Should America have just allowed the vietcong to overrun the Southern Vietnam?

as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
Nixon supported and encouraged the war in Vietnam from the get go.

Nixon was elected to END US involvement in the war. That is his most notable campaign promise. And he lived up to it.

He also, much to the chagrin of DNC apologists, abolished slavery in the USA.

Not Bullshit. US had supported the French during their war years with Vietnam. The Eisenhower administration which Nixon was a part of were for sending millions of dollars to the french and the Republicans were always about supporting the war whether it was US involvement or the French.

As for Nixon's campaign promise, Johnson campaigned on US De-esculation in Vietnam. Looks like they both broke their promises. I noticed you completely ignored the article I presented in which Nixon himself kept the war going on longer than it should have.

Just in case you have any question as to why I hate ALL of them. HATE. ALL. OF. THEM.



America sure has been bad to her and her family, hasn't it?



She is still a communist. If you do not hate the pathetic double talking hypocritical morons on the left as much as me, why don't you?

Just in case you have any question as to why I hate ALL of them. HATE. ALL. OF. THEM.



America sure has been bad to her and her family, hasn't it?



She is still a communist. If you do not hate the pathetic double talking hypocritical morons on the left as much as me, why don't you?
History has proven Jane Fonda right about Vietnam

It was the war Hawks demanding more troops who were the traitors
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
Nixon supported and encouraged the war in Vietnam from the get go.

Nixon was elected to END US involvement in the war. That is his most notable campaign promise. And he lived up to it.

He also, much to the chagrin of DNC apologists, abolished slavery in the USA.

Not Bullshit. US had supported the French during their war years with Vietnam. The Eisenhower administration which Nixon was a part of were for sending millions of dollars to the french and the Republicans were always about supporting the war whether it was US involvement or the French.

As for Nixon's campaign promise, Johnson campaigned on US De-esculation in Vietnam. Looks like they both broke their promises. I noticed you completely ignored the article I presented in which Nixon himself kept the war going on longer than it should have.

Do not worry man. Good news for you. America lost and the commies committed genocide. Too bad the North Koreans did not get that chance.

Oh well, cannot win them all.

You can continue to celebrate though at America's failure and the mass murders committed by the vietcong and Khmer rouge.

Just in case you have any question as to why I hate ALL of them. HATE. ALL. OF. THEM.



America sure has been bad to her and her family, hasn't it?



She is still a communist. If you do not hate the pathetic double talking hypocritical morons on the left as much as me, why don't you?
History has proven Jane Fonda right about Vietnam

It was the war Hawks demanding more troops who were the traitors
Like I said loser. Celebrate.

Over 6 million South Vietnamese were killed. Yeeeah, she sure was right.

I hope I get to kick the teeth out of your face. Know that.

Just in case you have any question as to why I hate ALL of them. HATE. ALL. OF. THEM.



America sure has been bad to her and her family, hasn't it?



She is still a communist. If you do not hate the pathetic double talking hypocritical morons on the left as much as me, why don't you?
History has proven Jane Fonda right about Vietnam

It was the war Hawks demanding more troops who were the traitors
Like I said loser. Celebrate.

Over 6 million South Vietnamese were killed. Yeeeah, she sure was right.

I hope I get to kick the teeth out of your face. Know that.

She wanted our boys home where they belonged

Those calling to escalate the war were responsible for 60,000 deaths......traitors

I am an Internet better not mess with me or you will end up like the others
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
Nixon supported and encouraged the war in Vietnam from the get go.

Nixon was elected to END US involvement in the war. That is his most notable campaign promise. And he lived up to it.

He also, much to the chagrin of DNC apologists, abolished slavery in the USA.

Not Bullshit. US had supported the French during their war years with Vietnam. The Eisenhower administration which Nixon was a part of were for sending millions of dollars to the french and the Republicans were always about supporting the war whether it was US involvement or the French.

As for Nixon's campaign promise, Johnson campaigned on US De-esculation in Vietnam. Looks like they both broke their promises. I noticed you completely ignored the article I presented in which Nixon himself kept the war going on longer than it should have.

Do not worry man. Good news for you. America lost and the commies committed genocide. Too bad the North Koreans did not get that chance.

Oh well, cannot win them all.

You can continue to celebrate though at America's failure and the mass murders committed by the vietcong and Khmer rouge.
Are you aware the the US supported the Khmer Rouge. Are you also aware that it was the Vietnamese that defeated the Khmer Rouge. You keep branching off into different factions, You need to stay focused. Are we talking about Vietnam, Cambodia or North Korea. You are all over the place.
as I was typing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Nam, like Iraq is another country we had no business fucking with ... sooner or later the damn war-dogs will figure out minding their own business is cheaper and far less lethal ..
Vietnam and Iraq are not really comparable. The USA had no national security concerns in Vietnam.

