Shooting of cops destroys integrity of Ferguson blacks

It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.

Another black what? A black person? A black human being, maybe?

Oh......poor you. You want to be open minded.......but it's just so hard!
They call themselves blacks, soooo exxxxxcuuuussseee ME! Some don't like being called African Americans because they've never been too Africa, like Whoopie Goldberg. Some don't like being called Negros, even though that's what they are. And there are a lot of "people" that are really getting tired of bending over backwards to try to make them happy. They're NOT that fucking special.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
Why people take posts like your seriously is beyond comprehension. Maybe something in the water at usmb?
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.

No one agrees with the shooting, but how are they not unbiased?

They reported facts. Clear facts of racial prejudice towards African Americans in the Ferguson community. What are they suppose to do? Not report the facts? Let ignorance and injustice continue so the problem persists?

The shooting is wrong. But that report was necessary to fix the problems in Ferguson and in police departments across the nation.
I can't believe that you think that flaming the fans of racism would "fix the problem". The shooting of two cops is the result. Fixed?

Ignore the problem like that weird mole on your back and its all good.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks...

Woo. Either I'm losing it or you just posted a rational thought.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.

Another black what? A black person? A black human being, maybe?

Oh......poor you. You want to be open minded.......but it's just so hard!
They call themselves blacks, soooo exxxxxcuuuussseee ME! Some don't like being called African Americans because they've never been too Africa, like Whoopie Goldberg. Some don't like being called Negros, even though that's what they are. And there are a lot of "people" that are really getting tired of bending over backwards to try to make them happy. They're NOT that fucking special.

Let the poison out baby. Let it all out.

Nobody is telling you not to call them black people or black humans or black Americans. But, calling them "blacks" is bullshit. You are giving yourself away.
A lot of black Americans support the police. The media will never show it. But saying all blacks is as unfair as labeling all cops.

But some blacks...and white hipster anarchists. ...yes. They are scum.

quite right. I would imagine that there are blacks living in Ferguson who are quite thankful for the police and resent the actions of the few.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks...

Woo. Either I'm losing it or you just posted a rational thought.

There you go hangover. Validation from one of the primary nutters on the site. How does that feel?
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks...

Woo. Either I'm losing it or you just posted a rational thought.

There you go hangover. Validation from one of the primary nutters on the site. How does that feel?

Coming from a loony lefty, I take that as a compliment, Princess. Thank you.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
In 200 years there will not be any Blacks left on the planet. Not because they will have 'assimilated'. I mean show me the line up of White men wanting to marry negro women? Or the line up of White women wanting to marry negro men.............The fucking White- blond 'Snow Bunnies' who hang around professional negro athletes for the diamonds and the 'snort' don't count.
Just let the world economy take a major nosedive and watch how many 'Makers' are going to be willing to pay 100% of the cost of supporting the negro race.
HAHA!!!!...must hurt to know your life is based upon an imbecile's fantasy...
Get a life...go reread the Turner Diaries and bang your ugly in-laws...
You sound just like a angry, so insulting, so violent, so hypocritical.
Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
The GOP has control of the House and Senate. Quit fooling yourself.

Wait...Pillars said that racists are dying off and hangovers response was to talk about the GOP winning.

I couldnt have written that better myself...even hangover knows :rofl:
I said the "bigots" THINK they're winning. But you know who the bigots are.
Thanks for reminding me why I vote against the GOP.
Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
The GOP has control of the House and Senate. Quit fooling yourself.

Wait...Pillars said that racists are dying off and hangovers response was to talk about the GOP winning.

I couldnt have written that better myself...even hangover knows :rofl:
I said the "bigots" THINK they're winning. But you know who the bigots are.
Thanks for reminding me why I vote against the GOP.

Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
The GOP has control of the House and Senate. Quit fooling yourself.

Wait...Pillars said that racists are dying off and hangovers response was to talk about the GOP winning.

I couldnt have written that better myself...even hangover knows :rofl:
I said the "bigots" THINK they're winning. But you know who the bigots are.
Thanks for reminding me why I vote against the GOP.

^^^^^Another FUX news promoter that worships Rush Limpballs.
Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
The GOP has control of the House and Senate. Quit fooling yourself.

Wait...Pillars said that racists are dying off and hangovers response was to talk about the GOP winning.

I couldnt have written that better myself...even hangover knows :rofl:
I said the "bigots" THINK they're winning. But you know who the bigots are.
Thanks for reminding me why I vote against the GOP.

^^^^^Another FUX news promoter that worships Rush Limpballs.

You lose, I can't stand Limbaugh
I love the way I'm being attacked by both the right and left bigots.
The GOP has control of the House and Senate. Quit fooling yourself.

Wait...Pillars said that racists are dying off and hangovers response was to talk about the GOP winning.

I couldnt have written that better myself...even hangover knows :rofl:
I said the "bigots" THINK they're winning. But you know who the bigots are.
Thanks for reminding me why I vote against the GOP.

^^^^^Another FUX news promoter that worships Rush Limpballs.

You lose, I can't stand Limbaugh
No you lose as long as the cons have Rush and FUX news.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.

No one agrees with the shooting, but how are they not unbiased?

They reported facts. Clear facts of racial prejudice towards African Americans in the Ferguson community. What are they suppose to do? Not report the facts? Let ignorance and injustice continue so the problem persists?

The shooting is wrong. But that report was necessary to fix the problems in Ferguson and in police departments across the nation.
I can't believe that you think that flaming the fans of racism would "fix the problem". The shooting of two cops is the result. Fixed?

Are you retarded or illiterate?

Here is exactly what I said.

"No one agrees with the shooting" "The shooting is wrong"

In what way did I say it was okay? It is not okay and one idiot lunatic did this, not every single protestor.

Its not fanning the flames of racism. The racism was there to begin with, there were just acknowledging its existence with evidence. Letting racism continue is not "fixing" racism.
Understanding that it exists and try to find non-violent solution to end racism is the goal. Why is that such a bad thing? Oh right, you want to be a racist with no consequences. Tough shit.
Here's a clue for you....Before Holder's statement on the Ferguson P.D. the protests were quieting down. Since Holder's statement two cops were shot. THAT'S NOT FIXING THE PROBLEM!
When Obama supporters like you try to defend him when he's wrong, only proves that you're just as much a whack job as right wing cons that try to defend racism in the GOP.
you're absolutely right. institutionalized racism should be ignored, so that people don't get upset. that seems like the right answer.

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