Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

The Korean war was a civil war in which our involvement saved SK.

In fact, the comparison makes a hard argument for interventionism.

However, Eisenhower stopped the Korean War and negotiated a truce. Nixon was probably expected to do the same but did not.

If we got serious with breaking the north, we could have the war. But Vietnam would need serious rebuilding afterwards.
If the West hadn't demanded rubber latex from slavish work conditions there, there would never have been Vietnamese communists.
The South Vietnamese basically refused to fight for their own country. That final NVA offensive? It started out as bit of recon. And at first contact, the ARVN fled, leaving all the massive stockpiles of weapons we had given them behind. The NVA gladly picked them up and said "Well golly, if they're giving us all their weapons and running away, we may as well keep on going to Saigon."

Hence, the war was a lost cause. You can't win a civil war if one side won't fight.

Hence, it was smart to cut our losses.
You do know that the Commies took over Vietnam anyway. All we did was delay them and killed a whole bunch of Vietnamese in the process. Plus, was it not a French colony and somehow they left that mess to us?

Do you mean Korea? South Korea did come about from our intervention. Hell, I bet if North Koreans could see SK, they would realize the commies are full of crap. Then again, I bet North Koreans knew that anyway

You do know that the same people that got us into Vietnam were also supporting the Viet-Cong, right? The same people that run the western world also built up communism. Don't be a condescending asswipe, douchebag.
Are you talking about the French?
They run the western world and built up communism!!?!!
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked....

We could never win, you dumb bitch. It's in the Pentagon Papers, why they fought to keep them from being released.

And like every war, with the possible exception of GW1, we should not have been fighting it. It was none of our goddamned business.

As someone already told you, we never lost a single major engagement throughout the war.

Your arbitrary declaration about what was or was not "any of our business," reveals the severity of your ignorance and naïveté.
Did Vietnam attack us? Were they invading California?

What the fuck business of ours was it to be there?

Right, it wasn't.

You have the luxury of being this much of a short-sighted fool because your betters have more sense than the likes of you.
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Since we were getting our asses kicked....

We could never win, you dumb bitch. It's in the Pentagon Papers, why they fought to keep them from being released.

And like every war, with the possible exception of GW1, we should not have been fighting it. It was none of our goddamned business.

As someone already told you, we never lost a single major engagement throughout the war.

Your arbitrary declaration about what was or was not "any of our business," reveals the severity of your ignorance and naïveté.
I always had a problem with the interpretation and definition of "never losing a major battle or engagement".
Truman should have never accepted the recolonization and claims by France for Indochina after WWII. Neither he nor Eisenhower should have turned the other way and permitted arms and war materials designated for the rebuilding of French forces in Europe to be covertly transferred to Indochina for their recolonization efforts. Eisenhower should not have supported the agreed upon elections in North and South Vietnam being canceled. That is my opinion. Others obviously feel differently.
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
You do know that the Commies took over Vietnam anyway. All we did was delay them and killed a whole bunch of Vietnamese in the process. Plus, was it not a French colony and somehow they left that mess to us?

Do you mean Korea? South Korea did come about from our intervention. Hell, I bet if North Koreans could see SK, they would realize the commies are full of crap. Then again, I bet North Koreans knew that anyway

You do know that the same people that got us into Vietnam were also supporting the Viet-Cong, right? The same people that run the western world also built up communism. Don't be a condescending asswipe, douchebag.
Are you talking about the French?
They run the western world and built up communism!!?!!

I am talking about the banking oligarchs that have their central banks in every country but a few...some of which just happen to be enemies of do know that this "gubermint" is actually a massive corporate entity...right?

Vietnam was all about making money for the military industrial complex, importing opium and killing monks that had defied and kicked out the jesuits back in the day. The Vietnam war was often referred to as "Spelly's War" as in New York's Cardinal Spellman that was a jesuit. That seems to be one of our biggest problems now....too many fucking jesuit trained people in places of high power....which is what jesuits do when they get a foothold in any country.
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

2016- Vietnam- America and the United States are at peace, and are great business partners- and Vietnamese themselves are as prosperous and as 'free' as their neighbors.

We know what happened- we know we were involved and thousands of Americans died, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese- and here we are today- at peace with 'Communist' Vietnam- which is Communist in name only.

What did we accomplish in the Vietnamese war? I say that not to dishonor our veterans who fought on behalf of our country- but to look honestly at what we accomplished.

We accomplished nothing. What our relationship is now is not the point. Then again giving that communist nation WEAPONS......oh never mind.

My point is we SHOULD HAVE defended our allies. It was a GOOD THING to stop the rampant expansion of the COMMUNISTS.

IF we did not do that for South Korea, there would be NO SOUTH KOREA. Maybe you have not noticed, but North Korea is run by despotism. That would have been ALL of Korea. Yet, the left here still think we should not have been involved in that campaign.

Hardly do I ever see any left winger ever criticize anything communist. Nothing. In fact the left still think the vietcong had every right to rage across South Vietnam. They had every right to rape and murder. The Khmer Rouge had every right to be the thugs they were and for Pol Pot to murder millions.

