Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

I think it was a mistake. The entire "containment" strategy was a failure. Communism doesn't need to be "contained", it always fails on it's own.

6But godliness with contentment is great gain.

7For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

8And having food and clothing let us be with these things content.

9But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which plunge men into destruction and perdition.

10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
I think it was a mistake. The entire "containment" strategy was a failure. Communism doesn't need to be "contained", it always fails on it's own.
True enough, however not before MASS devastation and some sort of genocide is committed. The overall point is we defended an ally.

It is stopping the spread of communism that offended the left. Under the guise of "peace" they seduced the morons in the country.

Meaning most of the protests were done by impressionable moronic college students. "Pawns" for the communists that infiltrated the highest levels of our government and entertainment industry.

Highlighted by the whore that partied it up with the murdering vietcong. To this day that unreal moron still thinks she was on the side of "victims" of mean white right wing war America.

I hate left wingers. They are either too stupid to know they are pawns or they are the pawn pushers.
Jews started communism
No they didn't. Karl Marx was just the first to identify it and give it a name.

The Jesuits are the ones that created communism. Marex and Engels were coached and directed by jesuit priests.
And the Jesuits got it from their Master and Lord: Jesus Christ! Brotherly love and altruism is the ultimate definition of Communism! Materialism is the antithesis of that you capitalist devils,heh heh heh!

Obviously you do not know much about what the jesuits are all about.
Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

UHHHHhhh????? We did.
I'm going to make this short.

The French were in Indochina for economic reasons, tea and latex from rubber trees. They united a number of warring ethnic factions.

As usual, at the end of WWII, politicians with absolutely not idea of the realities of the region, came to agreements that would eventually lead to turmoil.

Ho Chi Mihn actually tried to get the western allies to allow him to fight for them against the emerging Chinese Communists who he felt would try to take over the whole region.

Rubber was considered a vital product for industrialization and was exactly why we became involved even though Ike strongly advised against it. Once the French got their butts kicked (as usual), the USA stepped in to fill the void and stop the commies - which Ho Chi Mihn ended up turning to in order to save the integrity of the country he wanted independent of foreign rule.

The US politicians never allowed the military to actually win the war. As they do today in Afghanistan and did in Iraq, they constantly put obstacles in the way of winning the conflict. Refusal to cut off supplies along the Ho Chi Mihn Trail and - just like in Korea - restrictions on activities north of the DMZ.

Ironically, it was the billions in weaponry we left behind that allowed Vietnam to fight off incursions from China and to protect its borders from Cambodia.

So, instead of spouting off without the slightest idea of what you're talking about, take the time to READ the history of the entire area!

I know exactly what I am talking about. The oligarchs that control this world allowed China to turn communist and they funded the communists in Russia as well. All wars are banker wars...period. It's not fucking complicated at all and it's very depressing when you come to the realization that there is too much power and wealth in too few hands controlling the fates of billions but that is the reality we live in. BTW, I don't trust one fucking thing I was taught in school when it comes to our history because I have found it to be utter bullshit from beginning to end.
It's all in the past.

But Our (once) New Messiah has just went all kissy-faced with them so if you don't sing an enthusiastic hymn of praise to the children of Comrade Ho then you're Democrat-defined as "unpatriotic".....

Now raise those voices LOUD!
I'm going to make this short.

The French were in Indochina for economic reasons, tea and latex from rubber trees. They united a number of warring ethnic factions.

As usual, at the end of WWII, politicians with absolutely not idea of the realities of the region, came to agreements that would eventually lead to turmoil.

Ho Chi Mihn actually tried to get the western allies to allow him to fight for them against the emerging Chinese Communists who he felt would try to take over the whole region.

Rubber was considered a vital product for industrialization and was exactly why we became involved even though Ike strongly advised against it. Once the French got their butts kicked (as usual), the USA stepped in to fill the void and stop the commies - which Ho Chi Mihn ended up turning to in order to save the integrity of the country he wanted independent of foreign rule.

The US politicians never allowed the military to actually win the war. As they do today in Afghanistan and did in Iraq, they constantly put obstacles in the way of winning the conflict. Refusal to cut off supplies along the Ho Chi Mihn Trail and - just like in Korea - restrictions on activities north of the DMZ.

Ironically, it was the billions in weaponry we left behind that allowed Vietnam to fight off incursions from China and to protect its borders from Cambodia.

So, instead of spouting off without the slightest idea of what you're talking about, take the time to READ the history of the entire area!

I know exactly what I am talking about. The oligarchs that control this world allowed China to turn communist and they funded the communists in Russia as well. All wars are banker wars...period. It's not fucking complicated at all and it's very depressing when you come to the realization that there is too much power and wealth in too few hands controlling the fates of billions but that is the reality we live in. BTW, I don't trust one fucking thing I was taught in school when it comes to our history because I have found it to be utter bullshit from beginning to end.

