Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

What do you think that proves?
It proves the FOXgossip Channel was flogging the story and edited Bigotbart video ON LINE the morning BEFORE she resigned.
Get it!

No, it doesn't. They had two clips, not the entire video. Your link is dated July 19 at 6:15pm.
Sorry, there are two updated links in question and I just assumed it was the 10:36 twitter link without clicking on it.

That clip shows that FOX didn't include a note that the clip was just a portion of the video, and there is no mention that she had ALREADY RESIGNED as the later updated version does. Some were claiming that the original story said she already resigned proving she had already resigned before FOX had posted anything.
As a definition of being insane is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different response, I'm with Conhog.

The evidence has been posted multiple times, and the moonbats refuse to grok it.
Yep. Paperview posted the evidence and the cons run away.

Big surprise!
As a definition of being insane is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different response, I'm with Conhog.

The evidence has been posted multiple times, and the moonbats refuse to grok it.

Thats exactly why I am re-arranging my sock drawer at the moment.... You can yell at these liberal Obama-zombies till you are blue in the face, and they will still stay on point calling Fox liars and race baiters.
Their dear leader requires them to
O'Reilly: "Sherrod must resign," her remarks are "unacceptable." On the July 19 edition of his show, Bill O'Reilly played the edited portion of the tape and said "that is simply unacceptable. And Ms. Sherrod must resign immediately." He also falsely claimed that "the full transcript of Ms. Sherrod's remarks is posted on"

Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "[j]ust the latest in a series of racial incitents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod. On the July 19 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity asserted that Sherrod's comments were "[j]ust the latest in a series of racial incidents," and stated that "So it's interesting that it took the new media to expose this." He also asked Newt Gingrigh if, "in light of the NAACP accusing the Tea Party of being a racist movement last week," he thought "the NAACP should be held to account for the very standard they were demanding from the Tea Party."

Perino: "This video adds fuel to a growing controversy after the NAACP" asked the tea party to denounce racists. On the July 19 edition of On the Record, Dana Perino suggested Sherrod's remarks were racist, saying that "The video adds fuel to a growing controversy after the NAACP approved a resolution condemning the tea party movement for not denouncing racist members."

Doocy: Sherrod "sure sounded racist," is "[e]xhibit A" of "what racism looks like." On the July 19 edition of Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy said that Sherrod made "a speech to the NAACP that sure sounded racist." Later, after guest-host Ailysn Camerota asserted that Sherrod's remarks are "outrageous and perhaps everybody needs a refresher course on what racism looks like," Doocy responded that Sherrod's comments are "Exhibit A."

Beck plays "videotape of USDA administration official discriminating against white farmers." On the July 20 edition of his radio show, Beck says that they "have videotape of a USDA administration official discriminating against white farmers." He then asks, "Have we suddenly transported into 1956 except it's the other way around? ... Does anybody else have a sense that there are some that just want revenge? Doesn't it feel that way?" After playing the audio of the tape, Beck says, "You tell me what part of the gospel is teaching that."

Fox News' response to Sherrod fallout: Ignore, whitewash, mislead | Media Matters for America
The FOXgossip Channel CONTROLLS the FOXnation NEWS site.

I've only found where I reposted the pull quote I took from the link ConHog posted earlier. ConHog should be able to post the link, but I'll keep looking for it.

The Fox Nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's getting that Fox Nation is news from . . . Wiki?? :lol:

Fox Nation, an opinionated Web site that launches this morning --

The Web site will attempt to emulate the social aspects of Facebook -- as well as MySpace, which, like Fox, is owned by Rupert Murdoch -- by encouraging readers to post comments and argue with one another. And the hook will be columns, blogs and videos from the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Greta Van Susteren and Hannity, which will likely draw their strongest followers.

Howard Kurtz - Howard Kurtz, Media Notes: Fox News Launches Conservative Web Site Fox Nation -
Well apparently ConHog thought it was accurate enough to post the link. I noticed not one CON$ervative complained when he used it to support his claim. If it was good enough for him why isn't it good enough for me? You gotta love CON$, even the links they use are not good enough for anyone else.
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Yep. Paperview posted the evidence and the cons run away.

Big surprise!

:disagree: Nah.... its just that this - :eusa_wall::banghead::blahblah: :talktothehand: - is getting old.

You Obama-zombies are fucking idiots and arguing with you is boring me.

But stay on point..... Mao-Bama expects no less from ya'll.

There you go.

The article clearly says Video Clips and reports that the BigGovernment story had fueled the recent debate on racism.

And your point is?
Oh give me a break.

Because they call it clips it's clear it's been edited.

