Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Hmmm, you're just plain wrong about that. Yeah, you can't pick and choose when you're in a group policy, but your employer can. That gives the insurance company a lot of incentive not to load it down with stuff most people aren't going to use, like coverage for sex change operations.

And employers would LOVE to spend less money for their contribution to your insurance than they're currently required to do by the mandated coverage. If insurance companies were allowed to offer me tailored coverage according to what I'm going to use, not only would I pay less for it, but so would my boss. You don't think he'd like to make that available?
Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...

Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Says the "unbiased" insurance man/dupe. Guaranteed and getting cheaper.

I am completely unbiased franco old boy......I took over a PC Agency and no longer sell Health;)
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...

Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Says the "unbiased" insurance man/dupe. Guaranteed and getting cheaper.

I am completely unbiased franco old boy......I took over a PC Agency and no longer sell Health;)
I give up- what's PC?
This will be old news after your beloved Republicans repeal Obamacare, right?

btw, how many of your also beloved private sector companies offer you full autonomy in deciding what sort of healthcare plan you'll receive as part of the compensation for your labor.?
So what I keep wondering.....

If health care is so overly expensive....why are the dems not realizing that they need to let us feel the pain.

Once people are actually paying for their health care...and not living on someone else....the costs will come down.

As long as insurance companies are propped up by the government, that ain't never gonna happen.

Democrats are not about the well-being of the nation or the individual citizens. They're about their own well-being via vote purchasing and turning people into helpless parasites.
Hilarious. Thanks for the Great Recession, hater dupe, and all those victims of your greedy idiot a-hole megarich party.
Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...

Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Says the "unbiased" insurance man/dupe. Guaranteed and getting cheaper.

I am completely unbiased franco old boy......I took over a PC Agency and no longer sell Health;)
I give up- what's PC?

Property and Casualty.....,Home,Auto etc
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...

Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Says the "unbiased" insurance man/dupe. Guaranteed and getting cheaper.

I am completely unbiased franco old boy......I took over a PC Agency and no longer sell Health;)
I give up- what's PC?

Property and Casualty.....,Home,Auto etc
Just a question or two in your field

do state exchange states with state income tax have the right to impose their own penalties and fines?

Are there further cutouts to avoid further blowback. for the Ds?
So what I keep wondering.....

If health care is so overly expensive....why are the dems not realizing that they need to let us feel the pain.

Once people are actually paying for their health care...and not living on someone else....the costs will come down.

As long as insurance companies are propped up by the government, that ain't never gonna happen.

Democrats are not about the well-being of the nation or the individual citizens. They're about their own well-being via vote purchasing and turning people into helpless parasites.
Hilarious. Thanks for the Great Recession, hater dupe, and all those victims of your greedy idiot a-hole megarich party.

I heard "buzzword buzzword blah blah buzzword." I swear, you're so immersed in talking points and slogans, it literally doesn't even translate into intelligible English any more.
Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Says the "unbiased" insurance man/dupe. Guaranteed and getting cheaper.

I am completely unbiased franco old boy......I took over a PC Agency and no longer sell Health;)
I give up- what's PC?

Property and Casualty.....,Home,Auto etc
Just a question or two in your field

do state exchange states with state income tax have the right to impose their own penalties and fines?

Are there further cutouts to avoid further blowback. for the Ds?

No the penalties are all Federally imposed, nope it's all hanging out there and the Dems own it all.
There aren't many surprises left.

There are some big things that could be done away with that might save them....such as the employer mandate and the ending of the grand fathered plans.
So what I keep wondering.....

If health care is so overly expensive....why are the dems not realizing that they need to let us feel the pain.

Once people are actually paying for their health care...and not living on someone else....the costs will come down.

As long as insurance companies are propped up by the government, that ain't never gonna happen.

Democrats are not about the well-being of the nation or the individual citizens. They're about their own well-being via vote purchasing and turning people into helpless parasites.
Hilarious. Thanks for the Great Recession, hater dupe, and all those victims of your greedy idiot a-hole megarich party.

I heard "buzzword buzzword blah blah buzzword." I swear, you're so immersed in talking points and slogans, it literally doesn't even translate into intelligible English any more.
Hilarious. Your brainwashed, ignorant "opinion" is ridiculously ironic. Any actual argument?
There aren't many surprises left.

