Shifting the tax burden to the wealthy class does NOT harm the economy

"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.
That's not the point, the debt will never go away, the goal is to maintain balance, progressive taxation does this without hurting the working people.

We already have progressive taxation. If you live in New York of Massachusetts you are already paying half of your income in taxes. In the rest of the states its around 40%. How much more "progressive" do you libs want to make it?

Answer this: if a person makes one million per year, how much of that should he pay in federal income tax? how much in state and local income tax? Give us some %'s.
This is what I mean about the liberal solution of "tax the rich more" being completely ineffective and demonstrative of a profound ignorance of how the system really works.

If you increase the higher tax brackets, the rich will just bribe Congress to give them more tax expenditures to cancel out the higher tax rates, and we will STILL be deficit spending.

By banning tax expenditures, you make everything transparent and impossible to rig.

You level the playing field.

Marco Rubio is the only politician out there who is honest enough to say this out loud and actually put a plan on the table to mitigate it.

The others are too cowardly to shoot the hand that feeds them. They are part and parcel of this utterly corrupt system and depend on it for their campaign bread and butter.

And that's BOTH parties, boys and girls.
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.
That's not the point, the debt will never go away, the goal is to maintain balance, progressive taxation does this without hurting the working people.

Wrong, it hurts the working people quite a bit more than it does the rich. When you punish people for having money and success, they take their money and success elsewhere. That is an inescapable fact. We have already seen it happen.
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.

Every penny from those making $500,000 or more only 6 months? Oh you mean WITHOUT keeping existing tax revenues TOO?

Since taxing ONLY the top 1% at DOUBLE today's EFFECTIVE rate (23%) would wipe out the current deficit?

Yep, ONLY a 46% EFFECTIVE tax rate for the top 1% and we go back to a surplus like Clinton had US at!

bullshit. you could take 100% of the income of the top 1% and it would run the govt for 6 months.
The reason we are having economic problems in this country are directly related to Progressive policies.

When you punish business for operating here, they go elsewhere. When you make poverty a viable option for people, they choose it. The income gap is a result of left wing policies and in true left wing dishonesty, they cause it and point their fingers elsewhere.
Hilarious, when you refer to "punishment" you do realize corporations move on their own to get the cheapest labor, that's why we need a global movement to keep these corporations in check.
"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Everyone wants a handout, but they don't want to pay for it.

That's how we got here, folks. It wasn't food stamps. It wasn't Obamaphones. It wasn't illegal aliens.

It is tax expenditures. And if you think $18 trillion of federal debt should be paid by someone else, then you are an asshole. You took, and now you must pay.

we have a national debt of 18 trillion because both parties have engaged in deficit spending in order to buy votes.

the real problem is that being in congress has become a financially lucrative "job". Term limits would help. But as long as congress spends more than it collects the problem will only get worse.
We have deficit spending because we give away $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures every year. That is literally twice as much as we spend on social welfare programs.

That adds up. Quickly.

UHHH, I think we just said the same thing. we are spending more than we collect.

You mean as Dubya gutted the treasury to Korean war levels, less than 15% of GDP from Clinton's 20% of GDP, WHILE DUBYA WENT TO TWO WARS, AND CREATED A MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE???

Almost like it's a GOP plan to spend more than they bring in???
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.

Every penny from those making $500,000 or more only 6 months? Oh you mean WITHOUT keeping existing tax revenues TOO?

Since taxing ONLY the top 1% at DOUBLE today's EFFECTIVE rate (23%) would wipe out the current deficit?

Yep, ONLY a 46% EFFECTIVE tax rate for the top 1% and we go back to a surplus like Clinton had US at!

The point remains that we don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem.
This is what I mean about the liberal solution of "tax the rich more" being completely ineffective and demonstrative of a profound ignorance of how the system really works.

If you increase the higher tax brackets, the rich will just bribe Congress to give them more tax expenditures to cancel out the higher tax rates, and we will STILL be deficit spending.

By banning tax expenditures, you make everything transparent and impossible to rig.

You level the playing field.

Marco Rubio is the only politician out there who is honest enough to say this out loud and actually put a plan on the table to mitigate it.

The others are too cowardly to shoot the hand that feeds them. They are part and parcel of this utterly corrupt system and depend on it for their campaign bread and butter.

And that's BOTH parties, boys and girls.

I assume that when you say "tax expenditures" you really mean tax deductions and exemptions. Why not call it what it is?
What would really help the economy is to completely end all social programs (including obamacare) and shift that money over to paying off obamas debt.
those on welfare dont contribute anyway, the money they spend in the community is generated by the taxes paid by the working members of that community in the first place, so its pretty much a negative however you look at it.
This would do a couple of things, but the biggest thing it would do is to end poverty at the lowest level while reducing the number of unemployed in the country.

Gutting the money for the poor ends poverty???? lol

ONLY in right wing "reality" Bubs


WHILE Corps have record profits!

Weird right?
We already have progressive taxation.

Not really. It's cancelled out by tax expenditures. Look at that chart I just posted.

not completely or even close. Sure, some of those exemptions and deductions could be reduced to eliminated, but thats not the problem. The problem is that the govt spends more than it collects. Deficit spending and borrowing the shortfall has gotten us in this fiscal mess.
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.

Every penny from those making $500,000 or more only 6 months? Oh you mean WITHOUT keeping existing tax revenues TOO?

Since taxing ONLY the top 1% at DOUBLE today's EFFECTIVE rate (23%) would wipe out the current deficit?