I swear I have not seen a thing by ANY of them criticizing that. No, the offensive part for the left was the fact that WE had the gall to stop the spread of communism.

I blame EVERY DEATH committed by Pol Pot and the left wingers here. Especially that disgusting pathetic disgraceful traitor Hanoi Jane.
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Please contact the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at once with your new information. Those people put names of Americans serving in Vietnam on the Wall all the way back to 1959 and still have not added the names of the five soldiers killed in 1957. No doubt they will be glad to hear from you so they can get their history straight.
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Please contact the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at once with your new information. Those people put names of Americans serving in Vietnam on the Wall all the way back to 1959 and still have not added the names of the five soldiers killed in 1957. No doubt they will be glad to hear from you so they can get their history straight.

USA.INC has covert operatives in nearly every fucking country and has for over 100 years and soldiers get killed all the time but there was nothing obligating any more resources of American involvement in Vietnam until LBJ and his cronies that killed JFK made the false claim that a ship was attacked in the Gulf Of know, false flag events that morons like you and your leftard pals claim never happen???
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.

It is clear you have a total lack of knowledge about Indochina and the centuries of history there. Your simplistic comment about LBJ shows your ignorance of the subject.
You do know that the Commies took over Vietnam anyway. All we did was delay them and killed a whole bunch of Vietnamese in the process. Plus, was it not a French colony and somehow they left that mess to us?

Do you mean Korea? South Korea did come about from our intervention. Hell, I bet if North Koreans could see SK, they would realize the commies are full of crap. Then again, I bet North Koreans knew that anyway

You do know that the same people that got us into Vietnam were also supporting the Viet-Cong, right? The same people that run the western world also built up communism. Don't be a condescending asswipe, douchebag.
Are you talking about the French?
They run the western world and built up communism!!?!!

I am talking about the banking oligarchs that have their central banks in every country but a few...some of which just happen to be enemies of do know that this "gubermint" is actually a massive corporate entity...right?

Vietnam was all about making money for the military industrial complex, importing opium and killing monks that had defied and kicked out the jesuits back in the day. The Vietnam war was often referred to as "Spelly's War" as in New York's Cardinal Spellman that was a jesuit. That seems to be one of our biggest problems now....too many fucking jesuit trained people in places of high power....which is what jesuits do when they get a foothold in any country.

Another ignorant response. Where do you get your talking points? Off a public bathroom wall?
You do know that the Commies took over Vietnam anyway. All we did was delay them and killed a whole bunch of Vietnamese in the process. Plus, was it not a French colony and somehow they left that mess to us?

Do you mean Korea? South Korea did come about from our intervention. Hell, I bet if North Koreans could see SK, they would realize the commies are full of crap. Then again, I bet North Koreans knew that anyway

You do know that the same people that got us into Vietnam were also supporting the Viet-Cong, right? The same people that run the western world also built up communism. Don't be a condescending asswipe, douchebag.
Are you talking about the French?
They run the western world and built up communism!!?!!

I am talking about the banking oligarchs that have their central banks in every country but a few...some of which just happen to be enemies of do know that this "gubermint" is actually a massive corporate entity...right?

Vietnam was all about making money for the military industrial complex, importing opium and killing monks that had defied and kicked out the jesuits back in the day. The Vietnam war was often referred to as "Spelly's War" as in New York's Cardinal Spellman that was a jesuit. That seems to be one of our biggest problems now....too many fucking jesuit trained people in places of high power....which is what jesuits do when they get a foothold in any country.

Another ignorant response. Where do you get your talking points? Off a public bathroom wall?

How about 16,000 plus hours of reading, listening to documentaries and lectures......where do you get yours?
Jews started communism
No they didn't. Karl Marx was just the first to identify it and give it a name.

The Jesuits are the ones that created communism. Marex and Engels were coached and directed by jesuit priests.
And the Jesuits got it from their Master and Lord: Jesus Christ! Brotherly love and altruism is the ultimate definition of Communism! Materialism is the antithesis of that you capitalist devils,heh heh heh!
I'm going to make this short.

The French were in Indochina for economic reasons, tea and latex from rubber trees. They united a number of warring ethnic factions.

As usual, at the end of WWII, politicians with absolutely not idea of the realities of the region, came to agreements that would eventually lead to turmoil.

Ho Chi Mihn actually tried to get the western allies to allow him to fight for them against the emerging Chinese Communists who he felt would try to take over the whole region.

Rubber was considered a vital product for industrialization and was exactly why we became involved even though Ike strongly advised against it. Once the French got their butts kicked (as usual), the USA stepped in to fill the void and stop the commies - which Ho Chi Mihn ended up turning to in order to save the integrity of the country he wanted independent of foreign rule.

The US politicians never allowed the military to actually win the war. As they do today in Afghanistan and did in Iraq, they constantly put obstacles in the way of winning the conflict. Refusal to cut off supplies along the Ho Chi Mihn Trail and - just like in Korea - restrictions on activities north of the DMZ.

Ironically, it was the billions in weaponry we left behind that allowed Vietnam to fight off incursions from China and to protect its borders from Cambodia.

So, instead of spouting off without the slightest idea of what you're talking about, take the time to READ the history of the entire area!

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