Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

I agree but the wrong way
A moron is one who doesn't think everyone is going to get sick and therefore needs health insurance and healthcare. Like all children you don't like paying the bills of others, and like all children you need to grow up.
I can get health insurance really easy through my company and I will put $400 bucks in it and decides to break a leg? Who pays me or you?
Exactly what part of "everyone pays" are you having such a hard time understanding?

I think he's concerned with the part where prudent people pay the same as the reckless.
Ah, well, life can be unfair. You will also have to pay taxes for things you don't approve of, and people will say things that offend you, and there is no free lunch. Now you know. You're welcome...

Silly rabbit, this is a free lunch - for the reckless.

states refused to expand medicare .. that costs the taxpayers $$.

gee, how great is that ?
The federal dollars run out, think bill clintons 100,000 new cops or teachers it was only funded for a few years
I can get health insurance really easy through my company and I will put $400 bucks in it and decides to break a leg? Who pays me or you?
Exactly what part of "everyone pays" are you having such a hard time understanding?

I think he's concerned with the part where prudent people pay the same as the reckless.
Ah, well, life can be unfair. You will also have to pay taxes for things you don't approve of, and people will say things that offend you, and there is no free lunch. Now you know. You're welcome...

Silly rabbit, this is a free lunch - for the reckless.

states refused to expand medicare .. that costs the taxpayers $$.

gee, how great is that ?
The federal dollars run out, think bill clintons 100,000 new cops or teachers it was only funded for a few years
Fair to say the ACA is not what we need, but it's a start. In American doing the right thing is not possible currently.

Then we should do nothing. Doing the wrong thing is not "a start". It's a setback.
Doing nothing is mostly what we do here now, our national pastime. Doing something in this case is better than nothing, it's just not good enough nor the right thing.
Only three things I despise in my Life, unions , lawyers and quacks ~ All of them dont know crap And are useless
Fuck health insurance what a waste of money, if I will have to buy eventually I want my money worth and never will quit smoking, maybe i will take up motorcycle racing also?
BUT you are one of the 18 million it sounds like THAT ACA will FORCE to buy!
And that was part of the grand phony number "46 million uninsured"!
See that was the big lie... there were people like you that DIDN"T WANT health insurance YET that phony 18 million was included JUST to get ACA PASSED!
don't buy and pay the fine: you have a choice

That's the same kind of choice a mugger gives you, hand over your wallet or take a bullet. That is the liberal conception of choice. It's not surprising that most people think the Democrat party is a gang of criminals.
Fuck health insurance what a waste of money, if I will have to buy eventually I want my money worth and never will quit smoking, maybe i will take up motorcycle racing also?
BUT you are one of the 18 million it sounds like THAT ACA will FORCE to buy!
And that was part of the grand phony number "46 million uninsured"!
See that was the big lie... there were people like you that DIDN"T WANT health insurance YET that phony 18 million was included JUST to get ACA PASSED!
don't buy and pay the fine: you have a choice

That's the same kind of choice a mugger gives you, hand over your wallet or take a bullet. That is the liberal conception of choice. It's not surprising that most people think the Democrat party is a gang of criminals.
Some things in life you don't get a choice on my child. I'm surprised your mother never taught you that?
I know bro now I will be forced to buy health insurance, if I have to do that I will be reckless as he'll with my life instead of being careful , just to make sure some one else pays
SO f...king TRUE!!!
How many of these idiots that complain about the high cost of health insurance are the same idiots that go to the hospitals after doing these stupid stupid actions!
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Kids are dumb, like you, and it's why we want them covered, all of them.

Great. Feel free to write their parents a check.
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?

I think he's concerned with the part where prudent people pay the same as the reckless.
Ah, well, life can be unfair. You will also have to pay taxes for things you don't approve of, and people will say things that offend you, and there is no free lunch. Now you know. You're welcome...

Silly rabbit, this is a free lunch - for the reckless.
Nope, not even for them, in the long run.

Fair to say, in the long run ACA fucks us all good and hard.
Fair to say the ACA is not what we need, but it's a start. In American doing the right thing is not possible currently.

