Shooting at muslim cartoon event?

You are a fucking moron.

Depends on which christians you ask and your understanding of what a prophet is. Since a lot of christians seemed to be idiots like you I'm not surprised you and they dont know what they are talking about.

No you ridiculous racist, Christianity is based on the idea that Jesus is the son of god. No Christian faith says he was a prophet - only the Muzzie Beasts make that claim.



Asslips, the "angry black" racist.....
Sorry you are confused Uneducated. Makes sense you wouldnt understand because you thought Vancouver was in europe. Fools like you shouldnt be allowed out without your leashes. :laugh:

John 8 28 - So Jesus said When you have lifted - Bible Gateway

So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.

  1. 1.
    a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.

Dear Asclepias What makes Jesus unique is he represents both God and man.
God's pure will and justice embodied in man as unique role no other person plays or represents, regardless if you
and I believe or not, that's what Jesus represents.

Unlike Mohammad who had an imperfect past, and playing a military leader much criticized for religious wars
and taking a young child as a bride as a customary offering,
Jesus represents having a sinless past, where any debts owed for divine sacrifice are paid forward not backward.

Jesus represents humanity receiving "divine grace' or FORGIVENESS/MERCY in order to receive
spiritual correction and perfection.

In Islam, God is described as merciful, and as one Muslim poster pointed out, there are teachings of forgiveness
and justice; but justice is not possible except by receiving divine justice by agreeing to forgive first.
That is human nature, we project if we do not forgive, and cannot establish truth and justice until we let go first.

So even Islam depends on what is taught in Christianity in order to find fulfillment.
All humanity, regardless of faith or background requires unity in Christ in order to fulfill the laws of justice for peace.
That is the meaning of Jesus which is much more than just the role of prophet or teacher that gentiles focus on.
am I nuts or are the perps laying dead by their car in the dirt...and no one is pointing that out. What, they don't think we can handle it? I'm watching Fox...
So I was correct...the muzzies were lying in the dirt all night, by the car. No one would acknowledge they were dead in the dirt...even the fucking helicopter moved so the bodies would not be visible. We are becoming a nation of gutless pussies.
Here is a link to the cartoon that actually won the also has an image of a National Endowment for the Arts called "Piss Christ" that was an award winner....let's see who chops off whose head over this....

Blog The Muhammad cartoon that won the Draw Muhammad contest

The progs are fine with "piss christ", it's the pedophile Muslim they worry about
Christians dont seem to be as committed as Muslims when it comes to their prophet of choice. Matter of fact I dont recall a rule saying you cant draw Jesus.

Dear Asclepias
Prolife Extremists have been known to kill doctors and attack clinics because they believe abortion is murder.
Are you going to say that allowing the choice of abortion, or actually providing abortion procedures, is provoking attacks?

So this should stop in order not to incite prolife attackers?
No. Someone getting an abortion is none of anyones business except the person getting the abortion and the father. Making fun of a religious icon is personal.

Dear Asclepias
How is abortion not personal?
Look at it objectively
1. In one case there is a CHANCE you are permanently ending the LIFE of an individual.
Because this cannot be proven legally to be murder, it remains faith based.
But look at the risk and chances of harm caused.

And this "choice of abortion" is protected by law, where there are even additional laws passed
to protect privacy of people over it.

If an abortion protestor commits murder to protest abortion,
are you going to blame the victim?

2. Now compare with free speech, where people are using written and visual expression
and not causing physical harm or RISK of physical harm.

Are you honestly going to protect the choice of abortion, where the risk is up to 85% rate of post-abortion trauma,
and there is no doubt that it terminates the potential life of the individual in the womb,
but not the choice of expression that is purely verbal or visual and has no physical risk to any physical person?


Think about what you are saying.

How is committing abortion under color of law, when prolife Christians believe that is a life and murder,
and they believe this is sanctioning murder as legal in order to protect women's rights --
any more or less an AFFRONT and GRIEVANCE against

Is it because you consider Mohammad to be blaspheming God?
And you don't consider LIFE to be a NAME for GOD.

Even a Lutheran pastor had explained that LIFE is a name for GOD.

How is this not personal and even more dangerous?
To allow the choice of abortion legally and not blame the victim for choosing that,
but to disallow the choice of blaspheming Mohammad in written or visual form?

Which is more risky?

Certainly if you are going to allow the choice of ABORTION
because people don't believe it is MURDER
you would allow the choice of blasphemy if people don't believe in that either.

How can you hold one person LEGALLY to the faith of another they don't believe in?

Isn't that violating separation of church and state, which is the argument against prolife laws banning abortion?

