Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax

Do you think you're clever? I hate to disappoint you, but you have become a cliche.
There are people right IN this thread claiming he was inspired by Trump and supported Trump.
Anyone who hates Jews because they think "Jews killed Christ" has missed the entire point of the Gospel.

Thank you, D.A, for trying to teach that guy.

Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
When you insist "the Jews...", You DO hate "the jews"

Good Allah, you dont even realize when you're lying.

I insist because it's true, as I have demonstrated repeatedly for you in this thread.

It wasn't Hindus who grabbed Christ from the garden of Gethsemane, it was Jews.
It wasn't Buddhists who held a mock trial to condemn him to death, it was Jews.
It wasn't Muslims who hauled him in front of Roman prefect demanding his execution, it was Jews.
It wasn't Taoists who rallied and screamed for his crucifixion over that of an actual murderer, it was Jews.

I don't hate them any more than I hate Native Americans for killing early American settlers. It's just history. Denial of history does not grant you moral superiority, it just makes you look like a fool.
How in the world is this a proper discussion after a Synagogue shooting? I expect this from Ilhan Omar, but few others.

Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?”

No one takes it (my life) from me, but I give it up because I want to. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it up again. I received this commandment from my Father.
And to those that crucified him:

Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing.
Jesus settled all this at the time. If Jesus was who he said he was, everything that happened to him was because he allowed it to, he could have stopped it at any moment, and chose not to, so that his sacrifice could cover everyone's shortcomings, even those of ours, today.

Because I'm not some weak leftist who gets my fee fees in a twist over topics people deem "uncomfortable".

Yes, Christ forgave them.
Yes, Christians should forgive them as well.
Yes, it happened 2000 years ago.
Yes, Jews have been subjected to some horrible atrocities in modern times.

Yet none of this changes the FACT that they killed Christ. It is immutable, documented history - and discussing it is neither wrong nor improper.
Actually, the Romans did, and Christ forgave them, and allowed it to occur because that was His and His Fathers plan.
Once again, I don't hate Jews. Try actually reading the thread.
When you insist "the Jews...", You DO hate "the jews"

Good Allah, you dont even realize when you're lying.

I insist because it's true, as I have demonstrated repeatedly for you in this thread.

It wasn't Hindus who grabbed Christ from the garden of Gethsemane, it was Jews.
It wasn't Buddhists who held a mock trial to condemn him to death, it was Jews.
It wasn't Muslims who hauled him in front of Roman prefect demanding his execution, it was Jews.
It wasn't Taoists who rallied and screamed for his crucifixion over that of an actual murderer, it was Jews.

I don't hate them any more than I hate Native Americans for killing early American settlers. It's just history. Denial of history does not grant you moral superiority, it just makes you look like a fool.
How in the world is this a proper discussion after a Synagogue shooting? I expect this from Ilhan Omar, but few others.

Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?”

No one takes it (my life) from me, but I give it up because I want to. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it up again. I received this commandment from my Father.
And to those that crucified him:

Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing.
Jesus settled all this at the time. If Jesus was who he said he was, everything that happened to him was because he allowed it to, he could have stopped it at any moment, and chose not to, so that his sacrifice could cover everyone's shortcomings, even those of ours, today.

Because I'm not some weak leftist who gets my fee fees in a twist over topics people deem "uncomfortable".

Yes, Christ forgave them.
Yes, Christians should forgive them as well.
Yes, it happened 2000 years ago.
Yes, Jews have been subjected to some horrible atrocities in modern times.

Yet none of this changes the FACT that they killed Christ. It is immutable, documented history - and discussing it is neither wrong nor improper.
Actually, the Romans did, and Christ forgave them, and allowed it to occur because that was His and His Fathers plan.

We've been through this already. The Romans did AT THE BEHEST of the Jews.

I know it was all pre-ordained. For fucks sake, that's not the goddamn point. I swear half the people in this thread have the reading comprehension level of a fucking grapefruit.
did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax

Do you think you're clever? I hate to disappoint you, but you have become a cliche.
There are people right IN this thread claiming he was inspired by Trump and supported Trump.

Poway Synagogue Shooter Left a Manifesto – Calls President Trump a “Zionist, Anti-White, Traitorous, C*cksucker”
Why? What kind of monster would do this? What kind of world do we live in now that houses of worship are being attacked? This is awful on any day, but on a holy day it is particularly awful.

We need a solid federal law against domestic terrorism. We also need to get this heartless bastard.

We don’t have any laws against terrorism?
did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax

Do you think you're clever? I hate to disappoint you, but you have become a cliche.
There are people right IN this thread claiming he was inspired by Trump and supported Trump.
hey, CNN/MSNBC may just stay on this story for two years, claiming it may have been a Trump supporter, and using the usual unreliable sources,,,kinda like when Harry Reid claimed that Romney never paid taxes,,,,but just wasnt sure if it was true
Why? What kind of monster would do this? What kind of world do we live in now that houses of worship are being attacked? This is awful on any day, but on a holy day it is particularly awful.

We need a solid federal law against domestic terrorism. We also need to get this heartless bastard.
As my talking to my friend on the phone (the one I was worried about) he sighed and said this is the world we live in now.

It's horrible for everybody, and every group that has ever been attacked.

