Shooting of cops destroys integrity of Ferguson blacks

It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
They never had any integrity.
Have the suspects in this case been arrested? How do we know what race they are?
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
Shooting unarmed blacks destroys the cops integrity.
That's a lame justification for shooting cops....and it shows why cops shoot thugs.

We or at least most of us know the cops just like white society doesnt treat black people right. But we all know the blacks getting shot aren't acting right. But the fact is somethings wrong if only blacks who resist get shot.

What's the solution? The cops need to shoot more whites who act stupid. Thin the herd.
They do, just more blacks act stupid because they are stupid.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
Shooting unarmed blacks destroys the cops integrity.
That's a lame justification for shooting cops....and it shows why cops shoot thugs.

We or at least most of us know the cops just like white society doesnt treat black people right. But we all know the blacks getting shot aren't acting right. But the fact is somethings wrong if only blacks who resist get shot.

What's the solution? The cops need to shoot more whites who act stupid. Thin the herd.
They do, just more blacks act stupid because they are stupid.
And if your a cop in the hood you can't be like cops are in safe white neighborhoods. Soldiers act different when they are on the battlefield
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
In 200 years there will not be any Blacks left on the planet. Not because they will have 'assimilated'. I mean show me the line up of White men wanting to marry negro women? Or the line up of White women wanting to marry negro men.............The fucking White- blond 'Snow Bunnies' who hang around professional negro athletes for the diamonds and the 'snort' don't count.
Just let the world economy take a major nosedive and watch how many 'Makers' are going to be willing to pay 100% of the cost of supporting the negro race.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
In 200 years there will not be any Blacks left on the planet. Not because they will have 'assimilated'. I mean show me the line up of White men wanting to marry negro women? Or the line up of White women wanting to marry negro men.............The fucking White- blond 'Snow Bunnies' who hang around professional negro athletes for the diamonds and the 'snort' don't count.
Just let the world economy take a major nosedive and watch how many 'Makers' are going to be willing to pay 100% of the cost of supporting the negro race.
There are so many people who dont have shit. Who's breeding with them? I guess when you're young money doesnt matter. Cause I ain't dating any broke ass.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
Or a republican
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.

Another black what? A black person? A black human being, maybe?

Oh......poor you. You want to be open minded.......but it's just so hard!
Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
And thanks to Obama and Holder, new White's are awakening to nationalism realizing the threat blacks are to our nation due to their violent actions.
There will be a tranny midget with no arms and legs raised in Mongolia as President before another negro is President. The best part is everyone knows it. BOBO made sure of that.
While I was pretty sure all along the officer involved shooting that started all this was probably justified, the months long delay in making the police report public was a huge mistake on there part. And there still paying the price for that mistake. I sure hope they learn something from it.

And thanks to Obama and Holder, new White's are awakening to nationalism realizing the threat blacks are to our nation due to their violent actions.

Actually, white nationalist organizations are more impotent than they've ever been. That has to suck for morons like you with no accomplishments to speak of, aside from your skin color.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.

No one agrees with the shooting, but how are they not unbiased?

They reported facts. Clear facts of racial prejudice towards African Americans in the Ferguson community. What are they suppose to do? Not report the facts? Let ignorance and injustice continue so the problem persists?

The shooting is wrong. But that report was necessary to fix the problems in Ferguson and in police departments across the nation.
I can't believe that you think that flaming the fans of racism would "fix the problem". The shooting of two cops is the result. Fixed?

Are you retarded or illiterate?

Here is exactly what I said.

"No one agrees with the shooting" "The shooting is wrong"

In what way did I say it was okay? It is not okay and one idiot lunatic did this, not every single protestor.

Its not fanning the flames of racism. The racism was there to begin with, there were just acknowledging its existence with evidence. Letting racism continue is not "fixing" racism.
Understanding that it exists and try to find non-violent solution to end racism is the goal. Why is that such a bad thing? Oh right, you want to be a racist with no consequences. Tough shit.
Here's a clue for you....Before Holder's statement on the Ferguson P.D. the protests were quieting down. Since Holder's statement two cops were shot. THAT'S NOT FIXING THE PROBLEM!
When Obama supporters like you try to defend him when he's wrong, only proves that you're just as much a whack job as right wing cons that try to defend racism in the GOP.
Your posts are plain stupid and reek of your passive aggressive mind set of racism.
The President and Eric Holder are no more responsible for the integrity of an entire race of people then was Nathan Bedford and John Booth.

You are the type that told people two hundred years after emancipation and still unable to vote, to be more patient.
Racism seems to be unacceptable to you only when whites are included in the pathology, why aren't I surprised.
It also destroys Eric Holder and Obama's integrity as unbiased. They have just thrown gas on the fire of racism. This is a real setback for ending racism. It has only served to inflame bigotry of both whites and blacks.

It may be another two hundred years before another black is in the White House.
In 200 years there will not be any Blacks left on the planet. Not because they will have 'assimilated'. I mean show me the line up of White men wanting to marry negro women? Or the line up of White women wanting to marry negro men.............The fucking White- blond 'Snow Bunnies' who hang around professional negro athletes for the diamonds and the 'snort' don't count.
Just let the world economy take a major nosedive and watch how many 'Makers' are going to be willing to pay 100% of the cost of supporting the negro race.
HAHA!!!!...must hurt to know your life is based upon an imbecile's fantasy...
Get a life...go reread the Turner Diaries and bang your ugly in-laws...
Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
And thanks to Obama and Holder, new White's are awakening to nationalism realizing the threat blacks are to our nation due to their violent actions.
A new awakening to the fact that a serious ass beating will result when you have one too many and want to heil hitler!!!
Actually, white racists are the ones dying off at a rapid pace, and good fucking riddance.
And thanks to Obama and Holder, new White's are awakening to nationalism realizing the threat blacks are to our nation due to their violent actions.

What about the violent acts of whites? Slavery? Lynching? Mass Murder in Movie theaters and schools? I guess we realize the threats of whites in America too.

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