Shocker! Judge orders trial on Obama's eligibility issue

Email. Thrushed Limbaloney and Sean Hannutsy for the ' fair and balanced " troof.
Ann Coulter will be called in to evaluate the issue and " set you free"
FreeDumb !

Ironically, even Ann Coulter says the birther movement is dumb. She calls them cranks.
I really think the GOP needs to get all over this issue.

Every republican needs to get on board and state publically that they do not believe Obama is an American

I dont know whether he was or not.
Why won't the Obama campaign and now the Obama White House release any of his records? We haven't seen a legitimate birth certificate. We haven't seen hospital records. We haven't seen school records. They have blocked every attempted release. Why?
When questions arose about McCain he released every record related to his birth. Obama refuses to do the same.
If there's no smoking gun, then what are they trying to hide??
I think it's far more important and relevant to see President Obama's college transcripts. Why is the bar lower for Obama in this matter? I want to read with interest his thesis, look at his grades, the classes he took, who his professors were.

If it was good enough for Booooosh, why not for Obama who is so much better in every way?

When did we see Bush's transcripts? Did he even have any?
He released them. George W. Bush's YALE Transcript: :: Official Site to Re-Select Bush/Cheney in 2004!

Much to the dismay of the Kerry campaign though, who knew Kerry's grades weren't as good, but put him forth as "the intellectual candidate" anyway, and didn't release Kerry's transcripts until the July AFTER the election.

Can't believe you don't know about that.

Another good article: College Transcripts of George W. Bush Show C Average | Edu in Review Blog

And by the way I remember you asked this before, when the issue of transcripts came up, and I provided you with the information then as well.
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The whole birth certificiate/eligibility to be president issue will be resolved as soon as Obama is no longer president :eusa_whistle:
I really think the GOP needs to get all over this issue.

Every republican needs to get on board and state publically that they do not believe Obama is an American

I dont know whether he was or not.
Yes we do know, because his mother was. And the SCOTUS has ruled more than once, if one or both parents is a natural born citizen, YOU are one as well, no matter where you are born even if it's on the freakin moon.
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I really think the GOP needs to get all over this issue.

Every republican needs to get on board and state publically that they do not believe Obama is an American

I dont know whether he was or not.
Yes we do know, because his mother was. And the SCOTUS has ruled more than once, if one or both parents is a natural born citizen, YOU are one as well, no matter where you are born even if it's on the freakin moon.

there's some question as to whether his mother actually relinquished her citizenship. I'd suggest reviewing the arguments before trying to make it open and shut. If it were easy you wouldn't find this much opposition.
I am not a birther, but... after all this talk, I would like to know, kinda.

He could end everyone's misery by showing it. And the transcripts too.
Did you ever ask for Bush's thesis? Or did he do a the sis?:lol:

It's all fucking smoke and mirrors to distract the sound biters from real facts and discourse.:cuckoo:
funny how it just won't go away huh. more kerosene anyone ??????

Of course it won't go away. You have the nut cases bringing it back up.

The theory that Bush let 9-11 happen keeps coming up. Does that prove it's true?
Did you seriously make me waste a click on this???

Fucking crazy nutbag.

Moderator, can this please be moved to "Conspiracy Theories"?

funny how it just won't go away huh. more kerosene anyone ??????

Of course it won't go away. You have the nut cases bringing it back up.

The theory that Bush let 9-11 happen keeps coming up. Does that prove it's true?

There was congressional investigation about 9-11.

As I said, I am just curious. Are you, at all?
I really think the GOP needs to get all over this issue.

Every republican needs to get on board and state publically that they do not believe Obama is an American

actually, there are dems in this camp as well :eusa_whistle:
I really think the GOP needs to get all over this issue.

Every republican needs to get on board and state publically that they do not believe Obama is an American

I dont know whether he was or not.
Yes we do know, because his mother was. And the SCOTUS has ruled more than once, if one or both parents is a natural born citizen, YOU are one as well, no matter where you are born even if it's on the freakin moon.

MM, while widely believed, that's not accurate.

Why Obama is not a US citizen if he was born in Kenya

Posted 07-31-2009 at 04:24 PM by Missourian

I had heard and read many reasons why Obama would not be a citizen if he was born in Kenya to an American mother and a foreign national father, so I went straight to the source...the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

Here is a link to the relevant section - 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act Title3 Chapter1

Note section 301 (a)(7)

Barack Obama's mother Stanley Ann Dunham would have had to reach the age of 19 before the date of his birth, she was only 18 as thus does not meet the requirement of:

"was physically present in the United States or it's outlying possessions for a period or periods totalling not less than 10 years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of 14 year"

Barack Obama was born August 4th, 1961

Stanley Ann Dunham was born on November 29, 1942

18 and three quarters does not meet the threshold for citizenship.

Here is another link to the same document at a different site..please don't take my word for it, read it for yourselves:

1952 Immigration and Nationality Act Title 3 Chapter 1
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This is one of the stupidest conspiracy theories I have ever heard.

You people belong in an institution.
US citizen definitely. Here is the proof.

What's so stupid about asking questions about the background of a man who has admitted, in print, that he has spent many, many years outside of the US? When it comes to the stupidest conspiracy theory ever, I'd have to vote for Dick Cheney remote controlling the jets that flew into the WTC towers from the basement of the Pentagon. That's got to be the dumbest conspiracy theory ever.
You see, I'm not even going to get into this argument.

It's a fucking moronic argument, that the Supreme Court has refused to have in their court because it's so fucking moronic.

Though I'm sure now you'll start talking about how the Supreme Court is a bunch of "Liberal Muslim Socialists" or something else just as assinine.

You people just go ahead and keep on talking in your cozy little bizarro world echo chamber, I'm going to go have a conversation where I'm not wasting my time.
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You see, I'm not even going to get into this argument.

It's a fucking moronic argument, that the Supreme Court has refused to have in their court because it's so fucking moronic.

Though I'm sure now you'll start talking about how the Supreme Court is a bunch of "Liberal Muslim Socialists" or something else just as assinine.

You people just go ahead and keep on talking in your cozy little bizarro world echo chamber, I'm going to go have a conversation where I'm not wasting my time.

You can't get into this argument, and I understand :) You want so bad for it to go away but you also cannot deal with it logically, hence the name calling. I've done the same thing, so no bad feelings bro, but you're wrong on this and you know it.

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