Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

"Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate?"

I hope you understand (but know you won't) that the very fact that you automatically call other people "bastions of hate" simply because other nations claim to be happier is just ONE of the reasons I find you and your ilk deranged and dangerous.

And why should I care what you think?
Why does what a couple of kids say bother anyone? I laugh at stuff like this. I know the us is a great place to live. I don't care what a couple of kids say. It's like you are on the lookout for this kind of stuff. Just let it go. Take care of your family and let all the rest go. It doesn't matter.
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

At soon to be 55, a conservative, pro-business (thus anti-corporatist and anti-globalist) I can say that some other countries are better.
I am bitterly disappointed in the direction America has been on since the late 1970's and progressively getting worse every decade.
We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a corporate plutocracy. The elected government absolutely does more for large corporations, supporting them and ensuring marketshare than they care about the average citizen. It isn't even close.

You don't sound a hell of a lot like a conservative, champ.
Then perhaps you don't know what one is.
Corporatism/globalism is a cancer. A cancer where an extraordinary small number of people capitalize on the benefits of production of a very large, and extremely underpaid people in economic servitude. It is an economy of wasps. Wasp exclusively survive on the backs of other insects.
I am a free market supporter. In America we obviously do not have a free market. We have a ridiculously over regulated system where a great deal of those regulations and rules were made to benefit and enforce the largest market holders. Indeed in many industries the rules in place were literally written by the largest market holders representatives. It is a pay to win market.

Sounds like an excuse for your own failures that you are promoting here...
Sounds like your reading comprehension is low
Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

At soon to be 55, a conservative, pro-business (thus anti-corporatist and anti-globalist) I can say that some other countries are better.
I am bitterly disappointed in the direction America has been on since the late 1970's and progressively getting worse every decade.
We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a corporate plutocracy. The elected government absolutely does more for large corporations, supporting them and ensuring marketshare than they care about the average citizen. It isn't even close.

You don't sound a hell of a lot like a conservative, champ.
Then perhaps you don't know what one is.
Corporatism/globalism is a cancer. A cancer where an extraordinary small number of people capitalize on the benefits of production of a very large, and extremely underpaid people in economic servitude. It is an economy of wasps. Wasp exclusively survive on the backs of other insects.
I am a free market supporter. In America we obviously do not have a free market. We have a ridiculously over regulated system where a great deal of those regulations and rules were made to benefit and enforce the largest market holders. Indeed in many industries the rules in place were literally written by the largest market holders representatives. It is a pay to win market.

Sounds like an excuse for your own failures that you are promoting here...
Sounds like your reading comprehension is low

Not at all....You're just one of those guy's where nothing is ever YOUR fault, aren't you? And arrogant too boot....Not a good combination...No wonder you fail....
In this thread you can see how harmfully divided the country is.
Someone says something you may disagree with, and immediately people go on the defensive and start insulting and making broad assumptions.
The fact is I am highly likely in the top 2% economically on this board. I am 54 years old, I have plenty of equity in my home, I already have enough money to retire comfortably on from past high income for a couple decades. I also am among the VERY few who have an actual, real pension. Referred to as the extinct "old fashion" pension that is 120% funded.
I operated a successful medium sized manufacturing business (43 employees) that surpassed market profitability 14 years straight.
I am an actual conservative. Also almost extinct. I am fiercely pro business. I am one who believes businesses should pay zero income tax, as an example. I intimately know how important locally owned and operated businesses are to a community. We supported 13 local charities as well as provided heavily discounted services to selected non-profits. I employed 43 families that spent their incomes in the community that supported other businesses.
Corporatism is not good. It is vile. It seeks only to feed the very-very-very top few. It never hesitates to cause significant harm to the many to benefit the few. For the life of me, I do not see how ANY conservative is a corporatist/globalist. Globalism is systematically undermining the American way of life. Period.
The problem is corporations have a heavy influence on our political scene. Their influence is sometimes detrimental to average citizens. Yet
In this thread you can see how harmfully divided the country is.
Someone says something you may disagree with, and immediately people go on the defensive and start insulting and making broad assumptions.
The fact is I am highly likely in the top 2% economically on this board. I am 54 years old, I have plenty of equity in my home, I already have enough money to retire comfortably on from past high income for a couple decades. I also am among the VERY few who have an actual, real pension. Referred to as the extinct "old fashion" pension that is 120% funded.
I operated a successful medium sized manufacturing business (43 employees) that surpassed market profitability 14 years straight.
I am an actual conservative. Also almost extinct. I am fiercely pro business. I am one who believes businesses should pay zero income tax, as an example. I intimately know how important locally owned and operated businesses are to a community. We supported 13 local charities as well as provided heavily discounted services to selected non-profits. I employed 43 families that spent their incomes in the community that supported other businesses.
Corporatism is not good. It is vile. It seeks only to feed the very-very-very top few. It never hesitates to cause significant harm to the many to benefit the few. For the life of me, I do not see how ANY conservative is a corporatist/globalist. Globalism is systematically undermining the American way of life. Period.

