Capitalism than Socialism, by a wide margin.
No, it does not. The left-wing has lied about what redlining was for decades now.

What is one of the ways that people fall into foreclosure? We saw this extensively during the sub-prime crash. What was it? It was having a house, that was declining in value. You borrow $100,000 to purchase a house, and in few years, the house is worth $80,000. Now you owe more money than the house is worth.
Redlining precedes the sub-prime crash by 70 years and was inflicted on African Americans regardless of their ability to pay off a mortgage:

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"The term 'redlining' ... comes from the development by the New Deal, by the federal government of maps of every metropolitan area in the country.

"And those maps were color-coded by first the Home Owners Loan Corp. and then the Federal Housing Administration and then adopted by the Veterans Administration, and these color codes were designed to indicate where it was safe to insure mortgages.

"And anywhere where African-Americans lived, anywhere where African-Americans lived nearby were colored red to indicate to appraisers that these neighborhoods were too risky to insure mortgages."
We saw this extensively during the sub-prime crash. What was it? It was having a house, that was declining in value. You borrow $100,000 to purchase a house, and in few years, the house is worth $80,000. Now you owe more money than the house is worth
We saw an epidemic of mortgage fraud 90% of which was committed by unscrupulous lenders leading up to the sub-prime looting:

The Social Structure of Mortgage Discrimination

"Our analyses reveal specific mechanisms through which loan originators identified and gained the trust of black and Latino borrowers in order to place them into higher-cost, higher-risk loans than similarly situated white borrowers.

"Loan originators sought out lists of individuals already borrowing money to buy consumer goods in predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods to find potential borrowers, and exploited intermediaries within local social networks, such as community or religious leaders, to gain those borrowers’ trust."
No, it does not. The left-wing has lied about what redlining was for decades now.

What is one of the ways that people fall into foreclosure? We saw this extensively during the sub-prime crash. What was it? It was having a house, that was declining in value. You borrow $100,000 to purchase a house, and in few years, the house is worth $80,000. Now you owe more money than the house is worth.
Redlining precedes the sub-prime crash by 70 years and was inflicted on African Americans regardless of their ability to pay off a mortgage:

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"The term 'redlining' ... comes from the development by the New Deal, by the federal government of maps of every metropolitan area in the country.

"And those maps were color-coded by first the Home Owners Loan Corp. and then the Federal Housing Administration and then adopted by the Veterans Administration, and these color codes were designed to indicate where it was safe to insure mortgages.

"And anywhere where African-Americans lived, anywhere where African-Americans lived nearby were colored red to indicate to appraisers that these neighborhoods were too risky to insure mortgages."

So you just posted proof of what I said. Did you notice that?

"And those maps were color-coded by first the Home Owners Loan Corp. and then the Federal Housing Administration and then adopted by the Veterans Administration, and these color codes were designed to indicate where it was safe to insure mortgages."

Yeah.... that was my point.

…it is ironic that only a few years ago, banks were being investigated for “redlining”; that is, for avoiding lending to blacks and other residents of poor neighborhoods. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination in lending, and The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requires banks to use the same lending criteria in all communities, regardless of the living standards of residents.​
As a result of the present crisis, however, banks and other lenders are being criticized for equal opportunity lenient lending to all, including black residents of depressed neighborhoods.​
Rev. Jackson admits that​
“Many of the victims of aggressive mortgage brokers were single women, seniors on fixed income, young couples, Latinos and African Americans.”​

Do you see the problem with your ideology on the left, that Rev Jackson is a well know proponent of?

You complained that banks were not loaning money to people who didn't qualify.

So banks made loans to people who didn't qualify which enriched the banks, while the unqualified people who got these loans went bankrupt.

Then you complained the banks were engaged in predatory lending. You can't have it both ways.

See the problem with socialism is that you point to every symptom of poverty, instead of personal responsibility.

You acted like it was the banks, that prevented blacks and minorities from getting wealthy, and if only we gave them loans, they would become wealthy.

Instead, it is personal choices that make people wealthy or poor, and giving a poor person, engaged in poor choices a loan, simply results in them being poorer.

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