Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech and Rushed to Hospital

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attacked by a man from behind while he was making a stump speech on a street in Nara on Abe Lincoln



So much for gun bans.
I hope and pray he will live!!!!!
It sounds like he is dead though not as yet confirmed.

Local media including national broadcaster NHK and the Kyodo news agency said the former prime minister appeared to be in 'cardiorespiratory arrest,' a term often used in Japan before a feared death can be officially confirmed by a coroner.

From OP link.
Anyone notice the fact that guns are illegal in Japan?
So the only person that could have done it would be a cop, a member of the military, or you have a government approved reason to you're a private detective or a body-guard.

No way this could have been a criminal.
Anyone notice the fact that guns are illegal in Japan?
So the only person that could have done it would be a cop, a member of the military, or you have a government approved reason to you're a private detective or a body-guard.

No way this could have been a criminal.
You are right that it is difficult to get hold of a gun unless you are one of the people you speak of but it has been reported he made his gun -however they are now speaking of a shawn off rifle which may be nearer to you.
This did not happen.....we have been told, as recently as the last two days...that Japan has extreme gun control..........
Correct, that's why you will struggle to find any history of gun violence in Japan as it's virtually zero.

I don't think you know, but who does Japan owe it's strict gun laws too?
So much for gun bans.

Yeah, one gun death really shows that gun laws do not work....just like one rape shows that rape laws do not work and one person speeding shows that speed limits do not work and one person running a stop sign show that stop signs do not work....

Using your excuse for logic we should just get rid of all those things
Yeah, one gun death really shows that gun laws do not work....just like one rape shows that rape laws do not work and one person speeding shows that speed limits do not work and one person running a stop sign show that stop signs do not work....

Using your excuse for logic we should just get rid of all those things

Yeah, it does. Japan has virtually no violent crime because all of their violent people were killed in the war.

Japan, as an island has the most secure border in the world.

And yet, here we have a violent extremist having no trouble getting a gun to do evil.

I will be interested to see if we get much history of the killer.
And yet, here we have a violent extremist having no trouble getting a gun to do evil.

Yes, because a random violent extremist can something get away with something. That is not a sign that the laws should not exist at all. If that were the case we should have zero laws. We have laws against murder yet murder still happens, should we get rid of those laws?

Also, you have no idea at all what trouble they went though to get the gun.
Yes, because a random violent extremist can something get away with something. That is not a sign that the laws should not exist at all. If that were the case we should have zero laws. We have laws against murder yet murder still happens, should we get rid of those laws?

ALL violent people, inclined to do violence, can get anything they need.

Gun bans don't work. Even in your anti gun paradise.

ALL violent people, inclined to do violence, can get anything they need.

Gun bans don't work. Even in your anti gun paradise.


We have laws against murder yet murder still happens, should we get rid of those laws?

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