"The Brandeisian revival is fundamentally motivated by progressives’ longstanding desire for a redistribution of income to counter what they claim is a rapid and corrosive growth of income inequality. The policies they seek to achieve that goal also include a higher minimum wage, universal health care, and higher taxes on the rich. But those policies require legislative approval, which is not likely in a Republican-controlled Congress. Progressives have realized that, of the steps a Democratic president can take on his or her own, a tough antitrust policy would have the greatest symbolic impact.

The new Brandeisians believe that even limited economic concentration hurts consumers because it reduces competition for both workers and customers, enabling higher profits by way of artificially low wages and high prices. The scholarly literature generally finds that bigger firms do enjoy higher profits. But the key question is whether these higher profits come from market share or from superior productivity and performance. A comprehensive review of the economic literature on this question conducted by academics David Szymanski, Sundar Bharadwaj, and P. Rajan Varadarajan found that firms with greater market share enjoy higher profits because they are more efficient than smaller firms — and that this efficiency benefits workers, consumers, and shareholders.


This is not true. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, not only did establishments with more than 500 workers pay their workers 77 percent more than establishments with fewer than 50 workers, but from 2004 to 2016, inflation-adjusted compensation for their workers grew by $3.88 per hour compared with just $1.45 for establishments with fewer than 50 workers.

Nonetheless, neo-Brandeisians argue that breaking up big firms would reduce profits, leading to higher wages or lower prices. So how much would the average American benefit if the corporate-profit rate (net income as a share of total receipts) were the same today as in the glory days of the 1950s and ’60s, when antitrust enforcement was much tougher and wage growth much higher?

In fact, returning to the profit rate of that era would make American workers worse off, at least in the short term, since corporate profits were higher then. But for the sake of argument, assume that neo-Brandeisians get a president whose Justice Department is able to fragment the largest corporations into medium-sized businesses and that this reduces corporate profits 25 percent. If all that money goes toward lowering prices for the bottom 90 percent of earners, the median income will increase a whopping — get ready for it — 3.1 percent, or $1,750 per household.

But second-order effects would quickly more than negate this one-time gain. This is because on average small and medium-sized firms are less productive than large ones (that’s why they pay their workers less). If the U.S. had the same firm-size structure as Canada, where on average businesses are smaller and less productive (which is one big reason Canada is less wealthy than the U.S.), U.S. per capita GDP would decrease by 3.4 percent. Lower profits would also mean reduced investment in research and development and machinery and equipment, which would in turn reduce future productivity and wage growth."

Large Corporations: Good for Society | National Review
In this thread you can see how harmfully divided the country is.
Someone says something you may disagree with, and immediately people go on the defensive and start insulting and making broad assumptions.
The fact is I am highly likely in the top 2% economically on this board. I am 54 years old, I have plenty of equity in my home, I already have enough money to retire comfortably on from past high income for a couple decades. I also am among the VERY few who have an actual, real pension. Referred to as the extinct "old fashion" pension that is 120% funded.
I operated a successful medium sized manufacturing business (43 employees) that surpassed market profitability 14 years straight.
I am an actual conservative. Also almost extinct. I am fiercely pro business. I am one who believes businesses should pay zero income tax, as an example. I intimately know how important locally owned and operated businesses are to a community. We supported 13 local charities as well as provided heavily discounted services to selected non-profits. I employed 43 families that spent their incomes in the community that supported other businesses.
Corporatism is not good. It is vile. It seeks only to feed the very-very-very top few. It never hesitates to cause significant harm to the many to benefit the few. For the life of me, I do not see how ANY conservative is a corporatist/globalist. Globalism is systematically undermining the American way of life. Period.

"The Brandeisian revival is fundamentally motivated by progressives’ longstanding desire for a redistribution of income to counter what they claim is a rapid and corrosive growth of income inequality. The policies they seek to achieve that goal also include a higher minimum wage, universal health care, and higher taxes on the rich. But those policies require legislative approval, which is not likely in a Republican-controlled Congress. Progressives have realized that, of the steps a Democratic president can take on his or her own, a tough antitrust policy would have the greatest symbolic impact.

