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Shooting at muslim cartoon event?

Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Not seeing where organized TeaParty members have killed or destroyed as a terrorist attack. I see where communities have raped and pillaged their own neighborhoods. I have seen where Muslim organizations have claimed responsibility for killings. I have seen members of ELF have killed and claimed responsibility.
An "Islamic cartoon" contest ---- with Pam Geller huh?

What's that smell?
These two guys were idiots. Shooting at random Texas retards for drawing cartoons wasn't going to do a damn thing except what it did - get them both killed. If they had really wanted to have an impact they would have shot Geller. She came up with it and promoted it.
Encouraging murder and even suggesting the target. You really ARE a piece of shit.
No, just evaluating these shooters' savvy.
Too late to back off your statement now, dirtbag.
the most important thing.....all conversation about the cartoons and their rudness stop...the minute assholes decide they are going to mass murder innocent people over them....there is no discussion beyond that...and any thought of saying that drawing cartoons ....what did they expect.....is so morally wrong headed and just fucking nuts......they were going to commit mass murder over cartoon images....end of story...period......they deserved to die before they harmed anyone else......

Some of the posters here need to have a complete moral compass replacement.......
I wonder where Jihadi Jake is. He claims to be critical of Islamic terrorists (although he can't post a quote where he has been). I would think this would be a great opportunity to set his liberal friends straight who are so vociferously defending them.
Came to me earlier, but unless they're down the street from you, could not watch tv news and never hear a peep about Islam. So I wonder how much is Islam, and how much is the media covering freak events like this. Rest of it aside, if you didn't watch the news on tv, or read newspapers, would you even know Islam exists at all? Got Muslims locally? Are they violent?

Our entire view of Islam is skewed through a media lens. And I wonder if a lot of our problems stem from learning about all the little variations of life through the media filters. If we reverted to the pre-WWII 'isolationist' way of life, we wouldn't know about these things, care about these things, or do these things inviting violent retaliation.

If I'm not on here, or watching tv news none of this is a thing around here. So my willingly sitting through a media segment about them, or reading these threads is making a non-existant problem a problem of my own making.
Came to me earlier, but unless they're down the street from you, could not watch tv news and never hear a peep about Islam. So I wonder how much is Islam, and how much is the media covering freak events like this. Rest of it aside, if you didn't watch the news on tv, or read newspapers, would you even know Islam exists at all? Got Muslims locally? Are they violent?

Our entire view of Islam is skewed through a media lens. And I wonder if a lot of our problems stem from learning about all the little variations of life through the media filters. If we reverted to the pre-WWII 'isolationist' way of life, we wouldn't know about these things, care about these things, or do these things inviting violent retaliation.

If I'm not on here, or watching tv news none of this is a thing around here. So my willingly sitting through a media segment about them, or reading these threads is making a non-existant problem a problem of my own making.
So, we should stick our heads in the sand so we don't notice the maniacs who want us all dead?
Came to me earlier, but unless they're down the street from you, could not watch tv news and never hear a peep about Islam. So I wonder how much is Islam, and how much is the media covering freak events like this. Rest of it aside, if you didn't watch the news on tv, or read newspapers, would you even know Islam exists at all? Got Muslims locally? Are they violent?

Our entire view of Islam is skewed through a media lens. And I wonder if a lot of our problems stem from learning about all the little variations of life through the media filters. If we reverted to the pre-WWII 'isolationist' way of life, we wouldn't know about these things, care about these things, or do these things inviting violent retaliation.

If I'm not on here, or watching tv news none of this is a thing around here. So my willingly sitting through a media segment about them, or reading these threads is making a non-existant problem a problem of my own making.
So, we should stick our heads in the sand so we don't notice the maniacs who want us all dead?

Correct. Unless you're going tot ake up arms and go murder people to express your feelings about them, what good is knowing about them?

I liken it to a bee buzzing near you. If you couldn't hear it, or see it, would it still frighten you?

(things you learn sitting outside once in a while)
Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Not seeing where organized TeaParty members have killed or destroyed as a terrorist attack. I see where communities have raped and pillaged their own neighborhoods. I have seen where Muslim organizations have claimed responsibility for killings. I have seen members of ELF have killed and claimed responsibility.
:lol: You just aren't paying attention...or you have that teaper blinder
'The president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, Pamela Geller, is "the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

Geller took to her own website shortly after the incident,writing, "This is a war. This is war on free speech."'

