Should Billy Graham be shown at the Capitol?

Waste of taxpayer money, and an endorsement of evangelical Christianity, which demonizes millions of Americans every day. Is Farrakhan next?

This pathetic reply is a good example of how liberals are increasingly hostile to even the most respectful forms of Christianity. Anyone who thinks Billy Graham "demonized" certain Americans has so much hate and vile in them that it's a waste of time talking with them.

No doubt, he is a Nazi Socialist.
You just exposed your lack of knowledge

and you are too stupid and cowardly to attempt to specify....

Name calling does no good other than fester hates.
The last name Graham is an English name.

Christians are a part of the Jewish faith.
Explained how in the old and new testaments.
Gentiles refers to everyone not of the Jewish faith.

You like specify just to be able to attack is all.

And this is another reason Graham was honored.

He was a unifying voice, not a dividing voice. This is something we are not used to today.
Judges are supposed to INTERPRET the law, not make it. Conservatives want judges to interpret the law based on the original intent of its authors.
Name a law made by judges.

Legalized abortion
Same-sex marriage
Anchor babies
Banning Nativity plays in school
Banning prayer in school
Banning the Ten Commandments in school
Etc., etc., etc.
Waste of taxpayer money, and an endorsement of evangelical Christianity, which demonizes millions of Americans every day. Is Farrakhan next?

This pathetic reply is a good example of how liberals are increasingly hostile to even the most respectful forms of Christianity. Anyone who thinks Billy Graham "demonized" certain Americans has so much hate and vile in them that it's a waste of time talking with them.
The Grahams are nutjob birthers, labelling anybody they don’t like as secret Muslims. They wage war on Americans every day.

Any man that raises the likes of Franklin Graham was deeply sick and flawed.
Today Billy Graham was taken to the Capitol for a showing after he died and a service held.

Does this cross the line of church and state?

From what I hear, he is only the 4rth private citizen to be shown after dying in US history.

Must say, I've never seen the verb "shown" used quite this way before. Does Billy Graham fit in a projector?
Yeah I thought that to. "shown to be doing ... what?" :eek-52:

But I don't have a problem with his lying in State. It's unusual but he did preach the gospel in places the gospel was not wanted, eg communism, and in ways he stood for religion in America applying to everyone without precondition. He was a bit out of time in that Jews and Muslims probably didn't find God's grace through faith, but he was a moderate voice for a God who loved everyone

'America's Pastor' Billy Graham Dies At 99
Today Billy Graham was taken to the Capitol for a showing after he died and a service held.

Does this cross the line of church and state?

From what I hear, he is only the 4rth private citizen to be shown after dying in US history.

my local listings say billy jack is showing at the capitol, not billy graham

7 and 9 pm
He was just a wrench in the GOP toolbox like Falwell or Ralph Reed or Rush. Folks on here keep talking about how mentioning gun control or advocating for stricter rules makes one a traitor or somebody who wants to shit on the Constitution. But, all these so-called god people who have infiltrated Govt for so many years and used by the right for political ends somehow get exempted from that same document. Hell, I'm a Marine and a Vietnam Vet and I've been accused of treason etc for taking a stand on gun control, yet those very same morons will defend the intrusion of these phonies all day long. Right wing hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Judges are supposed to INTERPRET the law, not make it. Conservatives want judges to interpret the law based on the original intent of its authors.
Name a law made by judges.

Legalized abortion
Same-sex marriage
Anchor babies
Banning Nativity plays in school
Banning prayer in school
Banning the Ten Commandments in school
Etc., etc., etc.

Don't forget equal rights for black people and women.

Those are judge made laws too.

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