Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

it won't ever go back to the way it was before the ACA, so you know not what you wish for...imo....the insurance rates will go even higher and you'll have less coverage....and more employers will drop any kind of decent insurance policies, just to save money even more so than now and more employers will drop insurance as a benefit....

Old women will be driven down crossing the street, acid rain will fill the air, the earth will boil, the first born in every home will perish, there will be a nuclear war, the earth will be overrun by orangutangs and stinging ants. Did I forget anything?
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Shocker Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care - Sarah Jean Seman

Seventy-five percent (75%) say individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some that cost more and cover just about all medical procedures and some that cost less while covering only major medical procedures. Just 10% disagree, while slightly more (15%) are undecided.

Even more (83%) believe individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some with high deductibles and lower premiums and others with lower deductibles and higher premiums. Only six percent (6%) oppose this kind of choice, while 10% are not sure.

Support for these choices is little changed in nearly two years of regular tracking.

Most voters (76%) also believe that employers and individuals should be allowed to buy health insurance plans across state lines, something that is not allowed under the new health care law. That’s the highest level of support measured since April.


Can't wait to hear Frankie flapping his oversized lips about those "Junk Plans" that nobody said anything about before they screwed Obama over.

See....I heard the movie "The Giver" was bad....but it did sum up this argument....the villian, played accurately by Meryl Streep, said "When people choose, they choose wrong." So don't you guys see.....we need a small, well educated, left wing elite to make our choices for us. Sure....they "choose wrong" all the time and destroy most of what they touch.....but so does the is better that for a small group to make mistakes for everyone, than for everyone to make mistakes...that way the chaos, and the damage effect everyone equally....

After isn't about health isn't even about is about everyone suffering the same.....why don't you guys get that.....

Of course....the small, liberal elite need to be separated from the rest of can they make decisions if they have to be worried about suffering the consequences of those eliminates their bias and let's them make decisions clearly, and objectively.....
People may want to choose their own health care, but that's over now.

REP. MARK MEADOWS Obamacare s Christmas surprise - Washington Times

CMS will use a blindfold to pick your plan. The agency will select your plan without knowing your medical history. They will do so without knowing if you are currently undergoing treatment or working with a specific doctor. They will do so without knowing your financial status. Despite the fact that the millions of people who already enrolled chose the plan that they believed was best for them.
CMS has laid the perfect trap: Sign up at one time in your life and we will never let you go. If you don’t continually re-enroll each and every year, CMS will keep you on the plan that it chooses because, after all, CMS knows what’s best and they always make the best decision. Oh, and if you don’t believe that, please go to the 600 million dollar website that will give you all kinds of testimonials handcrafted by MIT professors.

Starting Chrismas Day, your ability to choose whatever plan you want has been taken from you.
ONLY if the participant AGREED to have the ACA automatically enroll them each year. So the participant had to agree to this when they applied the first time they went on to the Exchange.

If the participant did NOT agree to AUTOMATICALLY enroll them each year, then they can continue to look at plans and choose whatever one they wanted, or keep the same plan they had already.
it won't ever go back to the way it was before the ACA, so you know not what you wish for...imo....the insurance rates will go even higher and you'll have less coverage....and more employers will drop any kind of decent insurance policies, just to save money even more so than now and more employers will drop insurance as a benefit....

Old women will be driven down crossing the street, acid rain will fill the air, the earth will boil, the first born in every home will perish, there will be a nuclear war, the earth will be overrun by orangutangs and stinging ants. Did I forget anything?
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....
mr h, do you only have 1 child at home? no other child in college under 25?

If you had 2 children, instead of 1, with the figures you gave earlier, you would qualify for $640 a month in subsidy....but nothing with 1 child....
You do realize that $640 a month subsidy will be counted as earned income at the end of the year? $7680 dollars added to your income. That will put most into another tax bracket. You do realize that?
no, the $640 a month subsidy is not added to his income....
Yes it will, accountants has been warning about this. Just about every earned income tax credit will end this year. Obama raising taxes on the poor of the poorest.
Sorry, but you are wrong, period. The $640 he would qualify for as a subsidy is NOT counted as income.

