Should America try to emulate Germany's socialism?

1) No it doesnt, one day you will too old to work anymore, should you just starve to death in a ditch by the side of the road? Welcome to society, asshole.

2) You said the feds failure to intervene was a mistake, not deliberate, the republicans calls for non intervention is DELIBERATE. Do I have to spell everything out for you, or are you deliberately posturing yourself as the idiot the mean old liberal is beating up in the town square?

3) Nonsense, Roosevelt didnt invent being too old or young too old to work.
No it doesnt, one day you will too old to work anymore, should you just starve to death in a ditch by the side of the road? Welcome to society, asshole.

so then the libturd wants to constantly bail out people and companies because he lacks the IQ to understand moral hazard

You said the feds failure to intervene was a mistake, not deliberate, the republicans calls for non intervention is DELIBERATE. Do I have to spell everything out for you, or are you deliberately posturing yourself as the idiot the mean old liberal is beating up in the town square?

100% illiterate and liberal. Conservatives support a central bank to create money and so they support it intervening to that correctly. Still over your head?? Have you had Econ 101???

3) Nonsense, Roosevelt didnt invent being too old or young too old to work.

100% illiterate and liberal. You said country was founded on welfare. When you couldn't support it you created a strawman as if I said TR and invented getting too old!! See how slow you are as a liberal??

Llibturd proclaims our country was founded on welfare???
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson
I dont think you understand moral hazard.

Conservatives support a central bank to create money and so they support it intervening to that correctly.
Your grammar is terrible. Republicans have been building the national debt over the last 30 years, now they want to use it to cut the budget by a THIRD, that isnt correct intervention, thats sabotage, they hate America, they are trying to destroy it.

Starve the beast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson
Work is the center of that statement now isnt it? There is nothing more disgusting than you trying to justify the position that a working person shouldnt have enough money to raise a family and retire comfortably. Richest country in the history of the world and you want old people living under bridges, disgusting.
I dont think you understand moral hazard.

moral hazard occurs when you bailout a big bank or an individual. Got it now??

Conservatives support a central bank to create money and so they support it intervening to do that correctly.

Republicans have been building the national debt over the last 30 years,

too stupid!! they have introduced 30 Balanced Budgets since Jefferson's first. Democrats killed them all. Had Newt's passed the debt would be $0 now.

now they want to use it to cut the budget by a THIRD, that isnt correct intervention, thats sabotage, they hate America, they are trying to destroy it.


"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson

Work is the center of that statement now isnt it?
yes, so?????????????????????????

There is nothing more disgusting than you trying to justify the position that a working person shouldnt have enough money to raise a family and retire comfortably.

WHAT???????if you have evidence of this I'll pay you $10,000. Bet????

Richest country in the history of the world and you want old people living under bridges, disgusting.

WHAT????if you have evidence of this I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with your liberal strawman tail between your legs once again????
Use more question marks, it will reinforce your posture as a sane, reasonable person, who is a productive member of society.

I dont think you understand moral hazard.

moral hazard occurs when you bailout a big bank or an individual. Got it now??

a bank isnt an individual, stupid, when you dont bail out a bank (or any other type of company) a competitor steps up to fill the markets demand, they often need to hire more people to keep up with demand- those very same people who got laid off from the failed company. The failed company ceases to exist, but the economy keeps on swimming along. Besides, welfare and social security arnt bailouts you degenerate invalid, I paid my taxes, its a service I bought. Oh, you're upset that medical care costs so much? Then why are you fighting healthcare reform? Obamacare IS the republicans plan.

Conservatives support a central bank to create money and so they support it intervening to do that correctly.
So when bush was running the printing press to build the housing bubble, he was actually a rino? You guys have no mercy, merciless!

Republicans have been building the national debt over the last 30 years,

too stupid!! they have introduced 30 Balanced Budgets since Jefferson's first. Democrats killed them all. Had Newt's passed the debt would be $0 now.
Remember how I just said medicaid and social security are services I paid for? By floating the idea that you should steal away the services that people paid for makes you a thief. Now hows this for an idea, raise taxes back up to the level where we actually had a balanced budget. 3rd grade multiplication really does work, 70% really is twice as much as 35%.

Republicans have been building the national debt over the last 30 years, now they want to use it to cut the budget by a THIRD, that isnt correct intervention, thats sabotage, they hate America, they are trying to destroy it.

Yes, the debt. WHICH THEY BUILT.

There is nothing more disgusting than you trying to justify the position that a working person shouldnt have enough money to raise a family and retire comfortably.
WHAT???????if you have evidence of this I'll pay you $10,000. Bet????
Well? how is someone earning the current minimum wage supposed to afford a retirement and a family. Wow you are dumb. You see when the govt has to cover the expenses that businesses didnt pay for themselves, it isnt a handout to the employee (the employee worked, they earned it), its a handout to the businesses. Change the structure so that a working person is a sustained person, and businesses are the ones that need to run around filling out forms and groveling for handouts.