Yep, ONLY a 46% EFFECTIVE tax rate for the top 1% and we go back to a surplus like Clinton had US at!

The point remains that we don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem.
We have BOTH.

Even if you slashed the budget in half, you still have the tax expenditure problem.

Let's say I give you a $10 tax credit every year. And let's say your share of the budget tax burden is $50 this year.

After your tax credit, you pay $40 in taxes. So now there is a $10 deficit because of your credit.

Then we cut the budget in half. Now your tax burden is $25.

But you still get that $10 credit.

So now you pay $15 and there is STILL a $10 deficit.
The reason we are having economic problems in this country are directly related to Progressive policies.

When you punish business for operating here, they go elsewhere. When you make poverty a viable option for people, they choose it. The income gap is a result of left wing policies and in true left wing dishonesty, they cause it and point their fingers elsewhere.
Hilarious, when you refer to "punishment" you do realize corporations move on their own to get the cheapest labor, that's why we need a global movement to keep these corporations in check.

That isn't the only reason. Cheapest labor is only for companies that can use it. Nany companies need skilled workers and those cannot be found in Chinese sweatshops. Those companies go to where they aren't so regulated and taxed. N other words, where they don't get harshly punished.
What would really help the economy is to completely end all social programs (including obamacare) and shift that money over to paying off obamas debt.
those on welfare dont contribute anyway, the money they spend in the community is generated by the taxes paid by the working members of that community in the first place, so its pretty much a negative however you look at it.
This would do a couple of things, but the biggest thing it would do is to end poverty at the lowest level while reducing the number of unemployed in the country.

Gutting the money for the poor ends poverty???? lol

ONLY in right wing "reality" Bubs


WHILE Corps have record profits!

Weird right?

Would that be corporations like GE, run by Obama's "jobs czar" Imelt? The GE that moves jobs out of this country and paid zero corporate income taxes last year? That corporation?
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.

Every penny from those making $500,000 or more only 6 months? Oh you mean WITHOUT keeping existing tax revenues TOO?

Since taxing ONLY the top 1% at DOUBLE today's EFFECTIVE rate (23%) would wipe out the current deficit?

Yep, ONLY a 46% EFFECTIVE tax rate for the top 1% and we go back to a surplus like Clinton had US at!

bullshit. you could take 100% of the income of the top 1% and it would run the govt for 6 months.
No shit, that's not the point, the debt WILL NEVER GO AWAY. We need balance.
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.

Every penny from those making $500,000 or more only 6 months? Oh you mean WITHOUT keeping existing tax revenues TOO?

Since taxing ONLY the top 1% at DOUBLE today's EFFECTIVE rate (23%) would wipe out the current deficit?

Yep, ONLY a 46% EFFECTIVE tax rate for the top 1% and we go back to a surplus like Clinton had US at!

bullshit. you could take 100% of the income of the top 1% and it would run the govt for 6 months.

I get it Bubba, CONservatives HATE math. AGAIN, are you talking ONLY the top 1% OR the entire existing tax revenues AND the top 1%?


Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data

The reason we are having economic problems in this country are directly related to Progressive policies.

When you punish business for operating here, they go elsewhere. When you make poverty a viable option for people, they choose it. The income gap is a result of left wing policies and in true left wing dishonesty, they cause it and point their fingers elsewhere.
Hilarious, when you refer to "punishment" you do realize corporations move on their own to get the cheapest labor, that's why we need a global movement to keep these corporations in check.

That isn't the only reason. Cheapest labor is only for companies that can use it. Nany companies need skilled workers and those cannot be found in Chinese sweatshops. Those companies go to where they aren't so regulated and taxed. N other words, where they don't get harshly punished.
Skilled workers exist all around the world, even tech companies are starting to rely on cheap labor from China and India to do programming and the like. Yeah, and where they aren't regulated and taxes, the workers suffer.
"Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boom."

THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider

The true driving force of the economy is the middle class - not the wealthy. This economy depends on consumer spending. That is why you all should care about income inequality. Despite productivity skyrocketing over the previous decades, wages have remained mostly flat in the lower class and most of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.. The middle class is shrinking and the U.S. has the worst child poverty rate in the developed world.

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

That statistic has been debunked many times over. I'm late to this thread and I'll bet someone has already pointed it out to you.

The thing that probably no one has noted us that you could take every penny from everyone who makes $500K or more per year and you would only be able to fund the government for 6 months. And of course it would hurt the economy, it's stupid to believe otherwise.

Every penny from those making $500,000 or more only 6 months? Oh you mean WITHOUT keeping existing tax revenues TOO?

Since taxing ONLY the top 1% at DOUBLE today's EFFECTIVE rate (23%) would wipe out the current deficit?

Yep, ONLY a 46% EFFECTIVE tax rate for the top 1% and we go back to a surplus like Clinton had US at!

The point remains that we don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem.
We have BOTH.

Even if you slashed the budget in half, you still have the tax expenditure problem.

Let's say I give you a 10 dollar tax credit every year. And let's say your share of the budget tax burden is 50 dollars this year.

After your tax credit, you pay $40 in tax credits. So now there is a ten dollar deficit because of your credit.

Then we cut the budget in half. Now your tax burden is 25 dollars.

But you still get that 10 dollar credit.

So now you pay 15 dollars and there is STILL a 10 dollar deficit.

I can't find fault in that, I would have no problem eliminating that tax credit.
Massive wealth redistribution up the food chain:


Top 10% who "made" 58%+ of ALL US income, get expenditures?

I guess we need to get money out of Gov't so the 1%ers stop buying Gov't?

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