Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

Initially it was a clip of a tape, taken out of context, sent to Breitbart and used to illustrate the hypocrisy of the NAACP and didn't make any judgment whatsoever re Ms. Sharrod.
Whoa! I didn't get past this part.

How is his comment at the beginning of the tape

Ms. Sherrod admits that in her federally appointed position, overseeing a billion dollars, she discriminates against people due to their race.

not making a judgment of Ms. Sherrod?

Stating what the lady admits is not making a judgment. It is stating what she admits. And she did admit that in the segment of the tape used. And he was using it as an indictment of the NAACP who she was telling the story to.

He did not suggest that she should be fired or any other such suggestion. He was indicting the NAACP who he has repeatedly challenged to support their contention of racism and the Tea Partiers.
Initially it was a clip of a tape, taken out of context, sent to Breitbart and used to illustrate the hypocrisy of the NAACP and didn't make any judgment whatsoever re Ms. Sharrod.
Whoa! I didn't get past this part.

How is his comment at the beginning of the tape

Ms. Sherrod admits that in her federally appointed position, overseeing a billion dollars, she discriminates against people due to their race.

not making a judgment of Ms. Sherrod?

Stating what the lady admits is not making a judgment. It is stating what she admits. And she did admit that in the segment of the tape used. And he was using it as an indictment of the NAACP who she was telling the story to.

He did not suggest that she should be fired or any other such suggestion. He was indicting the NAACP who he has repeatedly challenged to support their contention of racism and the Tea Partiers.

Bottom line. They smeared Sherrod in order to get at the NAACP. They wanted to support the Tea Party because they support right wing causes. 100% of FOX 'news' content is against the Democratic adminstration and pro right leaning elements.
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They didn't smear anybody. One used a clip of the lady's own words to illustrate a giggling and approving NAACP as she recounted her discrimination against a white farmer.

The other reported the story and corrected an error in the story the very next day.

The only ones who smeared Ms. Sharrod was her employer who happened to be an appointee of the Obama Administration. The only rush to judgment was there.

And all the frantic and frenetic efforts to make the story about Fox News just isn't whitewashing the real story that exists here. Pun intended.
They didn't smear anybody. One used a clip of the lady's own words to illustrate a giggling and approving NAACP as she recounted her discrimination against a white farmer.

The other reported the story and corrected an error in the story the very next day.

The only ones who smeared Ms. Sharrod was her employer who happened to be an appointee of the Obama Administration. The only rush to judgment was there.

And all the frantic and frenetic efforts to make the story about Fox News just isn't whitewashing the real story that exists here. Pun intended.

They ran the clip without vetting the story. They smeared the lady. The motivation was to slam the NAACP and support the Tea Party's claims. The adminstration jumped the gun. They fell for the right wing media's dirty tricks. Now Fox is spinning again that is THEY who were duped.

This keeps going. It's disgusting. FOX the newsinfotainment channel.
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They didn't smear anybody. One used a clip of the lady's own words to illustrate a giggling and approving NAACP as she recounted her discrimination against a white farmer.

The other reported the story and corrected an error in the story the very next day.

The only ones who smeared Ms. Sharrod was her employer who happened to be an appointee of the Obama Administration. The only rush to judgment was there.

And all the frantic and frenetic efforts to make the story about Fox News just isn't whitewashing the real story that exists here. Pun intended.

They ran the clip without vetting the story. They smeared the lady. The motivation was to slam the NAACP and support the Tea Party's claims. The adminstration jumped the gun. They fell for the right wing media's dirty tricks.

Spoken by the one who refused to even look at the Fox News reports because nobody else was looking at the leftwing accounts. You have not changed your opinion about the rest of us not looking at the leftwing accounts even after that part of your statement was thoroughly discredited.

You simply don't know what you're talking about and you have already stated that you are not interested in educating yourself.

But do have a nice day.
The fault lies with taking FOX to be a credible news source. The administration should know better.

So O'Reilly releases the info AFTER she is fired, and it is FOX New's fault for Obama and his administration listen to a story AFTER they had already fired her.

Is that the logic you are using?

FOX nation ran the story before Sherrod was fired. Scroll back. I put the whole outline on the thread.

