Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

Bigots who insist on using the term "oriental" to refer to our Asian brothers and sisters after they've begged and pleaded for people not to use those harmful terms, are the types of people that would suddenly and randomly walk into one if their establishments and empty the clip of whatever high powered firearm they have on them.
Oriental is not a racist term you idiot. Often it is a more accurate term than Asian which is like why the BRITS use this word more often referring to people depending on where they came from. It has a cultural/regional word choice aspect to it now. Outlawing words, any words btw, is about control---not racism so on both levels I should tell you to go stick your head in the sand and leave everyone else alone.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
A dem President didn't sign them all....Johnson did finally flip flop on the bill that a Conservative Dem pushed, in the wake of his murder.

What numerous bills? You don't really know much about Civil Rights in this country do you? Only one of the numerous Civil Rights bills has been signed by a Dem President...the rest either blocked in Congress by Dems, or signed into law by a GOP President: Civil Rights Act - Wikipedia

Yep racist conservatives. Tell me a major CRB a republican president signed.
I provided a like. Grant, Eisenhower and HW Bush...signed a number.

sadly, a conservative Dem is a racist...then and all just voted in Xiden...a massive racist...that fought to keep school separate but "equal" - feared his children would be a racial appears the Dems are nothing but recycling racist....

Is that why all the racist remarks come from Republicans
what racist remarks? Xiden is not a member and never has been a member of the GOP:

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle" - Xiden Did Biden Say He Didn't Want His Kids Growing Up in a 'Racial Jungle'?

His racism, was still alive in well in 2020: Biden risks alienating young Black voters after race remarks

“you’re taking cocaine or not? ... Are you a junkie?” -to an African-American reporter...

"Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,”

Xiden thinks African-Americans are drug addicts, and not diverse...what a racist
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.

No......since the 1960s back when Black families were doing incredibly well despite the racism of the democrat party, the democrat party has created ghettos in all of the cities they control........

False, how were we doing incredibly well when we were facing racism and discrimination on a daily basis. That has to be one of the dumbest things you have EVER said.

Moron......I'll let famous economist Thomas Sowell explain the truth to you....

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”


Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before.

Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Shit Head what makes you think a Boot licking Uncle Tom can tell me anything.

Yeah....Thomas Sowell, he's a boot licker alright...

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Born in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude[1] in 1958. He received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles. He has also worked at think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he presently serves as the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Sowell writes from a libertarian conservative perspective. Sowell has written more than thirty books, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is a National Humanities Medal recipient for innovative scholarship which incorporated history, economics and political science.

Sowell's latest book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies, was published in 2020.[2][3]

Of course you love Thomas Sowell because he wouldn't EVER dare say anything that white folks wouldn't like, every time you see him around white folks all you see is his teeth, you could probably get him to sing a song or dance a jig for you as well. Who are you going to quote next Uncle Ben Carson the world famous neurosurgeon that was in charge of HUD.

Hypocrites like you always reveal your true 'colors' whenever someone expresses political views that you insist certain 'races' are not allowed to hold. Don't pretend you care about black lives, you only care about politics.

Dumb ass this goes beyond political views.
I would wager he is a lot smarter than you as he is a teacher.
Wait a second. You are saying public school teachers and college professors are smarter than the average guy? I thought you Republicans believed they were dopes who were brainwashing our children with liberal propoganda.

Glad you admit teachers are smart. Unfortunately Unkotare is an exception to that rule.

For the most part, teachers range from average to highly intelligent. In general they understand a subject because they have studied it over and over. Overall the averageteacher would be somewhat smarter than the average person.
They are smarter than the average person but they are part of a union that brainwashes them to teach moronic leftist dogma.
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.

No......since the 1960s back when Black families were doing incredibly well despite the racism of the democrat party, the democrat party has created ghettos in all of the cities they control........

False, how were we doing incredibly well when we were facing racism and discrimination on a daily basis. That has to be one of the dumbest things you have EVER said.

Moron......I'll let famous economist Thomas Sowell explain the truth to you....

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”


Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before.

Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Shit Head what makes you think a Boot licking Uncle Tom can tell me anything.

Yeah....Thomas Sowell, he's a boot licker alright...

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Born in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude[1] in 1958. He received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles. He has also worked at think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he presently serves as the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Sowell writes from a libertarian conservative perspective. Sowell has written more than thirty books, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is a National Humanities Medal recipient for innovative scholarship which incorporated history, economics and political science.

Sowell's latest book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies, was published in 2020.[2][3]

Of course you love Thomas Sowell because he wouldn't EVER dare say anything that white folks wouldn't like, every time you see him around white folks all you see is his teeth, you could probably get him to sing a song or dance a jig for you as well. Who are you going to quote next Uncle Ben Carson the world famous neurosurgeon that was in charge of HUD.

Hypocrites like you always reveal your true 'colors' whenever someone expresses political views that you insist certain 'races' are not allowed to hold. Don't pretend you care about black lives, you only care about politics.

Dumb ass this goes beyond political views.
I would wager he is a lot smarter than you as he is a teacher.
Wait a second. You are saying public school teachers and college professors are smarter than the average guy? I thought you Republicans believed they were dopes who were brainwashing our children with liberal propoganda.

Glad you admit teachers are smart. Unfortunately Unkotare is an exception to that rule.

For the most part, teachers range from average to highly intelligent. In general they understand a subject because they have studied it over and over. Overall the averageteacher would be somewhat smarter than the average person.
They are smarter than the average person but they are part of a union that brainwashes them to teach moronic leftist dogma.
In 26 years, no one has ever so much as suggested that I teach moronic leftist dogma.
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.

No......since the 1960s back when Black families were doing incredibly well despite the racism of the democrat party, the democrat party has created ghettos in all of the cities they control........

False, how were we doing incredibly well when we were facing racism and discrimination on a daily basis. That has to be one of the dumbest things you have EVER said.

Moron......I'll let famous economist Thomas Sowell explain the truth to you....

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”


Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before.

Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Shit Head what makes you think a Boot licking Uncle Tom can tell me anything.

Yeah....Thomas Sowell, he's a boot licker alright...

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Born in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude[1] in 1958. He received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles. He has also worked at think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he presently serves as the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Sowell writes from a libertarian conservative perspective. Sowell has written more than thirty books, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is a National Humanities Medal recipient for innovative scholarship which incorporated history, economics and political science.

Sowell's latest book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies, was published in 2020.[2][3]

Of course you love Thomas Sowell because he wouldn't EVER dare say anything that white folks wouldn't like, every time you see him around white folks all you see is his teeth, you could probably get him to sing a song or dance a jig for you as well. Who are you going to quote next Uncle Ben Carson the world famous neurosurgeon that was in charge of HUD.

Hypocrites like you always reveal your true 'colors' whenever someone expresses political views that you insist certain 'races' are not allowed to hold. Don't pretend you care about black lives, you only care about politics.

Dumb ass this goes beyond political views.
I would wager he is a lot smarter than you as he is a teacher.
Wait a second. You are saying public school teachers and college professors are smarter than the average guy? I thought you Republicans believed they were dopes who were brainwashing our children with liberal propoganda.

Glad you admit teachers are smart. Unfortunately Unkotare is an exception to that rule.

For the most part, teachers range from average to highly intelligent. In general they understand a subject because they have studied it over and over. Overall the averageteacher would be somewhat smarter than the average person.
They are smarter than the average person but they are part of a union that brainwashes them to teach moronic leftist dogma.
In 26 years, no one has ever so much as suggested that I teach moronic leftist dogma.
You’re the exception.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.

No......since the 1960s back when Black families were doing incredibly well despite the racism of the democrat party, the democrat party has created ghettos in all of the cities they control........

False, how were we doing incredibly well when we were facing racism and discrimination on a daily basis. That has to be one of the dumbest things you have EVER said.

Moron......I'll let famous economist Thomas Sowell explain the truth to you....

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”


Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before.

Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Shit Head what makes you think a Boot licking Uncle Tom can tell me anything.

