Should Billy Graham be shown at the Capitol?

If it costs the taxpayers nothing to host Graham's body in the Capitol rotunda, I have no real problem with it.
Not that I care all that much, but don't think anyone's body should be displayed either at the capitol or at a private funeral.

Saw my aunt in that manner as a kid - pretty much creeped me out. Only been to four funerals since.

Fully agree. This weird shit of pumping dead bodies full of formaldehyde and dressing them up is just bizzaro.

My living will and last will and testament make it very clear - Don't even think about it.

Cremate me - ashes to the ocean and have a party if so inclined.
Today Billy Graham was taken to the Capitol for a showing after he died and a service held.

Does this cross the line of church and state?

From what I hear, he is only the 4rth private citizen to be shown after dying in US history.

Must say, I've never seen the verb "shown" used quite this way before. Does Billy Graham fit in a projector?

some people do WAKES that are like cocktail parties with the
STIFF-----in attendance------it is very poetic
A giant menorah is installed each December and that is clearly a violation of church and state since Judaism is a religion.

They could save him for the parade on Veterans Day.

Makes sense, since most of his lies were about manipulating the US to use the US military to help Israel, the only country Graham ever cared about....
Today Billy Graham was taken to the Capitol for a showing after he died and a service held.

Does this cross the line of church and state?

From what I hear, he is only the 4rth private citizen to be shown after dying in US history.

Yeah I can hear the words of the bible, or as a real Christian would say the words of god, when he says "thou shall have no idols before me". If worshiping a dead human body isn't that then what is it. No different than the way they treated the Ayatollah when he died. It's a person, it isn't the god or any special messenger. People more worship rocks, and mementos, and people than they do their self proclaimed god.

If any holy book is a map on how to get to your god then almost all people worship the map. Not the god.
Christianity is reflected in the Constitution.

Uh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnno, it's not.

Prove me wrong; find me a reference to Jeebus in there.

That said I have no issue with Graham at the WH. It will be the closest this White House ever gets to smelling the virtue of "humility".
That Giant Menorah is precisely the monument to show Bill Graham next to....

JDAAC FRAUD and TRAITOR loyal only to ISRAEL, just like

Lindsay Graham
Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Peter King
John Sellout McAIPAC

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