And you can read blog after blog after blog stating all sorts of stupid stuff about all sorts of events and people and issues both on the left and the right. So it is the fault of those blogs if the administration acts on something as stupid as some of those posts? If you had bothered to read what has been written here, you would know that Fox Nation is nothing more than another blog along the lines of Salon or Daily Kos or Huffington Post. And if any administration starts acting on stuff just because somebody on one of those sites says it happened, God help us.
They didn't smear anybody. One used a clip of the lady's own words to illustrate a giggling and approving NAACP as she recounted her discrimination against a white farmer.

The other reported the story and corrected an error in the story the very next day.

The only ones who smeared Ms. Sharrod was her employer who happened to be an appointee of the Obama Administration. The only rush to judgment was there.

And all the frantic and frenetic efforts to make the story about Fox News just isn't whitewashing the real story that exists here. Pun intended.

They ran the clip without vetting the story. They smeared the lady. The motivation was to slam the NAACP and support the Tea Party's claims. The adminstration jumped the gun. They fell for the right wing media's dirty tricks.

Spoken by the one who refused to even look at the Fox News reports because nobody else was looking at the leftwing accounts. You have not changed your opinion about the rest of us not looking at the leftwing accounts even after that part of your statement was thoroughly discredited.

You simply don't know what you're talking about and you have already stated that you are not interested in educating yourself.

But do have a nice day.

Get out. This thread alone is full of FOX news reports.

If I could read a transcript of Glenn Becks report I would. I can't stand listening to the guy and looking at his stupid eagle "Patriot News' bs.

If he would drop the propaganda for two seconds I would be happy to hear the information.

Bottom line. His conclusions are always the same. The administration is to blame, Fox News never makes a mistake. You like him because you agree with his views.
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They ran the clip without vetting the story. They smeared the lady. The motivation was to slam the NAACP and support the Tea Party's claims. The adminstration jumped the gun. They fell for the right wing media's dirty tricks.

Spoken by the one who refused to even look at the Fox News reports because nobody else was looking at the leftwing accounts. You have not changed your opinion about the rest of us not looking at the leftwing accounts even after that part of your statement was thoroughly discredited.

You simply don't know what you're talking about and you have already stated that you are not interested in educating yourself.

But do have a nice day.

Get out. This thread alone is full of FOX news reports.

If I could read a transcript of Glenn Becks report I would. I can't stand listening to the guy and looking at his stupid eagle "Patriot News' bs.

If he would drop the propaganda for two seconds I would be happy to hear the information.

Bottom line. His conclusions are always the same. The administration is to blame, Fox News never makes a mistake.

When you are willing to read the Fox News reports, watch the videos provided, hear the words of the people involved, etc. etc. etc., you will have joined the debate. Until then you are simply dutifully reciting the partisan line with little or no credibility.
Get out. This thread alone is full of FOX news reports.

If I could read a transcript of Glenn Becks report I would. I can't stand listening to the guy and looking at his stupid eagle "Patriot News' bs.

If he would drop the propaganda for two seconds I would be happy to hear the information.

Bottom line. His conclusions are always the same. The administration is to blame, Fox News never makes a mistake.

OMG.... Talk about the pot calling the kettle..... ummm nevermind, you all will think thats racist.
When you are willing to read the Fox News reports, watch the videos provided, hear the words of the people involved, etc. etc. etc., you will have joined the debate. Until then you are simply dutifully reciting the partisan line with little or no credibility.

It begs to wonder.... do Obama-zombies know they are zombies? :confused:
For the love of God, SkyDancer and company will never stop lying and they will never admit to error, just leave this thread to protest their lies. There is no point in continuing .
Spoken by the one who refused to even look at the Fox News reports because nobody else was looking at the leftwing accounts. You have not changed your opinion about the rest of us not looking at the leftwing accounts even after that part of your statement was thoroughly discredited.

You simply don't know what you're talking about and you have already stated that you are not interested in educating yourself.

But do have a nice day.

Get out. This thread alone is full of FOX news reports.

If I could read a transcript of Glenn Becks report I would. I can't stand listening to the guy and looking at his stupid eagle "Patriot News' bs.

If he would drop the propaganda for two seconds I would be happy to hear the information.