Two shot dead after they open fire at Mohammad cartoon event in Texas - CNN.com

Ignorant hyperbolic nonsense.

Only government has the authority to seek to restrict or preempt free speech, as the First Amendment concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

There is no 'war on free speech,' Geller and other ridiculous bigots are at liberty to express their unwarranted hatred toward Islam.

Tell that to the Christians bakers and wedding photographers,
sued and fined for defending their free speech and free exercise of religion.

The photographer argued that free speech was protected,
but lost and was ordered to pay a fine to govt.

Is that not punishing free speech?
Fining a person for wanting to choose whether or not to photograph a gay wedding?

Oh, but I forget, CCJones
You don't consider federal tax penalties taken out of your income
to be forcing or penalizing citizens either!
Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Not seeing where organized TeaParty members have killed or destroyed as a terrorist attack. I see where communities have raped and pillaged their own neighborhoods. I have seen where Muslim organizations have claimed responsibility for killings. I have seen members of ELF have killed and claimed responsibility.
:lol: You just aren't paying attention...or you have that teaper blinder

Please link them for me.
Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Not seeing where organized TeaParty members have killed or destroyed as a terrorist attack. I see where communities have raped and pillaged their own neighborhoods. I have seen where Muslim organizations have claimed responsibility for killings. I have seen members of ELF have killed and claimed responsibility.
:lol: You just aren't paying attention...or you have that teaper blinder

Please link them for me.
Google is your friend.
Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Dear Nutz:
Should I challenge you?
If you'd rather live in a country where the Constitution is enforced by Tea Party Constitutionalists?
Or under Shariah orders without due process under a Taliban regime?

I know someone from Nigeria who will tell you that the Islamist terrorists who took over certain villages
have caused nothing but terrible oppression and it's only gotten worse.

Really Nutz?
I am happy to bet you the other $10 million that I bet my other friend who raised it to 20 mill
that both of you would rather live under the Constitution enforced by Tea Party
than under Shariah codes enforced by militant Jihadists without due process.

At least with Constitutionalists they will let you argue through court to defend your beliefs.
That's why the prolife people have to put up with prochoice, because of the Constitution.

Do you really want to compare prolife Tea Party who tolerate prochoice because of the Constitutional system,
with Jihadists who don't respect any form of due process but will act as Judge, Jury and Executioner
and kill you the instant they decide you are guilty as an enemy of the state?

Are you THAT willfully stupid that you don't know the difference it makes in this country
to have DUE PROCESS of law where people can't put you to death on a whim? Really Nutz
I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Only liberals don't understand due process, but just legislating from the bench or by majority rule,
whatever goes through govt becomes law to them.

I thought you had a sense of the Constitution. Do you understand
the difference between due process under Constitutionalists
versus lack of due process under Jihadist Islamist terrorist regimes who take over govt in order to control the process?
Do you?
Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Not seeing where organized TeaParty members have killed or destroyed as a terrorist attack. I see where communities have raped and pillaged their own neighborhoods. I have seen where Muslim organizations have claimed responsibility for killings. I have seen members of ELF have killed and claimed responsibility.
:lol: You just aren't paying attention...or you have that teaper blinder

Please link them for me.
Google is your friend.

So you admit you are wrong. Thank you.
Like I said, teaper conspiracy or killer muslims...neither one surprises me...both are terrorists.

Not seeing where organized TeaParty members have killed or destroyed as a terrorist attack. I see where communities have raped and pillaged their own neighborhoods. I have seen where Muslim organizations have claimed responsibility for killings. I have seen members of ELF have killed and claimed responsibility.
:lol: You just aren't paying attention...or you have that teaper blinder

Please link them for me.
Google is your friend.

The Constitution and due process are your friends, Nutz.
These make a huge difference when dealing with Tea Party and Muslims in America
versus Jihadists and Islamists who don't defend due process but act as all three branches
of govt unilaterally: Judge Jury and Executioner. Don't tell me you don't know the difference
between separation of powers as defended by Constitutionalists and Tea Party.
And militant dictatorship as declared by Jihadist and Terrorist regimes taking over govt to rule by force.
Really, Nutz?
The religion of peace strikes again. Oh and my local news blamed the cartoon sponsors because it's muslim racism, I kid you not. Never mind Islam isn't a race. Never mind everybody insults other religions without problems like this. Never mind your Constitutional right to free speech, those poor misunderstood muslim were being picked on. Liberal thinking is cognitively delayed.
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The Arabs had streetlamps and fountains when Europe lived in mud huts. So sad, for you, who thinks whitey did everything that matters.
The Europeans, unlike the Arabs, didn't stop societal advancement in the early middle ages. So they advanced as societies and technologically after they installed fountains and oil lamps. Whereas the Arabs ceased further development and regressed as time marched on.
Christians still live in the Dark Ages, we just drug them along when we pulled away from their madness. Now they believe Jesus invented capitalism...

