Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

These youngsters want socialist programs like healthcare in England and Canada. If that's what they want they should move there.
More evidence our schools don’t teach.

Nothing like insulting every country
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

At soon to be 55, a conservative, pro-business (thus anti-corporatist and anti-globalist) I can say that some other countries are better.
I am bitterly disappointed in the direction America has been on since the late 1970's and progressively getting worse every decade.
We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a corporate plutocracy. The elected government absolutely does more for large corporations, supporting them and ensuring marketshare than they care about the average citizen. It isn't even close.

Why don't any of you that claim other countries are better willing to say which country? Is it because you know your argument will be so shot full of holes you will look like a Ukrainian airliner?

Wanna buy some tickets? I'll sell em cheap!
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?
For one thing, they don’t have Trump as President
Did Trump once reject your advances?
Under trump, the U.S. no longer stands for anything. These kids are not wrong. We have lost our way. Under trump, faith in the U.S. is being demolished by the minute.

I am currently on a road trip on family business. I'm back to the place where I was born, even going past the hospital in which I first saw the light of day at six pounds, some ounces, and the house I lived in as a child, The main street down which we rode our bikes on July Fourth with red, white, and blue crepe between the wheels. The place where we learned faith in God and country.

Now trump and the "Christian" fundies want to destroy all of this. Why? The belief that I have in the United States of America cannot be demolished by trump and his minions. The belief that I have in the teachings of Jesus cannot be destroyed by the likes of graham or falwell.
Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

Probably because we need people who understand math and statistics..

The problem is, they can look at math and statistics, see how we are falling behind in every metric of quality of life and realize we are doing it wrong.

Probably because we need people who understand math and statistics..

But the liberals graduate knowing less math and statistics.

How do you know this?

Because liberals are idiots and bad at math.
Well, those "young Americans" are right.

Among "better" countries are Japan, Iceland, Finland, and Norway. Some people would also include the Czech Republic and Hungary.

I do not know, however, how much longer those countries can keep that position.

Why don't you live in one of those countries? Have you been to any of those countries?
Interesting how the countries you list are damn near 100% culturally and racially homogeneous.

Kinda fucks up the narrative, doesn't it.
The racists are always with us.
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Possibly they read this report as well...

World Happiness Report

Ranking of Happiness 2016 - 2018

Overall rank 19
United States
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?
Maybe they don't think Impeached Trump made America great again.
The US would be a lot more attractive if it wasnt so violent and if it had a proper healthcare service. I like to visit the US, its a great place for a holiday and Americans are polite and friendly. But its great to go home afterwards.

I dont know why the nutjobs on here are so threatened by this. The notion that things could be better is at the heart of progress. Wales is the greatest country in the world but there is a shit load of things that could be better. Same all over.
The US would be a lot more attractive if it wasnt so violent and if it had a proper healthcare service. I like to visit the US, its a great place for a holiday and Americans are polite and friendly. But its great to go home afterwards.

I dont know why the nutjobs on here are so threatened by this. The notion that things could be better is at the heart of progress. Wales is the greatest country in the world but there is a shit load of things that could be better. Same all over.

As an American, I am deeply dismayed by the sudden onslaught of violence and by the people we hear from on USMB who somehow mix up being an American with discrimination against so many and an aptitude for violence. These people do the same with the Christian religion. These are the same people who oppose our having a proper health service. Hillary Clinton was working on establishing one since at least her husband's tenure in office. In the meantime, the republicans have offered absolutely nothing.

The advent of the trump administration has brought the first time in my life that I am truly ashamed to be an American. Before this, I had pride in being an American. I never even thought at any time that I would see this day when we would be humiliated before the world, and here it is upon us. It hurts very deeply.
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