The new Brandeisians believe that even limited economic concentration hurts consumers because it reduces competition for both workers and customers, enabling higher profits by way of artificially low wages and high prices. The scholarly literature generally finds that bigger firms do enjoy higher profits. But the key question is whether these higher profits come from market share or from superior productivity and performance. A comprehensive review of the economic literature on this question conducted by academics David Szymanski, Sundar Bharadwaj, and P. Rajan Varadarajan found that firms with greater market share enjoy higher profits because they are more efficient than smaller firms — and that this efficiency benefits workers, consumers, and shareholders.


This is not true. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, not only did establishments with more than 500 workers pay their workers 77 percent more than establishments with fewer than 50 workers, but from 2004 to 2016, inflation-adjusted compensation for their workers grew by $3.88 per hour compared with just $1.45 for establishments with fewer than 50 workers.

Nonetheless, neo-Brandeisians argue that breaking up big firms would reduce profits, leading to higher wages or lower prices. So how much would the average American benefit if the corporate-profit rate (net income as a share of total receipts) were the same today as in the glory days of the 1950s and ’60s, when antitrust enforcement was much tougher and wage growth much higher?

In fact, returning to the profit rate of that era would make American workers worse off, at least in the short term, since corporate profits were higher then. But for the sake of argument, assume that neo-Brandeisians get a president whose Justice Department is able to fragment the largest corporations into medium-sized businesses and that this reduces corporate profits 25 percent. If all that money goes toward lowering prices for the bottom 90 percent of earners, the median income will increase a whopping — get ready for it — 3.1 percent, or $1,750 per household.

But second-order effects would quickly more than negate this one-time gain. This is because on average small and medium-sized firms are less productive than large ones (that’s why they pay their workers less). If the U.S. had the same firm-size structure as Canada, where on average businesses are smaller and less productive (which is one big reason Canada is less wealthy than the U.S.), U.S. per capita GDP would decrease by 3.4 percent. Lower profits would also mean reduced investment in research and development and machinery and equipment, which would in turn reduce future productivity and wage growth."

Large Corporations: Good for Society | National Review

500 workers???
What planet are you on? A business with 500 employees is not a large corporation. Good sized small company, but a tiny blip to a corporation.
Monsanto, is a small corporation comparatively, and they employ over 20,000 regular employees and 2,800 temporary.
Ambev employs 45,000 and is a subsidiary of Inbev which employs 183,000
Tyson foods employs 122,000.

Let's go ahead and hear you defend just these three, and how awesome and amazing they have been for the general public.
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Yeah they're all like those whiny democrats who keep saying they are going to move to Canada every time a republican president is elected

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I remember a time when the republican party was respectable and put up reliable candidates. No one needed to move anywhere outside the U.S. Now it is a party composed only of white trash.
So move out when the next republican is elected president
In this thread you can see how harmfully divided the country is.
Someone says something you may disagree with, and immediately people go on the defensive and start insulting and making broad assumptions.
The fact is I am highly likely in the top 2% economically on this board. I am 54 years old, I have plenty of equity in my home, I already have enough money to retire comfortably on from past high income for a couple decades. I also am among the VERY few who have an actual, real pension. Referred to as the extinct "old fashion" pension that is 120% funded.
I operated a successful medium sized manufacturing business (43 employees) that surpassed market profitability 14 years straight.
I am an actual conservative. Also almost extinct. I am fiercely pro business. I am one who believes businesses should pay zero income tax, as an example. I intimately know how important locally owned and operated businesses are to a community. We supported 13 local charities as well as provided heavily discounted services to selected non-profits. I employed 43 families that spent their incomes in the community that supported other businesses.
Corporatism is not good. It is vile. It seeks only to feed the very-very-very top few. It never hesitates to cause significant harm to the many to benefit the few. For the life of me, I do not see how ANY conservative is a corporatist/globalist. Globalism is systematically undermining the American way of life. Period.

"The Brandeisian revival is fundamentally motivated by progressives’ longstanding desire for a redistribution of income to counter what they claim is a rapid and corrosive growth of income inequality. The policies they seek to achieve that goal also include a higher minimum wage, universal health care, and higher taxes on the rich. But those policies require legislative approval, which is not likely in a Republican-controlled Congress. Progressives have realized that, of the steps a Democratic president can take on his or her own, a tough antitrust policy would have the greatest symbolic impact.

