Shootings a problem and looking for an answer? Then stop looking for the easy answer. Spoiler, it's not gun control.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
Shootings have been a hot topic for a while now. Everytime one happens what is the answer to them every single person has? Gun control, ban guns, more rules, more laws, more restrictions, more background checks and so on. Will that solve the problem? Absolutely not because those people that say those things don't even know the right question to answer.

If you want to stop shootings then the question that needs answering should be this.......

Decades ago we had hundreds of millions of guns like we do right now and we had hundreds of millions of people just like we do right now, but we did not have all of these shootings. What has changed?

See that's the question that needs answering, what has changed?

Well our society has changed. That's the only thing that has changed. So the answer is in our society. If you truly want to stop shootings then the answer is what has changed in our society because guns haven't changed, adults and children haven't changed, schools are still schools and so on.

Even if you ban and seize and destroy every single gun in the country all these people that want to hurt people like nutballs and criminals will still be here still nutballs and still criminals. But what happens if you get rid of criminals and nutballs do you still need to get rid of guns?

All I'm saying is stop going for the easy answer and look deeper. If you have a weed growing in your hard and you pull off what you see growing because it's easy you didn't get rid of the weed at all, you left the root still there the weed grows from. A lazy person will just pull the dandelion head off, a person who wants to get rid of the weed for good will go get a hand spade and dig out the root. Banning guns is the easy answer that doesn't solve the problem.

Recognizing what's changed in our society in the past few decades and removing it so we can go back to our baseline normal is the correct answer.

Banning guns doesn't fix anything. Switzerland proves that. They have a very high rate of gun ownership but also have about the lowest if not the lowest amount of gun violence in all of Europe and it's been that way a very long time. Again the answer lies in society and they have in general a happier, more content and fulfilled society than us.
It's clearly a social problem. For the record, the root causes of crime also must be addresed, the "lock 'em up throw away the key" ideology has been proven to be a failure. As many predicted it would be.
"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

Gun control works in every other nation. Are we just more homicidal?

The murder rate of the UK is about what it was in 1950 BEFORE they passed all their draconian gun laws and gun bans

How did those laws reduce their murder rate?

Oh yeah they didn't.
The modern prohibitionists demonstrate that violence increased dramatically in the US as saloons opened up in various cities across America. That inebriated or intoxicated members of our communities are the ultimate culprits. Gambling was also common in these establishments and people became financially desperate from drinking and gambling.

You are correct....we had guns before saloons and gambling and there was a definite lack of violence before they were in an area.

Where the idea of banning bars and pubs and gambling sounds ludicrous and draconian...there is as much merit to the idea. Moreso than banning people's rights to self protection.

Today's drug related crime is often associated with illegal possession of guns.

We can win the war on drugs anytime we choose....but it's extremely expensive and other nation's sovereignty will be bruised in the process.
We know where the drug labs are. We know the flow of chemicals and where they go to produce the drugs. Poppy doesn't grow takes months. One aerial spray of herbicide can destroy crops of poppy destined for heroine or some other opioid.
Every mass murderer in modern history was a left winger and mentally deranged but with media support democrats get away with blaming the gun culture and law abiding citizens. The dirty little secret is that the democrat party depends on a deranged angry voting base. The political clout they get from mass shootings outweighs the need to do something about it. The Nashville shooter who planed the murder of 4 kids and 4 adults in a Christian church was mentally ill and undergoing psychiatric counseling and yet was "legally" able to obtain a firearm. The Austin shooter was an alien (probably illegal) and was able to obtain a firearm and fire off several rounds in his yard and not risk arrest. The point is that democrats refuse to enforce existing laws related to firearms but they get away with whining about the tragic results of deranged killers. Show us the manifest.
"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins
The USSC discarded this argument 2 decades ago.

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