Christians have been healing people of cancer, demons, addictions, both mental and physical sickness
since the Dark Ages. This is nothing new. Yet people like you are acting like this doesn't exist. Like the earth is flat!

I can tell you from my personal friends who have gotten help to beat addictions,
it is TRUE what Christians teach, that the spirit/name/authority of JESUS is the only
level that will work to get rid of demons and satanic influences from occult energy and practices.

Sorry you haven't looked into this, but this is consistent with people's experiences, with both
positive and negative spiritual energy, and can be demonstrated using science.

This isn't new, but hasn't been fully established because of this cultural backlash against Christianity
creating censorship and segregation of information, due to "false division" between science and religion.

The true and natural processes of spiritual healing using positive life energy
is consistent with BOTH religion and science, and contradicts neither one.

You may be slow to get this "news" but it's been around for centuries, and many people have used this process
to heal themselves, their relations, and restore their sanity, health, lives and personal and community relations.
WE need to stop importing MUSLIMS into our country...We need to use the military we PAY MONEY FOR to remove them.

Dear Matthew
To stick with Constitutional principles,
why not require all religious organizations (also other corporations, business nonprofit schools political etc.)
to comply with Constitutional due process and equal protections of individual rights and freedoms
in order to operate as a COLLECTIVE institution through the state. The state can regulate organizations.
As long as the SAME RULES apply to all of them, it isn't discriminatory.

Don't stop with just Islamic religious groups.
The LDS and Catholics and even Jehovah's Witnesses
have been known to suppress the right to due process of abuse victims.
So all such groups need a check on them if they are COLLECTIVE organizations
with more power or influence or resources than a single individual.

The same reason we have the Bill of Rights to check Govt because of the risk of
abusing COLLECTIVE authority, all large corporations need to be under the same checks.
Or people can abuse corporations to get away with violating civil rights and equal protections
that Govt cannot do to individual citizens. Treat all such collective organizations the same, as we would Govt.

Should have these kinds of things all the time until they quit acting violently because of them. Afaik, other than little cults, they're the only major religion that goes postal over this kind of disrespect. If you can't handle people dissing your religion it probably isn't much of a religion.

The thing is --- two yahoos with guns in Dallas don't represent the body of a world religion any more than Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols do. If one applies, then so does the other; if one doesn't, then neither does the other. Can't play it both ways.

And here is exactly why that distinction matters:
It isn't, islam is a death cult and needs to be eradicated like polio or any other disease.

-- here's a guy who would slaughter a billion and a half people because two dickheads shot guns off. Makes ya wonder.
Can you read ? He said "Islam" needs to be eradicated, not "people" who follow it.

When you factor in the concept of psychological projection, it kinda makes you wonder about people who assume that, if you want to eradicate a popular philosophy, it means that you want to slaughter all of that philosophy's followers. It paints a not-so-flattering view of what they would potentially do to their own philosophical adversaries, given the opportunity.
Piss Crist = Free Speech
Draw Muhammad = Provocative.

Any of you Clown Avatars here that are against draw Muhammad shows are against America and Freedom in general.
^^^ This is the fatal flaw with conservatism: the inability and unwillingness to ever put the shoe on the other foot.

What if Muslim-Americans had organized a bible burning in Garland, Texas?

Would you be calling it free speech, or incitement to violence?

Um, what are you talking about? What Mad Scientist did there was -accurately- put the shoe on the other foot. Provocative art depicting Christ versus provocative art depicting Mohammed. A bible burning would be more akin to a Koran burning than to a provocative portrayal. I'd say a provocative portrayal of a religion's supreme figurehead compares more directly to a provocative portrayal of a religion's supreme figurehead than it compares to anything else, you know, considering that they're the -same thing-.

And before you start pointing out that the difference is that in Islam, the portrayal is blasphemy, do keep in mind that Piss Christ was also interpreted by the vast majority of Christians to be blasphemous. How many shooters did the police take down outside of the Piss Christ exhibit? God, there's gotta be that figure floating around somewhere. . . .

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