I have to say that I have a special spot in my heart for the Jews, as they never did anything bad in history as a group, but have been picked on continuously. Growing up Catholic in New Jersey, the child of two parents who participated in WWII, I learned in school about the atrocities committed against them by the Nazis. It was nauseating and for no reason.
Some people say the nazis blamed the jews for their losses after they were punished after losing wwI, and that is why Hitler did what he did.

Or maybe Hitler was a lunatic like any other, and just manipulated people to do his dirty work. No different than Manson, Jim Jones, etc. Freedom of speech is one thing. But when you have nutbags like Farakan, Omar, AOC,lending their influence and personal agenda to the mix, bad things can happen. It was unheard of for something like the holocaust to have occurred, but without careful consideration history can repeat itself. Sad to think that synagogues might need to be guarded by soldiers with Uzis, such as is protocol in Israel.

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We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House

You know, I don't even know who is a "jew" because I just don't think that way. I know Joe Liberman was, because he made a point to tell us he was.
.I agree or disagree based on idiotology, not race, like so many racist Democrats do.

Truth be know I have a Russian Jewish friend. Democrats are not racist, but Republicans sure are, even against women.

Truth be known, you're a troll and probably from Russia.
Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

Who hates Jewish people? There is something going on between radical zealots of the Abrahamic religions, who simply are pigs. but it doesn't involve the rest of us.

"Who hates Jewish people?"

Gee I dunno...

1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia
Reprisal operations - Wikipedia
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
War of Attrition - Wikipedia
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia
First Intifada - Wikipedia
Second Intifada - Wikipedia
2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia
Gaza War (2008–09) - Wikipedia

...just to name a few.

For a supposed history major, you sure know a lot about hamburgers.

Just what is your point? The hounding of the Jewish people from the Middle Ages onward had no point. It was a product of the sickness that was manifested by those who pretended to be followers of Jesus but were not..Go study history, please.

It didn't have a point.... because YOU say so? That's not how the world works, cupcake.

Every action taken has a point. Society then determines whether that point is acceptable or not. Hitler certainly had reasons for exterminating Jews. Most of the world doesn't AGREE with those reasons, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist.

On the same token today, Palestinians would love nothing more than to wipe out the Jews. Same goes for Iran. They have their reasoning too. Unfortunately for them, most of the rest of the world is aligned with Israel. But to claim there's "no point" Palestine's or Iran's stance is... idiotic at best. There is a point, it's just not one you agree with.

Haha, You can't make this cr@p up.

As if Jews, and ONLY Jews are victims.

All those who start mass shootings, genocide, and those who start war etc. are basically wrong.

It doesn't matter if they're Jewish victims or not.

Muslims are actually the biggest victims of genocide in the modern era, NOT Jews.

Your Zionists have played a big part in that, in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel etc.

Another Russian troll heard from...who wants to bet it's the same troll using a different account?
Even if this horseshit would be true, the people who did this have been dead for around 2,000 years. You are beyond stupid. Why should anyone continue to be attacked over something that went down 2,000 years ago?

I "history" very good. I have a B.A. in it, which involved passing both written and oral comps. Good grief. Learn English, please.

BTW, Miss "History Major" -

Mark 15:

6 Now it was the custom at the festival to release a prisoner whom the people requested. 7 A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. 8 The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.

9 “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate,10 knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.

12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

14 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.


You fucking idiot, even if you would be correct, which you are not, the people who did this have been dead for 2,000 years! What are you carrying on about?

The text is literally in front of your face and you deny it. Too funny. You are THEE quintessential leftist. Well done.
You are truly an ignorant asshole if you do not realize that these events occured some 2,000 years ago and any persons involved in them have been dead for 2,000 years. Should Christians be exterminated now because of the actions of Christians over the centuries? Should Christians die because of someone like frankie graham or pigpence?

BTW: Cupcake, what does modern politics have anything to do with these events from so long ago? You seriously need to get help.

Why don't you read through the conversation again, dumbass. It started with you claiming that "The Christians have had something weird against Jews for centuries". And I told you why that may be (in some instances): Because the Jews killed Christ. This isn't something that just gets conveniently forgotten, considering the whole goddamn religion is built around it.

You then went on a tirade of denial that Jews killed Christ, and here we are.

It has nothing to do with modern politics - YOU brought it up you fucking brainlet. I simply responded.

Why do you care who "killed Jesus," anyway? You obviously are not a Christian. Holding a grudge against an entire group of people and approving of retaliatory acts are the exact opposite of what Jesus himself taught.
Why do white supremacists hate Jews so much??

Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.
We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House

You know, I don't even know who is a "jew" because I just don't think that way. I know Joe Liberman was, because he made a point to tell us he was.
.I agree or disagree based on idiotology, not race, like so many racist Democrats do.

Truth be know I have a Russian Jewish friend. Democrats are not racist, but Republicans sure are, even against women.

Truth be known, you're a troll and probably from Russia.


Absolutely horrid. I'm getting really sick of this crap.

As an aside, when I go to church this morning, I know they'll be more than one guy concealed carrying. You don't like that libs, I don't care. Cry some more

Actually, for the first time in my life, I've been feeling a slight unease when walking past churches. And now it's spread to backpacks. I've started paying attention to them.

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