Should California prisoners be used to clear brush and create firebreaks?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
There are over 100,000 prisoners in the California prison system. Taxpayers pay about $70,000 per year per prisoner. It's time to get some return on that investment. Put them to work doing something that could ultimately save lives and billions in property destruction. With a workforce that large it wouldn't take long before there would be significant progress in reducing the risk of massive wildfires.
There are over 100,000 prisoners in the California prison system. Taxpayers pay about $70,000 per year per prisoner. It's time to get some return on that investment. Put them to work doing something that could ultimately save lives and billions in property destruction. With a workforce that large it wouldn't take long before there would be significant progress in reducing the risk of massive wildfires.
Have them fight death matches in gladiator pits, to raise money for the children
I'm talking about fire prevention. I know that prisoners are used on a limited basis to FIGHT fires. For instance in the Camp fire there are about 2000 prisoners fighting the fire. I'm talking about a greatly expanded prison workforce continually working at reducing the underbrush and creating firebreaks around neighborhoods.
The people in those neighborhoods. Would be screaming for the heads of whatever idiot proposed putting criminals into neighborhoods of the innocent.
It works well here in Az.
They clean up the debris on our hwy. and roads.
There are over 100,000 prisoners in the California prison system. Taxpayers pay about $70,000 per year per prisoner. It's time to get some return on that investment. Put them to work doing something that could ultimately save lives and billions in property destruction. With a workforce that large it wouldn't take long before there would be significant progress in reducing the risk of massive wildfires.

Have them fight death matches in gladiator pits, to raise money for the children

Would that make more money that Tiger vs Mickelson on pay per view? Damn that money isn't going to the children.

Maybe a game show like the "Running Man" movie.

The winners get their sentences commuted and they would make video games for Xbox and Play Station.

I seen that on the History channel, a lot of prisoners wanted to participate.
There are over 100,000 prisoners in the California prison system. Taxpayers pay about $70,000 per year per prisoner. It's time to get some return on that investment. Put them to work doing something that could ultimately save lives and billions in property destruction. With a workforce that large it wouldn't take long before there would be significant progress in reducing the risk of massive wildfires.
Pretty sure that's already being done.....
Maybe we should have prisoners do all blue collar jobs.

I mean, how hard can it be?
It works well here in Az.
They clean up the debris on our hwy. and roads.
Those aren't prisoners. Those are people sentenced to community service. They do the same thing in CA.

No they are non violent prisoners.
Prisoner trash cleanup keeping county clean
It isn't quite clear just what their prison status is from this article.

Prisoners of all kinds could be better utilized. Bring back the chain gang and rent crews to farmers.
It works well here in Az.
They clean up the debris on our hwy. and roads.
Those aren't prisoners. Those are people sentenced to community service. They do the same thing in CA.

No they are non violent prisoners.
Prisoner trash cleanup keeping county clean
It isn't quite clear just what their prison status is from this article.

Prisoners of all kinds could be better utilized. Bring back the chain gang and rent crews to farmers.

They are prisoners and they are helping to keep debris from piling up along our roads and hwy.
Thus helping to keep wildfires from spreading.
There are over 100,000 prisoners in the California prison system. Taxpayers pay about $70,000 per year per prisoner. It's time to get some return on that investment. Put them to work doing something that could ultimately save lives and billions in property destruction. With a workforce that large it wouldn't take long before there would be significant progress in reducing the risk of massive wildfires.

Yep, and the Dept of Corrections has been doing so for decades:

California is paying inmates $1 an hour to fight wildfires
I am not talking about the existing FIRE FIGHTING program. I mean more prisoners going out a couple times a week to clear the vast areas of underbrush that fuels these killer wildfires. I would think the insurance companies would also help pay for a preventative program that reduces the size and strength of these fires.

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