Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked, it wasn't really a choice now was it?
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..

Yeah, we should just do what we did in Libya and Syria. Bomb the shit out of them so their leader is murdered creating a power vacuum. Then arming the Syrian rebels creating ISIS/ISSL. Which has resulted in one of the big humanitarian crisis in history. Thankfully Europe is bearing most of the brunt of our misadventure.

we should stay home,

the end

yeah we should have but LBJ didn't, Bush didn't and Obama didn't. But some how I am thinking you will blame only Bush.
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..

Yeah, we should just do what we did in Libya and Syria. Bomb the shit out of them so their leader is murdered creating a power vacuum. Then arming the Syrian rebels creating ISIS/ISSL. Which has resulted in one of the big humanitarian crisis in history. Thankfully Europe is bearing most of the brunt of our misadventure.

we should stay home,

the end

yeah we should have but LBJ didn't, Bush didn't and Obama didn't. But some how I am thinking you will blame only Bush.

you brought up 43, not me.
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked, it wasn't really a choice now was it?

the US NEVER got their ASSES kicked, you are wrong. (on edit I changed you lie to are wrong because I think you are like most liberals, you don't remember or understand history)

EVERY major battle was won by the US, except the one with liars like you and Cronkite.
No but at the same time the US military should have been allowed to fight the war...not politicians

What more would you have done then Operation Linebacker?

Unleashed the most powerful military on the planet. No mercy

Really, isn't that what we did? I think if pushed any further then the US would have been fighting China, as we did in NK.

We did up to Hanoi...then the politicians stepped in
Eisenhower should have stuck with initial assessment back in '54 of, "I cannot conceive of a greater tragedy for America than to get heavily involved now in an all-out war in any of those regions." LBJ should not have gone back on his peace pledge of '64 but instead turned conduct of our intervention over to the military in early '65.
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

"We war not against flesh and blood but against the evil spirits in the air." Ephesians 6:12

The devil was Soviet and Chinese communism. Who would have stopped them if the USA did not? I imagine the reason we could not have gone in their and just won the war was because it would have come off as a massacre of the North Vietnamese people. And war is so hated by all, it was a political disaster and catch 22.

I would have supported military aggression to save the South Vietnamese from brutal oppression just as I believe it ws surely right to save South Korea from a similar fate. Just as I supported going into Afghanistan after 9/11. I did not support the Iraq invasion at all. But choices to go to war or not will always be difficult and unpopular.
Yeah, they took over cause we did not commit to beating the commies back
There was no "beating them back". They were a part of the fabric of the country. It was a civil war in which we chose to back the losing side.
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

"We war not against flesh and blood but against the evil spirits in the air." Ephesians 6:12

The devil was Soviet and Chinese communism. Who would have stopped them if the USA did not? I imagine the reason we could not have gone in their and just won the war was because it would have come off as a massacre of the North Vietnamese people. And war is so hated by all, it was a political disaster and catch 22.

I would have supported military aggression to save the South Vietnamese from brutal oppression just as I believe it ws surely right to save South Korea from a similar fate. Just as I supported going into Afghanistan after 9/11. I did not support the Iraq invasion at all. But choices to go to war or not will always be difficult and unpopular.
The thing you need to remember post 911 was how our paradigm shifted on how to deal with perceived threats from abroad.

We ALL witnessed what 19 men could do to our country WITH OUT A GUN (that fact pisses right in the face of the anti-gun communist left doesn't it?).

The entire world knew saddam had WMDs. We all knew he was attempting to get a nuclear arsenal. This was confirmed by ex generals and even his two son in laws who he had executed. It culminated in the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs signed by Clinton.

After 911 we became more proactive rather than reactive.

It is easy to say it was wrong NOW, however it is a better world with out saddam in it. The moronic hypocrites on the left who hate everything about America and claim they are on the side of the poor and down trodden still wish saddam was in power torturing and murdering those people they claim they love so much.

There is no limit to how hypocritical the left wing COMMUNISTS allow themselves to get. Make no mistake. The were offended by the Vietnam conflict cause we had the gall to stop the spread of their dream. Communism around the world.

They are even admitting it in this thread. They are too stupid to even realize it.
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Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked....

We could never win, you dumb bitch. It's in the Pentagon Papers, why they fought to keep them from being released.

And like every war, with the possible exception of GW1, we should not have been fighting it. It was none of our goddamned business.
The war between north and south Vietnam was an internal civil war.

Which the U.S. had no business being involved in. .......... :cool:
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked....