Yeah....Thomas Sowell, he's a boot licker alright...

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Born in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude[1] in 1958. He received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles. He has also worked at think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he presently serves as the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Sowell writes from a libertarian conservative perspective. Sowell has written more than thirty books, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is a National Humanities Medal recipient for innovative scholarship which incorporated history, economics and political science.

Sowell's latest book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies, was published in 2020.[2][3]

Of course you love Thomas Sowell because he wouldn't EVER dare say anything that white folks wouldn't like, every time you see him around white folks all you see is his teeth, you could probably get him to sing a song or dance a jig for you as well. Who are you going to quote next Uncle Ben Carson the world famous neurosurgeon that was in charge of HUD.

Hypocrites like you always reveal your true 'colors' whenever someone expresses political views that you insist certain 'races' are not allowed to hold. Don't pretend you care about black lives, you only care about politics.

Dumb ass this goes beyond political views.
I would wager he is a lot smarter than you as he is a teacher.
Wait a second. You are saying public school teachers and college professors are smarter than the average guy? I thought you Republicans believed they were dopes who were brainwashing our children with liberal propoganda.

Glad you admit teachers are smart. Unfortunately Unkotare is an exception to that rule.

For the most part, teachers range from average to highly intelligent. In general they understand a subject because they have studied it over and over. Overall the averageteacher would be somewhat smarter than the average person.
They are smarter than the average person but they are part of a union that brainwashes them to teach moronic leftist dogma.
In 26 years, no one has ever so much as suggested that I teach moronic leftist dogma.
Are other teachers in your school teaching moronic leftist dogma?
It certainly seems like Bobo doesn’t have a word to say for himself as far as lifting a finger to ever do anything for anyone else but himself. Everything is my brother this my brother that my brother this my brother that. There is no vicarious virtue involved in being related to someone else who has ever done anything. Get your own life for crying out loud.
What would you have me do?

All blacks are asking whites like us to do is stop being silent. If we feel like it's wrong the way cops abuse black people speak up. So I did what they asked. You however speak against the blacks. You don't side with BLM. So you are the reacist who doesn't get it.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
My brother has done more for blacks than you ever will through affirmative action and diversity programs.

What do blacks want? They want you to stop shooting their children, I advocate for that. They want jobs. I advocate for that. You defend the murderous cops and white hiring managers who don't hire blacks. You say it's unfair to you Irishmen for companies to have diversity programs.

Don’t try to tell me what I do or say or think, you dishonest piece of shit. Once again you are too stupid to have a conversation with a real person so you make one up with your own strawman. Talk about pathetic.
You know you don't communicate here like the rest of us do. Enough people have told you. So spare me the bs about being able to have a conversation with me. Aren't you the thread killer here unk?
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.

No......since the 1960s back when Black families were doing incredibly well despite the racism of the democrat party, the democrat party has created ghettos in all of the cities they control........

False, how were we doing incredibly well when we were facing racism and discrimination on a daily basis. That has to be one of the dumbest things you have EVER said.

Moron......I'll let famous economist Thomas Sowell explain the truth to you....

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”


Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before.

Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Shit Head what makes you think a Boot licking Uncle Tom can tell me anything.

Yeah....Thomas Sowell, he's a boot licker alright...

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Born in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude[1] in 1958. He received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles. He has also worked at think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he presently serves as the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Sowell writes from a libertarian conservative perspective. Sowell has written more than thirty books, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is a National Humanities Medal recipient for innovative scholarship which incorporated history, economics and political science.

Sowell's latest book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies, was published in 2020.[2][3]

Of course you love Thomas Sowell because he wouldn't EVER dare say anything that white folks wouldn't like, every time you see him around white folks all you see is his teeth, you could probably get him to sing a song or dance a jig for you as well. Who are you going to quote next Uncle Ben Carson the world famous neurosurgeon that was in charge of HUD.

Hypocrites like you always reveal your true 'colors' whenever someone expresses political views that you insist certain 'races' are not allowed to hold. Don't pretend you care about black lives, you only care about politics.