It must be tough to live in a world filled with so many conspiracies. Do you check under your bed every night before climbing into it? And run an electronic check for bugs?
Jews started communism
No they didn't. Karl Marx was just the first to identify it and give it a name.

The Jesuits are the ones that created communism. Marex and Engels were coached and directed by jesuit priests.

Do you continually wallow in the more of stupidity?

I know better than to suggest that you actually come up with FACTS to back up your drivel.

Google "Jesuits, Communism, Paraguay" and let me know what you come up with.
I'm going to make this short.

The French were in Indochina for economic reasons, tea and latex from rubber trees. They united a number of warring ethnic factions.

As usual, at the end of WWII, politicians with absolutely not idea of the realities of the region, came to agreements that would eventually lead to turmoil.

Ho Chi Mihn actually tried to get the western allies to allow him to fight for them against the emerging Chinese Communists who he felt would try to take over the whole region.

Rubber was considered a vital product for industrialization and was exactly why we became involved even though Ike strongly advised against it. Once the French got their butts kicked (as usual), the USA stepped in to fill the void and stop the commies - which Ho Chi Mihn ended up turning to in order to save the integrity of the country he wanted independent of foreign rule.

The US politicians never allowed the military to actually win the war. As they do today in Afghanistan and did in Iraq, they constantly put obstacles in the way of winning the conflict. Refusal to cut off supplies along the Ho Chi Mihn Trail and - just like in Korea - restrictions on activities north of the DMZ.

Ironically, it was the billions in weaponry we left behind that allowed Vietnam to fight off incursions from China and to protect its borders from Cambodia.

So, instead of spouting off without the slightest idea of what you're talking about, take the time to READ the history of the entire area!

I know exactly what I am talking about. The oligarchs that control this world allowed China to turn communist and they funded the communists in Russia as well. All wars are banker wars...period. It's not fucking complicated at all and it's very depressing when you come to the realization that there is too much power and wealth in too few hands controlling the fates of billions but that is the reality we live in. BTW, I don't trust one fucking thing I was taught in school when it comes to our history because I have found it to be utter bullshit from beginning to end.

It must be tough to live in a world filled with so many conspiracies. Do you check under your bed every night before climbing into it? And run an electronic check for bugs?

It must be tough to believe even half of the shit that shoveled to you by the lamestream media and the public school system. Operation Gladio....look it up. It's been declassified. Just curious, what exactly did I post that has put such a bug up your ass? I usually give your postings high ratings because I agree with a lot of stuff you post. I study this shit every day and I have a very good grasp on what is going on, what has gone on and where we are heading and it ain't good unless people wake up to it.
Jews started communism
No they didn't. Karl Marx was just the first to identify it and give it a name.

The Jesuits are the ones that created communism. Marex and Engels were coached and directed by jesuit priests.
And the Jesuits got it from their Master and Lord: Jesus Christ! Brotherly love and altruism is the ultimate definition of Communism! Materialism is the antithesis of that you capitalist devils,heh heh heh!

Obviously you do not know much about what the jesuits are all about.
No, I want you to tell me how YOUR definition alters this one:

Jesuit |ˈjeZHəwətˈjezəwət| nouna member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, and others in 1534, to do missionary work. The order was zealous in opposing the Reformation. Despite periodic persecution it has retained an important influence in Catholic thought and education.
*`generic dictionary*
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

If you knew history, you wouldn't need to have anything explained, and might understand why the worlds is as it is today.

State of Vietnam referendum, 1955 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1956 in the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You also might look into how the CIA & DOD interfered in Iran during the Eisenhower Administration.
Jews started communism
No they didn't. Karl Marx was just the first to identify it and give it a name.

The Jesuits are the ones that created communism. Marex and Engels were coached and directed by jesuit priests.
And the Jesuits got it from their Master and Lord: Jesus Christ! Brotherly love and altruism is the ultimate definition of Communism! Materialism is the antithesis of that you capitalist devils,heh heh heh!

Obviously you do not know much about what the jesuits are all about.
No, I want you to tell me how YOUR definition alters this one:

Jesuit |ˈjeZHəwətˈjezəwət| nouna member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, and others in 1534, to do missionary work. The order was zealous in opposing the Reformation. Despite periodic persecution it has retained an important influence in Catholic thought and education.
*`generic dictionary*

