Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

People have NO problem with white supremacy........ as long as it's directed towards Black people... The moment it affects non-Black people.... then everyone is like


Will they count the Black car in the Black on Asian crime statistics?
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You might what to read up on Ed Gein and stop making excuses for conservative religious repression.
I dont need to read anything by Ed Gein to know that conservative religious suppression exists

Though it usually just goes by the name “sin.”

And temptation

he apparently does not do well with normal women and visited massage parlors to experience what liberal pop culture assured him he was missing out on
And where does this liberal pop culture of message parlors exist? If only in the heads of fools like you.

Are conservative white women not sexually pleasurable for you white boys?
Now you are just trolling

you tried using “religious suppression” as bait

but instead of getting a denial I agreed that it exists

now you try posting some bullshit about white women being sexually pleasured as the invitation to your gutter

but I dont accept
Dude, I posted religious repression and cited Ed Gein as an example.

You ran some idiotic liberal pop culture bullshit as deflection.
Dude I posted religious repression and cited Ed Gein as an example.

You ran some idiotic liberal pop culture bullshit as deflection
I cited liberal pop culture as a corrosive influence on society first

then you jumped in with some guy I never heard of
Another sad day for America. Apparently a racist cop was part of the briefing and tried to whitewash the shooter's motives.


Cop Who Said Spa Shooter Wasn’t Racist Against Asians Had Promoted Racism Himself

A Georgia sheriff’s captain tried to convince the public Wednesday morning that a man charged with fatally shooting several people of Asian descent the night before was not motivated by race. However, a year ago, the captain promoted merchandise that demonized the Asian community over the coronavirus.

“Yesterday was a really bad day for him, and this is what he did,” the officer said of Long, who is now charged with murder and assault. Baker then said that Long was “fed up” and at the “end of his rope” when he went on a killing spree before trying to flee to Florida. Long also told law enforcement that he was struggling with a sex addiction and targeted the spas to “take out that temptation,” according to Baker.

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San Souci
Yes. They CERTAINLY were not Negros or Orientals.

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, here's what they got :


Ask you can see a black man and a black woman.

What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselves saw themselves as belonging to their own race. Remember this idea of race is a very new concept. It's about 400 years old. Thousands of years ago you were from particular tribes and lineage.
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs

San Souci
Look at the Egyptian Pictures. Were they copper skinned? Sure. But they had STRAIGHT hair ,acquline noses , high foreheads ,and other Caucasian features.

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San Souci
Yes. They CERTAINLY were not Negros or Orientals.

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, here's what they got :


Ask you can see a black man and a black woman.

What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselves saw themselves as belonging to their own race. Remember this idea of race is a very new concept. It's about 400 years old. Thousands of years ago you were from particular tribes and lineage.
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs

San Souci
Look at the Egyptian Pictures. Were they copper skinned? Sure. But they had STRAIGHT hair ,acquline noses , high foreheads ,and other Caucasian features.

Another sad day for America. Apparently a racist cop was part of the briefing and tried to whitewash the shooter's motives.

View attachment 469057

Cop Who Said Spa Shooter Wasn’t Racist Against Asians Had Promoted Racism Himself

A Georgia sheriff’s captain tried to convince the public Wednesday morning that a man charged with fatally shooting several people of Asian descent the night before was not motivated by race. However, a year ago, the captain promoted merchandise that demonized the Asian community over the coronavirus.

“Yesterday was a really bad day for him, and this is what he did,” the officer said of Long, who is now charged with murder and assault. Baker then said that Long was “fed up” and at the “end of his rope” when he went on a killing spree before trying to flee to Florida. Long also told law enforcement that he was struggling with a sex addiction and targeted the spas to “take out that temptation,” according to Baker.

Another sad day for America. Apparently a racist cop was part of the briefing and tried to whitewash the shooter's motives.

View attachment 469057

Cop Who Said Spa Shooter Wasn’t Racist Against Asians Had Promoted Racism Himself

A Georgia sheriff’s captain tried to convince the public Wednesday morning that a man charged with fatally shooting several people of Asian descent the night before was not motivated by race. However, a year ago, the captain promoted merchandise that demonized the Asian community over the coronavirus.

“Yesterday was a really bad day for him, and this is what he did,” the officer said of Long, who is now charged with murder and assault. Baker then said that Long was “fed up” and at the “end of his rope” when he went on a killing spree before trying to flee to Florida. Long also told law enforcement that he was struggling with a sex addiction and targeted the spas to “take out that temptation,” according to Baker.

You’re a sick creep to interject that BS
Another sad day for America. Apparently a racist cop was part of the briefing and tried to whitewash the shooter's motives.

View attachment 469057

Cop Who Said Spa Shooter Wasn’t Racist Against Asians Had Promoted Racism Himself

A Georgia sheriff’s captain tried to convince the public Wednesday morning that a man charged with fatally shooting several people of Asian descent the night before was not motivated by race. However, a year ago, the captain promoted merchandise that demonized the Asian community over the coronavirus.

“Yesterday was a really bad day for him, and this is what he did,” the officer said of Long, who is now charged with murder and assault. Baker then said that Long was “fed up” and at the “end of his rope” when he went on a killing spree before trying to flee to Florida. Long also told law enforcement that he was struggling with a sex addiction and targeted the spas to “take out that temptation,” according to Baker.


Woodstock is a semi cow poke town. That dude is a definite Trumpster seeking revenge on one those "ChiComs" that Trumpsters keep talking about.

They'll throw the book at him, as they should.
Wrong again-----
21 yr. old white male suspect roberrt aaron long captured.

Now those Asian women are truly here doing jobs Americans won’t do.
I'm sure you're up for it! Maybe Biden's memtal health thing?
I find it interesting that there hasn't been one of these "mass" shootings for quite awhile, but suddenly, when gun control bills are going to the senate, such things suddenly pop up out of the blue.
He had a bad day? No. The families and friends of the women he murdered had bad days. What he had was a desire to feel like a badass, so he went after defenseless women.
Cmon man, the cops said he just had a bad day. Leave the kid alone. Boys will be boys!
That's not what he meant. My son's a C.O. at a prison, been there his whole career and he has no sympathy for the inmates. But he has used the same expression about an inmate--said 'He had the worst day of his life and winds up here for the rest of his life.' I remember it because it was out of character for him to say anything empathetic about those guys.
I'm pretty darned sure they pound that into their heads during training at the academy, because I know for a fact my kid didn't think it up.

The Chief was describing it from the perp's perspective, but it doesn't mean he was excusing him. I can understand what line of thinking led Long to kill those women, but it doesn't mean I feel sorry for him. Hang the bastard. I can still get why he did it though. It's called empathy, and it has nothing to do with sympathy. Not if you've just cleaned up eight dead bodies like the Chief.
He kills because of a sex addiction. Poor little victim. That makes as much sense as an alcoholic killing everybody working at a brewery. A stint in prison is the best cure for his problem.
I am thinking a much more immediate cure, but even if he gets it, it will not be immediate.

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