Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
No? Then what would have been the purpose of all those sodomy laws?

Now... friend, we've been a long time gettin' here and I don't want ya to put too much 'feelin' into this... just come on out and say it. Because one of you clowns is going to say it eventually and we might as well get it over with.

SO... (You READY scamp?)

If homosexuality is NOT an action? Then what is it?
An Orientation, of course. And it's a sliding scale BTW.

Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
1. Homosexuality is not an act.

No? Then what would have been the purpose of all those sodomy laws?

Now... friend, we've been a long time gettin' here and I don't want ya to put too much 'feelin' into this... just come on out and say it. Because one of you clowns is going to say it eventually and we might as well get it over with.

SO... (You READY scamp?)

If homosexuality is NOT an action? Then what is it?
An Orientation, of course. And it's a sliding scale BTW.

Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice..

So you are able to be attracted to men if you choose to?

See, I don't understand this- I have always been attracted to women- not a choice for me.

You just have more flexibility than I do I guess.
An Orientation, of course. And it's a sliding scale BTW.

Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.
No? Then what would have been the purpose of all those sodomy laws?

Now... friend, we've been a long time gettin' here and I don't want ya to put too much 'feelin' into this... just come on out and say it. Because one of you clowns is going to say it eventually and we might as well get it over with.

SO... (You READY scamp?)

If homosexuality is NOT an action? Then what is it?
An Orientation, of course. And it's a sliding scale BTW.

Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice..

So you are able to be attracted to men if you choose to?

See, I don't understand this- I have always been attracted to women- not a choice for me.

You just have more flexibility than I do I guess.

Could I be attracted to men? No, I personally couldn't be, not any more than I could be attracted to say Meth. are you suggesting that some people are just born preferring meth?
Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.
Oh , I think you're quite right. No one chooses to be attracted to the same sex, instead those who choose to have gay sex just PRETEND to be attracted to the same sex.
Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.

Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
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An Orientation, of course. And it's a sliding scale BTW.

Oh my... I'm sensin' some reticence.

So you feel that Homosexuality is an "Orientation"... how's that work? IS it a genetic thing, like warm blood, 5 fingers on two hands and 5 toes on two feet and stuff like that?

Or... is it something different?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice..

So you are able to be attracted to men if you choose to?

See, I don't understand this- I have always been attracted to women- not a choice for me.

You just have more flexibility than I do I guess.

Could I be attracted to men? No, I personally couldn't be, not any more than I could be attracted to say Meth. are you suggesting that some people are just born preferring meth?

That one human male is attracted to another male, proves in incontestable terms that all human beings are capable of being so attracted. Same for Meth (which BTW, that is the most profoundly solid thing I've ever read from you, congrats!) alcohol, coke, pot, nicotine and every other mind altering substance. All human beings are subject to addiction and the obsessions associated with such.

Homosexuality is a learned response... therefore it is environmental.

Sexuality is a base human instinct, primal... how it manifest itself is predicated upon how it is TAUGHT, and THAT is why the Left has for so long drove SO HARD at FINDING SUFFICIENT POWER to BECOME THE TEACHER!

Folks... why do you think this thread exists?

Is it because the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality were prone to demonstrate their 'go along to get along attitude? Or was it because the INSTANT that they had a CHANCE to force their perversion on other people, THEY USED IT TO FORCE THEIR PERVERSION ON OTHER PEOPLE?

It's evil and those who tolerate evil... get more evil.

Which again, is why society is duly bound to discourage deviant cognition... and why society has gotten more homosexuality and more aggressive homosexuality.
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Strawman. To repeat the actual argument, which you have yet to respond ...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


Obviously the contributor has lost all sense of reason. We know this because it emphatically stated its position was not responded to, despite the FACT that it WAS and in no small degree of specificity; to wit:

Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 453 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You gave a strawman argument. A strawman argument is not a response.



Now, that will no doubt come as quite a comfort to those homosexuals who contracted the HIV as a direct result of the behavior in which they engaged as a direct result of the abnormal reasoning they employed, which defined them as homosexual.

So are ya saying that HIV doesn't exist? Or are ya saying anyone CAN get it, and just because the chances of anyone getting it is roughly ZERO, unless their blood comes into contact with the blood of a homosexual, that this fact doesn't serve your own subjective needs, so you're choosing to ignore it.
HIV threatens the viability of the body. Homosexuality does not. Now you are equivocating homosexuality with HIV.

AB Negative is not an abnormality of the blood. Anemia is an abnormality of the blood. Leukemia is an abnormality of the blood.
Define abnormality.
abnormality - : something that is not usual, expected, or normal : something that is abnormal. For example, having AB negative blood type is abnormal.
Homosexuality is abnormal, like left-handiness ...

