Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

So it's OK to bare the pain of it going up, but not the pain of it going down?

That's pure leftwing idiocy.
Did I say anything about bearing the pain to bring it back down? I said, that if you think it can be abolished tomorrow, or in an instant with a are dreaming.... if congress agreed to abolish it, it will take just as many years, at least 4 yrs, to bring it down....and even that would take a miracle...with congress having to work together to dismantle it

Nah, it won't take long at all. If the remove all those controls in insurance companies, then they will come to a solution within a year. While they are at it, they can remove the barriers to selling insurance in other states to there is true competition. Than can also remove the limits on HSAs so people can become largely self-insuring within a few years.
So you really want to take away the State's right to govern it's own State's Insurance and hand that over to the federal government via the federal gvt's FORCE? By the federal gvt changing the law to allow citizens to buy insurance across state lines, then you are taking away your State gvt's power to protect you, and regulate insurance in your own State...

SOOOOO, I guess ''believing'' in State Rights is not your thing, eh? Or only your thing when it is convenient for you...?

No, the state can impose all the regulations it likes except on: it can bar insurance companies in other states from doing business there. That's the case with every other product sold in the market place. The Constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate commerce among the states. That's one of the few powers the federal government actually does have.
Right now, it is within the State's power on Insurance, regardless of commerce is still the State's prerogative to allow insurance companies from another State, be sold and used by their citizens, within their State...

I just said the federal government should revoke that control. The Constitution gives it the authority to do so.

and believe it or not, there are some States who have made agreements with other States, to allow this to happen.... to allow insurance to be bought and regulated among those states who have agreed to each others rules and regs.

Irrelevant. The federal government doesn't allow states to prevent other products from being sold in locally. Why should insurance be any different?
Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.
Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Hmmm, you're just plain wrong about that. Yeah, you can't pick and choose when you're in a group policy, but your employer can. That gives the insurance company a lot of incentive not to load it down with stuff most people aren't going to use, like coverage for sex change operations.
Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Hmmm, you're just plain wrong about that. Yeah, you can't pick and choose when you're in a group policy, but your employer can. That gives the insurance company a lot of incentive not to load it down with stuff most people aren't going to use, like coverage for sex change operations.
That is not even close to what you said dumbass but you're getting closer. Still, your average group policy pays for maternity care. Do I need to explain to you where babies come from and why 50% of the people in said policy won't be using said maternity benefit, but will still be paying for it?
Did I say anything about bearing the pain to bring it back down? I said, that if you think it can be abolished tomorrow, or in an instant with a are dreaming.... if congress agreed to abolish it, it will take just as many years, at least 4 yrs, to bring it down....and even that would take a miracle...with congress having to work together to dismantle it

Nah, it won't take long at all. If the remove all those controls in insurance companies, then they will come to a solution within a year. While they are at it, they can remove the barriers to selling insurance in other states to there is true competition. Than can also remove the limits on HSAs so people can become largely self-insuring within a few years.
So you really want to take away the State's right to govern it's own State's Insurance and hand that over to the federal government via the federal gvt's FORCE? By the federal gvt changing the law to allow citizens to buy insurance across state lines, then you are taking away your State gvt's power to protect you, and regulate insurance in your own State...

SOOOOO, I guess ''believing'' in State Rights is not your thing, eh? Or only your thing when it is convenient for you...?

No, the state can impose all the regulations it likes except on: it can bar insurance companies in other states from doing business there. That's the case with every other product sold in the market place. The Constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate commerce among the states. That's one of the few powers the federal government actually does have.
Right now, it is within the State's power on Insurance, regardless of commerce is still the State's prerogative to allow insurance companies from another State, be sold and used by their citizens, within their State...

I just said the federal government should revoke that control. The Constitution gives it the authority to do so.

and believe it or not, there are some States who have made agreements with other States, to allow this to happen.... to allow insurance to be bought and regulated among those states who have agreed to each others rules and regs.

Irrelevant. The federal government doesn't allow states to prevent other products from being sold in locally. Why should insurance be any different?
because it covers a person's life, and livelihood, and State governments are the best way to do such... they are locally elected, and we the people have more control
Nah, it won't take long at all. If the remove all those controls in insurance companies, then they will come to a solution within a year. While they are at it, they can remove the barriers to selling insurance in other states to there is true competition. Than can also remove the limits on HSAs so people can become largely self-insuring within a few years.
So you really want to take away the State's right to govern it's own State's Insurance and hand that over to the federal government via the federal gvt's FORCE? By the federal gvt changing the law to allow citizens to buy insurance across state lines, then you are taking away your State gvt's power to protect you, and regulate insurance in your own State...

SOOOOO, I guess ''believing'' in State Rights is not your thing, eh? Or only your thing when it is convenient for you...?

No, the state can impose all the regulations it likes except on: it can bar insurance companies in other states from doing business there. That's the case with every other product sold in the market place. The Constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate commerce among the states. That's one of the few powers the federal government actually does have.
Right now, it is within the State's power on Insurance, regardless of commerce is still the State's prerogative to allow insurance companies from another State, be sold and used by their citizens, within their State...

I just said the federal government should revoke that control. The Constitution gives it the authority to do so.

and believe it or not, there are some States who have made agreements with other States, to allow this to happen.... to allow insurance to be bought and regulated among those states who have agreed to each others rules and regs.

