Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Why do white supremacists hate Jews so much??

Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

Who hates Jewish people? There is something going on between radical zealots of the Abrahamic religions, who simply are pigs. but it doesn't involve the rest of us.

"Who hates Jewish people?"

Gee I dunno...

1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia
Reprisal operations - Wikipedia
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
War of Attrition - Wikipedia
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia
First Intifada - Wikipedia
Second Intifada - Wikipedia
2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia
Gaza War (2008–09) - Wikipedia

...just to name a few.

For a supposed history major, you sure know a lot about hamburgers.

Just what is your point? The hounding of the Jewish people from the Middle Ages onward had no point. It was a product of the sickness that was manifested by those who pretended to be followers of Jesus but were not..Go study history, please.

It didn't have a point.... because YOU say so? That's not how the world works, cupcake.

Every action taken has a point. Society then determines whether that point is acceptable or not. Hitler certainly had reasons for exterminating Jews. Most of the world doesn't AGREE with those reasons, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist.

On the same token today, Palestinians would love nothing more than to wipe out the Jews. Same goes for Iran. They have their reasoning too. Unfortunately for them, most of the rest of the world is aligned with Israel. But to claim there's "no point" Palestine's or Iran's stance is... idiotic at best. There is a point, it's just not one you agree with.
The Christians have had something weird against the Jews for centuries.How Jesusy!

You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)
Romans did .

Jesus died for the sins of both Jew AND Gentile.

BOTH took part. More importantly, YOU killed Christ because of YOUR sins. If you can't understand that, you have no business "teaching" anyone on this topic.

My statement had nothing to do with why he died or what the purpose of his death was.

Romans killed Christ at the behest of the Jews. Or did you forget the whole "Pilate washing his hands" thing?

And I'm not going to engage in your mind game. I killed nobody, especially not someone who existed 2000 years before I was born.
A ROMAN killed Christ.

But you're missing the whole point by your satanic Jew hatred when you faill to understand that He CHOSE TO DIE to pay for YOUR sins..
YOU killed Christ.

If you can't internalize that, you have no business even discussing this.

YOU killed Christ. Every true Christian takes this principle to heart.

Your blame game comes from SATAN.
Last edited:
Why do white supremacists hate Jews so much??

Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

Who hates Jewish people? There is something going on between radical zealots of the Abrahamic religions, who simply are pigs. but it doesn't involve the rest of us.

"Who hates Jewish people?"

Gee I dunno...

1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia
Reprisal operations - Wikipedia
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
War of Attrition - Wikipedia
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia
First Intifada - Wikipedia
Second Intifada - Wikipedia
2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia
Gaza War (2008–09) - Wikipedia

...just to name a few.

For a supposed history major, you sure know a lot about hamburgers.

4 Jews injured, and killed in this anti-Semitic massacre. (Everybody loses their mind over anti-Semitism)
More like 4 million Muslims injured, or killed in the Iraq + Afghanistan wars the USA has done. (No one cares)

Hardly anything for Intelligence, or Morality.
Why do white supremacists hate Jews so much??

Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

Who hates Jewish people? There is something going on between radical zealots of the Abrahamic religions, who simply are pigs. but it doesn't involve the rest of us.

"Who hates Jewish people?"

Gee I dunno...

1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia
Reprisal operations - Wikipedia
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
War of Attrition - Wikipedia
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia
First Intifada - Wikipedia
Second Intifada - Wikipedia
2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia
Gaza War (2008–09) - Wikipedia

...just to name a few.

For a supposed history major, you sure know a lot about hamburgers.

Just what is your point? The hounding of the Jewish people from the Middle Ages onward had no point. It was a product of the sickness that was manifested by those who pretended to be followers of Jesus but were not..Go study history, please.

It didn't have a point.... because YOU say so? That's not how the world works, cupcake.

Every action taken has a point. Society then determines whether that point is acceptable or not. Hitler certainly had reasons for exterminating Jews. Most of the world doesn't AGREE with those reasons, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist.

On the same token today, Palestinians would love nothing more than to wipe out the Jews. Same goes for Iran. They have their reasoning too. Unfortunately for them, most of the rest of the world is aligned with Israel. But to claim there's "no point" Palestine's or Iran's stance is... idiotic at best. There is a point, it's just not one you agree with.

Haha, You can't make this cr@p up.

As if Jews, and ONLY Jews are victims.