An utter debacle is a start? On what, societal collapse?
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.
Fuck health insurance what a waste of money, if I will have to buy eventually I want my money worth and never will quit smoking, maybe i will take up motorcycle racing also?
BUT you are one of the 18 million it sounds like THAT ACA will FORCE to buy!
And that was part of the grand phony number "46 million uninsured"!
See that was the big lie... there were people like you that DIDN"T WANT health insurance YET that phony 18 million was included JUST to get ACA PASSED!
don't buy and pay the fine: you have a choice

That's the same kind of choice a mugger gives you, hand over your wallet or take a bullet. That is the liberal conception of choice. It's not surprising that most people think the Democrat party is a gang of criminals.
Some things in life you don't get a choice on my child. I'm surprised your mother never taught you that?

So you approve of mugging people?

Face it, you're nothing but a thug.
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.

a smart guy like you would rather see your local taxes go up than see an insurance company pay ... nothing strange about that..
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.

a smart guy like you would rather see your local taxes go up than see an insurance company pay ... nothing strange about that..

Both things are going up as a result of Obamacare. Where did I gain anything?
Folks are used to the fact that health insurance costs always seem to go up. They've done so for the last 14 years, with the highest annual increase of about 14 percent and the lowest at about 3 percent. But the increases for 2015 are staggering, ranging from 20 percent to over 60 percent.
And consumers need to plan for more rate hikes over the next several years, especially those who have coverage through their employer. One of the biggest causes behind these increases is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), so called because it was supposed to provide more affordable health insurance for all.
According to a brief from the American Academy of Actuaries, several factors appear to be pushing health insurance premium up in 2015 and in future years. They include:
Risk pool composition: The ACA prohibits insurers from charging different premiums to individuals based on their health status. So, when more people with higher claims (older, sicker, etc.) enroll in new health insurance plans and don't get offset with a sufficient increase in those with fewer claims (younger, healthier, etc.), insurers project more claims and subsequently raise premiums.

Reinsurance fund reductions:
The ACA created a reinsurance program to provide payments to insurance plans to help offset the costs of enrolling individuals with higher claims. Funding for this program comes from additional fees on all health insurance plans, including employer-sponsored plans. Those fees are set to decline and eventually discontinue, which points to further rate hikes.
Rising cost of medical services: This increase, the so called medical trend, results from an ever-worsening demand-supply imbalance. Beyond general inflationary pressures, an aging population is causing a rapidly growing utilization of health care, and the supply of medical services to meet this demand surge appears insufficient.
The ACA also mandated additional benefits and covered services as well extra fees charged to health insurers, which are passed down in the form of higher premiums.
Knowing that rising health insurance costs in 2015 and for the next several years is nearly a sure thing, regardless of the ACA, what can you really do about it?


regardless of the ACA

get it?
Folks are used to the fact that health insurance costs always seem to go up. They've done so for the last 14 years, with the highest annual increase of about 14 percent and the lowest at about 3 percent. But the increases for 2015 are staggering, ranging from 20 percent to over 60 percent.
And consumers need to plan for more rate hikes over the next several years, especially those who have coverage through their employer. One of the biggest causes behind these increases is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), so called because it was supposed to provide more affordable health insurance for all.
According to a brief from the American Academy of Actuaries, several factors appear to be pushing health insurance premium up in 2015 and in future years. They include:
Risk pool composition: The ACA prohibits insurers from charging different premiums to individuals based on their health status. So, when more people with higher claims (older, sicker, etc.) enroll in new health insurance plans and don't get offset with a sufficient increase in those with fewer claims (younger, healthier, etc.), insurers project more claims and subsequently raise premiums.

Reinsurance fund reductions:
The ACA created a reinsurance program to provide payments to insurance plans to help offset the costs of enrolling individuals with higher claims. Funding for this program comes from additional fees on all health insurance plans, including employer-sponsored plans. Those fees are set to decline and eventually discontinue, which points to further rate hikes.
Rising cost of medical services: This increase, the so called medical trend, results from an ever-worsening demand-supply imbalance. Beyond general inflationary pressures, an aging population is causing a rapidly growing utilization of health care, and the supply of medical services to meet this demand surge appears insufficient.
The ACA also mandated additional benefits and covered services as well extra fees charged to health insurers, which are passed down in the form of higher premiums.
Knowing that rising health insurance costs in 2015 and for the next several years is nearly a sure thing, regardless of the ACA, what can you really do about it?


regardless of the ACA

get it?