We could never win, you dumb bitch. It's in the Pentagon Papers, why they fought to keep them from being released.

And like every war, with the possible exception of GW1, we should not have been fighting it. It was none of our goddamned business.

As someone already told you, we never lost a single major engagement throughout the war.

Your arbitrary declaration about what was or was not "any of our business," reveals the severity of your ignorance and naïveté.
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked....

We could never win, you dumb bitch. It's in the Pentagon Papers, why they fought to keep them from being released.

And like every war, with the possible exception of GW1, we should not have been fighting it. It was none of our goddamned business.

As someone already told you, we never lost a single major engagement throughout the war.

Your arbitrary declaration about what was or was not "any of our business," reveals the severity of your ignorance and naïveté.
Did Vietnam attack us? Were they invading California?

What the fuck business of ours was it to be there?

Right, it wasn't.
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.
Vietnam was a Civil War
The U.S. Treated it like a Cold War

The French fucked up the political situation and the U.S. Came in and tried to pretend we were defending Democracy
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

"We war not against flesh and blood but against the evil spirits in the air." Ephesians 6:12

The devil was Soviet and Chinese communism. Who would have stopped them if the USA did not? I imagine the reason we could not have gone in their and just won the war was because it would have come off as a massacre of the North Vietnamese people. And war is so hated by all, it was a political disaster and catch 22.

I would have supported military aggression to save the South Vietnamese from brutal oppression just as I believe it ws surely right to save South Korea from a similar fate. Just as I supported going into Afghanistan after 9/11. I did not support the Iraq invasion at all. But choices to go to war or not will always be difficult and unpopular.
The thing you need to remember post 911 was how our paradigm shifted on how to deal with perceived threats from abroad.

We ALL witnessed what 19 men could do to our country WITH OUT A GUN (that fact pisses right in the face of the anti-gun communist left doesn't it?).

The entire world knew saddam had WMDs. We all knew he was attempting to get a nuclear arsenal. This was confirmed by ex generals and even his two son in laws who he had executed. It culminated in the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs signed by Clinton.

After 911 we became more proactive rather than reactive.

It is easy to say it was wrong NOW, however it is a better world with out saddam in it. The moronic hypocrites on the left who hate everything about America and claim they are on the side of the poor and down trodden still wish saddam was in power torturing and murdering those people they claim they love so much.

There is no limit to how hypocritical the left wing COMMUNISTS allow themselves to get. Make no mistake. The were offended by the Vietnam conflict cause we had the gall to stop the spread of their dream. Communism around the world.

They are even admitting it in this thread. They are too stupid to even realize it.

Pretty much in agreement with you on much here.

But I do not think going into Iraq and the inevitable nightmare was the best way of dealing with Saddam and WMDs. I did not perceive Iraq as any greater threat to the region or the USA than other Arab states or Iran. And not as great of a concern as terrorist cells dotted across the region, not just in Afghanistan. I would have preferred something like putting all Arab states and Iran on notice --- if we can prove they are allowing terrorist cells or movements to train and reside within their borders then we will assume the privilege for the sake of innocents and the free world to engage in surgical strikes at our discretion. Stealth missions to blow up their encampments and terrorists themselves.

It would be prolonged, no doubt, but something to that effect would probably be more humane and understandable by the greater part of nations. I would still do it now. If a nation allows terrorists to train and reside in their country then they are on the side of terrorism.
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

2016- Vietnam- America and the United States are at peace, and are great business partners- and Vietnamese themselves are as prosperous and as 'free' as their neighbors.

We know what happened- we know we were involved and thousands of Americans died, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese- and here we are today- at peace with 'Communist' Vietnam- which is Communist in name only.

What did we accomplish in the Vietnamese war? I say that not to dishonor our veterans who fought on behalf of our country- but to look honestly at what we accomplished.
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked....

We could never win, you dumb bitch. It's in the Pentagon Papers, why they fought to keep them from being released.

And like every war, with the possible exception of GW1, we should not have been fighting it. It was none of our goddamned business.

Don't you mean WWII? We were attacked in that war.
You do know that the Commies took over Vietnam anyway. All we did was delay them and killed a whole bunch of Vietnamese in the process. Plus, was it not a French colony and somehow they left that mess to us?

Do you mean Korea? South Korea did come about from our intervention. Hell, I bet if North Koreans could see SK, they would realize the commies are full of crap. Then again, I bet North Koreans knew that anyway

You do know that the same people that got us into Vietnam were also supporting the Viet-Cong, right? The same people that run the western world also built up communism. Don't be a condescending asswipe, douchebag.
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

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