All those who start mass shootings, genocide, and those who start war etc. are basically wrong.

It doesn't matter if they're Jewish victims or not.

Muslims are actually the biggest victims of genocide in the modern era, NOT Jews.

Your Zionists have played a big part in that, in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel etc.
The Christians have had something weird against the Jews for centuries.How Jesusy!

You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)
Romans did .

Jesus died for the sins of both Jew AND Gentile.

BOTH took part. More importantly, YOU killed Christ because of YOUR sins. If you can't understand that, you have no business "teaching" anyone on this topic.

My statement had nothing to do with why he died or what the purpose of his death was.

Romans killed Christ at the behest of the Jews. Or did you forget the whole "Pilate washing his hands" thing?

And I'm not going to engage in your mind game. I killed nobody, especially not someone who existed 2000 years before I was born.
A ROMAN killed Christ.

But you're missing the whole point by your satanic Jew hatred when you faill to understand that He CHOSE TO DIE to pay for YOUR sins..
YOU killed Christ.

If you can't internalize that, you have no business even discussing this.

YOU killed Christ. Every true Christian takes this principle to heart.

Your blame game comes from SATAN.

First of all, I will discuss whatever I damn well please. My opinion on any particular topic is NOT subject to YOUR approval. Stop acting like a leftist.

Secondly, I don't hate Jews. I'm pointing out fact. Jews killed Christ. Just because a couple of Roman soldiers actually carried out the act it doesn't make the Jews any less culpable. It was Jews who arrested Christ. It was Jews who arraigned him in a kangaroo court. It was Jews who then drug him to Pontius Pilate and demanded he be executed. If a wife pays someone to murder her husband, and they get caught, they are BOTH charged with murder. The wife doesn't escape responsibility just because she didn't physically commit the act.


I'm WELL aware of why Christ chose to die. And while I may be in debt to Him FOR it, I personally had nothing to do with his murder. If you want to believe you're responsible for the death of someone who preceded your birth by 2 millennia, that's your prerogative.
Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

Who hates Jewish people? There is something going on between radical zealots of the Abrahamic religions, who simply are pigs. but it doesn't involve the rest of us.

"Who hates Jewish people?"

Gee I dunno...

1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia
Reprisal operations - Wikipedia
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
War of Attrition - Wikipedia
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia
First Intifada - Wikipedia
Second Intifada - Wikipedia
2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia
Gaza War (2008–09) - Wikipedia

...just to name a few.

For a supposed history major, you sure know a lot about hamburgers.

Just what is your point? The hounding of the Jewish people from the Middle Ages onward had no point. It was a product of the sickness that was manifested by those who pretended to be followers of Jesus but were not..Go study history, please.

It didn't have a point.... because YOU say so? That's not how the world works, cupcake.

Every action taken has a point. Society then determines whether that point is acceptable or not. Hitler certainly had reasons for exterminating Jews. Most of the world doesn't AGREE with those reasons, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist.

On the same token today, Palestinians would love nothing more than to wipe out the Jews. Same goes for Iran. They have their reasoning too. Unfortunately for them, most of the rest of the world is aligned with Israel. But to claim there's "no point" Palestine's or Iran's stance is... idiotic at best. There is a point, it's just not one you agree with.

Haha, You can't make this cr@p up.

As if Jews, and ONLY Jews are victims.

All those who start mass shootings, genocide, and those who start war etc. are basically wrong.

It doesn't matter if they're Jewish victims or not.

Muslims are actually the biggest victims of genocide in the modern era, NOT Jews.

Your Zionists have played a big part in that, in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel etc.

Where the hell did I say "Jews are the only victims"? This particular conversation is ABOUT Jews.
The Christians have had something weird against the Jews for centuries.How Jesusy!

You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)

Even if this horseshit would be true, the people who did this have been dead for around 2,000 years. You are beyond stupid. Why should anyone continue to be attacked over something that went down 2,000 years ago?

I "history" very good. I have a B.A. in it, which involved passing both written and oral comps. Good grief. Learn English, please.

BTW, Miss "History Major" -

Mark 15:

6 Now it was the custom at the festival to release a prisoner whom the people requested. 7 A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. 8 The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.

9 “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate,10 knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.

12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

14 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.


You fucking idiot, even if you would be correct, which you are not, the people who did this have been dead for 2,000 years! What are you carrying on about?

