Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)
Romans did .

Jesus died for the sins of both Jew AND Gentile.

BOTH took part. More importantly, YOU killed Christ because of YOUR sins. If you can't understand that, you have no business "teaching" anyone on this topic.

My statement had nothing to do with why he died or what the purpose of his death was.

Romans killed Christ at the behest of the Jews. Or did you forget the whole "Pilate washing his hands" thing?

And I'm not going to engage in your mind game. I killed nobody, especially not someone who existed 2000 years before I was born.
A ROMAN killed Christ.

But you're missing the whole point by your satanic Jew hatred when you faill to understand that He CHOSE TO DIE to pay for YOUR sins..
YOU killed Christ.

If you can't internalize that, you have no business even discussing this.

YOU killed Christ. Every true Christian takes this principle to heart.

Your blame game comes from SATAN.

First of all, I will discuss whatever I damn well please. My opinion on any particular topic is NOT subject to YOUR approval. Stop acting like a leftist.

Secondly, I don't hate Jews. I'm pointing out fact. Jews killed Christ. Just because a couple of Roman soldiers actually carried out the act it doesn't make the Jews any less culpable. It was Jews who arrested Christ. It was Jews who arraigned him in a kangaroo court. It was Jews who then drug him to Pontius Pilate and demanded he be executed. If a wife pays someone to murder her husband, and they get caught, they are BOTH charged with murder. The wife doesn't escape responsibility just because she didn't physically commit the act.


I'm WELL aware of why Christ chose to die. And while I may be in debt to Him FOR it, I personally had nothing to do with his murder. If you want to believe you're responsible for the death of someone who preceded your birth by 2 millennia, that's your prerogative.
No, YOU killed the Jew Jesus Christ.
When you become a CHRISTIAN, you'll realize He willingly gave His life because of YOUR sins.

Until you come to terms with that fact, YOU murdered Christ.

I did nothing of the sort. I didn't even exist. Proselytize your Catholic drivel to someone else, you'll get nowhere with me.
Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.

I said "Anyone."

And then you said "Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy" - which could have only meant me as it was DA and I having the conversation about Jews killing Christ, with him inferring that I hated Jews because of it.

I don't hold anyone responsible for the actions of their ancestors, but I also will not whitewash history. Jewish involvement in the death of Christ is explicitly documented in the Bible, and denying it is just ignorant.
Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
When you insist "the Jews...", You DO hate "the jews"

Good Allah, you dont even realize when you're lying.

I insist because it's true, as I have demonstrated repeatedly for you in this thread.

It wasn't Hindus who grabbed Christ from the garden of Gethsemane, it was Jews.
It wasn't Buddhists who held a mock trial to condemn him to death, it was Jews.
It wasn't Muslims who hauled him in front of Roman prefect demanding his execution, it was Jews.
It wasn't Taoists who rallied and screamed for his crucifixion over that of an actual murderer, it was Jews.

I don't hate them any more than I hate Native Americans for killing early American settlers. It's just history. Denial of history does not grant you moral superiority, it just makes you look like a fool.
Eh don't give a shit. Jews are 100% behind the flooding of Europe and America with 3rd world human trash, have been expelled from 109 countries, are behind the White Genocide going on around the world so when a single fucking Jew is shot and killed I don't give a shit truly. Good riddance. They are the most racist,vile,evil race on earth so they get everything coming to them. As long as they continue to flood our countries with nonwhite trash and run the media that puts out perverse filth and music and continue to egg us towards war against their enemies in the Middle East THIS kind of shit will continue to happen and I for one DO NOT CARE! As far as this Young White Patriot I wish he had learned to aim better! Those are rookie numbers damnit!
Gosh, sometimes it looks like the Stormfront crowd swarmed over to this site. Disgusting and ugly.
Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
When you insist "the Jews...", You DO hate "the jews"

Good Allah, you dont even realize when you're lying.

I insist because it's true, as I have demonstrated repeatedly for you in this thread.

It wasn't Hindus who grabbed Christ from the garden of Gethsemane, it was Jews.
It wasn't Buddhists who held a mock trial to condemn him to death, it was Jews.
It wasn't Muslims who hauled him in front of Roman prefect demanding his execution, it was Jews.
It wasn't Taoists who rallied and screamed for his crucifixion over that of an actual murderer, it was Jews.

I don't hate them any more than I hate Native Americans for killing early American settlers. It's just history. Denial of history does not grant you moral superiority, it just makes you look like a fool.
How in the world is this a proper discussion after a Synagogue shooting? I expect this from Ilhan Omar, but few others.

Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?”

