Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

It was none of your business. The US and the world - as it was subsequently shown - didn't collapse when Ho took over. Countries should be in charge of their own destinies.
Got it. Allow genocide cause it is none of our business.

Do me favor. Don't tell me how you care for anyone. At least be honest about your selective outrage.

Geee, if only south Korea was overrun too. Another American "unjust" war in your pathetic left American hating pathetic hand book.

Everything is America's fault. We have no right to defend allies. If genocide is happening, just Fuckem.

Duly noted. Yeap, they are indeed the hypocritical double talking piles of crap I say they are and they proudly reveal it in this thread.

6 million slaughtered but the world "did not come to an end" according to this unreal hypocrite.

Don't you love it when I reveal their double standards with my threads?
Got it. Allow genocide cause it is none of our business.

Do me favor. Don't tell me how you care for anyone. At least be honest about your selective outrage.

Geee, if only south Korea was overrun too. Another American "unjust" war in your pathetic left American hating pathetic hand book.

Everything is America's fault. We have no right to defend allies. If genocide is happening, just Fuckem.

Duly noted. Yeap, they are indeed the hypocritical double talking piles of crap I say they are and they proudly reveal it in this thread.

6 million slaughtered but the world "did not come to an end" according to this unreal hypocrite.

Don't you love it when I reveal their double standards with my threads?

Allow genocides? Really? Stop being so fucking selective. Genocide? That bothers you? When are you going to invade North Korea? China? Name a country in Africa? What about South and Central America? Burma? I could go on.

Everything is America's fault? Hardly, but you sure like sticking your nose into everybody's else's business and it is rarely for ultruistic reasons so stop pretending it is. Since WWII you have been very selective about your interventions and almost all have served your own self-interests and have nothing to do with helping the citizens of the country being invaded. So stop the crap.

As opposed to genocides on the subject at hand -Vietnam - what genocides? It was a wasted war based on nothing. Want proof? The US lost. What happened after? Not a lot. Vietnam is humming along quite nicely under its own steam and has had little or no effect on the Western world. Go figure. And just to rub salt into your wound the South Vietnam Govt - the one the US was 'defending' was hardly a paragon of freedom, justice and the American way...
Got it. Allow genocide cause it is none of our business.

Do me favor. Don't tell me how you care for anyone. At least be honest about your selective outrage.

Geee, if only south Korea was overrun too. Another American "unjust" war in your pathetic left American hating pathetic hand book.

Everything is America's fault. We have no right to defend allies. If genocide is happening, just Fuckem.

Duly noted. Yeap, they are indeed the hypocritical double talking piles of crap I say they are and they proudly reveal it in this thread.

6 million slaughtered but the world "did not come to an end" according to this unreal hypocrite.

Don't you love it when I reveal their double standards with my threads?

Allow genocides? Really? Stop being so fucking selective. Genocide? That bothers you? When are you going to invade North Korea? China? Name a country in Africa? What about South and Central America? Burma? I could go on.

Everything is America's fault? Hardly, but you sure like sticking your nose into everybody's else's business and it is rarely for ultruistic reasons so stop pretending it is. Since WWII you have been very selective about your interventions and almost all have served your own self-interests and have nothing to do with helping the citizens of the country being invaded. So stop the crap.

As opposed to genocides on the subject at hand -Vietnam - what genocides? It was a wasted war based on nothing. Want proof? The US lost. What happened after? Not a lot. Vietnam is humming along quite nicely under its own steam and has had little or no effect on the Western world. Go figure. And just to rub salt into your wound the South Vietnam Govt - the one the US was 'defending' was hardly a paragon of freedom, justice and the American way...
What genocide? Holy shit.

What genocide?

Dear God I hate the left.
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Yeah, they took over cause we did not commit to beating the commies back
There was no "beating them back". They were a part of the fabric of the country. It was a civil war in which we chose to back the losing side.
No, you chose to back the French imperialists who had no business being there. Ho Chi Minh actually based his constitution on the US one.