OF course we know a news video clip has been edited. The point is -->when you show a clip, it damn well better be representative of the story. That's THE WHOLE PROBLEM WITH THIS STORY!!

GeezusGawdalmighty, some people are thicker than bricks.

There you go.

The article clearly says Video Clips and reports that the BigGovernment story had fueled the recent debate on racism.

And your point is?
Oh give me a break.

Because they call it clips it's clear it's been edited.

OF course we know a news video clip has been edited. The point is -->when you show a clip, it damn well better be representative of the story. That's THE WHOLE PROBLEM WITH THIS STORY!!

GeezusGawdalmighty, some people are thicker than bricks.

The point is they were trying to inflame racism further by running the story based on an edited tape and calling for Sherrod's resignation.

It was deliberate.

Now they're backpedaling and denying their actions.
Experience in office is suppose to wise you up by now. Been said here before, but bears repeating, you can't fix stupid.
IMO, only an idiot would believe Obama had anything to do with firing this woman.

And that belief kind of collides with the other popular wingnut belief that Obama is racist against white people.

After some of the other race realted problems the 0bama adminstartion has had, I would have instituted some type of system that required White House imput before this type of firing took place.
um, what exactly are you trying to claim that proves?
it was the "news story" of "FoxNation" being created

This story has taken some strange turns.

Initially it was a clip of a tape, taken out of context, sent to Breitbart and used to illustrate the hypocrisy of the NAACP and didn't make any judgment whatsoever re Ms. Sharrod.

After Ms. Sharrod was fired, Fox picked it up as a news story and O'Reilly used the clip with a comment that Ms. Sharrod should resign--which he later recanted. Again she had already been fired at the time.

Glenn Beck, doing his usual thorough research, questions the sequence of events as they happened with speculation that the tape itself was a ruse used to skewer Breitbart and the conservative media. That seems more and more plausible considering the way this went down and the sequence of events put in their proper order.

With what appears a great deal of discomfort re that theory, the leftwing members here are doing their damndest to indict Fox as the devil in the details and deflect from any other possible culpability.

And they are using clips and news snippets taken out of context to do that. :)

Ah, isn't life on the internet fun?
Initially it was a clip of a tape, taken out of context, sent to Breitbart and used to illustrate the hypocrisy of the NAACP and didn't make any judgment whatsoever re Ms. Sharrod.
Whoa! I didn't get past this part.

How is his comment at the beginning of the tape

Ms. Sherrod admits that in her federally appointed position, overseeing a billion dollars, she discriminates against people due to their race.

not making a judgment of Ms. Sherrod?
um, what exactly are you trying to claim that proves?
it was the "news story" of "FoxNation" being created

This story has taken some strange turns.

Initially it was a clip of a tape, taken out of context, sent to Breitbart and used to illustrate the hypocrisy of the NAACP and didn't make any judgment whatsoever re Ms. Sharrod.

After Ms. Sharrod was fired, Fox picked it up as a news story and O'Reilly used the clip with a comment that Ms. Sharrod should resign--which he later recanted. Again she had already been fired at the time.

Glenn Beck, doing his usual thorough research, questions the sequence of events as they happened with speculation that the tape itself was a ruse used to skewer Breitbart and the conservative media. That seems more and more plausible considering the way this went down and the sequence of events put in their proper order.

With what appears a great deal of discomfort re that theory, the leftwing members here are doing their damndest to indict Fox as the devil in the details and deflect from any other possible culpability.

And they are using clips and news snippets taken out of context to do that. :)

Ah, isn't life on the internet fun?

That's only because you believe the spin Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter put on the story. FOX playing victim, that's a laugh.
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FOX News shares responsibility for Shirley Sherrod being fired. They are the ones who ran the inflammatory edited tape.

Sorry bub. There is no such thing as contributory management boneheadedness when firing somebody.

She deserved due process.

The Obama Administration denied it to her. They have only themselves to blame.

The fault lies with taking FOX to be a credible news source. The administration should know better.

So O'Reilly releases the info AFTER she is fired, and it is FOX New's fault for Obama and his administration listen to a story AFTER they had already fired her.

Is that the logic you are using?
Sorry bub. There is no such thing as contributory management boneheadedness when firing somebody.

She deserved due process.

The Obama Administration denied it to her. They have only themselves to blame.

The fault lies with taking FOX to be a credible news source. The administration should know better.

So O'Reilly releases the info AFTER she is fired, and it is FOX New's fault for Obama and his administration listen to a story AFTER they had already fired her.

Is that the logic you are using?

FOX nation ran the story before Sherrod was fired. Scroll back. I put the whole outline on the thread.
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