No one takes it (my life) from me, but I give it up because I want to. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it up again. I received this commandment from my Father.
And to those that crucified him:

Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing.
Jesus settled all this at the time. If Jesus was who he said he was, everything that happened to him was because he allowed it to, he could have stopped it at any moment, and chose not to, so that his sacrifice could cover everyone's shortcomings, even those of ours, today.
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Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
When you insist "the Jews...", You DO hate "the jews"

Good Allah, you dont even realize when you're lying.

I insist because it's true, as I have demonstrated repeatedly for you in this thread.

It wasn't Hindus who grabbed Christ from the garden of Gethsemane, it was Jews.
It wasn't Buddhists who held a mock trial to condemn him to death, it was Jews.
It wasn't Muslims who hauled him in front of Roman prefect demanding his execution, it was Jews.
It wasn't Taoists who rallied and screamed for his crucifixion over that of an actual murderer, it was Jews.

I don't hate them any more than I hate Native Americans for killing early American settlers. It's just history. Denial of history does not grant you moral superiority, it just makes you look like a fool.
How in the world is this a proper discussion after a Synagogue shooting? I expect this from Ilhan Omar, but few others.

Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?”

No one takes it (my life) from me, but I give it up because I want to. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it up again. I received this commandment from my Father.
And to those that crucified him:

Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing.
Jesus settled all this at the time. If Jesus was who he said he was, everything that happened to him was because he allowed it to, he could have stopped it at any moment, and chose not to, so that his sacrifice could cover everyone's shortcomings, even those of ours, today.

Thank you!
Your post reflects a viewpoint so awful that I'm stunned. I hear that some people think like this, but it's been my good fortune to never run across it until just now.
Why does the most rabidly pro-Jewish country in the World, have the most shootings upon Jews in the World too?

There's probably more anti-Semites in Poland, than the USA, and yet this doesn't keep happening.

Either, it's some mighty coincidence, or it's the Globalist Jews doing it, to make themselves victims to stomp out anti-Semitic views through shock value.
I am certain you will not get an infraction for this! Nope! Not ewe!

I don't support this crap, I'm against senseless violence.

Why should I get an infraction, exactly?
There were even Mods calling it good, when far worse massacres were practiced upon Palestinians, by Israel.
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.

I've never seen pro-genocidal remarks,, and pro-Massacre events here against Jews, by far-Right forum members, with anti-Jewish views.

There's however, a clear record here of genocidal remarks, and pro-Massacre events here against Muslims, by Zionist forum members, with anti-Muslim views.

Every leftist on this forum wants to eradicate the white man from the face of the earth, as penance for the sins of his ancestors. They just dont have the balls to take direct action, so they support immigration and open borders policies to eventually breed us out. They will deny it of course but it's as plain as the nose on my face what their intentions are.

THAT is what motivates paranoid extremist white boys to take action like what happened today and last month in Christchurch. Brendan Tarant attacked the replacers, the invaders, the breeders and today's jackass went after the ones he thinks are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Neither of them did anything but do harm to the cause of right wing nationalism.


Where did you get these ideas? A priori, or A Posteriori? If the former, see a psychiatrist, for the latter, provide a link.
did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax
Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
When you insist "the Jews...", You DO hate "the jews"

Good Allah, you dont even realize when you're lying.

I insist because it's true, as I have demonstrated repeatedly for you in this thread.

It wasn't Hindus who grabbed Christ from the garden of Gethsemane, it was Jews.
It wasn't Buddhists who held a mock trial to condemn him to death, it was Jews.
It wasn't Muslims who hauled him in front of Roman prefect demanding his execution, it was Jews.
It wasn't Taoists who rallied and screamed for his crucifixion over that of an actual murderer, it was Jews.

I don't hate them any more than I hate Native Americans for killing early American settlers. It's just history. Denial of history does not grant you moral superiority, it just makes you look like a fool.
How in the world is this a proper discussion after a Synagogue shooting? I expect this from Ilhan Omar, but few others.

Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?”

No one takes it (my life) from me, but I give it up because I want to. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it up again. I received this commandment from my Father.
And to those that crucified him:

Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing.
Jesus settled all this at the time. If Jesus was who he said he was, everything that happened to him was because he allowed it to, he could have stopped it at any moment, and chose not to, so that his sacrifice could cover everyone's shortcomings, even those of ours, today.

Because I'm not some weak leftist who gets my fee fees in a twist over topics people deem "uncomfortable".

Yes, Christ forgave them.
Yes, Christians should forgive them as well.
Yes, it happened 2000 years ago.
Yes, Jews have been subjected to some horrible atrocities in modern times.

Yet none of this changes the FACT that they killed Christ. It is immutable, documented history - and discussing it is neither wrong nor improper.
did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax

Do you think you're clever? I hate to disappoint you, but you have become a cliche.

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