Irrelevant. The federal government doesn't allow states to prevent other products from being sold in locally. Why should insurance be any different?
because it covers a person's life, and livelihood, and State governments are the best way to do such... they are locally elected, and we the people have more control

Anyone with a brain knows it's because the insurance companies bribed members of Congress to give them what they wanted. On of the main reasons the Articles of Confederation were viewed as deficient is the fact that they gave states local control to limit commerce.
Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
it took 4 years plus to bring it up, it will take at least that, to bring it back down...

it's an Impossible Dream, to think otherwise imo.

At least that's the story you're going to keep advocating. Not that it's what you want, LOL...
Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

Sure. that the world will implode if we don't keep Obamacare isn't advocating for Obamacare. Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that.
your welcome, glad I could clarify that for you!!! :D

The flaw in your logic is that you assume that Obamacare would have to be replaced by another government monstrosity. So you assume that government control over healthcare would require another program for government to control health care, and that would take time. It would also lead us back where we are now, an expensive, crappy system. Free markets take no time at all to make corrections.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

Sure. that the world will implode if we don't keep Obamacare isn't advocating for Obamacare. Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that.
your welcome, glad I could clarify that for you!!! :D

The flaw in your logic is that you assume that Obamacare would have to be replaced by another government monstrosity. So you assume that government control over healthcare would require another program for government to control health care, and that would take time. It would also lead us back where we are now, an expensive, crappy system. Free markets take no time at all to make corrections.

So are you for cutting people off who have preexisting conditions?

What would you do for uninsured people?

How are you controlling increasing costs?
mr h, do you only have 1 child at home? no other child in college under 25?

If you had 2 children, instead of 1, with the figures you gave earlier, you would qualify for $640 a month in subsidy....but nothing with 1 child....
You do realize that $640 a month subsidy will be counted as earned income at the end of the year? $7680 dollars added to your income. That will put most into another tax bracket. You do realize that?
no, the $640 a month subsidy is not added to his income....
Yes it will, accountants has been warning about this. Just about every earned income tax credit will end this year. Obama raising taxes on the poor of the poorest.

Not true.
Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Since Obama instituted this new health care program, I lost my job because my employer couldn't pay the "new" health care costs". And since my new employer won't pay my health care costs, my new co pay through Humana is like 800 percent more. I used to pay 5O cents a year ago for the same medicine, now it's 44 bucks for the SAME THING! "Obama care" isn't affordable nor is it helping us. Lose you job, then pay more....Yeah for Obama!
Since Obama instituted this new health care program, I lost my job because my employer couldn't pay the "new" health care costs". And since my new employer won't pay my health care costs, my new co pay through Humana is like 800 percent more. I used to pay 5O cents a year ago for the same medicine, now it's 44 bucks for the SAME THING! "Obama care" isn't affordable nor is it helping us. Lose you job, then pay more....Yeah for Obama!

That is the price you have to pay in order that the welfare queens can get their subsidies.
Since Obama instituted this new health care program, I lost my job because my employer couldn't pay the "new" health care costs". And since my new employer won't pay my health care costs, my new co pay through Humana is like 800 percent more. I used to pay 5O cents a year ago for the same medicine, now it's 44 bucks for the SAME THING! "Obama care" isn't affordable nor is it helping us. Lose you job, then pay more....Yeah for Obama!

That is the price you have to pay in order that the welfare queens can get their subsidies.

I hope it really stings for all those numskulls who voted for Obama.
Poor Mary. lost her job because of health insurance overhaul.

In my 50 years in the health insurance industry, I have had no less than 11 companies fold on me, forcing me to move from state to state for new jobs. That was based on our PRIOR system of health insurance. Now that I am on Medicare, I have secure health insurance coverage for the first time in my life. So suck it up, Mary, and put out your resume.
Since Obama instituted this new health care program, I lost my job because my employer couldn't pay the "new" health care costs". And since my new employer won't pay my health care costs, my new co pay through Humana is like 800 percent more. I used to pay 5O cents a year ago for the same medicine, now it's 44 bucks for the SAME THING! "Obama care" isn't affordable nor is it helping us. Lose you job, then pay more....Yeah for Obama!
You're a lot better off with O-Care than you would be before. Was your boss a fear mongered Pub dupe, too, by any chance? If you live in a red state, you're paying more until they start cooperating. Also, sounds like he fired you before he had to even get employee insurance. Etc, etc. Pubs and dupes sigh....
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Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, people forced onto welfare to get health care, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...
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Prior to Obamacare, single young men didn't have to pay for maternity coverage or birth control. No one had to have coverage for sex change operations or drug abuse counselling if they didn't want.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...

Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Learn how group insurance works. That ain't it.

Those are the facts, moron. You should learn how insurance works in a free market. Without government compulsion, you aren't forced to pay for stuff you don't want.
That's both utterly idiotic and flat out wrong, and group insurance doesn't work that way you idiot, not even when you buy an individual policy. It's a package deal, not a fucking line-item pick and choose. Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but you are wrong.

Individual plans were indeed a kind of a la carte plan....
Ah, the good old days of people not being able to get insurance, women paying more, and insurance bureaucrats cutting people off when they most needed it, no oversight of costs, and no transparent competition...

Poor franco...the new plans are not better.
Says the "unbiased" insurance man/dupe. Guaranteed and getting cheaper.
So what I keep wondering.....

If health care is so overly expensive....why are the dems not realizing that they need to let us feel the pain.

Once people are actually paying for their health care...and not living on someone else....the costs will come down.

As long as insurance companies are propped up by the government, that ain't never gonna happen.

Democrats are not about the well-being of the nation or the individual citizens. They're about their own well-being via vote purchasing and turning people into helpless parasites.

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