HOWEVER, the other $600 a month that he has to pay a month for his share of the premium cost, is NOT tax deductible like it would be if he was getting his insurance through his employer....

so the money he has to pay out of his own pocket for his premium share each month is not tax deductible....but the subsidy itself is not added to his taxable income.
Okay, when you get your taxes done, your in for a big surprise. Maybe it will make you realize what a liar Obama is.
I get my health care through my husband's employer, so I am not eligible to get insurance on the exchange, due to insurance being available to purchase for spouses, through his employer....makes me not eligible.

But I have read a great deal about it, because my husband may choose to retire soon, and we needed to know what insurance policies on the individual market would cost us, if he no longer got it through his employer for us.

The subsidy itself is NOT added to your income.

Maybe if you could give a link to some of these accountants that have written about it, I could go through the article with a fine tooth comb to try to figure out what they are talking about?

I think you are misunderstanding what they are saying.....

And yes, people will be surprised to find out the amount they pay each month for their portion of the monthly insurance premium is no longer tax deductible, if they receive any subsidy at all from the government.
it won't ever go back to the way it was before the ACA, so you know not what you wish for...imo....the insurance rates will go even higher and you'll have less coverage....and more employers will drop any kind of decent insurance policies, just to save money even more so than now and more employers will drop insurance as a benefit....

Old women will be driven down crossing the street, acid rain will fill the air, the earth will boil, the first born in every home will perish, there will be a nuclear war, the earth will be overrun by orangutangs and stinging ants. Did I forget anything?
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
it won't ever go back to the way it was before the ACA, so you know not what you wish for...imo....the insurance rates will go even higher and you'll have less coverage....and more employers will drop any kind of decent insurance policies, just to save money even more so than now and more employers will drop insurance as a benefit....

Old women will be driven down crossing the street, acid rain will fill the air, the earth will boil, the first born in every home will perish, there will be a nuclear war, the earth will be overrun by orangutangs and stinging ants. Did I forget anything?
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....
mr h, do you only have 1 child at home? no other child in college under 25?

If you had 2 children, instead of 1, with the figures you gave earlier, you would qualify for $640 a month in subsidy....but nothing with 1 child....
You do realize that $640 a month subsidy will be counted as earned income at the end of the year? $7680 dollars added to your income. That will put most into another tax bracket. You do realize that?
no, the $640 a month subsidy is not added to his income....
Yes it will, accountants has been warning about this. Just about every earned income tax credit will end this year. Obama raising taxes on the poor of the poorest.
Sorry, but you are wrong, period. The $640 he would qualify for as a subsidy is NOT counted as income.

HOWEVER, the other $600 a month that he has to pay a month for his share of the premium cost, is NOT tax deductible like it would be if he was getting his insurance through his employer....

so the money he has to pay out of his own pocket for his premium share each month is not tax deductible....but the subsidy itself is not added to his taxable income.

That's another stupid Democrat policy.
Old women will be driven down crossing the street, acid rain will fill the air, the earth will boil, the first born in every home will perish, there will be a nuclear war, the earth will be overrun by orangutangs and stinging ants. Did I forget anything?
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.
Old women will be driven down crossing the street, acid rain will fill the air, the earth will boil, the first born in every home will perish, there will be a nuclear war, the earth will be overrun by orangutangs and stinging ants. Did I forget anything?
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

Sure. that the world will implode if we don't keep Obamacare isn't advocating for Obamacare. Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that.
Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

So just a brief time suckling on governments tits and people can't do things for themselves again?
Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
it took 4 years plus to bring it up, it will take at least that, to bring it back down...

it's an Impossible Dream, to think otherwise imo.
Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
it took 4 years plus to bring it up, it will take at least that, to bring it back down...

it's an Impossible Dream, to think otherwise imo.

So it's OK to bare the pain of it going up, but not the pain of it going down?

That's pure leftwing idiocy.
You will melt when water is thrown on you? :D
(i.e. The Wizzard of Oz)

Um...OK? That would make a lot more sense if you were not the one advocating authoritarian government and I were not the one advocating they stay away from my body.
Really? Hmmmm, show me where I was advocating for anything, anything at all....

