Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Hilarious. With insurance exchanges, they can. The propaganda denies right wingers the ability to see the obvious. Instead, they are so brainwashed, they only believe the bizarre.

The "exchanges" sell fifty ass high priced plans with high premiums, high co payments and high deductibles that nobody wants and very few people can really afford except for the greedy assholes that get subsidies. You know the ones, don't you? The ones that are too sorry to provide for their own health care so they steal the subsidies through the government from somebody else.

The cost is so screwed up and out of balance with the free market because that dickhead Obama has mandated stupid ass things people neither want or need in order to placate the Moon Bats and Feminazis so there is no real choice.

Socialism always take choices away from people.
It costs the insurance companies and the government a BIG FAT ZERO to have birth control covered in the policies, because it costs them much less than covering the costs of child birth.

and as far as covering those who have existing conditions, it is something all Americans or near all support, and everyone getting insurance policies through their employer already have this coverage long before Obamacare ever came to be....

And not capping what the insurance companies will pay on our own insurance is ALSO another measure that most all americans agree to as well....

so what is it that makes these measures unpalatable to you?

I do think the Insurance costs on the Exchange for individual policies is too high.... but I think they should be considered "group policies" by these insurance companies and give the same discount they give to group policies....after all it is GROUPS of people choosing their policy. It's not ala carte where individual people can delete things and change things in their policies.....they are GROUP policies, but the Insurances on the exchange are charging like they were the higher priced Individual policies.
So what I keep wondering.....

If health care is so overly expensive....why are the dems not realizing that they need to let us feel the pain.

Once people are actually paying for their health care...and not living on someone else....the costs will come down.

As long as insurance companies are propped up by the government, that ain't never gonna happen.

Democrats are not about the well-being of the nation or the individual citizens. They're about their own well-being via vote purchasing and turning people into helpless parasites.
Hilarious. Thanks for the Great Recession, hater dupe, and all those victims of your greedy idiot a-hole megarich party.

I heard "buzzword buzzword blah blah buzzword." I swear, you're so immersed in talking points and slogans, it literally doesn't even translate into intelligible English any more.
Hilarious. Your brainwashed, ignorant "opinion" is ridiculously ironic. Any actual argument?

I'm sorry, are you still talking?
The definition of brainwashed dupe. No argument, so stupid insults. Keep those blinders on. NOBODY wants people on assistance, but one party tries to help regular people, the other panders to the greedy idiot rich and keeps the chumps in line with hateful, often racist rhetoric against their victims.
Having spent 50 years in the health insurance business, I can assure everyone that there is not, nor has there ever been, a "free market" system in health insurance. For all practical purposes, we all used the same underwriting manual, and declined coverage for the same reasons, no matter where you applied for coverage. Being pregnant, BTW was always an automatic denial.
Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Hilarious. With insurance exchanges, they can. The propaganda denies right wingers the ability to see the obvious. Instead, they are so brainwashed, they only believe the bizarre.

The "exchanges" sell fifty ass high priced plans with high premiums, high co payments and high deductibles that nobody wants and very few people can really afford except for the greedy assholes that get subsidies. You know the ones, don't you? The ones that are too sorry to provide for their own health care so they steal the subsidies through the government from somebody else.

The cost is so screwed up and out of balance with the free market because that dickhead Obama has mandated stupid ass things people neither want or need in order to placate the Moon Bats and Feminazis so there is no real choice.

Socialism always take choices away from people.
In the real world, there are 3 levels of coverage free preventive care and testing, and caps on patient spending little higher than the deductibles, the way health care was going ANYWAY but without the caps. Getting people to pay SOMETHING and get insurance without being forced onto welfare is something called INTELLIGENCE. You wouldn't understand, Pub dupe.
The Free Market in this case only works for healthy people little man, hence the problem. And all governments limit choices. Any that didn't would be Anarchy.

I am sorry but that is not the case. Health care in the US was fine without Obamacare. The free market provided quality health care to hundreds of millions of Americans. There was a network of free or reduced cost medical care available to the indigent.

The thing that is so shitty is that all Obamacare really did was provide another stupid high cost entitlement to the sorry assholes that couldn't pay for their own health care. It wasn't enough for this commie President that the indigent could get free or reduced cost health care he had to make it an entitlement.

Obamcare did three things:

1. Imposed government mandated shit that nobody wanted or needed.

2. Gave insurance subsidies to the assholes that were too sorry to provide for their own health care and wanted other people to pay.

3. Ran up the cost to the paying customers to cover items in 1 &2 above.

Typical socialistic failure and we are seeing now.

and as far as covering those who have existing conditions, it is something all Americans or near all support, and everyone getting insurance policies through their employer already have this coverage long before Obamacare ever came to be....


"Existing conditions" has always been a scam issue.

Insurance is paying into a pool. Do you understand that concept? You pay into it when don't need it and then are able to get covered when you do need it. Rates are based upon that balance.

People like to scam the system by not paying when they are healthy and only signing up when they get sick. When you have pre existing conditions that are costly and enter into the coverage that means somebody else is paying for health care because you sure as hell didn't pay the premiums when you were healthy.

That is one of the things that is driving up the cost of Obamacare so high but people are too stupid to understand it. After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

By the way, prior to Obamacare most employee provided insurance plans accepted pre existing conditions because the total cost outlays were really employer paid, not real insurance.
If we had universal healthcare with insurance "of choice" for our wealthier citizens, we'd have more jobs and our economy would improve.

Right now, the equivalent of paying a second mortgage in private insurance premiums and deductables is being funneled out of the middle class's monthly income. Right now, businesses are getting shafted having to pay premiums for basic coverage for their workers. Those two burdens if they were lifted today, would immediately change our economic forecast. More jobs equal more people buying homes, buying products. More demand means even more jobs still. More innovation, a healthier workforce. Better competition in foreign markets and a reduction in the national debt.