You seem to understand a little bit about health insurance.
Tell me insurance companies pay the claims right?
Insurance companies are also regulated by states and as such premium increases right?
And state regulators constantly ask for the insurance companies medical liability ratio right?
So if the insurance companies have to pay out less in claims, this is a direct lowering of the liability ratio which averages about 80% i.e. 80% of premiums are paid out in claims. Right?
If the companies pay out less in claims i.e. the ratio is lowered then the regulators WILL NOT allow premium increases.
What one direct outlay that insurance companies pay in claim expenses are claims submitted by physicians.
So if 48% of physicians IMPORTANT here..(Federal contracted Physicians) say they practice "defensive medicine".... BUT
92% of non Federal physicians say they practice "defensive medicine" what is the difference? Called Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946.

So what's the big deal?
OH about $850 billion a year that insurance companies pay that is called "defensive medicine"!

Yup ... 92% of physicians non federal say they do duplicate tests, refer to specialists...all out of fear of lawsuits....BUT
52% of physician ...under Federal contract DON"T practice because of "ta da...."Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946."!!

NOW do you understand that if there was a similar Tort Reform as rigid as the Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946 for non-federally contracted physicians...
The $850 billion spent annually on defensive medicine would be lessened. Maybe 30% or nearly 1/3 trillion dollars in reduction!

And who pays those 'defensive medicine claims"? Insurance companies that pass it on to the premium payers, your employers, you etc.!
So when the insurance companies go to the states for premium hearings... guess what they will show??? Lower claims to premium payment ratio which means
LoWER Premiums! Which means lower cost to all of us!

how many Americans believe in Big Foot, alien abductions and UFOs?
Well there are those people that Gruber includes in the "Stupidity of the American Voter" group that still believe that when Hussein said:
I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
Which included 10 million illegal citizens when the Census reported the "46 million figure". Now Hussein USED 46 million to get ACA passed.
After it was passed he said 10 million were not citizens...hence 36 million!
BUT ...BUT what obviously you and the above members of Gruber groupees... is
Because of Hussein's administration's INEPTNESS of the remaining 36 million, ACCORDING the the Census 14 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP!
And this was before ACA! But the stupidity of American voters passed ACA not realizing all that was needed to get the number of "uninsured" down from
36 million to 22 million was DO what was suppose be done in the first place! ENROLL the 9 million kids covered by SCHIP and remaining adults in Medicaid!

That leaves 22 million... of which 18 million never wanted health insurance as they make over $50,000 but don't participate in employers' plans.
They are also under 34 and most are eligible for catastrophic insurance if they don't have it already!

THAT leaves truly less the 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.

BUT Gruber's groupees... stupid as you are... can't understand the gigantic falsehood perpetrated on Americans of that phony 46 million "uninsured" Americans!
Biggest lie EVER EVER TOLD!

whatever in the wide world of whack-a-doodle wingnuttery are you talking about?

Have you been on a dry drunk with Glen Beck?

I think there was a thread from a while back where he and I discussed this at length.

He explained it quite well.....

Nobody from the left seemed interested in tackling it.
Fuck health insurance what a waste of money, if I will have to buy eventually I want my money worth and never will quit smoking, maybe i will take up motorcycle racing also?
BUT you are one of the 18 million it sounds like THAT ACA will FORCE to buy!
And that was part of the grand phony number "46 million uninsured"!
See that was the big lie... there were people like you that DIDN"T WANT health insurance YET that phony 18 million was included JUST to get ACA PASSED!
don't buy and pay the fine: you have a choice

That's the same kind of choice a mugger gives you, hand over your wallet or take a bullet. That is the liberal conception of choice. It's not surprising that most people think the Democrat party is a gang of criminals.
Some things in life you don't get a choice on my child. I'm surprised your mother never taught you that?

So you approve of mugging people?

Face it, you're nothing but a thug.
I approve of reality, in which choices can be limited. If you weren't such an utter toddler you'd understand that.

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