Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?
Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

If attorneys opposed would offer the following example, and cite that the conclusions the APA and AMA (who takes their walking orders from the APA) are arrived at not through science, but instead through "audited group think" (CQR, which discards facts in favor of group-consensus...after the homosexual lobby took over the ranks on the Board of Directors years ago), they would not be winning their lawsuits:

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder".

But the APA would refuse to do a survey of children who are supposedly having "gender identity disorder" as to the causal genesis. That's because the facts might interfere with the conclusions already made. CQR. It's today's APA. Look into it. It's a hoot... Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

If attorneys opposed would offer the following example, and cite that the conclusions the APA and AMA (who takes their walking orders from the APA) are arrived at not through science,

More bat guano Silhouette crazy.
The poll results are meaningless in nuance and context in relationship to American culture.
Then all polls are meaningless in the nuance and context in relationship to American culture.
No- your poll is meaningless other than to find out how the people responding here on the boards think about forcing churches to marry homosexuals.

It is statistically irrelevant, even within the population of the posters here on USMB.

Again, and for the HUNDREDTH time, it is NOT MY POLL. I am NOT the OP of this thread!

It is however, one of the most, if not THE most popular polls/topics in USMB history and lookie how people weighed in... and to how the questions were phrased. It wasn't a mediocre "no". It was a "oh HELL NO!" with fortitude. That might be a clue as to why dems got their butt whipped in the middle bloc voting against them last week (not for the GOP). That group was voting against something palpable clinging to the democratic label like a repugnant dingleberry. The poll is your "Here's your sign"... 82% is IMPRESSIVE...
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

beagle9, thank you for a well thought out and sensible idea.
Ummm, and what was it I wrote that was a good idea in your mind ? I am against transgenders or others using a restroom of their choice opposite of their sex or gender born with, where as they are to use the one in which their born with sex or gender ascribes for them to use I would think (and to behave themselves while in any public restroom to respect another persons privacy while in there), but If we could even create a new restroom that they could go into, that would even be much much better I think. Yes in fact that would be the best (IMHO), is to go ahead and start construction on new facilities to accommodate those who have issues that deal with their identity in life. All who are under age must be accompanied by a parent when entering into any public restroom of today.

Lets see now, it could read -Males-enter here - Females-enter here, and then (All others whom are confused as to who they are in life, enter here). How about that for an Idea? It's so sad what society is morphing into, but for some reason these things are becoming more and more prevalent today, and why that is, ummm is just about anybodies guess. Now guessing it all is, because their are no sound scientific reasonings behind it all, but just the scratching of ones heads when see all of these things that are happening today in society or are being wished for these days in society now. True story - We stopped into a restaurant back in the day, and this was after a race we had went to that evening. Well the wives went into the ladies restrooms, and when they came out they came back to the table claiming that there were two dudes in the ladies restroom. I went to check out what was going on, and I had the manager go with me. Sure enough there were two dudes in the ladies restroom, so the manager through them out of the restaurant quickly. They had ladies make up on and other such non-sense, so you all know what they were trying to be or better yet what were they trying to be is the question? They walked by the restaurant windows flipping us and the manager the bird.... I know it all creep-ed the wives out for sure, and they didn't like that situation at all, and I can't blame them to complain quickly about it. It's just ridiculous is what it all is, and it's going to just cause big time trouble if it keeps up. Are people this stupid today really ?
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I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?
Sounds like the trangenders should be the ones to carry around thier own porta-potty. Or jus stay home. who on earth wants them around anyway ? Ugh!
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?
A new restroom will be needed and should be added, so get ready for your taxes to sky rocket some more, because that is going to be the result of this for sure, so if everyone wants to have their taxes reach critical mass (already has), then keep it up because society will soon collapse under the weight of it all.
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?
Sounds like the trangenders should be the ones to carry around thier own porta-potty. Or jus stay home. who on earth wants them around anyway ? Ugh!
That's just it, they would want us to abandon the facility, and then leave it for them to use only, because that will be the result of it all in the end under current conditions.
Things like this will continue to spiral out of control and into La-La Land, as long as we permit lunatics to use the courts, and lunatic judges to redesign America, to their lunacy.
Things like this will continue to spiral out of control and into La-La Land, as long as we permit lunatics to use the courts, and lunatic judges to redesign America, to their lunacy.

Clearly transgender and bathrooms are the single most important issue in America right now.

