SHOCKING: Did Anyone see Joy Reid defend an LGBTQ book about rape and incest against Mom's For Liberty?

You can find plenty of parishioners and fellow pastors trying to cover it up though. I haven't seen very many stories of teacher unions shuffling known pedo teachers around schools to avoid accountability and embarrassment.
The Catholic Church did try to hide and ignore what homosexual priests were doing

I suspect access to innocent young boys was a major incentive for gays to become priests even if they did not believe in God

Shame on them and shame on Catholic Church hierarchy

The same goes for the Boy Scouts who to be fair were forced by stupid lib judges to admit queers as scout masters and scout members

Now its your turn to condemn homosexual grooming in our public schools

Can you do that?

Homosexuals are a favorite pet minority who are important to the leftwing agends
The Catholic Church did try to hide and ignore what homosexual priests were doing

I suspect access to innocent young boys was a major incentive for gays to become priests even if they did not believe in God

Shame on them and shame on Catholic Church hierarchy

The same goes for the Boy Scouts who to be fair were forced by stupid lib judges to admit queers as scout masters and scout members

Now its your turn to condemn homosexual grooming in our public schools

Can you do that?

Homosexuals are a favorite pet minority who are important to the leftwing agends
Don't forget the evangelicals. But no. I don't concede to your ignorant argument that teaching inclusivity and acceptance of your natural sexuality amounts to grooming of anything other than healthy relationships and lifestyles.
Great - now what are you going to do about it?

Instead of ignorantly condemning LGBTQ folks, what are YOU going to do to clean up the conservative Christian rape factory?

You're enabling the rape of children.

While you falsely condemn LGBTQ people as predators, how many children have been raped by the conservative Christians you've protected?

Time to act, or you may be condemned for all time.
As long as you support gay grooming in the greater society you have no moral right to cast stones at innocent Christians
Don't forget the evangelicals. But no. I don't concede to your ignorant argument that teaching inclusivity and acceptance of your natural sexuality amounts to grooming of anything other than healthy relationships and lifestyles.
You want to poison the minds of children to make them not only the victims of pedophiles today but future pedophiles when they grow up
You want to poison the minds of children to make them not only the victims of pedophiles today but future pedophiles when they grow up
That is objectively stupid. Comprehensive sex education has been proven to reduce sexual victimization of children and teenagers.
Why are you lying?

Or do you have reading comprehension issues?

If the latter, I'm more than happy to work with you.

If the former, you may be damned for all time.

See above.

Do you have the evidence to support your baseless bigotry and hate, or just that hollow bigotry and hate?

You're a bigot, a liar, a hypocrite and a rape-enabling coward.

But other than that...

You made an unsupported claim of 1 million Christian rapes by church officials so you have no right to lecture others about documentation
That is objectively stupid. Comprehensive sex education has been proven to reduce sexual victimization of children and teenagers.
Sex should be confined to intercourse between a man and a woman - and preferably within marriage

You folks want to groom children to be perverts
Sex should be confined to intercourse between a man and a woman - and preferably within marriage

You folks want to groom children to be perverts
You literal just expressed a desire to dictate the sexual boundaries of others while calling other people groomers. Your ignorance isn't only profound it's so wonderfully amusing and even a little charming in its complete absence of awareness or rationality. :lmao:
You literal just expressed a desire to dictate the sexual boundaries of others while calling other people groomers. Your ignorance isn't only profound it's so wonderfully amusing and even a little charming in its complete absence of awareness or rationality. :lmao:
I am not an anything goes hedonist

And certainly not for children who must be guided by responsible parental control

Notice I said parents

Not gay teachers or lesbian librarians
I am not an anything goes hedonist
I didn't ask about your sexual preferences because I don't care. Care about other people's sex lives is for you desperate incels.
And certainly not for children who must be guided by responsible parental control

Notice I said parents

Not gay teachers or lesbian librarians
There's nothing responsible about denying and attempting to supress your child's natural sexuality and sexual development. And I'm not talking about the act of sex itself but the development of friendships and attraction leading into intimacy. Sex education isn't just about safe sex practices but also healthy relationships with yourself and your partner or partners. You Bingos still clinging to your guns and bibles aren't mature enough yet to have these nuanced conversations unlike these children and young adults.
There's nothing responsible about denying and attempting to supress your child's natural sexuality and sexual development.
Loving responsible parents do not want their children lured into the homosexual lifestyle by lib groomers

Children need good guidance while they are growing up

Lib groomers want to confuse and corrupt them
Loving responsible parents do not want their children lured into the homosexual lifestyle by lib groomers
Marriage is a lifestyle you dumb Bingo, homosexuality is natural.
Children need good guidance while they are growing up
Agreed. From people who understand rational thought rather than taking their cues from a 2000 year old book full of inaccuracies and inconsistencies.
Lib groomers want to confuse and corrupt them
No one is confused by your lack of education. It's readily apparent.
Marriage is a lifestyle you dumb Bingo, homosexuality is natural.
Marriage between a man and a woman is good and necessary for a stable society

Homosexuality is a perversion of the natural order and bad for society
Marriage between a man and a woman is good and necessary for a stable society
Jesus Christ....:disbelief:

Marriage is a rather recent invention as far human societies go who's existence stretches back hundreds of thousands of years. Your genome wouldn't of made it this far if those marriageless societies didn't prove themselves stable to survive.
Homosexuality is a perversion of the natural order and bad for society
Thats a cute claim. Now support it with a rational argument.
Marriage is a rather recent invention as far human societies go

You’re telling us primitive humans living in caves didnt practice marriage as we do now

Which means liberals want our culture to digress

You’re telling us primitive humans living in caves didnt practice marriage as we do now

Which means liberals want our culture to digress
If primitive is being defined as what older societies did before us then marriage is now primitive.

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