The real purpose of the Jesuits was to counter the Reformation started by Martin Luther that put the Bible into the hands of everyone which was costly to the catholic church because the people came to the realization that the catholic church was nothing but a pagan religion with a little Christianity thrown in for affect. No such thing as pergatory, no such thing as confession, no such thing as paying in advance for indulgences (sins) and it cost the Vatican in money and power. The Jesuits were created to go after heretics and they killed millions in Europe that would not pledge loyalty to the pope. They were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500's to 1930 for subterfuge, political intrigue and plotting to take over governments. Guy Fawkes, the one that was immortalized by the movie "V for Vendetta" because of the mask was a jesuit that wanted to blow up Parliament because they had kicked out the Jesuits. After so much killing, the catholic church suppressed them in 1773 and that was when Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to create the Bavarian Illuminati manifesto that finished on May 1st, 1776 which by the way is a communist holiday. Weishaupt was a jesuit and studied Canon law. The pope that suppressed the jesuits was poisoned and died a very painful and slow death. They were re-instated around 1815 or so much to the chagrin of a few of our founding fathers. John Adams had this to say "My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola.”
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

If you knew history, you wouldn't need to have anything explained, and might understand why the worlds is as it is today.

State of Vietnam referendum, 1955 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1956 in the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You also might look into how the CIA & DOD interfered in Iran during the Eisenhower Administration.

You don't know how it pains me to have to agree with you......
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Are you an absolute nutjob on every issue?

We were already there

LBJ listened to the "commie menace" advisors and believed they could be quickly dispatched. He did not want to be the President that Vietnam turned commie on
Last edited:
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Are you an absolute nutjobs on every issue?

We were already there

LBJ listened to the "commie menace" advisors and believed they could be quickly dispatched. He did not want to be the President that Vietnam turned commie on

100 percent UTTER bullshit. This is a topic that never fails to piss me off because I know the truth and idiots like you lack the intellectual properties to put the pieces of this puzzle in place. There would not have been ANY communist threat had it not been for the power brokers that run the banks and Wall Street and the same goes for Nazism in Germany. All of it was planned and funded by these pieces of shit.
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Are you an absolute nutjobs on every issue?

We were already there

LBJ listened to the "commie menace" advisors and believed they could be quickly dispatched. He did not want to be the President that Vietnam turned commie on

100 percent UTTER bullshit. This is a topic that never fails to piss me off because I know the truth and idiots like you lack the intellectual properties to put the pieces of this puzzle in place. There would not have been ANY communist threat had it not been for the power brokers that run the banks and Wall Street and the same goes for Nazism in Germany. All of it was planned and funded by these pieces of shit.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Yours is past saving
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Are you an absolute nutjobs on every issue?

We were already there

LBJ listened to the "commie menace" advisors and believed they could be quickly dispatched. He did not want to be the President that Vietnam turned commie on

100 percent UTTER bullshit. This is a topic that never fails to piss me off because I know the truth and idiots like you lack the intellectual properties to put the pieces of this puzzle in place. There would not have been ANY communist threat had it not been for the power brokers that run the banks and Wall Street and the same goes for Nazism in Germany. All of it was planned and funded by these pieces of shit.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Yours is past saving

Coming from a Fabian socialist piece of shit like you? That's beyond fucking funny..,...
LBJ never gave a damn about Vietnam.
But he was not going to let it fall to the Communists on his watch. His advisors told him that if he would just send in 100,000 more boys we would be home by Christmas. Then another 100,000 and another and another

We ended up with 60,000 dead for no reason

As usual, you don't have a fucking clue. It was because of LBJ that they went in to Vietnam in the first place.
Are you an absolute nutjobs on every issue?

We were already there

LBJ listened to the "commie menace" advisors and believed they could be quickly dispatched. He did not want to be the President that Vietnam turned commie on

100 percent UTTER bullshit. This is a topic that never fails to piss me off because I know the truth and idiots like you lack the intellectual properties to put the pieces of this puzzle in place. There would not have been ANY communist threat had it not been for the power brokers that run the banks and Wall Street and the same goes for Nazism in Germany. All of it was planned and funded by these pieces of shit.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Yours is past saving

Coming from a Fabian socialist piece of shit like you? That's beyond fucking funny..,...

I liked Bobby Darin
Is that what we should have done? Allowed the commies to spread around the world and overrun our allies?

Just in case you want to know what truly offended the left in this country.

Let us know what we should have done. Let us hear your plan. Not defend our allies like we did with South Korea (make no mistake, the left still think we were wrong for defending South Korea from the COMMUNISTS.)?

I say it is not that we defended the South Vietnam from the scumbag murdering communists. It is that we conducted the war from a political angle. We allowed the scumbags here to dictate foreign policy that eventually led to the killing fields and slaughter of millions. That, was what was immoral.

To me.

Lets hear it left wingers. Should America have not got involved at all and allowed the vietcong to just take over and murder our allies? Should we have allowed the spread of communism with out ANY sort of defense of any of our allies?

Go ahead and please explain it. Behold the double talk everyone.

It was none of your business. The US and the world - as it was subsequently shown - didn't collapse when Ho took over. Countries should be in charge of their own destinies.

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