There are some big things that could be done away with that might save them....such as the employer mandate and the ending of the grand fathered plans.
Only 4% of firms don't have insurance already. They and grandfathered plans only have a temporary waiver.
There aren't many surprises left.

There are some big things that could be done away with that might save them....such as the employer mandate and the ending of the grand fathered plans.
Only 4% of firms don't have insurance already. They and grandfathered plans only have a temporary waiver.

I didn't deal with Group so my comments mostly apply to Individual.
So what I keep wondering.....

If health care is so overly expensive....why are the dems not realizing that they need to let us feel the pain.

Once people are actually paying for their health care...and not living on someone else....the costs will come down.

As long as insurance companies are propped up by the government, that ain't never gonna happen.

Democrats are not about the well-being of the nation or the individual citizens. They're about their own well-being via vote purchasing and turning people into helpless parasites.
Hilarious. Thanks for the Great Recession, hater dupe, and all those victims of your greedy idiot a-hole megarich party.

I heard "buzzword buzzword blah blah buzzword." I swear, you're so immersed in talking points and slogans, it literally doesn't even translate into intelligible English any more.
Hilarious. Your brainwashed, ignorant "opinion" is ridiculously ironic. Any actual argument?

I'm sorry, are you still talking?
Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

Sure. that the world will implode if we don't keep Obamacare isn't advocating for Obamacare. Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that.
your welcome, glad I could clarify that for you!!! :D

The flaw in your logic is that you assume that Obamacare would have to be replaced by another government monstrosity. So you assume that government control over healthcare would require another program for government to control health care, and that would take time. It would also lead us back where we are now, an expensive, crappy system. Free markets take no time at all to make corrections.

So are you for cutting people off who have preexisting conditions?

What would you do for uninsured people?

How are you controlling increasing costs?

The premise of your question of course being that it's government's job to be responsible for those things.
Since Obama instituted this new health care program, I lost my job because my employer couldn't pay the "new" health care costs". And since my new employer won't pay my health care costs, my new co pay through Humana is like 800 percent more. I used to pay 5O cents a year ago for the same medicine, now it's 44 bucks for the SAME THING! "Obama care" isn't affordable nor is it helping us. Lose you job, then pay more....Yeah for Obama!

That is the price you have to pay in order that the welfare queens can get their subsidies.

I hope it really stings for all those numskulls who voted for Obama.

The idiots that elected Obama will have trouble with their health care because Obamacare screws it up for everybody.

The few greedy shitheads that get their subsidies think they are getting quality health care free but the price of those subsides is deteriorating health care for everybody,

These stupid Libtards have never understood that redistribution of wealth screws up the economy and eventually makes everybody poorer.

Obamacare will be a good lesson in that but these idiots will be too dumb to make the connection.
Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Hilarious. With insurance exchanges, they can. The propaganda denies right wingers the ability to see the obvious. Instead, they are so brainwashed, they only believe the bizarre.
Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Hilarious. With insurance exchanges, they can. The propaganda denies right wingers the ability to see the obvious. Instead, they are so brainwashed, they only believe the bizarre.

The "exchanges" sell fifty ass high priced plans with high premiums, high co payments and high deductibles that nobody wants and very few people can really afford except for the greedy assholes that get subsidies. You know the ones, don't you? The ones that are too sorry to provide for their own health care so they steal the subsidies through the government from somebody else.

The cost is so screwed up and out of balance with the free market because that dickhead Obama has mandated stupid ass things people neither want or need in order to placate the Moon Bats and Feminazis so there is no real choice.

Socialism always take choices away from people.
Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Hilarious. With insurance exchanges, they can. The propaganda denies right wingers the ability to see the obvious. Instead, they are so brainwashed, they only believe the bizarre.

The "exchanges" sell fifty ass high priced plans with high premiums, high co payments and high deductibles that nobody wants and very few people can really afford except for the greedy assholes that get subsidies. You know the ones, don't you? The ones that are too sorry to provide for their own health care so they steal the subsidies through the government from somebody else.

The cost is so screwed up and out of balance with the free market because that dickhead Obama has mandated stupid ass things people neither want or need in order to placate the Moon Bats and Feminazis so there is no real choice.

Socialism always take choices away from people.
The Free Market in this case only works for healthy people little man, hence the problem. And all governments limit choices. Any that didn't would be Anarchy.

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