It was just another one of those unnecessary wars that the evil Democrats used as an excuse to enslave young Americans, throw them in a meat grinder and use them as cannon fodder while they enrich themselves.

Then a bit of sanity took over and America elected a Republican president in order to get us out of Vietnam. He had his faults, but that is one reason that Nixon should be commended.
Nixon supported and encouraged the war in Vietnam from the get go.

Nixon was elected to END US involvement in the war. That is his most notable campaign promise. And he lived up to it.

He also, much to the chagrin of DNC apologists, abolished slavery in the USA.

Not Bullshit. US had supported the French during their war years with Vietnam. The Eisenhower administration which Nixon was a part of were for sending millions of dollars to the french and the Republicans were always about supporting the war whether it was US involvement or the French.

As for Nixon's campaign promise, Johnson campaigned on US De-esculation in Vietnam. Looks like they both broke their promises. I noticed you completely ignored the article I presented in which Nixon himself kept the war going on longer than it should have.
The ridiculous blog article you linked to is garbage. Nobody who is not very ignorant of the subject takes it seriously.

What would you expect in response to such an ignorant question?
What's ignorant about the question?

Maybe you can answer it.

I am only here to learn. ...... :cool:
I can tell that English, the official language of USMB, is not you first language.

The problem is not your necessarily your opinion on the matter, I think it is that the wording of your question is presumptuous.

The premise of your question presumes that the US did good in Vietnam in the first place.

You are committing a logical fallacy known as Petitio Principii (aka begging the question) when you propose that type of question.
I can tell that English, the official language of USMB, is not you first language.
The problem is not your necessarily your opinion on the matter, I think it is that the wording of your question is presumptuous.
The premise of your question presumes that the US did good in Vietnam in the first place.
You are committing a logical fallacy known as Petitio Principii (aka begging the question) when you propose that type of question.

Here ya go..... I'll rephrase the sentence so that even a simpleton like you can comprehend the question.

"What did we accomplish in Vietnam"? ....... :cool:
I can tell that English, the official language of USMB, is not you first language.
The problem is not your necessarily your opinion on the matter, I think it is that the wording of your question is presumptuous.
The premise of your question presumes that the US did good in Vietnam in the first place.
You are committing a logical fallacy known as Petitio Principii (aka begging the question) when you propose that type of question.

Here ya go..... I'll rephrase the sentence so that even a simpleton like you can comprehend the question.

"What did we accomplish in Vietnam"? ....... :cool:
You are making the same mistake again.

Your question is premised on the presumption that we accomplished something in Vietnam in the first place.

Try again.
So, the left continue to celebrate the genocide committed by the communists in South Vietnam.

They also never ever ever express any sort of disdain towards the genocide committed by any communist regime throughout history.

Ohhhh, but they sure are quick to point their pathetic bony pot stained fingers at America for having the unmitigated gall to stop the spread of tyranny.

This entire thread pretty much says that. They sure show their disgust towards America and none of them have expressed any disgust towards the vietcong or the khmer rouge.

Just towards America.

Can you believe it?

Couple of things here, Moron. You don't even know the difference between Cambodia and Vietnam so you come across as an ignorant hack. The Khmer Rouge govt was a very different one from Ho Chi Mihns.

The Vietcong wanted what they saw as foreign oppressors out of their country. You mean you wouldn't mind foreigners invading your country and telling you what to do? Also, you act like the South Vietnamese govt was a freedom-loving, pius regime. It was oppressive and treated those who opposed it with disdain and murdered them too.
Mao escalated his war in Viet Nam immediately after hitting a stalemate in Korea; his ultimate plans were to take over VN followed immediately by Laos and Cambodia. He was hoping to pressure France into giving him western technology to launch his 'superpower programme' of modernization and reducing his dependence on the Soviets as a complementary goal. Dien ben Phu was a battle ordered by Mao, and Ho was also supposed to drive on Hanoi as well, which would have exhausted Ho's forces, something Mao didn't care about, and thus was born Ho's switch to Soviet support. More later, I'm out of time now, but yes, Viet Nam was very important, for a number of key strategic reasons.
Vietnam was nothing but a proxy war with the USSR
It was a poorly played game of brinkmanship that did nothing but kill a lot of people for absolutely nothing
My Dad included

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