Shooter in Houston

Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.

They have identified him. He is known to be a lawyer. He is not a Muslim. Get over it.

Practicing attorneys are worse than Muslims ;)
Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.
Mods, any chance this asshole can be reigned in?

It's posted numerous times today, and all of them are personal attacks against Muslims and Islam with zero substance, getting boring...

I did not see ANY ----"personal attacks on muslims and islam"---all morning ----certainly not in this thread
Rosie, you are not doing a very good job of searching this morning. I wasn't even trying, and I kept stepping in it. All done now. Now that we know the guy's a lawyer, it explains everything. LOL

yes he is a lawyer------all I know from that is------he regrets the fact that he went to law school------but why shoot up a mall?
Isolated--no family, no woman, recently failed in business, probably had bills piling up, apparently got a shitty roofing job. Probably couldn't afford the Porsche payments... why not go out in a blaze of glory?
Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.

They have identified him. He is known to be a lawyer. He is not a Muslim. Get over it.

Practicing attorneys are worse than Muslims ;)
Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.
Mods, any chance this asshole can be reigned in?

It's posted numerous times today, and all of them are personal attacks against Muslims and Islam with zero substance, getting boring...

I did not see ANY ----"personal attacks on muslims and islam"---all morning ----certainly not in this thread
Rosie, you are not doing a very good job of searching this morning. I wasn't even trying, and I kept stepping in it. All done now. Now that we know the guy's a lawyer, it explains everything. LOL

yes he is a lawyer------all I know from that is------he regrets the fact that he went to law school------but why shoot up a mall?
Isolated--no family, no woman, recently failed in business, probably had bills piling up, apparently got a shitty roofing job. Probably couldn't afford the Porsche payments... why not go out in a blaze of glory?

the question would be-----WHO CONSIDERS SHOOTING UP A MALL -----GLORIOUS?
NPR reported that a woman who lives in the same condo complex as Desai said a few weeks ago he was waving some sort of automatic weapon at some roofers who were in the neighborhood working on a neighbor's house. Somebody should have called the police then.....Oh wait, he's a professional white guy. Never mind.
I was hoping you would see that. Yes you are the exception to the rule Jillian.

Me too! Me too! I saw it!
Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.

They have identified him. He is known to be a lawyer. He is not a Muslim. Get over it.

Practicing attorneys are worse than Muslims ;)
Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.
Mods, any chance this asshole can be reigned in?

It's posted numerous times today, and all of them are personal attacks against Muslims and Islam with zero substance, getting boring...

I did not see ANY ----"personal attacks on muslims and islam"---all morning ----certainly not in this thread
Rosie, you are not doing a very good job of searching this morning. I wasn't even trying, and I kept stepping in it. All done now. Now that we know the guy's a lawyer, it explains everything. LOL

yes he is a lawyer------all I know from that is------he regrets the fact that he went to law school------but why shoot up a mall?
Isolated--no family, no woman, recently failed in business, probably had bills piling up, apparently got a shitty roofing job. Probably couldn't afford the Porsche payments... why not go out in a blaze of glory?
Good lord. You seem to get more stupid by the day.
NPR reported that a woman who lives in the same condo complex as Desai said a few weeks ago he was waving some sort of automatic weapon at some roofers who were in the neighborhood working on a neighbor's house. Somebody should have called the police then.....Oh wait, he's a professional white guy. Never mind.

it could be a very important clue to his MOTIVE-----in my part of the USA----lots of MANUAL WORKERS are from south east
asia. Desai is a name from South east asia------lots of
GROUP HATREDS in south east asia. Since the name is
south east Asian------Desai COULD also be a person from east Africa or---even Guyana----lots of group things from those
parts of the world too
the question would be-----WHO CONSIDERS SHOOTING UP A MALL -----GLORIOUS?
I'm not qualified to say it but I am of the impression that people who've become suicidal think that no one likes them and by killing themselves (which is pretty much what this guy did) everyone who knew him will be taught a lesson ... or at least suddenly realize how much they did like him and wish they'd told him. It's that thought, "When I'm gone then they'll see!"
the question would be-----WHO CONSIDERS SHOOTING UP A MALL -----GLORIOUS?
I'm not qualified to say it but I am of the impression that people who've become suicidal think that no one likes them and by killing themselves (which is pretty much what this guy did) everyone who knew him will be taught a lesson ... or at least suddenly realize how much they did like him and wish they'd told him. It's that thought, "When I'm gone then they'll see!"

