Shitty care...

They're not coughing up $6-$12 thousand for actual services dope. If you're poor, you or your children qualify for Medicaid under the ACA. A family of five making $60K qualifies for CHIP for the kids. The average premiums for ACA plans are not anymore than those with employer plans.I just gave you that table.There's no deductibles in employer plans?

of course they are you dupe

if their deductible is 6 grand and the max out of pocket is 6 grand

they indeed are coughing up between 6 and 12 grand for actual services

not everyone qualifies for medicaid dupe most have insurance through obama dupe

You are a true dope.
The same could be said about employer plans under your logic.

Do you Max out your deductible every year?

Preventative care and prescriptions must be covered under the ACA.That means you you have a copay for the office visit and the script just like any other plan. If you go once or twice a year, where are you spending even close to $12K?

Don't believe me?

Try this out with different family sizes, incomes and plans and see what they cover and cost.

Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator

The same could be said about employer plans

indeed thanks to obama care that has become a reality

Do you Max out your deductible every year?

yes i do however i am not poor

Preventative care and prescriptions must be covered under the ACA

so what what does have to do with anything

That means you you have a copay for the office visit and the script just like any other plan.

who is saying anything different dumb dumb

that does not change the fact for poor folks who are paying their max on a sliding fee scale for premiums according to their income

from having large deductibles and high out of pockets maxes that they can not afford to pay

it is a shitty deal for people in that boat

they buy polices to obey the law

but cant afford to use the services because of the co pays

If you go once or twice a year, where are you spending even close to $12K?

hey dumb ass do you think every buddy only goes to the doctor once or twice a year --LOL

however the point is many folks who are buying insurance through the reduced rate

are barely getting buy now (hey dumb dumb that is because they dont make much money )

so they cant afford the co pays

obviously you also missed the post

that says the obamacare deductibles and out of pockets are rising another couple of grand this year

oh boy for those barely making it now

Now I know you're full of shit.
Unless you have a member of your family who is chronically ill, you are not maxing out your deductible. If you do, you should and no doubt would be grateful for the ACA as you can't be turfed from your plan for costing too much.

What does coverage for preventative care and prescriptions mean?
Those are mandated to be covered. That means they don't go against your deductible.
Preventative care includes wellness visits, associated labs and screenings as well as updated prescriptions. Get it now? The co-pays are comparable to any other plan.

There are several levels of plans to choose from. People are free to choose the level of coverage they need.

from having large deductibles and high out of pockets maxes that they can not afford to pay
What out of pocket maxes and deductibles?
You do understand that the deductible is the most you will pay. If you are in an accident and need $200k worth of care to rebuild your pelvis and the associated therapy, you only pay the deductible. Without insurance, you would owe it all.
The premiums are comparable to employer plans.
but cant afford to use the services because of the co pays

The co-pays are like $30 for an office visit and $7 dollars for average scripts. If people are that poor than they no doubt qualify for Medicaid.

Your points are mindless and without merit.
You obviously don't have much experience with healthcare.

Now I know you're full of shit.
Unless you have a member of your family who is chronically ill

why are you such a dumb fucker

i have copd fuckhead

deductibles vary per procedure

my deductible is 1000 dollars my out of pocket is also 1000 shit for brains

You do understand that the deductible is the most you will pay.

are always so fucking stupid or what

the maximum out of pocket not the deductible is the most you pay stupid

your co pays and such of yours are made up out of thin air

you best go back and google for some more answers

because you are not looking very knowledgeable about health insurance

If people are that poor than they no doubt qualify for Medicaid

for a libtard you sure are callus in some states certainly not all states medicaid covers people

up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level which is 11880 for a single person

so are you saying that person making 15 grand is not poor


which on a full time job would be 7.59 an hour

what the hell happened to the 15 dollar an hour living wage bs

None of that makes any sense whatsoever.
Check it out for yourself. Use multiple incomes and see what you get for it.
Find out if you can get 2016 health coverage
of course they are you dupe

if their deductible is 6 grand and the max out of pocket is 6 grand

they indeed are coughing up between 6 and 12 grand for actual services

not everyone qualifies for medicaid dupe most have insurance through obama dupe

You are a true dope.
The same could be said about employer plans under your logic.

Do you Max out your deductible every year?

Preventative care and prescriptions must be covered under the ACA.That means you you have a copay for the office visit and the script just like any other plan. If you go once or twice a year, where are you spending even close to $12K?

Don't believe me?

Try this out with different family sizes, incomes and plans and see what they cover and cost.

Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator

The same could be said about employer plans

indeed thanks to obama care that has become a reality

Do you Max out your deductible every year?

yes i do however i am not poor

Preventative care and prescriptions must be covered under the ACA

so what what does have to do with anything

That means you you have a copay for the office visit and the script just like any other plan.

who is saying anything different dumb dumb

that does not change the fact for poor folks who are paying their max on a sliding fee scale for premiums according to their income

from having large deductibles and high out of pockets maxes that they can not afford to pay

it is a shitty deal for people in that boat

they buy polices to obey the law

but cant afford to use the services because of the co pays

If you go once or twice a year, where are you spending even close to $12K?

hey dumb ass do you think every buddy only goes to the doctor once or twice a year --LOL

however the point is many folks who are buying insurance through the reduced rate

are barely getting buy now (hey dumb dumb that is because they dont make much money )

so they cant afford the co pays

obviously you also missed the post

that says the obamacare deductibles and out of pockets are rising another couple of grand this year

oh boy for those barely making it now

Now I know you're full of shit.
Unless you have a member of your family who is chronically ill, you are not maxing out your deductible. If you do, you should and no doubt would be grateful for the ACA as you can't be turfed from your plan for costing too much.

What does coverage for preventative care and prescriptions mean?
Those are mandated to be covered. That means they don't go against your deductible.
Preventative care includes wellness visits, associated labs and screenings as well as updated prescriptions. Get it now? The co-pays are comparable to any other plan.

There are several levels of plans to choose from. People are free to choose the level of coverage they need.

from having large deductibles and high out of pockets maxes that they can not afford to pay
What out of pocket maxes and deductibles?
You do understand that the deductible is the most you will pay. If you are in an accident and need $200k worth of care to rebuild your pelvis and the associated therapy, you only pay the deductible. Without insurance, you would owe it all.
The premiums are comparable to employer plans.
but cant afford to use the services because of the co pays

The co-pays are like $30 for an office visit and $7 dollars for average scripts. If people are that poor than they no doubt qualify for Medicaid.

Your points are mindless and without merit.
You obviously don't have much experience with healthcare.

Now I know you're full of shit.
Unless you have a member of your family who is chronically ill

why are you such a dumb fucker

i have copd fuckhead

deductibles vary per procedure

my deductible is 1000 dollars my out of pocket is also 1000 shit for brains

You do understand that the deductible is the most you will pay.

are always so fucking stupid or what

the maximum out of pocket not the deductible is the most you pay stupid

your co pays and such of yours are made up out of thin air

you best go back and google for some more answers

because you are not looking very knowledgeable about health insurance

If people are that poor than they no doubt qualify for Medicaid

for a libtard you sure are callus in some states certainly not all states medicaid covers people

up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level which is 11880 for a single person

so are you saying that person making 15 grand is not poor


which on a full time job would be 7.59 an hour

what the hell happened to the 15 dollar an hour living wage bs

None of that makes any sense whatsoever.
Check it out for yourself. Use multiple incomes and see what you get for it.
Find out if you can get 2016 health coverage

of course it dont make sense to YOU

because you are a moron
You seem to enjoy me beating your ass Mr. Starkey.
Let me know the very first time that happens. You are a far right loon, nothing more.Hutch makes Jon look like the health insurance Bizarro
fake jake fuck you appears you are stupid as hutch
Hey, Bizarro Jon, you are what you are: a loon. Hutch makes you look stupid: every single time.

jake this is why no one takes you seriously

--LOL get a life dupe
You seem to enjoy me beating your ass Mr. Starkey.
Let me know the very first time that happens. You are a far right loon, nothing more.Hutch makes Jon look like the health insurance Bizarro
fake jake fuck you appears you are stupid as hutch
Hey, Bizarro Jon, you are what you are: a loon. Hutch makes you look stupid: every single time.

jake this is why no one takes you seriously

--LOL get a life dupe

Can't see his posts...but I know who you are referencing.

He's a moron.

Fortunately, I don't have to experience his electronic slobber.
You seem to enjoy me beating your ass Mr. Starkey.
Let me know the very first time that happens. You are a far right loon, nothing more.Hutch makes Jon look like the health insurance Bizarro
fake jake fuck you appears you are stupid as hutch
Hey, Bizarro Jon, you are what you are: a loon. Hutch makes you look stupid: every single time.

jake this is why no one takes you seriously

--LOL get a life dupe

Can't see his posts...but I know who you are referencing.

He's a moron.

Fortunately, I don't have to experience his electronic slobber.
Sun Devil reads my stuff, but pretends he did not it. He got stupid, I am showed him up, and he cries just like you Jon.

