Should Biden run for president in 2024 or do democrats absolutely need another candidate?

The thought of him doing another 4 years damage raises the hairs on the back of my neck.

Something needs to be done regarding all these people in government that are over 200 years old.
To put it mildly, I will state that the mental acuity of President Biden is not at its peak.
To put it mildly, I've never encountered anyone saying that who wasn't mentally addled themselves.

The causes vary. It can be senility, substance abuse, a naturally low intelligence, or just lobotomy-by-cult-propaganda.

Anyways, good to see you all soiling your pants in abject terror over Biden. You know you can't stop him from stomping you again.
They won't.

There is nobody better to defend Biden's record, than the man himself.

Further, nominating and electing Sleepy Joe for another term would really "stick it" to the Deplorable Middle Class, and those people need punished. This would teach the people that resistance is futile.
It can be senility, substance abuse, a naturally low intelligence, or just lobotomy-by-cult-propaganda.

You hit the nails on the head. All that's wrong with Biden, plus a couple other things.
To put it mildly, I will state that the mental acuity of President Biden is not at its peak.

You really think Shitler will allow someone else to take his spot?

He didn’t steal an election just to hand it over to some other guy, or mixed colored woman.
To put it mildly, I've never encountered anyone saying that who wasn't mentally addled themselves.

The causes vary. It can be senility, substance abuse, a naturally low intelligence, or just lobotomy-by-cult-propaganda.

Anyways, good to see you all soiling your pants in abject terror over Biden. You know you can't stop him from stomping you again.
There are many democrats that can run for President. Why on earth insist to have a person whose mental acuity is deteriorating so visibly?
It would be better if the Democrats fielded a different candidate but neither Kennedy nor Newsome nor Jeffries nor Harris seem likely to win.

The Dems have a "shallow bench" at present and they may end-up paying the price for that short-sightedness...
Good thing 1srelluc opposed any and all election audits of 2020 and 2022, because we all know we can trust Chris Wray and Garland to make sure the election of 2024 is fair....

After all, Chris Wray worked for 1srelluc's "conservative" hero W, the first "Biden Republican" trotted out by the media the day after the election.... so 1srelluc loves Chris Wray, because he was after those "the terrorists"
To put it mildly, I will state that the mental acuity of President Biden is not at its peak.
I don't think he will fulfill his current term. His decline is rapid and accelerating, and he's got 18 months left.

If he somehow makes it through this term, there is zero chance he will finish his next term, so it's pretty much another fraud for him to run and prevent Dems from voting for a candidate who would likely finish their duties.

It's true that if Biden resigns, we get Kamala, but she's not much different - controlled by Deep State and not very bright. At least the Dem Ballot would turn out to be legit, and she'd only be with us a little bit.

I think the Dems have a plan to get Biden to announce he's not running, and Newsom will step in, but much closer to the election. They will do anything they can to prevent Biden from having to debate
I don't think he will fulfill his current term. His decline is rapid and accelerating, and he's got 18 months left.

If he somehow makes it through this term, there is zero chance he will finish his next term, so it's pretty much another fraud for him to run and prevent Dems from voting for a candidate who would likely finish their duties.

It's true that if Biden resigns, we get Kamala, but she's not much different - controlled by Deep State and not very bright. At least the Dem Ballot would turn out to be legit, and she'd only be with us a little bit.

I think the Dems have a plan to get Biden to announce he's not running, and Newsom will step in, but much closer to the election. They will do anything they can to prevent Biden from having to debate
Even if Kamala is a puppet I have the sensation that it would be an improvement, I get an eerie sensation from someone with such an important position who is not completely aware of the decisions he took in the past six months.
Even if Biden were to keel over dead, I can't see this stopping the D's from putting him up for reelection.

The Democrat Party establishment is very familiar with the classic film "Weekend at Bernies", and hiding Biden's demise wouldn't be a problem for them. Particularly since they have the Lame Stream Media on their side, who will call any reports of Sleepy Joe's death "Russian Misinformation".

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