Sure, see in red.
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

Sure. that the world will implode if we don't keep Obamacare isn't advocating for Obamacare. Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that.
your welcome, glad I could clarify that for you!!! :D
I don't see that as advocating for the ACA, I see that as a reality, IF congress does not come up with reform....

I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
it took 4 years plus to bring it up, it will take at least that, to bring it back down...

it's an Impossible Dream, to think otherwise imo.

So it's OK to bare the pain of it going up, but not the pain of it going down?

That's pure leftwing idiocy.
Did I say anything about bearing the pain to bring it back down? I said, that if you think it can be abolished tomorrow, or in an instant with a are dreaming.... if congress agreed to abolish it, it will take just as many years, at least 4 yrs, to bring it down....and even that would take a miracle...with congress having to work together to dismantle it
I see you were advocating for the ACA. You're so called "reality" is in fact a delusion.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
it took 4 years plus to bring it up, it will take at least that, to bring it back down...

it's an Impossible Dream, to think otherwise imo.

So it's OK to bare the pain of it going up, but not the pain of it going down?

That's pure leftwing idiocy.
Did I say anything about bearing the pain to bring it back down? I said, that if you think it can be abolished tomorrow, or in an instant with a are dreaming.... if congress agreed to abolish it, it will take just as many years, at least 4 yrs, to bring it down....and even that would take a miracle...with congress having to work together to dismantle it

Nah, it won't take long at all. If the remove all those controls in insurance companies, then they will come to a solution within a year. While they are at it, they can remove the barriers to selling insurance in other states to there is true competition. Than can also remove the limits on HSAs so people can become largely self-insuring within a few years.
I don't think so....I think a LOT has happened since the ACA was initiated, and there is no turning back the clocks or twitching ones nose to bring it back to the way it was, Once upon a time.

The ACA can be abolished with the stroke of a pen. The claim that were stuck with it is fatuous, to say the least.
it took 4 years plus to bring it up, it will take at least that, to bring it back down...

it's an Impossible Dream, to think otherwise imo.

So it's OK to bare the pain of it going up, but not the pain of it going down?

That's pure leftwing idiocy.
Did I say anything about bearing the pain to bring it back down? I said, that if you think it can be abolished tomorrow, or in an instant with a are dreaming.... if congress agreed to abolish it, it will take just as many years, at least 4 yrs, to bring it down....and even that would take a miracle...with congress having to work together to dismantle it

Nah, it won't take long at all. If the remove all those controls in insurance companies, then they will come to a solution within a year. While they are at it, they can remove the barriers to selling insurance in other states to there is true competition. Than can also remove the limits on HSAs so people can become largely self-insuring within a few years.
So you really want to take away the State's right to govern it's own State's Insurance and hand that over to the federal government via the federal gvt's FORCE? By the federal gvt changing the law to allow citizens to buy insurance across state lines, then you are taking away your State gvt's power to protect you, and regulate insurance in your own State...

SOOOOO, I guess ''believing'' in State Rights is not your thing, eh? Or only your thing when it is convenient for you...?
I can't afford the cheapest mother scratching ACA policy.

IF I had access to a policy that had no maternity, no drug abuse, no mental health provisions... I could afford it.

There used to be a "buffet" of policies out there, but now we are all on the exact same policy.

Socialism- ya can't beat it. With a fucking stick. :fu:
I only need a policy that covers the rare broken leg or accident, and maybe a visit to the doctor every six months, as I really don't need to go too often. But even if I find one like that, it is sure to be at least $160-200 a month.

See, and what I need is a policy that lets me take my kids for regular checkups and vaccinations, lets me get mammograms and PAP smears once a year, and covers the occasional serious ailment. I have no use for birth control coverage or maternity - I'm the only female in the family, and I'm in pre-menopause, for God's sake - and no drug abuse. I can cover the cost of my monthly Paroxetine prescription myself. My family doesn't get sick much, and why do I have to pay for shit no one here is ever going to need?

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