No, homosexuality is 'abnormal' like using one's left hand to touch the bathing suit area of a small child Meaning it is the result of a conscious decision to execute an immoral act. Which we do not seek to cure, because it's not a disease as much as it is a presentation of low character.
No you fucking POS, homosexuality is not like the preference for little children that you keep promoting again and again and again and again and again on this board. Why don't you take your discussions about pedophilia and leave.
Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.
Oh , I think you're quite right. No one chooses to be attracted to the same sex, instead those who choose to have gay sex just PRETEND to be attracted to the same sex.
That's quite the conspiracy you have there. And also completely out of touch with reality. Gay youth commit high rates of suicide, many due to the fact that they hate being gay. They hate the attraction that they cannot control. Why would they commit suicide if it was all pretend? Many of these gay individuals never even have gay sex.

You also have gay Christians going to straight camps to change their attractions. You have people praying to God that he will take their gay attractions away. Begging to be straight. Wanting nothing more than that. Why would they do all this if it was a choice?

Do you even know a single gay person? Has anyone ever come out to you? Have you ever experience how emotionally difficult the coming out experience and the acceptance of one's sexual attractions can be?

Clearly not. Calling homosexuality pretend is not only incredibly offensive but patently ignorant. Ignorance is the root of all evil, and you sir are displaying how deep your own ignorance runs.
Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.
Oh , I think you're quite right. No one chooses to be attracted to the same sex, instead those who choose to have gay sex just PRETEND to be attracted to the same sex.
That's quite the conspiracy you have there. And also completely out of touch with reality. Gay youth commit high rates of suicide, many due to the fact that they hate being gay. They hate the attraction that they cannot control. Why would they commit suicide if it was all pretend? Many of these gay individuals never even have gay sex.

You also have gay Christians going to straight camps to change their attractions. You have people praying to God that he will take their gay attractions away. Begging to be straight. Wanting nothing more than that. Why would they do all this if it was a choice?

Do you even know a single gay person? Has anyone ever come out to you? Have you ever experience how emotionally difficult the coming out experience and the acceptance of one's sexual attractions can be?

Clearly not. Calling homosexuality pretend is not only incredibly offensive but patently ignorant. Ignorance is the root of all evil, and you sir are displaying how deep your own ignorance runs.

Simple. People who have a desire for gay sex and to pretend that they were born homosexual are mentally disturbed. So all bets are off in expecting rationale behavior from them..
No you fucking POS, homosexuality is not like the preference for little children that you keep promoting again and again and again and again and again on this board. Why don't you take your discussions about pedophilia and leave.

So let me get this straight, you are judging other sexual orientations as repugnant?

That's rich. And it's hypocrisy. Equal rights are blind, remember? That's what your group has been telling us since day one. Who are you to judge another man's physical pleasure? Unless you feel that if a majority objects to a certain sexual orientation, it has every right to?

Is it like being left handed? Or is it like believing in a fairy tale being who rules over everyone?

Orientation for most people is pretty easy to understand.

I have always been attracted to women- even before I knew what sex was.

And my gay friends tell me that is how they were attracted to men.

Orientation refers to the gender you are attracted to. If any.

Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.

Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.
Bullshit, gay is a choice.

But who cares what others choose as long as they aren't causing harm to others.

The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.

Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.

Maybe you should I don't know read the thread?

I don't propose to outlaw gay, I don't believe gays are more likely to be pedophiles, and I don't care if they "marry" but yeah gays are mental defects.
The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.
Oh , I think you're quite right. No one chooses to be attracted to the same sex, instead those who choose to have gay sex just PRETEND to be attracted to the same sex.
That's quite the conspiracy you have there. And also completely out of touch with reality. Gay youth commit high rates of suicide, many due to the fact that they hate being gay. They hate the attraction that they cannot control. Why would they commit suicide if it was all pretend? Many of these gay individuals never even have gay sex.

You also have gay Christians going to straight camps to change their attractions. You have people praying to God that he will take their gay attractions away. Begging to be straight. Wanting nothing more than that. Why would they do all this if it was a choice?

Do you even know a single gay person? Has anyone ever come out to you? Have you ever experience how emotionally difficult the coming out experience and the acceptance of one's sexual attractions can be?

Clearly not. Calling homosexuality pretend is not only incredibly offensive but patently ignorant. Ignorance is the root of all evil, and you sir are displaying how deep your own ignorance runs.

Simple. People who have a desire for gay sex and to pretend that they were born homosexual are mentally disturbed. So all bets are off in expecting rationale behavior from them..
People who are homosexual truly believe they were born gay, thus there can be no pretense. Science has not stated with definiteness why people are homosexual, but it has ruled out that it is a choice. There is nothing irrational about homosexual relationships.
The only choice is in acting upon your natural attractions. I choose to...often. [emoji13]
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.

Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.

Maybe you should I don't know read the thread?

I don't propose to outlaw gay, I don't believe gays are more likely to be pedophiles, and I don't care if they "marry" but yeah gays are mental defects.
I have read the thread. I'm glad you don't believe gays are all pedophiles. I'm glad you don't care that they marry. But you are still hugely ignorant about homosexuality if you believe it is a mental defect. Your tolerance of same-sex marriage does not excuse your bigotry and ignorance.
My ass

We both know that, especially with women, it isn't that uncommon to see people switching back and forth to who they are attracted to

"Oh, I'm a lesbian now" until next week when some guys in your bed LOL

You CHOOSE to be gay, I choose to not care. Keys chooses to drool over the thought of some dick.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.

Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.

Maybe you should I don't know read the thread?

I don't propose to outlaw gay, I don't believe gays are more likely to be pedophiles, and I don't care if they "marry" but yeah gays are mental defects.
I have read the thread. I'm glad you don't believe gays are all pedophiles. I'm glad you don't care that they marry. But you are still hugely ignorant about homosexuality if you believe it is a mental defect. Your tolerance of same-sex marriage does not excuse your bigotry and ignorance.

You admit that science can't tell us why some people are gay yet your call people who have a theory that you disagree with bigoted. That is ignorant sir, prove homosexuality isn't a menta disorder, then we'll talk.
You are conflating sexual acts with attraction/orientation. Nobody chooses to be attracted to the same or opposite sex. That is a ludicrous and absurd notion.

Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.

Maybe you should I don't know read the thread?

I don't propose to outlaw gay, I don't believe gays are more likely to be pedophiles, and I don't care if they "marry" but yeah gays are mental defects.
I have read the thread. I'm glad you don't believe gays are all pedophiles. I'm glad you don't care that they marry. But you are still hugely ignorant about homosexuality if you believe it is a mental defect. Your tolerance of same-sex marriage does not excuse your bigotry and ignorance.

You admit that science can't tell us why some people are gay yet your call people who have a theory that you disagree with bigoted. That is ignorant sir, prove homosexuality isn't a menta disorder, then we'll talk.
No, that is not ignorant. Science has not definitively proven where homosexuality has come from, but that does not automatically make every theory potentially valid. For example, just because the jury is still out on homosexuality does that mean if I say gay people come from aliens I should be taken seriously? No. Your mental disorder argument is equally absurd.

The burden is on you to prove your idiotic claim, not on me to debunk. Good luck with that. In the meantime, chew on this.

"The APA has declared LBG as not a mental illness or disorder with no identifiable dissimilar psychopathology, as both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors are normal aspects of human sexuality" and that homosexuality is not a choice.
Actually, choosing to respond to deviant sexual desires, provides that one will likely engage in deviant behavior. This is the equation that sums to a deviant... a pervert, a person of low moral character. A person who chooses to respond to one deviant impulse is very likely to respond to any deviant impulse. Be that an impulse that requires a consenting adult or a consenting minor. (That's right... such deviancy does not force itself on the innocent... it lulls the innocent into 'loving' relationships, through any deceit, any fraud it can produce... on the hope that such will influence the ignorance inherent in the innocent.)

As a result, these are behaviors which do not come as a function of 'right', because these actions only bring chaos, calamity and catastrophe... .as such the societal collective is justified in discouraging these behaviors... thus where such behavior is predictable through the individual declaration of such 'tendencies', from which such behavior, becomes likely.

It is from THIS, that we can know to an absolute certainty that "SCIENCE!" which claims that cognitive abnormality, such as that described above, is otherwise NORMAL... thus not a disorder, is FALSE.

Such a conclusion is Deceit, advanced through FRAUDULENT MEANS, toward the goal of influencing the Ignorant.

There we can know that such efforts are manifestly EVIL.

See how that works?
Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.

Maybe you should I don't know read the thread?

I don't propose to outlaw gay, I don't believe gays are more likely to be pedophiles, and I don't care if they "marry" but yeah gays are mental defects.
I have read the thread. I'm glad you don't believe gays are all pedophiles. I'm glad you don't care that they marry. But you are still hugely ignorant about homosexuality if you believe it is a mental defect. Your tolerance of same-sex marriage does not excuse your bigotry and ignorance.

You admit that science can't tell us why some people are gay yet your call people who have a theory that you disagree with bigoted. That is ignorant sir, prove homosexuality isn't a menta disorder, then we'll talk.
No, that is not ignorant. Science has not definitively proven where homosexuality has come from, but that does not automatically make every theory potentially valid. For example, just because the jury is still out on homosexuality does that mean if I say gay people come from aliens I should be taken seriously? No. Your mental disorder argument is equally absurd.