Bottom line. His conclusions are always the same. The administration is to blame, Fox News never makes a mistake.

When you are willing to read the Fox News reports, watch the videos provided, hear the words of the people involved, etc. etc. etc., you will have joined the debate. Until then you are simply dutifully reciting the partisan line with little or no credibility.

I've read the Fox News reports. I won't watch all the videos. It's not the way I like to get my news.

Unlike you, I don't get my news exclusively from Fox.

It must be time for you to take a break. See ya.
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I'll take that as a concession of defeat. Because if you don't want to get your news from the videos which is what the Administration said they based their firing on, then you aren't interested in getting the truth of the matter. You seem more interested in taking words from ordinary people off a blog not that much different from USMB or any other blog and holding that up as an official report. That is not at all credible.
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For the love of God, SkyDancer and company will never stop lying and they will never admit to error, just leave this thread to protest their lies. There is no point in continuing .


Its fun to see them writhe in pain though
They ran the clip without vetting the story. They smeared the lady. The motivation was to slam the NAACP and support the Tea Party's claims. The adminstration jumped the gun. They fell for the right wing media's dirty tricks.

Spoken by the one who refused to even look at the Fox News reports because nobody else was looking at the leftwing accounts. You have not changed your opinion about the rest of us not looking at the leftwing accounts even after that part of your statement was thoroughly discredited.

You simply don't know what you're talking about and you have already stated that you are not interested in educating yourself.

But do have a nice day.

Get out. This thread alone is full of FOX news reports.

If I could read a transcript of Glenn Becks report I would. I can't stand listening to the guy and looking at his stupid eagle "Patriot News' bs.

If he would drop the propaganda for two seconds I would be happy to hear the information.

Bottom line. His conclusions are always the same. The administration is to blame, Fox News never makes a mistake. You like him because you agree with his views.



The initial story was the NAACP calling elements within the Tea Party racist and creating a resolution condemning the Tea Party - remember? :eusa_whistle:

And THAT story - without any tangible evidence of proof, was in fact reported by many in the media - just as Fox then also reported the Breitbart tit for tat video clip seemingly showing NAACP members supportive of past racism by Sherrod. You continue to remove almost the entire story - taking the later reporting of Fox News of the Breitbart video out of context and thus practicing the very same guilt you are accusing others of.

You also persist in all but ignoring the terrible role the Obama White House played in this fiasco - what is now THE MOST IMPORTANT role in fact, as it shows yet again an administration so bereft of leadership quality as to reveal itself in stunning weakness and hapless reactionary mode that can do nothing but embolden our enemies abroad, and further enhance the credibility gap this administration continues to suffer from at home...

The initial story was the NAACP calling elements within the Tea Party racist and creating a resolution condemning the Tea Party - remember? :eusa_whistle:

And THAT story - without any tangible evidence of proof, was in fact reported by many in the media - just as Fox then also reported the Breitbart tit for tat video clip seemingly showing NAACP members supportive of past racism by Sherrod. You continue to remove almost the entire story - taking the later reporting of Fox News of the Breitbart video out of context and thus practicing the very same guilt you are accusing others of.

You also persist in all but ignoring the terrible role the Obama White House played in this fiasco - what is now THE MOST IMPORTANT role in fact, as it shows yet again an administration so bereft of leadership quality as to reveal itself in stunning weakness and hapless reactionary mode that can do nothing but embolden our enemies abroad, and further enhance the credibility gap this administration continues to suffer from at home...

Awesome!!!!!! :clap2:

Too bad it will be ignored by the zombies. (silly I know, but I have to make myself laugh to keep from crying)
I'll take that as a concession of defeat. Because if you don't want to get your news from the videos which is what the Administration said they based their firing on, then you aren't interested in getting the truth of the matter. You seem more interested in taking words from ordinary people off a blog not that much different from USMB or any other blog and holding that up as an official report. That is not at all credible.

You can take that any way you like. I watched the Sherrod news clip and the subsequent fuller version of the story.

I don't watch alot of video, I prefer print.

Whether you think I'm credible or not is beside the point. We read the same sources and come to completely different conclusions. We don't see eye to eye on anything.

I'm a fair person. I admit when I make a mistake. Do you?
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