CDZ Should Children Be Held Out of Schools because of COVID?

Should Children be held out of school because of COVID?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
Where did this hate of teachers come from? Who started this propaganda? This blame game needs to stop, apply common sense, look at all sides of this silly fight over a health problem made political. Do what you think best for your own health & don't subject others to your choice. Let them decide what's best for them self's.
If they have covid----they can spread the disease to other children who would then also most all develop natural immunity to future covid strains. We should be letting the kids and encouraging the kids to be exposed in order to create herd immunity.

Great idea, next we can do that with the flu and then with strep throat.
So no, no data.
The data that you are flapping about does not exist, to my knowledge. Nor can it. However, the treatment for cancer in our world today is called "Immunotherapy". This infusion builds your immune system to the point where it can fight the cancer without drugs. If the Covid interrupts this flow, you may lose on the cancer side of the equation. Pretty simple, actually. This is why I will take my chances with the medical community, rather than whatever you use for expertise.
The data that you are flapping about does not exist, to my knowledge. Nor can it. However, the treatment for cancer in our world today is called "Immunotherapy". This infusion builds your immune system to the point where it can fight the cancer without drugs. If the Covid interrupts this flow, you may lose on the cancer side of the equation. Pretty simple, actually. This is why I will take my chances with the medical community, rather than whatever you use for expertise.

So decisions were made based on what? hopes and wishes?
Move on, Marty. There are always hopes and wishes when it comes to disease. Nothing is definitive.

But they pretended everything was definitive. YOU MUST DO THIS, WE ARE SURE OF THIS, ANYONE WHO DOESN'T DO THIS IS X,Y,Z
But they pretended everything was definitive. YOU MUST DO THIS, WE ARE SURE OF THIS, ANYONE WHO DOESN'T DO THIS IS X,Y,Z
Not at all, but your chances are better with treatment, and you have less chance of communicating the virus to others.
Not at all, but your chances are better with treatment.

That has nothing to do with my statement. The "authorities" said everything as if it was a proclamation from the mount, any anyone denying it were heretics.

Then the Karens jumped in like brown shirted housewives.
Well, they don't come to my house. Not sure whether there will be any herd immunity. I haven't seen it with the common cold. I avoid people with colds and flu, as well as people with running sores (which kids also pass around in schools) when I can. Good luck to you and yours, especially your grandparents and other older possibly immunocompromised friends and relatives, whether they know they are susceptible or not. I am sure they would enjoy being part of your "infect everybody" experiment.
My grandma is 102 and weights about 80 pounds who loves her coke and M and M's---last year when she was 101 got covid and beat its ass. She was a little sick for a couple of days--but then recovered.

My husband and I got it worse---I have epstein-barr (caused by a simple virus that most people get and get rid of when they are kids with no long term issues). When I got covid, I got over it after a few weeks of a soar throat, extremely sleepy, and not being able to smell---but it triggered my epstein barr (which I have worse than most) which then set about attacks all year long in different parts of my body as it becomes an autoimmune disease in some of we "lucky" victims. Finally, got my idiot PCM team to realize what my other doctors already knew that I have Epstein-Barr and not just little case--I had to tell them what the medical literature says---they finally put me on doxycycline about a week ago after I demanded with my nails out (you know the anti-malaria that idiotic libs like to attack) and the difference is night and day.

(The other moral of the story is if you are seeing a PA or my favorite Internal Medicine docs----many (not all) are basically bots who really don't know that much and don't always apply themselves especially when they seeing bunches of patients).
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That has nothing to do with my statement. The "authorities" said everything as if it was a proclamation from the mount, any anyone denying it were heretics.

Then the Karens jumped in like brown shirted housewives.
I will take my chances with the medical community, just as you do with most disease or other malady, except for this politicized disease.
I will take my chances with the medical community, just as you do with most disease or other malady, except for this politicized disease.