Richest country in the history of the world and you want old people living under bridges, disgusting.
WHAT????if you have evidence of this I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with your liberal strawman tail between your legs once again????[/QUOTE]
This is what happened when the rubber met the road
Homelessness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So tell me, after you arnt spending any more money on old people, what are they going to do? Ah thats right, you dont care. You say a bunch of stuff about personal responsibility that you wouldnt say to your own mother, and the fact of the matter is that you hate them for being associated with such a big scary number. Thats all that is boils down to.

Wikipedia as a main source?


Christ, where have all these loons been coming from lately?
In the '80s, Japan was the vogue. They were so successful and so efficient and everyone should learn from them.

Only with time did everyone realize or learn Japanese culture is so special that transferring it anywhere is impossible and all the more to the 'west'.

America and Germany may have much in common, but culture is not one that stands out. Recognizing the history of that nation for the last hundred years compared with the US, it is evident that the two societies would have very different approaches.

Although we might be able to learn more from the Germans than the Japanese, we have to find our own solutions, wherever they can be found. Whatever economic label may be put on it, we must take elements from anywhere to consider for our future, a future that is totally uncharted.
a bank isnt an individual, stupid,

if I said it was I'll pay you $10,000. Bet???

when you dont bail out a bank (or any other type of company) a competitor steps up to fill the markets demand,

too stupid you just said that is what they did (you called it, austerity) to cause the great depression!!!!! In 10 years they hadn't stepped up yet to fill the demand.


Besides, welfare and social security arnt bailouts you degenerate invalid, I paid my taxes, its a service I bought.

I paid my taxes and bought the service of the Fed and Congress when they bailed out the banks and prevented another liberal Depression.
Personal bailouts are the worst kind of all since they are not self correcting like Republican capitalist bailouts but rather lead to generations of dependency, personal failure and democratic voting.

Over your head??
Well? how is someone earning the current minimum wage supposed to afford a retirement and a family. Wow you are dumb.

how about by going to college, medical school, and becoming a MD who earns 250k a year!!!!!!! How about starting at Arby's for minimum wage, working hard and in 4 years be in management making a middle class wage???

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??
Ah thats right, you dont care.

of course you're a typical liberal bigot. You feel morally superior because you care, but in reality you merely lack the IQ to see that socialism killed 125 million slowly because it destroyed the incentives to work. Is killing 125 million caring????

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.
First off, that was the republicans depression, the repeal of glass steagal was pushed by republicans and clinton went along with it. Then republicans built the housing bubble, and rewrote bankruptcy laws in order to make sure that their sabotage stuck. The difference between the bush bailout and the obama bailout are day and night, bush gave money to banks which then spent it on bonuses, obama used that money to save jobs, which was quite successful, then the tea party came in with its austerity and brought growth to a halt:


Again, is everyone now working minimum wage going to become manager all at once? Or are they going to take turns being the manager for half a day and all earn manager salaries while flipping burgers the other 36 hours? you are so dumb. and maybe doctors earning $250k is part of whats wrong with this country. We arnt getting better service for paying twice as much.

socialism didnt kill anyone, russian politicians sent millions to die in prisons. tell me again how paying people MORE would make them want to work LESS? that is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Forget about health care, education or clean energies just for a moment...

Germany has a conservative party that believes that monetary policies cannot replace reforms and fiscal policies. In other words, monetary policy should not hide government irresponsibility. It explains why the german-inspired ECB is the only major central bank not allowed to buy debt directly from the government. It explains why Europe has to swallow the bitter medicine of unpopular reforms and spending cuts.

Labelling Germany, probably the most anti-keynesian country, as "socialist" is just dumb.
Forget about health care, education or clean energies just for a moment...

Germany has a conservative party that believes that monetary policies cannot replace reforms and fiscal policies. In other words, monetary policy should not hide government irresponsibility. It explains why the german-inspired ECB is the only major central bank not allowed to buy debt directly from the government. It explains why Europe has to swallow the bitter medicine of unpopular reforms and spending cuts.

Labelling Germany, probably the most anti-keynesian country, as "socialist" is just dumb.

Well there are significant elements of socialism in the German economy, the Fed technically can't buy debt directly, but you are right that Germany and perhaps Europe will get ahead of the USA because they are not printing money to cover up problems in there economies.
Libturds are digging us into a deeper and deeper hole.
Well? how is someone earning the current minimum wage supposed to afford a retirement and a family. Wow you are dumb.

how about by going to college, medical school, and becoming a MD who earns 250k a year!!!!!!! How about starting at Arby's for minimum wage, working hard and in 4 years be in management making a middle class wage???

