Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed


The Israeli Air Force did a beautiful job of taking-out that Syrian reactor, didn't they? An excellent mission undertaken by motivated, courageous, no-bullshit people!
Can you spell Dimona?

As usual you celebrate the heroic Jew's war crime while implicitly confirming how differently you would view a Syrian strike on illegal Jewish nuclear reactors.

When did Israel threaten another nation with nuclear weapons then Abdul, and provide a creditable link. There are plenty of instances of Iranian, Iraqi and other Islamic nations threatening Israel with nuclear weapons isn't there, but not once has Israel used the threat. Even when sadaam fired those cruise missiles at Israel the Israeli's did not respond with any retaliatory fire.
Since Israel has never confirmed in public it possesses nuclear weapons, I doubt the Jews have ever publicly threatened an Arab nation with their use. I don't recall off-hand any Arab state which has never actually possessed nuclear weapons threatening Israel with non-existent nonexistence. Maybe you can find one of those links?

Israel has used conventional weapons regularly against its Arab neighbors in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and every single instance is a transgression of international law. Israel also regularly threatens to bomb Iran with conventional weapons which is an act of terrorism under international law.

Not that Jews and other war whores worry about terrorism or international law when they are the ones committing the criminal acts. They're Special.
Proving yet again how war crimes are something only military inferiors need be concerned with, right?
What 'illegal' Jewish reactors, George?
The ones at Dimona, of course.

"An estimate based on the known power of the reactor (at least 150 MW) concluded that enough plutonium for 100 to 200 nuclear bombs could have been produced by the year 2000.[1]

"The airspace over it is closed to all aircraft, and the area around it is heavily guarded and fenced off.

"During the Six-Day War, an Israeli missile shot down an Israeli Mirage III fighter that inadvertently flew over Dimona.[2][3]

"In 1973 a strayed Libyan airliner was approaching the airspace above Dimona facility.

"Israeli fighters shot it down after failure to make it follow them, killing 108 people.[4]

"Its construction commenced in 1958, with French assistance according to the Protocol of Sèvres agreements.[5] The complex was constructed in secret, and outside the International Atomic Energy Agency inspection regime.[6]

"To maintain secrecy, French customs officials were told that the largest of the reactor components, such as the reactor tank, were part of a desalination plant bound for Latin America. [7]

"Estimates of the cost of construction vary; the only reliable figure is from Shimon Peres, who wrote in his 1995 memoir that he and David Ben-Gurion collected US $40 million, 'half the price of a reactor ... [from] Israel's friends around the world.'"

Negev Nuclear Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Must be nice having all those rich friends around the world.
The reactor(s) at Dimona are illegal?

Which law or treaty is being violated?
Can you spell Dimona?

As usual you celebrate the heroic Jew's war crime while implicitly confirming how differently you would view a Syrian strike on illegal Jewish nuclear reactors.

When did Israel threaten another nation with nuclear weapons then Abdul, and provide a creditable link. There are plenty of instances of Iranian, Iraqi and other Islamic nations threatening Israel with nuclear weapons isn't there, but not once has Israel used the threat. Even when sadaam fired those cruise missiles at Israel the Israeli's did not respond with any retaliatory fire.
Since Israel has never confirmed in public it possesses nuclear weapons, I doubt the Jews have ever publicly threatened an Arab nation with their use. I don't recall off-hand any Arab state which has never actually possessed nuclear weapons threatening Israel with non-existent nonexistence. Maybe you can find one of those links?

Israel has used conventional weapons regularly against its Arab neighbors in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and every single instance is a transgression of international law. Israel also regularly threatens to bomb Iran with conventional weapons which is an act of terrorism under international law.

Not that Jews and other war whores worry about terrorism or international law when they are the ones committing the criminal acts. They're Special.
Not to worry. They're just giving the Muslims a taste of their own medicine.
"...I think you're willfully ignorant of where Saddam got the precursors for the gas he used to kill a million of his people..."
Translation: "OK, ya got me. I asked how many Muslims were killing each other in Iraq prior to 2003 and forgot about all this, and you called me on it, and I lost that round."

I know exactly where Saddam got the precursor materials for his chemical weapons.

None of that effectively deflects attention away from the fact that your 'how many Muslims were killing each other prior to 2003' point got hosed good-and-proper.

Moving on...

Saddam was given those materials for a variety of uses, including, quite possibly, use against the Iranians, in the Iran-Iraq War.

Nobody involved in such a transfer of materials dreamed - in their wildest dreams - that Saddam would turn those weapons against his own people!!!

And, in the final analysis...

It doesn't matter one good goddamn who GAVE him the materials to make the weapons...

What DOES matter is who made the decision to USE the fucking things, once constructed, and who made the decision to use them INTERNALLY, against his OWN...

None of that decision-making has anything whatsoever to do with anyone other than the skumbag Muslims who decided to kill each other in such a manner...

It's not the fault of the people who provided the materials...

It's the fault of the people who made the weapons and then turned them against their own kind...