The US was dead wrong on this.
Yeah, they took over cause we did not commit to beating the commies back
There was no "beating them back". They were a part of the fabric of the country. It was a civil war in which we chose to back the losing side.
No, you chose to back the French imperialists who had no business being there. Ho Chi Minh actually based his constitution on the US one.

The US was dead wrong on this.

Really? Ho Chi Minh wasn't a communist? Yeaaaah, I don't think so.
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Are you an absolute nutjobs on every issue?

We were already there

LBJ listened to the "commie menace" advisors and believed they could be quickly dispatched. He did not want to be the President that Vietnam turned commie on

100 percent UTTER bullshit. This is a topic that never fails to piss me off because I know the truth and idiots like you lack the intellectual properties to put the pieces of this puzzle in place. There would not have been ANY communist threat had it not been for the power brokers that run the banks and Wall Street and the same goes for Nazism in Germany. All of it was planned and funded by these pieces of shit.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Yours is past saving

Coming from a Fabian socialist piece of shit like you? That's beyond fucking funny..,...

First time I've read Fabian socialist since the Odd one disappeared.
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
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If the West hadn't demanded rubber latex from slavish work conditions there, there would never have been Vietnamese communists.
The US did not need rubber. Thanks to B.F. Goodrich, the US was producing more than double the amount of synthetic rubber than the entire world's production of natural rubber.
No but at the same time the US military should have been allowed to fight the war...not politicians

What more would you have done then Operation Linebacker?

Unleashed the most powerful military on the planet. No mercy

lol, General Armchair weighs in.

Why? What business of ours was a civil war in Vietnam?

And another Monday quarterback is heard from.
No but at the same time the US military should have been allowed to fight the war...not politicians

What more would you have done then Operation Linebacker?

Unleashed the most powerful military on the planet. No mercy

lol, General Armchair weighs in.

Why? What business of ours was a civil war in Vietnam?

And another Monday quarterback is heard from.

I was in the military 71 to 73.
Yeah, they took over cause we did not commit to beating the commies back
There was no "beating them back". They were a part of the fabric of the country. It was a civil war in which we chose to back the losing side.
No, you chose to back the French imperialists who had no business being there. Ho Chi Minh actually based his constitution on the US one.

The US was dead wrong on this.

Really? Ho Chi Minh wasn't a communist? Yeaaaah, I don't think so.

Where do you get that I stated he wasn't. The word communist didn't even appear in my post.
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
Nixon supported and encouraged the war in Vietnam from the get go. When he became President he actually increased America's involvement in the war and started bombing campaigns in Laos and Cambodia. Nixon also secretly blocked President Johnson's efforts for a cease fire back in 1968.
George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason
So, the left continue to celebrate the genocide committed by the communists in South Vietnam.

They also never ever ever express any sort of disdain towards the genocide committed by any communist regime throughout history.

Ohhhh, but they sure are quick to point their pathetic bony pot stained fingers at America for having the unmitigated gall to stop the spread of tyranny.

This entire thread pretty much says that. They sure show their disgust towards America and none of them have expressed any disgust towards the vietcong or the khmer rouge.

Just towards America.

Can you believe it?
So, the left continue to celebrate the genocide committed by the communists in South Vietnam.

They also never ever ever express any sort of disdain towards the genocide committed by any communist regime throughout history.

Ohhhh, but they sure are quick to point their pathetic bony pot stained fingers at America for having the unmitigated gall to stop the spread of tyranny.

This entire thread pretty much says that. They sure show their disgust towards America and none of them have expressed any disgust towards the vietcong or the khmer rouge.

Just towards America.

Can you believe it?

60,000 dead Americans
Korea was justified even though Troops were sent on an executive order but under an inept democrat administration it was handled so badly that we still live with the legacy today. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam and typical of democrat administrations he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still fail to liberate the country. Today the president jets all over the world on an apology tour while Americans come home with no legs fighting in a conflict in Afghanistan which is guaranteed by a democrat administration to fail. That's the way liberalism works. .
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
Nixon supported and encouraged the war in Vietnam from the get go.

Nixon was elected to END US involvement in the war. That is his most notable campaign promise. And he lived up to it.

He also, much to the chagrin of DNC apologists, abolished slavery in the USA.

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