Just one simple change in our healthcare and all that would come about. If you want to choose your doctor, pay for more expensive premiums on a free market that would still exist for that right alongside free universal care.

Tax sodas, tobacco and booze, charge a small co-pay. There's your revenue. Article 1, Secton 8.
Didn't the con's want some sort of McDonalds style price board behind the counter at the hospital so one could see how much a triple by-pass would be or how much it would be to lance a boil?
If we had universal healthcare with insurance "of choice" for our wealthier citizens, we'd have more jobs and our economy would improve.

Right now, the equivalent of paying a second mortgage in private insurance premiums and deductables is being funneled out of the middle class's monthly income. Right now, businesses are getting shafted having to pay premiums for basic coverage for their workers. Those two burdens if they were lifted today, would immediately change our economic forecast. More jobs equal more people buying homes, buying products. More demand means even more jobs still. More innovation, a healthier workforce. Better competition in foreign markets and a reduction in the national debt.

Just one simple change in our healthcare and all that would come about. If you want to choose your doctor, pay for more expensive premiums on a free market that would still exist for that right alongside free universal care.

Tax sodas, tobacco and booze, charge a small co-pay. There's your revenue. Article 1, Secton 8.
So why don't Pubs just try to ADD high priced plans for their mega rich masters.? O-Care will be tinkered with forever.

But we're NOT going back to screwing over workers, and your "facts" are RW BS. O-Care is working GREAT, except in non-cooperating red states and areas. But they're slowly giving up as dupes learn the truth....
Did you hear about the 5% growth in the 3rd quarter lol?The recovery is going full now that some GOPers are acting like adults- not brainwashed, ignorant TPers, of course.
"By the way, prior to Obamacare most employee provided insurance plans accepted pre existing conditions because the total cost outlays were really employer paid, not real insurance."

Totally, unequivocally, and absolutely false, and you got that from the guy who used to underwrite and draft group health insurance contracts for 50 years. Pre-existing condition limitations were usually waived after 12 months, with no treatment for the condition, or 24 months, if treatment for the condition occurred. That was also imposed on insurers by state insurance commissioners by regulation, as adopted from the State Insurance Commissioners Association of America..
Did you hear about the 5% growth in the 3rd quarter lol?The recovery is going full now that some GOPers are acting like adults- not brainwashed, ignorant TPers, of course.
It could of been alot better dupe, with out a liberal dumb ass president, why you never picked Hillary I never will understand , she is a con
Idiots that support Obama like it because they think they are getting something for nothing. However, the people that have to pay the high premiums, high co payments and high deductibles are the ones that have to dole out the money so that the greedy welfare queens can get their free stuff.
BS- We were paying for them before, just in stupidest, most expensive, hateful way possible, hater dupe. Too bad you're totally clueless, get all your news from lying, bought off propagandists. Nothing but bs talking points. Now poorer workers will contribute something, get preventive care, and not have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Think for yourself for once.
BS- We were paying for them before, just in stupidest, most expensive, hateful way possible, hater dupe. Too bad you're totally clueless, get all your news from lying, bought off propagandists. Nothing but bs talking points. Now poorer workers will contribute something, get preventive care, and not have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Think for yourself for once.
Except in some dumbass red states, where people will go or stay on welfare to get Medicaid. Mindless obstruction, for hater dupes only.
Shocker Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care - Sarah Jean Seman

Seventy-five percent (75%) say individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some that cost more and cover just about all medical procedures and some that cost less while covering only major medical procedures. Just 10% disagree, while slightly more (15%) are undecided.

Even more (83%) believe individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some with high deductibles and lower premiums and others with lower deductibles and higher premiums. Only six percent (6%) oppose this kind of choice, while 10% are not sure.

Support for these choices is little changed in nearly two years of regular tracking.

Most voters (76%) also believe that employers and individuals should be allowed to buy health insurance plans across state lines, something that is not allowed under the new health care law. That’s the highest level of support measured since April.


Can't wait to hear Frankie flapping his oversized lips about those "Junk Plans" that nobody said anything about before they screwed Obama over.
This is why America shouldn't have elected Obama in the first place. To late now, single-payer here we come.
That would be slightly smarter, but won't happen for years, if ever. But expect more and more regulation on insurers and hospitals as time goes on, as in similar programs in Holland and Switzerland.
Let's hear what piss-for-brains JakeStarkey has to say about this one.

After all......

Don’t forget, the penalty for not having health care coverage will increase every year. In 2014, the maximum fee per family was $285. In 2015, the fee will increase to $325 per adult or two percent of income, in 2016 this rises to 2.5 percent of income. The penalty continues to rise until it caps at the average national premium for the bronze plan.


It just keeps getting better and better all the time.

And those who can't afford to pay the fines will face more consequences. Remember when Pelosi said going to jail was an appropriate punishment?

Fining people because they can't afford health insurance is insane, but then so are the people who wrote and passed Obamacare.

Health insurance was meant to be like property or auto insurance. Not meant for the little expenses, only the catastrophic expenses. Now it's expected to pay for routine check ups and every little thing. So, none of us are allowed to choose our own plans because we have to cover other peoples' expenses.

Of course, the big evil insurance companies are profiting from this. Funny how the Obama administration bad mouthed the insurance companies to pass Obamacare and now they are benefitting more than the people. If the government would have allowed companies to compete across state lines, costs would have come down long ago. Obamacare was written with approval by Big Pharms, who have a monopoly on drugs since it's illegal to buy cheaper ones elsewhere. And drugs available here are not always safe. One look at the countless lawsuits each year tells you that the FDA approves some real poison.

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