some people-----suicide interested persons have described
suicide as an act of -----aggression. or "rage turned inward" ------probably a whole mess of things go thru the
minds of this or that suicidal person. So far----based on
the little information---it seems like a suicide
NPR reported that a woman who lives in the same condo complex as Desai said a few weeks ago he was waving some sort of automatic weapon at some roofers who were in the neighborhood working on a neighbor's house. Somebody should have called the police then.....Oh wait, he's a professional white guy. Never mind.
when a cracka goes on a killing spree with a gun, he is just "troubled"
NPR reported that a woman who lives in the same condo complex as Desai said a few weeks ago he was waving some sort of automatic weapon at some roofers who were in the neighborhood working on a neighbor's house. Somebody should have called the police then.....Oh wait, he's a professional white guy. Never mind.
when a cracka goes on a killing spree with a gun, he is just "troubled"
Ah, the nigga peanut gallery chimes in.
His ex law partner McDaniel, said they had dissolved their law partnership due to economics back in Feb. I did notice McDaniel reopened down the block from where they were located. Said he was surprised but did not want to talk about the split, other than that.
His ex law partner McDaniel, said they had dissolved their law partnership due to economics back in Feb. I did notice McDaniel reopened down the block from where they were located. Said he was surprised but did not want to talk about the split, other than that.

that which the former partner said------is virtually meaningless---
he spoke like a professional talking about a colleague now
disgraced-----ethically he could not talk about "DA DIRT"
Now the media/authorities are claiming "he was a lawyer", as if that somehow alleviates him being a muslim (assuming he is one).

If it turns out he was another typical, happy and satisfied customer of the death cult called "islam", and the media were contorting themselves every which way to delay/avoid mentioning that fact, America has a second huge problem on its hands; the first being islam, and the second a fuck-awful, completely-manipulated news media.

They have identified him. He is known to be a lawyer. He is not a Muslim. Get over it.

Practicing attorneys are worse than Muslims ;)
Mods, any chance this asshole can be reigned in?

It's posted numerous times today, and all of them are personal attacks against Muslims and Islam with zero substance, getting boring...

I did not see ANY ----"personal attacks on muslims and islam"---all morning ----certainly not in this thread
Rosie, you are not doing a very good job of searching this morning. I wasn't even trying, and I kept stepping in it. All done now. Now that we know the guy's a lawyer, it explains everything. LOL

yes he is a lawyer------all I know from that is------he regrets the fact that he went to law school------but why shoot up a mall?
Isolated--no family, no woman, recently failed in business, probably had bills piling up, apparently got a shitty roofing job. Probably couldn't afford the Porsche payments... why not go out in a blaze of glory?

the question would be-----WHO CONSIDERS SHOOTING UP A MALL -----GLORIOUS?
I agree, of course. This guy had a mental health crisis and there was no one around to see it coming, I guess.
NPR reported that a woman who lives in the same condo complex as Desai said a few weeks ago he was waving some sort of automatic weapon at some roofers who were in the neighborhood working on a neighbor's house. Somebody should have called the police then.....Oh wait, he's a professional white guy. Never mind.
when a cracka goes on a killing spree with a gun, he is just "troubled"

And from looking at his educational institutions, he's no flaming liberal from Boston:

Admission Details
Admitted in 1999, Texas
US Supreme Court
Texas Southern District/Bankruptcy Court
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals

Law School Attended
University of Tulsa
Class of 1998
University Attended
University of Houston
Class of 1993

Mr. Nathan Desai - Houston, TX -
When Kennedy was assassinated no one in my class knew what assassinate meant and the teacher had gone running out of the room, so I decided somebody had tried to lure him into their car using candy. Baddest thing I knew of.

Your image didn't open.
That's strange. I even see it, here in this quote. Do you still not see it?
Here again ....
Nope. When I try to open it, it says it won't connect. Must be something on my computer.
"When Kennedy was assassinated no one in my class knew what assassinate meant and the teacher had gone running out of the room, so I decided somebody had tried to lure him into their car using candy. Baddest thing I knew of.

Your image didn't open.
That's strange. I even see it, here in this quote. Do you still not see it?
Here again ....
Nope. When I try to open it, it says it won't connect. Must be something on my computer.
Oh well, never mind. It was in reply to your post, "When Kennedy was assassinated no one in my class knew what assassinate meant and the teacher had gone running out of the room, so I decided somebody had tried to lure him into their car using candy. Baddest thing I knew of." ... to which I responded with a pink heart gif in the realm of 'oh you sweet thing'.

Now I feel embarrassed!

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