Should Be An Interesting Week For Karine-Jean.Remember How She Answered Over The Biden/China Thing?It's A Lie?Then New Facts Came In.Oops.

So, Lessee, facts are now meaningless and all media is trash?

The media does not report facts, that was my point.

But yeah, pretty much all the media in this country is trash.

So, we can't expect democrats to do anything about so grave a crime and it is up to the Republicans who have no power to arrest nor prosecute or even make someone show up for a subpoena? And for who requested documents from the DOJ, etc., are never forthcoming taking years and years and multiple appeals and requests if ever?

Is it any wonder this country has turned to shit?

Of course the Dems are not going to do anything just like the Repubs would not.

This is what you people voted for, you cannot whine about it now.
My favorite press secretary ever was Hodding Carter Assistant Secretary of State for foreign affairs for Jimmy Carter but not related to him. He essentially served as press secretary all during the Iranian hostage crisis and he didn't embroider the truth or whitewash anything. We could pretty well take it to the bank that what he reported in the daily briefing was how it was and history has not refuted any of that since.

That was a tad before the time I was paying attention to such things.
She is not, she is more like the past dozen or so press secretaries before her.
You didn't catch Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Kayleigh McEnany telling the whoppers KJP tells. You probably didn't like what they reported but the evidence pretty much always backed up what they reported. Did they ever get something wrong? Maybe. They are human. But on purpose? Never.

Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, and Josh Earnest under Obama did a lot more progressive spin that was a bit disingenuous but never the flat out whoppers that KJP tells. I think all of those guys probably cared about their personal reputations more. I am not sure KJP even knows she's telling whoppers half the time when she seems so clueless as to what is going on.
That was a tad before the time I was paying attention to such things.
I've lived a long time through a lot of presidents, a lot of press secretaries, a lot of policy, a lot of events. And as a former member of the professional media I am pretty darn good in sorting out the propaganda and disingenuous spin from fact, at least enough to research it.

I do not ever want to be guilty of parroting somebody else's propaganda or assigned talking points. I want to be one who KNOWS what she believes and why she believes it based on real history, actual facts, verifiable experience, trusted sources.

Never despise your youth though. It is those your age who will ensure that future generations will know what to believe and why they should believe it.
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The media does not report facts, that was my point.
But yeah, pretty much all the media in this country is trash.

Of course the Dems are not going to do anything just like the Repubs would not.
Yet some Repubs voted to impeach Trump and some repub judges voted to dismiss Trump's cases. Even VP Pence spoke out against Trump as has Fox News. And Repubs sat on the J6 Committee prosecuting Trump supporters. And Repubs are occasionally let go or punished for flagrant misbehavior. Can you say the same is true for democrats?

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