Dumb ass this goes beyond political views.
I would wager he is a lot smarter than you as he is a teacher.
Wait a second. You are saying public school teachers and college professors are smarter than the average guy? I thought you Republicans believed they were dopes who were brainwashing our children with liberal propoganda.

Glad you admit teachers are smart. Unfortunately Unkotare is an exception to that rule.

For the most part, teachers range from average to highly intelligent. In general they understand a subject because they have studied it over and over. Overall the averageteacher would be somewhat smarter than the average person.
They are smarter than the average person but they are part of a union that brainwashes them to teach moronic leftist dogma.
In 26 years, no one has ever so much as suggested that I teach moronic leftist dogma.
You’re the exception.
I can't wait to hear some examples from unkotare on what liberal brainwashing bs his fellow teachers are pushing on their students.

Global warming is real? It's called science class. Unkotare doesn't teach science.

What are the other liberal issues his fellow teachers are pushing? To treat gays with respect?
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
It certainly seems like Bobo doesn’t have a word to say for himself as far as lifting a finger to ever do anything for anyone else but himself. Everything is my brother this my brother that my brother this my brother that. There is no vicarious virtue involved in being related to someone else who has ever done anything. Get your own life for crying out loud.
You however speak against the blacks. ...

That is another of your filthy fucking lies, and you know it. Of the two of us only one gets off his ass and does something for people in the real world and only one throws around racial slurs on this very site. You are a racist fucking hypocrite and a liar.
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.

No......since the 1960s back when Black families were doing incredibly well despite the racism of the democrat party, the democrat party has created ghettos in all of the cities they control........

False, how were we doing incredibly well when we were facing racism and discrimination on a daily basis. That has to be one of the dumbest things you have EVER said.

Moron......I'll let famous economist Thomas Sowell explain the truth to you....

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”


Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before.

Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.

Shit Head what makes you think a Boot licking Uncle Tom can tell me anything.

Yeah....Thomas Sowell, he's a boot licker alright...

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Born in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude[1] in 1958. He received a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell University and University of California, Los Angeles. He has also worked at think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he presently serves as the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Sowell writes from a libertarian conservative perspective. Sowell has written more than thirty books, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is a National Humanities Medal recipient for innovative scholarship which incorporated history, economics and political science.

Sowell's latest book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies, was published in 2020.[2][3]

Of course you love Thomas Sowell because he wouldn't EVER dare say anything that white folks wouldn't like, every time you see him around white folks all you see is his teeth, you could probably get him to sing a song or dance a jig for you as well. Who are you going to quote next Uncle Ben Carson the world famous neurosurgeon that was in charge of HUD.

Hypocrites like you always reveal your true 'colors' whenever someone expresses political views that you insist certain 'races' are not allowed to hold. Don't pretend you care about black lives, you only care about politics.

Dumb ass this goes beyond political views.
I would wager he is a lot smarter than you as he is a teacher.
Wait a second. You are saying public school teachers and college professors are smarter than the average guy? I thought you Republicans believed they were dopes who were brainwashing our children with liberal propoganda.

Glad you admit teachers are smart. Unfortunately Unkotare is an exception to that rule.

For the most part, teachers range from average to highly intelligent. In general they understand a subject because they have studied it over and over. Overall the averageteacher would be somewhat smarter than the average person.
They are smarter than the average person but they are part of a union that brainwashes them to teach moronic leftist dogma.
In 26 years, no one has ever so much as suggested that I teach moronic leftist dogma.
You’re the exception.
...Unkotare doesn't teach science.

You guess wrong again, douche bag.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.
If it weren’t for lies, Bobo wouldn’t have a single word to post.
Trump even slowed up the mail which would mean votes from Detroit would come in late. Unkotare, you don’t know what you’re talking about
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.
If it weren’t for lies, Bobo wouldn’t have a single word to post.
That’s all you can come back is to say I lie? What a great conversationalist
Partisan douche bags always believe with all their hearts that their own bullshit is gospel. Idiots like Bobo are literally incapable of realizing this.

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