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??

How about the people that aren't smart enough to study, or become middle management.
How about the people that aren't academically gifted but are prepared to work hard at whatever skill they possess - which may in fact be the skill of working hard?
What of those people that can't afford to take on a study loan or leave their family to study?

Do you see why we are 100% convinced that conservatives are driven by selfishness?
How about the people that aren't smart enough to study, or become middle management.

too stupid there is an open admission college for everyone today!!!

How about the people that aren't academically gifted but are prepared to work hard at whatever skill they possess - which may in fact be the skill of working hard?

gifted???too stupid!!! there is an open admission college for everyone today!!! or a job at Arby's that can lead to middle management and a middle class lifestyle in 4 years!!

What of those people that can't afford to take on a study loan or leave their family to study?

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Look at the Abe Lincoln or most early 20th Century immigrants here, or the kids in Afghanistan and you see that education is available to whomever wants it.

Do you see why we are 100% convinced that conservatives are driven by selfishness?

selfish because we saw what our parents and grandparents could do with far far less? Selfish because we know America is the land of opportunity far more so today than ever, selfish because we aren't racists who think of the lower classes as dumb losers consigned to the lower class for eternity!! Selfish because we believe everyone can make a contribution far easier today than ever before in our history!!

Is a parent selfish because he thinks his kids can succeed???
How about the people that aren't smart enough to study, or become middle management.

too stupid there is an open admission college for everyone today!!!

How about the people that aren't academically gifted but are prepared to work hard at whatever skill they possess - which may in fact be the skill of working hard?

gifted???too stupid!!! there is an open admission college for everyone today!!! or a job at Arby's that can lead to middle management and a middle class lifestyle in 4 years!!

What of those people that can't afford to take on a study loan or leave their family to study?

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Look at the Abe Lincoln or most early 20th Century immigrants here, or the kids in Afghanistan and you see that education is available to whomever wants it.

Do you see why we are 100% convinced that conservatives are driven by selfishness?

selfish because we saw what our parents and grandparents could do with far far less? Selfish because we know America is the land of opportunity far more so today than ever, selfish because we aren't racists who think of the lower classes as dumb losers consigned to the lower class for eternity!! Selfish because we believe everyone can make a contribution far easier today than ever before in our history!!

Is a parent selfish because he thinks his kids can succeed???

No, selfish because you believe that if a person doesn't obtain a high-paying job then fuck'em - it's their own fault and obviously a consequence of their indolence.
How about the people that aren't smart enough to study, or become middle management.

too stupid there is an open admission college for everyone today!!!

gifted???too stupid!!! there is an open admission college for everyone today!!! or a job at Arby's that can lead to middle management and a middle class lifestyle in 4 years!!

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Look at the Abe Lincoln or most early 20th Century immigrants here, or the kids in Afghanistan and you see that education is available to whomever wants it.

Do you see why we are 100% convinced that conservatives are driven by selfishness?

selfish because we saw what our parents and grandparents could do with far far less? Selfish because we know America is the land of opportunity far more so today than ever, selfish because we aren't racists who think of the lower classes as dumb losers consigned to the lower class for eternity!! Selfish because we believe everyone can make a contribution far easier today than ever before in our history!!

Is a parent selfish because he thinks his kids can succeed???

No, selfish because you believe that if a person doesn't obtain a high-paying job then fuck'em - it's their own fault and obviously a consequence of their indolence.

Is a parent selfish because he thinks feels and believes his kids can succeed???
too stupid there is an open admission college for everyone today!!!

gifted???too stupid!!! there is an open admission college for everyone today!!! or a job at Arby's that can lead to middle management and a middle class lifestyle in 4 years!!

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Look at the Abe Lincoln or most early 20th Century immigrants here, or the kids in Afghanistan and you see that education is available to whomever wants it.

selfish because we saw what our parents and grandparents could do with far far less? Selfish because we know America is the land of opportunity far more so today than ever, selfish because we aren't racists who think of the lower classes as dumb losers consigned to the lower class for eternity!! Selfish because we believe everyone can make a contribution far easier today than ever before in our history!!

Is a parent selfish because he thinks his kids can succeed???

No, selfish because you believe that if a person doesn't obtain a high-paying job then fuck'em - it's their own fault and obviously a consequence of their indolence.

Is a parent selfish because he thinks feels and believes his kids can succeed???

Yes, a parent is selfish if they are prepared to abandon their child just because they don't or can't achieve complete independence - never needing any financial assistance, advice, protection from predators.....

What's your definition of success?

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