The text is literally in front of your face and you deny it. Too funny. You are THEE quintessential leftist. Well done.
You are truly an ignorant asshole if you do not realize that these events occured some 2,000 years ago and any persons involved in them have been dead for 2,000 years. Should Christians be exterminated now because of the actions of Christians over the centuries? Should Christians die because of someone like frankie graham or pigpence?

BTW: Cupcake, what does modern politics have anything to do with these events from so long ago? You seriously need to get help.
Breaking Update!

[ Chabad Temple is a place for primary Orthodox Jews who vote Republican.]

Guy was a Democrat Anti-Semite who targeted proTrump Jewish Republicans
:link:for he was a Democrat and
:link: for the temple is for Orthodox Jews and then show us how they are Republican Jews?

Thank you.
The shooter OPENLY attacked Trump and Republicans, you SHOW us proof he supports them even though he does NOT. You keep claiming it after all.
You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)

Even if this horseshit would be true, the people who did this have been dead for around 2,000 years. You are beyond stupid. Why should anyone continue to be attacked over something that went down 2,000 years ago?

I "history" very good. I have a B.A. in it, which involved passing both written and oral comps. Good grief. Learn English, please.

BTW, Miss "History Major" -

Mark 15:

6 Now it was the custom at the festival to release a prisoner whom the people requested. 7 A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. 8 The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.

9 “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate,10 knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.

12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

14 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.


You fucking idiot, even if you would be correct, which you are not, the people who did this have been dead for 2,000 years! What are you carrying on about?

The text is literally in front of your face and you deny it. Too funny. You are THEE quintessential leftist. Well done.
You are truly an ignorant asshole if you do not realize that these events occured some 2,000 years ago and any persons involved in them have been dead for 2,000 years. Should Christians be exterminated now because of the actions of Christians over the centuries? Should Christians die because of someone like frankie graham or pigpence?

BTW: Cupcake, what does modern politics have anything to do with these events from so long ago? You seriously need to get help.

Why don't you read through the conversation again, dumbass. It started with you claiming that "The Christians have had something weird against Jews for centuries". And I told you why that may be (in some instances): Because the Jews killed Christ. This isn't something that just gets conveniently forgotten, considering the whole goddamn religion is built around it.

You then went on a tirade of denial that Jews killed Christ, and here we are.

It has nothing to do with modern politics - YOU brought it up you fucking brainlet. I simply responded.
The guy actually called into highway patrol and told them where he was. Cnn
The Christians have had something weird against the Jews for centuries.How Jesusy!

You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)
Romans did .

Jesus died for the sins of both Jew AND Gentile.

BOTH took part. More importantly, YOU killed Christ because of YOUR sins. If you can't understand that, you have no business "teaching" anyone on this topic.

My statement had nothing to do with why he died or what the purpose of his death was.

Romans killed Christ at the behest of the Jews. Or did you forget the whole "Pilate washing his hands" thing?

And I'm not going to engage in your mind game. I killed nobody, especially not someone who existed 2000 years before I was born.
A ROMAN killed Christ.

But you're missing the whole point by your satanic Jew hatred when you faill to understand that He CHOSE TO DIE to pay for YOUR sins..
YOU killed Christ.

If you can't internalize that, you have no business even discussing this.

YOU killed Christ. Every true Christian takes this principle to heart.

Your blame game comes from SATAN.

First of all, I will discuss whatever I damn well please. My opinion on any particular topic is NOT subject to YOUR approval. Stop acting like a leftist.

Secondly, I don't hate Jews. I'm pointing out fact. Jews killed Christ. Just because a couple of Roman soldiers actually carried out the act it doesn't make the Jews any less culpable. It was Jews who arrested Christ. It was Jews who arraigned him in a kangaroo court. It was Jews who then drug him to Pontius Pilate and demanded he be executed. If a wife pays someone to murder her husband, and they get caught, they are BOTH charged with murder. The wife doesn't escape responsibility just because she didn't physically commit the act.


I'm WELL aware of why Christ chose to die. And while I may be in debt to Him FOR it, I personally had nothing to do with his murder. If you want to believe you're responsible for the death of someone who preceded your birth by 2 millennia, that's your prerogative.
No, YOU killed the Jew Jesus Christ.

When you become a CHRISTIAN, you'll realize He willingly gave His life because of YOUR sins.

Until you come to terms with that fact, YOU murdered Christ.

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