Thank you Asclepias I trust and respect that you always answer honestly
and make every effort to find the language where we can agree in principle.

Yours truly,
When Muslims in Texas put together a huge event to demonstrate the religious freedom of Muslims,
this was met with protesting, but all was done civilly within the legal requirements.
Yeah, right.

Ugly anti-Muslim taunts by Texas lawmaker protesters are embarrassments to Texans Dallas Morning News

Thousands Protest Muslim Conference in Garland NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

I did not hear one incident of any protestors shooting at participants, crowds, or police.
If anyone has any reports of the protestors violating civil or criminal laws, please post corrections.

As far as I know there was no "civil disobedience" and no laws broken.
This is what I mean by civil Synthaholic
in contrast to violating laws by shooting, tweeting terroristic threats, and threatening security to the point
that police had to shoot both suspects.

My prayers go out to the suspects the participants and police, and families of all those affected.
I do not think it is fair to prey upon such people as cult victims.
I hold more sympathy and sorrow than blame, and more thanks that none of the intended targets got killed.

This would have been seriously ugly if anyone else had died.
I don't think people could handle it.

At least because the police did their jobs effectively, this may renew people's faith in law and order,
that these other conflicts seem to incite in the opposite spirit.

I am also grateful and give credit to the Muslim community who allowed these peaceful activities to go
on and who didn't try to get ugly about it, but respect the beliefs of others as they ask as well.

I believe it says well of Texas that we have both populations, and both protesting the extremes of each other,
but they generally don't break the law to do that. The instigators came from out of state, if you notice.

We have our racist gangs and lynch mob incidents that do plague Texas due to our diversity and proximity to the border. But even in cases of race-targeting lynching as in Vidor, Texas, the rest of the town came together and prayed and worked toward unity and sought to overcome the terrible reputation they got from the actions of a few people who killed Byrd in that case. That happens, but the people here are traditionally diverse in population and more resilient, and it shows in the long run.

We have our extreme left, our extreme right, in both religions and politics, and we live and let live anyway. We tolerate a lot more extreme crap because Texas culture tends to be very independent in letting people set up their own programs.

I'm glad this incident didn't get any worse than it did. And keep thinking in other places, it could have easily.
My prayers and support go out to all the people dealing with this and the aftermath.
I especially pray for the families, and thank the police and everyone else who managed security.
Why am I drawing a picture of yer Mooslem Profit?

1. Because I Can.
2. Because I Can.
3. Because F*ck you.
4. Because I Can.

Profit Moohamed. Piss Be Upon Him.
Two Gunmen Reportedly Identified In Texas Muhammad Drawing Contest Shooting

Garland Shooting Suspect Elton Simpson s Father My Son Made a Bad Choice - ABC News

I sympathize with the family. It sounds more like a wannabe taken advantage of.
In a way, such people are victims also. If you read testimonies of trafficking victims, and cult victims, it's really sad
and disturbing to find out this can happen to average people from normal families.

Not sure what went on with this case, but I am sad when anyone gets drawn into a cult
because they obviously "know not what they do" or they wouldn't do it. Very sad.

Two killed at Mohammed cartoon event in Garland Texas -
The Arabs had streetlamps and fountains when Europe lived in mud huts. So sad, for you, who thinks whitey did everything that matters.
The Europeans, unlike the Arabs, didn't stop societal advancement in the early middle ages. So they advanced as societies and technologically after they installed fountains and oil lamps. Whereas the Arabs ceased further development and regressed as time marched on.
Christianity still lives in the Dark Ages, we just drug them along when we pulled away from their madness. Now they believe Jesus invented capitalism...
With idiots like you supporting importing these illiterate goat herders because "muh equality", we will get back to the Dark Ages as well.
You never left. No Christian can manage such a thing.

Does it HURT to be this fuckin' stupid, boy?
Why am I drawing a picture of yer Mooslem Profit?

1. Because I Can.
2. Because I Can.
3. Because F*ck you.
4. Because I Can.

Profit Moohamed. Piss Be Upon Him.
Why did the shooters open fire on a crowd?

Because they can.
sure they can , they also did good advertisement for their religion , he11 , what is it , 37 pages of talk on just this one message board and there are hundreds of message boards all over the world SYNTH !! Yep , good advertisement for the 'religion of peace' !!
Most of us non-liberals thought ISIS was in the U.S.. I thank this 'Free Speech' Group for holding their event; whereby, shaking the tree, so Jihadists' finally played their card here!

Anyone, whom considers themself a real American, should be thankful too!

Now, let us get back to strengthening our borders, in spite of our Gov't!!!

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