It was politicized by both sides, but worse by the progressives, as it was seen as a conduit to 1) get rid of Trump and 2) increase government power.
It was politicized by both sides, but worse by the progressives, as it was seen as a conduit to 1) get rid of Trump and 2) increase government power.
It has been politicized by tump supporters and trump before he almost died from the disease.
Progressives have not politicized this virus. That's ridiculous. They want to conquer the virus and you want to ignore it.
It has been politicized by tump supporters and trump before he almost died from the disease.
Progressives have not politicized this virus. That's ridiculous. They want to conquer the virus and you want to ignore it.

It takes two to tango. From ignoring it before embracing it, from lambasting anything Trump said about it, to the masking virtue signaling, it's been one big progressive political action.

Ignoring his work on fast tracking the vaccines is also a hoot.
My grandma is 102 and weights about 80 pounds who loves her coke and M and M's---last year when she was 101 got covid and beat its ass. She was a little sick for a couple of days--but then recovered.

My husband and I got it worse---I have epstein-barr (caused by a simple virus that most people get and get rid of when they are kids with no long term issues). When I got covid, I got over it after a few weeks of a soar throat, extremely sleepy, and not being able to smell---but it triggered my epstein barr (which I have worse than most) which then set about attacks all year long in different parts of my body as it becomes an autoimmune disease in some of we "lucky" victims. Finally, got my idiot PCM team to realize what my other doctors already knew that I have Epstein-Barr and not just little case--I had to tell them what the medical literature says---they finally put me on doxycycline about a week ago after I demanded (you know the anti-malaria that idiotic libs like to attack) and the difference is night and day.
Congrats to granny. By now, she has been exposed to a lot.
I have not heard anybody complaining about doxycycline, although not the be all to end all of antibiotics. It is a good broad based antibiotic (kin to tetracycline) useful against a wide range of infections. It is unlikely anybody on here has not had it at one time or another.
I know little if anything about epstein-barr, and what I did was probably in passing watching "House". I am glad you have a PCM team, as I do. People that just go to random convenient care facilities instead of a small dedicated doctor group that knows you individually for years, along with complete medical history, and the only ones that are in primary care of you under all circumstances are idiots. Glad you are getting better.
It takes two to tango. From ignoring it before embracing it, from lambasting anything Trump said about it, to the masking virtue signaling, it's been one big progressive political action.

Ignoring his work on fast tracking the vaccines is also a hoot.
Just get the vaccine. If course they were going to lambaste what trump had to say about it. What would expect--say nothing and let him babble on just to make Biden look bad? Trump is supposed to put his country first and his personal vendettas in the toilet.
Just get the vaccine. If course they were going to lambaste what trump had to say about it. What would expect--say nothing and let him babble on just to make Biden look bad? Trump is supposed to put his country first and his personal vendettas in the toilet.

I already did. What I am not doing is getting a booster since I just had COVID last month. I'd rather get my Flu shot and Tetanus 10 year booster out of the way.

However NYC may mandate a booster even though I don't need one. Why?

Progressives stopped putting their country first and replaced with their party the second Trump was sworn in. Methinks thou doth protest too much.
I already did. What I am not doing is getting a booster since I just had COVID last month. I'd rather get my Flu shot and Tetanus 10 year booster out of the way.

However NYC may mandate a booster even though I don't need one. Why?

Progressives stopped putting their country first and replaced with their party the second Trump was sworn in. Methinks thou doth protest too much.
No. Progressives put their country first and so do true conservatives. That comment makes no sense, as Jan 6 can attest to.
I agree that 3 vaccines is better than 2, although I don't know why NY would mandate them.
If a kid has covid or a sickness with a fever they should be at home. Big a parent sends them to school sick ..FINE the parents harshly. HARSHLY. Mega harshly.
If they have Covid, they should be out. Schools should be open. They are open here. Time to replace dinosaur teachers with teachers willing to work, union or no union. Reagan did it to the Federal employees of the air traffic controller union. I have nothing against unions, but they should not be allowed to set policy for open and closed.
Sure, but then you’re dumb.

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