The burden is on you to prove your idiotic claim, not on me to debunk. Good luck with that. In the meantime, chew on this.

"The APA has declared LBG as not a mental illness or disorder with no identifiable dissimilar psychopathology, as both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors are normal aspects of human sexuality" and that homosexuality is not a choice.

The APA could just as easily declare the Sun a perfect Vacation Destination. That doesn't make it so... .

Like you the APA is offering their subjective opinion.

The coolest part of all this is that it all boils down to reasoning... and reason dictates that given the absence of a genetics being responsible, that means that it's not genetics. It's not like the homo-lobby hasn't poured money on science to find a genetic indicator to no avail... so we know that if were possible to even fabricate such evidence that it would be so fabricated and you gals would be straight up authorized as legitimate Shims...

Therefore, we know that homosexuality is not even close enough to a genetic issue that it is not even possible to fabricate evidence that it is.

So... that leaves us with what we always knew... that homosexuality is a learned behavior. Wherein some 'caring adult' pursued a very young minor child, so young that the child is unable to communicate verbally, thus sufficiently young to have no memory of the crime.

But there, in the recess of their subconscious is the imprinted instructions that sexual arousal is directed toward whatever gender so lovingly cared for them way back when.

OH! And we should probably go back over the whole "proof" thing AGAIN:

Proof: evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.

Now notice where it doesn't say that the 'evidence' or 'argument' doesn't need to convince you of anything... which is really good news for the argument, given that its impossible to convince a relativist of anything that does not serve their subjective needs... .
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Again you have nothing more than your own bigoted baseless assertions. Nothing you say is rooted in science or reason. There is nothing immoral about homosexuality. There is nothing immoral about sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. And gay couples do not cause chaos and catastrophe. Period.

Maybe you should I don't know read the thread?

I don't propose to outlaw gay, I don't believe gays are more likely to be pedophiles, and I don't care if they "marry" but yeah gays are mental defects.
I have read the thread. I'm glad you don't believe gays are all pedophiles. I'm glad you don't care that they marry. But you are still hugely ignorant about homosexuality if you believe it is a mental defect. Your tolerance of same-sex marriage does not excuse your bigotry and ignorance.

You admit that science can't tell us why some people are gay yet your call people who have a theory that you disagree with bigoted. That is ignorant sir, prove homosexuality isn't a menta disorder, then we'll talk.
No, that is not ignorant. Science has not definitively proven where homosexuality has come from, but that does not automatically make every theory potentially valid. For example, just because the jury is still out on homosexuality does that mean if I say gay people come from aliens I should be taken seriously? No. Your mental disorder argument is equally absurd.

The burden is on you to prove your idiotic claim, not on me to debunk. Good luck with that. In the meantime, chew on this.

"The APA has declared LBG as not a mental illness or disorder with no identifiable dissimilar psychopathology, as both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors are normal aspects of human sexuality" and that homosexuality is not a choice.

The APA could just as easily declare the Sun a perfect Vacation Destination. That doesn't make it so... .

Like you the APA is offering their subjective opinion.

The coolest part of all this is that it all boils down to reasoning... and reason dictates that given the absence of a genetics being responsible, that means that it's not genetics. It's not like the homo-lobby hasn't poured money on science to find a genetic indicator to no avail... so we know that if were possible to even fabricate such evidence that it would be so fabricated and you gals would be straight up authorized as legitimate Shims...

Therefore, we know that homosexuality is not even close enough to a genetic issue that it is not even possible to fabricate evidence that it is.

So... that leaves us with what we always knew... that homosexuality is a learned behavior. Wherein some 'caring adult' pursued a very young minor child, so young that the child is unable to communicate verbally, thus sufficiently young to have no memory of the crime.

But there, in the recess of their subconscious is the imprinted instructions that sexual arousal is directed toward whatever gender so lovingly cared for them way back when.

OH! And we should probably go back over the whole "proof" thing AGAIN:

Proof: evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.

Now notice where it doesn't say that the 'evidence' or 'argument' doesn't need to convince you of anything... which is really good news for the argument, given that its impossible to convince a relativist of anything that does not serve their subjective needs... .
I'd listen to the opinion and research of some of the brightest scientists in America than your baseless assertions any day. There is numerous evidence that homosexuality is genetic or epigenetic. And there is zero evidence that it is a choice. Again, you just post a bunch of BS and ignore anything that contradicts your preexisting bias.

The better question is did you choose to have selective attention, or can you just not help it?

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