The new Brandeisians believe that even limited economic concentration hurts consumers because it reduces competition for both workers and customers, enabling higher profits by way of artificially low wages and high prices. The scholarly literature generally finds that bigger firms do enjoy higher profits. But the key question is whether these higher profits come from market share or from superior productivity and performance. A comprehensive review of the economic literature on this question conducted by academics David Szymanski, Sundar Bharadwaj, and P. Rajan Varadarajan found that firms with greater market share enjoy higher profits because they are more efficient than smaller firms — and that this efficiency benefits workers, consumers, and shareholders.


This is not true. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, not only did establishments with more than 500 workers pay their workers 77 percent more than establishments with fewer than 50 workers, but from 2004 to 2016, inflation-adjusted compensation for their workers grew by $3.88 per hour compared with just $1.45 for establishments with fewer than 50 workers.

Nonetheless, neo-Brandeisians argue that breaking up big firms would reduce profits, leading to higher wages or lower prices. So how much would the average American benefit if the corporate-profit rate (net income as a share of total receipts) were the same today as in the glory days of the 1950s and ’60s, when antitrust enforcement was much tougher and wage growth much higher?

In fact, returning to the profit rate of that era would make American workers worse off, at least in the short term, since corporate profits were higher then. But for the sake of argument, assume that neo-Brandeisians get a president whose Justice Department is able to fragment the largest corporations into medium-sized businesses and that this reduces corporate profits 25 percent. If all that money goes toward lowering prices for the bottom 90 percent of earners, the median income will increase a whopping — get ready for it — 3.1 percent, or $1,750 per household.

But second-order effects would quickly more than negate this one-time gain. This is because on average small and medium-sized firms are less productive than large ones (that’s why they pay their workers less). If the U.S. had the same firm-size structure as Canada, where on average businesses are smaller and less productive (which is one big reason Canada is less wealthy than the U.S.), U.S. per capita GDP would decrease by 3.4 percent. Lower profits would also mean reduced investment in research and development and machinery and equipment, which would in turn reduce future productivity and wage growth."

Large Corporations: Good for Society | National Review

500 workers???
What planet are you on? A business with 500 employees is not a large corporation. Good sized small company, but a tiny blip to a corporation.
Monsanto, is a small corporation comparatively, and they employ over 20,000 regular employees and 2,800 temporary.
Ambev employs 45,000 and is a subsidiary of Inbev which employs 183,000
Tyson foods employs 122,000.

Let's go ahead and hear you defend just these three, and how awesome and amazing they have been for the general public.

Obviously you didn't comprehend the article I posted....If you did, you'd have seen that you answered your own question here....Just in terms of the near half a million employees....
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Yeah they're all like those whiny democrats who keep saying they are going to move to Canada every time a republican president is elected

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I remember a time when the republican party was respectable and put up reliable candidates. No one needed to move anywhere outside the U.S. Now it is a party composed only of white trash.
So move out when the next republican is elected president

Right? If these other countries are better for them, then they should go there. I really wish they would.
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

The No. 1 happiest country in the world

America’s happiness just took another hit.

The U.S. doesn’t make that top 10 — not even close. It once again fell in the rankings, dropping one spot to 19th.

On Wednesday, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an initiative of the United Nations, released its well-respected “World Happiness Report,” and, once again, Finland tops the list. The report ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be, according to their own evaluations of their lives.

Finland is followed, in order, by Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada and Austria. These are countries that “consistently” rank in the top 10, the report notes."

Interesting. Many of my neighbors are from there, Switzerland and Norway.
Linus Torvalds was from Hellsstinky and now lives in Oreganoh( and currently asks himself"why ?"
Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

Probably because we need people who understand math and statistics..

The problem is, they can look at math and statistics, see how we are falling behind in every metric of quality of life and realize we are doing it wrong.

Probably because we need people who understand math and statistics..

But the liberals graduate knowing less math and statistics.

How do you know this?

Because liberals are idiots and bad at math.

My daughter graduated from college with a degree in biology and extensive coursework in statistics. By your reckoning she should be a flaming liberal.

Nothing could be further from the truth. She was recently selected for promotion to Captain in the US Army.

My daughter graduated from college with a degree in biology and extensive coursework in statistics. By your reckoning she should be a flaming liberal.

Where did I say math and stats made anyone liberal?
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

The No. 1 happiest country in the world

America’s happiness just took another hit.

The U.S. doesn’t make that top 10 — not even close. It once again fell in the rankings, dropping one spot to 19th.

On Wednesday, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an initiative of the United Nations, released its well-respected “World Happiness Report,” and, once again, Finland tops the list. The report ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be, according to their own evaluations of their lives.

