Shock poll: Latinos prefer Republicans by a 13 point margin.

If a person is white and they support American sovereignty, they are called a white nationalist by Stalinists intent upon the implementation of their globalist-oriented agenda. While technically correct if one considers the etymology of the words individually, the sinister implications when coupled together are as obvious as they are intentionally manipulative.

Those who use this term in the fashion they do are simply engaging in propaganda to malign those who support national sovereignty.
they call it misinformation
I have always been a "proof is in the pudding" sort of fellow, so ignore all the blather people offer by way of claiming what they are and pay attention to what they actually are, instead.

In fact, the more effort people devote to saying what they are, the more obvious it is that they are something else entirely.
I have always been a "proof is in the pudding" sort of fellow, so ignore all the blather people offer by way of claiming what they are and pay attention to what they actually are, instead.

In fact, the more effort people devote to saying what they are, the more obvious it is that they are something else entirely.
Here. Let me try to help. Oh, and the word "Christian" is in quotes.

How many of those are there?

Hint: Not nearly as many as you've been told to believe.
Orange Logic: If you're not a mindless, obedient, ignorant sheep, you must be an evil Satanic Hitler commie.
Extreme TDS’er Logic:
”We must vote against effective policies, energy independence, prosperity and mean tweets and for my FEELZ, social justice, energy dependence, more illegals and a nice almost dead dude with a record of a half century of failure.”
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Now there are a majority of Latinos supporting Republicans. 52% to 39% for Dems.

No Border's Joe has really pissed off those who came here the right way.

Not surprising. Everyone is feeling the sting of inflation, including Latinos in the lower and middle class. Latinos are disproportionately effected by the rise in crime caused by Democrats and leftists. Latinos are prime victims of our failing public school system. Obaminationcare turned out to be just as bad as the GOP predicted. The shutdowns, which are rightfully viewed as Democrat’s measure, hurt Latinos more then most groups, as up to 30% work in the service industry.

They also do not like illegal immigration, despite what elitist leftists tell you.

And many saw the failures in Afghanistan and Ukraine and irredeemable.

Don’t understand how anyone can support the Democrats at this point.
And yet you can't describe my actual positions on the actual issues, no matter how many times I post them.

the fact you voted for them. You admitted in here. your vote is compliance to their policies.

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