And all the excuse-making and attempted deflection in the world isn't going to change that...
Every post you make is proof of that.
Did Madeleine Albright get the point or hosed good and proper when asked about the half-million children killed by US/UN sanctions:

"Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it."

All your rambling and deflections about Saddam doesn't change the fact that the USA has murdered, maimed, and displaced more innocent human beings over the past fifty years than the Butcher of Baghdad could possibly imagine.

For all his Evil, Saddam confined his killing to Muslims to his own neighborhood, often with US support, and in no way did he even come close to the numbers murdered, maimed, and displaced by the US since 2003.

Got it?
Wow... so the Israeli's have a nuclear reactor and 'probably' nuclear weapons? I am shocked!!! Shocked, I tell you!!!

But, you know if I think about it, when you're the smallest country in the area and everyone else is doing everything they can, since your creation, to wipe you off of the face of the earth, I think you may have a reason to have those things. The US didn't sell the Israeli's the material, the information, the technology or the 'know how' to build them. They did it themselves AND they didn't tell us squat because they were afraid that in the name of 'peace' and all that other garbage we'd try to have them give it up.

Course, since Israel has supposedly had those weapons, how many nations has it blackmailed by saying that if you don't do what we want, we'll use them on you? None that I've ever read or heard of. As a matter of fact, don't the Israeli's deny their existence? Kind of hard to blackmail someone with weapons no one has ever seen or heard of except on the sly.

Let me save you some breath. When you want to tell me how terrible the Israeli's are, I can assure you that it falls on deaf ears. Those guys have been kicking everyone's ass for the last 50 years and I don't see it changing any time soon, especially if they ignore Washington. You whine, piss, moan and complain about the Israeli's because that's about all you can do. Sure doesn't do any good to stand up to them in a fair fight. You'll get your cajones handed to you Muhammed.
Israel hasn't had a fair fight in its last 65 years of existence. None of its neighbors has launched an attack against the Jewish state since 1973, yet Jews have invaded Lebanon multiple times since then. Do you remember whose ass got kicked in 2006? Hezbollah does. There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, about ten million in total. Jews are making scary noises about forcibly transferring the Arabs into Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt; no Arabs are threatening Jews with anything like that. When the Jews escalate their terrorism to that level, will your deaf ears open?
Can someone tell me OF WHAT a half million Iraqi children died because of sanctions?
"...Did Madeleine Albright get the point or hosed good and proper when asked about the half-million children killed by US/UN sanctions..."
That's not the point.

You asked how many Muslims were killing each other in Iraq prior to 2003.

I gave you a range of numbers from credible sources.

Sources that put the death toll anywhere between 250,000 and 1,000,000 and beyond.

Your attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim-triggered pogrom-free zone prior to 2003 failed.

None of that other happy horseshit has anything to do with your point getting hosed.

And make no mistake about it.

Your attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim pogrom-free zone prior to 2003 failed miserably.

"...All your rambling and deflections about Saddam..."
I do not call the serving-up of requested credible data to be 'rambling and deflection'.

"...doesn't change the fact that the USA has murdered..."
Non sequitur to the points being made at the time.

"...For all his Evil, Saddam confined his killing to Muslims to his own neighborhood..."
Ahhhhh... thus begins the latest exercise in Muslim Moral Relativism.

Again... non sequitur to the points being made at the time.

Nice try at wiggling out of getting an unexpected answer to your question about Muslims killing Muslims in Iraq prior to 2003...


An embarrassing 'Fail' for you in all of this, actually.

Got it?
Can someone tell me OF WHAT a half million Iraqi children died because of sanctions?
Malnutrition and contaminated water due to US targeting the Baghdad electrical grid. Why do you ask, since you obviously couldn't care less?
Maybe the Iraqi government should have complied with their obligations then, rather than violating them to an extent wherein further sanctions were necessary... it was their choice.
"...Did Madeleine Albright get the point or hosed good and proper when asked about the half-million children killed by US/UN sanctions..."
That's not the point.

You asked how many Muslims were killing each other in Iraq prior to 2003.

I gave you a range of numbers from credible sources.

Sources that put the death toll anywhere between 250,000 and 1,000,000 and beyond.

Your attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim-triggered pogrom-free zone prior to 2003 failed.

None of that other happy horseshit has anything to do with your point getting hosed.

And make no mistake about it.

Your attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim pogrom-free zone prior to 2003 failed miserably.

"...All your rambling and deflections about Saddam..."
I do not call the serving-up of requested credible data to be 'rambling and deflection'.

"...doesn't change the fact that the USA has murdered..."
Non sequitur to the points being made at the time.

"...For all his Evil, Saddam confined his killing to Muslims to his own neighborhood..."
Ahhhhh... thus begins the latest exercise in Muslim Moral Relativism.

Again... non sequitur to the points being made at the time.

Nice try at wiggling out of getting an unexpected answer to your question about Muslims killing Muslims in Iraq prior to 2003...


An embarrassing 'Fail' for you in all of this, actually.

Got it?
You don't.
That's obvious.
I'll type slower.