But . . . you are man enough to stand up here and take your whipping

The OP collapsed a long time ago, and so did the arguments of its proponents.
of course they are you dupe

if their deductible is 6 grand and the max out of pocket is 6 grand

they indeed are coughing up between 6 and 12 grand for actual services

not everyone qualifies for medicaid dupe most have insurance through obama dupe

You are a true dope.
The same could be said about employer plans under your logic.

Do you Max out your deductible every year?

Preventative care and prescriptions must be covered under the ACA.That means you you have a copay for the office visit and the script just like any other plan. If you go once or twice a year, where are you spending even close to $12K?

Don't believe me?

Try this out with different family sizes, incomes and plans and see what they cover and cost.

Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator

The same could be said about employer plans

indeed thanks to obama care that has become a reality

Do you Max out your deductible every year?

yes i do however i am not poor

Preventative care and prescriptions must be covered under the ACA

so what what does have to do with anything

That means you you have a copay for the office visit and the script just like any other plan.

who is saying anything different dumb dumb

that does not change the fact for poor folks who are paying their max on a sliding fee scale for premiums according to their income

from having large deductibles and high out of pockets maxes that they can not afford to pay

it is a shitty deal for people in that boat

they buy polices to obey the law

but cant afford to use the services because of the co pays

If you go once or twice a year, where are you spending even close to $12K?

hey dumb ass do you think every buddy only goes to the doctor once or twice a year --LOL

however the point is many folks who are buying insurance through the reduced rate

are barely getting buy now (hey dumb dumb that is because they dont make much money )

so they cant afford the co pays

obviously you also missed the post

that says the obamacare deductibles and out of pockets are rising another couple of grand this year

oh boy for those barely making it now

No. Low-income people are eligible for Medicaid.

As for you, if you're so sick that you max out your deductible every year, you need to choose a plan with a lower deductible.

Either that, or you're living in your parents' basement and have no idea what a deductible is. You're just parroting something you read on WeaselZippers or wherever.

Bronze plans do not qualify for any the cost sharing. Cost sharing is the way the ACA deals with out of pocket expenses for the insureds. The Bronze plans are the most affordable. In 2016 the deductibles jumped to 6700, and the co-insurance involves another 6700. Tell me, how is that affordable for anyone?

Under what insurer in what states?

Bronze plans are Bronze plans, do your own homework.
i posted earlier the forecast is that next year the deductible jumps to 7500

and that is for silver plan

Again, under what insurer(s) and in what state(s)? You all post these random predictions as if this is some one-size-fits-all plan. Who's your advisor, the Psychic Friends Network?

You have shown yourself to be completely uneducated on this issue. Sorry.
You seem to enjoy me beating your ass Mr. Starkey.
Let me know the very first time that happens. You are a far right loon, nothing more.

Hutch makes Jon look like the health insurance Bizarro

Jake you are prone to bouts of idiocy and belligerence. You aren't even in my league.
You are in no league, little ben. Hutch has your bear skin on his wall. You are toothless. The OP is pwnd.
You seem to enjoy me beating your ass Mr. Starkey.
Let me know the very first time that happens. You are a far right loon, nothing more.Hutch makes Jon look like the health insurance Bizarro
fake jake fuck you appears you are stupid as hutch
Hey, Bizarro Jon, you are what you are: a loon. Hutch makes you look stupid: every single time.

jake this is why no one takes you seriously

--LOL get a life dupe

Can't see his posts...but I know who you are referencing.

He's a moron.

Fortunately, I don't have to experience his electronic slobber.

yes he is

not only a moron but incapable of having an original thought

sad really
Bronze plans are Bronze plans, do your own homework.

And under 20+ insurers across 50 states they're all exactly the same? Extraordinary! I found several in my state alone. What planet do you live on?
Let me know the very first time that happens. You are a far right loon, nothing more.Hutch makes Jon look like the health insurance Bizarro
fake jake fuck you appears you are stupid as hutch
Hey, Bizarro Jon, you are what you are: a loon. Hutch makes you look stupid: every single time.

jake this is why no one takes you seriously

--LOL get a life dupe

Can't see his posts...but I know who you are referencing.

He's a moron.

Fortunately, I don't have to experience his electronic slobber.

yes he is

not only a moron but incapable of having an original thought

sad really

Original ? I'd say thought "in general".
fake jake fuck you appears you are stupid as hutch
Hey, Bizarro Jon, you are what you are: a loon. Hutch makes you look stupid: every single time.

jake this is why no one takes you seriously

--LOL get a life dupe

Can't see his posts...but I know who you are referencing.

He's a moron.

Fortunately, I don't have to experience his electronic slobber.

yes he is

not only a moron but incapable of having an original thought

sad really

Original ? I'd say thought "in general".

yes perhaps that is also accurate

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