Shocking News from the World of Science: Resumes including ‘they/them’ pronouns are more likely to be overlooked

If I was in charge of hiring someone and they used pronouns during the interview or I saw them on their resume that is someone I would never hire.

1 because that person obviously has some issues either mentally, socially, or just buys into garbage nonsense so much that are not someone I would consider to work for me. It shows they aren't realistic and rational or willing to conform to basic society standards and thus won't conform to a work environment.

2 because those kinds of people would be more likely to cause issues at work with other people. They would be likely to be offended and cause problems over the most insignificant things, probably want special treatment, not want to do their job for some dumb reason, push the limits of not showing up for work and so on.

3 they would be highly likely to cause legal trouble for the company. Probably quick to yell discrimination or publicly call the company out on social media for any tiny thing, and probably want to sue over or start demanding a union.

4 they are soft and weak willed people always trying to find ways not to do their job or become incredibly easy to overwhelm. They are the ones usually wanting work from home jobs or can't even do the simplest of tasks.

At the end of the day the risk of hiring a pronoun person is not worth it because they are universally weak individuals that are lazy, not very intelligent and demanding.
Imagine that. I’m even worse personally. I wouldn’t hire anyone under 40 unless I had personal knowledge they weren’t a snowflake.

I don't even know what "they/them" is supposed to mean. Do they have multiple personalities or something?
In other good news corporations are starting to rethink their DIE departments and shutting them down since the SCOTUS Harvard decision because they know it was broad-based enough where they don't have to worry about it anymore.
I've been warning Americans to avoid hiring democrats at all cost. Trust me, you'll thank me.
Imagine that. I’m even worse personally. I wouldn’t hire anyone under 40 unless I had personal knowledge they weren’t a snowflake.

Yeah. There are some good things about all of these pronouns. It helps you weed out the snowflakes a whole lot easier.

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