I made no attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim pogrom-free zone prior to 2003.

Those words are all yours.

I alleged the number of Muslims in Iraq who were killing, maiming, and displacing each other was far less prior to the US invasion in 2003.

You've failed to disprove that.
Spectacularly, I might add.
Can someone tell me OF WHAT a half million Iraqi children died because of sanctions?
Malnutrition and contaminated water due to US targeting the Baghdad electrical grid. Why do you ask, since you obviously couldn't care less?
Maybe the Iraqi government should have complied with their obligations then, rather than violating them to an extent wherein further sanctions were necessary... it was their choice.
Why murder children because their government doesn't conform to your malignant conception of morality?
"...Did Madeleine Albright get the point or hosed good and proper when asked about the half-million children killed by US/UN sanctions..."
That's not the point.

You asked how many Muslims were killing each other in Iraq prior to 2003.

I gave you a range of numbers from credible sources.

Sources that put the death toll anywhere between 250,000 and 1,000,000 and beyond.

Your attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim-triggered pogrom-free zone prior to 2003 failed.

None of that other happy horseshit has anything to do with your point getting hosed.

And make no mistake about it.

Your attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim pogrom-free zone prior to 2003 failed miserably.

I do not call the serving-up of requested credible data to be 'rambling and deflection'.

Non sequitur to the points being made at the time.

"...For all his Evil, Saddam confined his killing to Muslims to his own neighborhood..."
Ahhhhh... thus begins the latest exercise in Muslim Moral Relativism.

Again... non sequitur to the points being made at the time.

Nice try at wiggling out of getting an unexpected answer to your question about Muslims killing Muslims in Iraq prior to 2003...


An embarrassing 'Fail' for you in all of this, actually.

Got it?
You don't.
That's obvious.
I'll type slower.

I made no attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim pogrom-free zone prior to 2003.

Those words are all yours.

I alleged the number of Muslims in Iraq who were killing, maiming, and displacing each other was far less prior to the US invasion in 2003.

You've failed to disprove that.
Spectacularly, I might add.

so saddam killing 250,000 iraqi and the world should have left him in place? They did that after desert storm and it was a disaster.
"...I made no attempt to portray Iraq as a Muslim pogrom-free zone prior to 2003. Those words are all yours..."

Inferred from the following...

"...How many 'Islamic third world'ers' were killing each other in Iraq prior to March 2003?"

...and even admitting, a post or two ago, that it was an inference.


"...I alleged the number of Muslims in Iraq who were killing, maiming, and displacing each other was far less prior to the US invasion in 2003..."
That was not articulated in your one-liner (above), which is what I was responding to.

"...You've failed to disprove that. Spectacularly, I might add."

I didn't even try.

It's a little difficult to fail at something - spectacularly or otherwise - if you never even began.

Better luck next time.
Malnutrition and contaminated water due to US targeting the Baghdad electrical grid. Why do you ask, since you obviously couldn't care less?
Maybe the Iraqi government should have complied with their obligations then, rather than violating them to an extent wherein further sanctions were necessary... it was their choice.
Why murder children because their government doesn't conform to your malignant conception of morality?
Civilians die during (and subsequent to) military actions.

Had the Iraqi government complied with UN and treaty-imposed obligations and ceased provocative military actions, none of that would have happened.

The Iraqi government and its leadership made that choice on behalf of their people.

Bad decisions have consquences.
Can someone tell me OF WHAT a half million Iraqi children died because of sanctions?
Malnutrition and contaminated water due to US targeting the Baghdad electrical grid. Why do you ask, since you obviously couldn't care less?

are you clueless to what Saddam was doing to his own people?
No, he chooses to ignore that. As long as it's a Muslim doing it to another Muslim, they could be killing millions and it won't phase them. You see, they know what their own brethren are capable of better than us Infidels and Kufars.
Malnutrition and contaminated water due to US targeting the Baghdad electrical grid. Why do you ask, since you obviously couldn't care less?
Maybe the Iraqi government should have complied with their obligations then, rather than violating them to an extent wherein further sanctions were necessary... it was their choice.
Why murder children because their government doesn't conform to your malignant conception of morality?
You mean Sadam Hussein (no relation to our Barack Hussein) was dropping chemical weapons on Kurdish Iraqi villages because it didn't "conform to Western malignant conception of morality"? Good to know.
Malnutrition and contaminated water due to US targeting the Baghdad electrical grid. Why do you ask, since you obviously couldn't care less?

are you clueless to what Saddam was doing to his own people?
No, he chooses to ignore that. As long as it's a Muslim doing it to another Muslim, they could be killing millions and it won't phase them. You see, they know what their own brethren are capable of better than us Infidels and Kufars.


Telling, isn't it?
are you clueless to what Saddam was doing to his own people?
No, he chooses to ignore that. As long as it's a Muslim doing it to another Muslim, they could be killing millions and it won't phase them. You see, they know what their own brethren are capable of better than us Infidels and Kufars.


Telling, isn't it?
They're all like that with their faux outrage. Nothing new.

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