Finland is followed, in order, by Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada and Austria. These are countries that “consistently” rank in the top 10, the report notes."

Interesting. Many of my neighbors are from there, Switzerland and Norway.
Linus Torvalds was from Hellsstinky and now lives in Oreganoh( and currently asks himself"why ?"

Who cares? If people don't like it here, they are free to leave. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
Under trump, the U.S. no longer stands for anything. These kids are not wrong. We have lost our way. Under trump, faith in the U.S. is being demolished by the minute.

I am currently on a road trip on family business. I'm back to the place where I was born, even going past the hospital in which I first saw the light of day at six pounds, some ounces, and the house I lived in as a child, The main street down which we rode our bikes on July Fourth with red, white, and blue crepe between the wheels. The place where we learned faith in God and country.

Now trump and the "Christian" fundies want to destroy all of this. Why? The belief that I have in the United States of America cannot be demolished by trump and his minions. The belief that I have in the teachings of Jesus cannot be destroyed by the likes of graham or falwell.
Under trump, the U.S. no longer stands for anything.
Try again, retarded one, under the brown turd, Oblummer, he not only apologized on his tour, but showed how weak he was with his endless "Red Lines". Also his print money forever which made the uber liberal elites richer and put the most in poverty since the "war on poverty" started. Shame you are too stupid to realize this, but parrot what ever the Lame Stream Media tells you to.

Red lines like....


"If Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!" ~ Impeached Trump

... or did you mean like saluting our generals of other nations...?


... even Li'l Kim be like, WTF?? :lmao:
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Yeah they're all like those whiny democrats who keep saying they are going to move to Canada every time a republican president is elected

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I remember a time when the republican party was respectable and put up reliable candidates. No one needed to move anywhere outside the U.S. Now it is a party composed only of white trash.
So move out when the next republican is elected president

Right? If these other countries are better for them, then they should go there. I really wish they would.

Many prefer to Make America Great Again.
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

At soon to be 55, a conservative, pro-business (thus anti-corporatist and anti-globalist) I can say that some other countries are better.
I am bitterly disappointed in the direction America has been on since the late 1970's and progressively getting worse every decade.
We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a corporate plutocracy. The elected government absolutely does more for large corporations, supporting them and ensuring marketshare than they care about the average citizen. It isn't even close.

You don't sound a hell of a lot like a conservative, champ.
Then perhaps you don't know what one is.
Corporatism/globalism is a cancer. A cancer where an extraordinary small number of people capitalize on the benefits of production of a very large, and extremely underpaid people in economic servitude. It is an economy of wasps. Wasp exclusively survive on the backs of other insects.

I got news for ya, champ; you're no conservative. You are a self-important pseudo-communist.
Under trump, the U.S. no longer stands for anything. These kids are not wrong. We have lost our way. Under trump, faith in the U.S. is being demolished by the minute.

I am currently on a road trip on family business. I'm back to the place where I was born, even going past the hospital in which I first saw the light of day at six pounds, some ounces, and the house I lived in as a child, The main street down which we rode our bikes on July Fourth with red, white, and blue crepe between the wheels. The place where we learned faith in God and country.

Now trump and the "Christian" fundies want to destroy all of this. Why? The belief that I have in the United States of America cannot be demolished by trump and his minions. The belief that I have in the teachings of Jesus cannot be destroyed by the likes of graham or falwell.
Under trump, the U.S. no longer stands for anything.
Try again, retarded one, under the brown turd, Oblummer, he not only apologized on his tour, but showed how weak he was with his endless "Red Lines". Also his print money forever which made the uber liberal elites richer and put the most in poverty since the "war on poverty" started. Shame you are too stupid to realize this, but parrot what ever the Lame Stream Media tells you to.

I don't parrot anything, I basically don't watch much of it. You, however, seem to swallow whatever the orange whore, fox, and breitbart dish out. President Obama was a million times better. You must love Putin a lot. You must love dirty air and water a lot, and the more little orphans, the better.

The orange whore continually ignores laws and procedures that have been around for ages. He has no respect for anyone or anything. He is not to be believed on any issue. He refuses to report to the American people, not even giving press briefings to explain himself.

Our national security is now threatened. Our alliances are destroyed. Our reputation is in the gutter. Significant treaties have been repudiated. The freedom of our female and LGBT Americans is under attack. The right of Americans to vote is under attack. The right of Americans to choose their individual religion for themselves is under attack. trump ignores the people who have decades of experience and surrounds himself with inexperienced sycophants. trump is turning the U.S. into a trash pile.

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