But on topic- no churches should not- and will not be forced to accomodate anyone- gays, jews, African Americans, muslims- churches can include or exclude anyone that they want.
Are you referring to the 'polls' wherein the VAST MAJORITY of the People elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, reject the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, setting the natural defining attributes of Marriage into their State Constitution, which sustains Nature's rejection of people of the same gender being qualified for marriage?

I'm speaking of the opinion polls taken by polling agencies across the country that have found strong support for gay marriage. With the margin of support being 12 to 19 points. And among moderates, support skyrockets to about 65%. Among liberals, above 70%. With moderates and liberals being the very voting block that republicans need to convince.

You were saying about 'vast majorities'?

'Cause, those are the only polls that matter, because those polls are the result of people taking ACTION to express their feelings... . This contrasted with the subjective polls of those intent on using fraudulent methods to impart deceitful 'findings' as a means to influence the ignorant; such as yourself.

Obviously not. As the fate of Prop 8 demonstrates.

And if you have any evidence that the results of the 3 dozen or so polls affirming the publics support for gay marriage, by all means present it.

Strong support? You're speaking of the 'strong support' which would be expected within The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... of course.

However in REALITY: The TRUE 'polls' indicate that the VAST MAJORITY of the People who are elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, reject the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, having set IN LAW the natural, defining attributes of Marriage, with MOST having set such into their State Constitutions.

See how that works?

MOST PEOPLE REJECT YOUR IDEAS... because your ideas rest in the perversion of human reasoning; deviant reasoning, which, by its very nature represents a threat to the very viability of the culture, itself.

Ya see, it turns out that tolerating deviant reasoning, cripples the moral fiber of the nation and that inevitably cripples the economy and well, we just can't allow that.

So, we're pretty much over your bull-shite.

Party's over ladies... Mom and Dad are back and your collective asses ARE GROUNDED!
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

Winning law suits?

So... you're saying that because you win a lawsuit, that this makes it right?


So when we remove your Leftist Judges and our judges DECREE that sodomy laws were there for a reason and reinstitute those laws, shoving your bleeding ass back into the closet, when we start winning the law suits... You're going to be perfectly fine with that?

My guess is that ya won't...
Are you referring to the 'polls' wherein the VAST MAJORITY of the People elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, reject the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, setting the natural defining attributes of Marriage into their State Constitution, which sustains Nature's rejection of people of the same gender being qualified for marriage?

I'm speaking of the opinion polls taken by polling agencies across the country that have found strong support for gay marriage. With the margin of support being 12 to 19 points. And among moderates, support skyrockets to about 65%. Among liberals, above 70%. With moderates and liberals being the very voting block that republicans need to convince.

You were saying about 'vast majorities'?

'Cause, those are the only polls that matter, because those polls are the result of people taking ACTION to express their feelings... . This contrasted with the subjective polls of those intent on using fraudulent methods to impart deceitful 'findings' as a means to influence the ignorant; such as yourself.

Obviously not. As the fate of Prop 8 demonstrates.

And if you have any evidence that the results of the 3 dozen or so polls affirming the publics support for gay marriage, by all means present it.

Strong support? You're speaking of the 'strong support' which would be expected within The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... of course.

However in REALITY: The TRUE 'polls' indicate that the VAST MAJORITY of the People who are elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, reject the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, having set IN LAW the natural, defining attributes of Marriage, with MOST having set such into their State Constitutions.

See how that works?

MOST PEOPLE REJECT YOUR IDEAS... because your ideas rest in the perversion of human reasoning; deviant reasoning, which, by its very nature represents a threat to the very viability of the culture, itself.

Ya see, it turns out that tolerating deviant reasoning, cripples the moral fiber of the nation and that inevitably cripples the economy and well, we just can't allow that.

So, we're pretty much over your bull-shite.

Party's over ladies... Mom and Dad are back and your collective asses ARE GROUNDED!

Pure bat guano keys crazy.
I've repeatedly pointed out that "The Advocacy to NormalizeSexual Abnormality" is designed toward no end beyond the NORMALIZING OF ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION...

I present you, the most recent example of: THE SLIPPERY SLOPE THAT IS TOLERATING THESE DEVIANCY.


That is a link to the report of the Los Angeles Unified School District DEFENDING A SEXUAL PREDATOR, by claiming that the 14 year old Girl "Consented" to a loving, caring sexual relationship with an adult in position of authority and influence over her.
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

Winning law suits?

So... you're saying that because you win a lawsuit, that this makes it right?


So when we remove your Leftist Judges and our judges DECREE that sodomy laws were there for a reason and reinstitute those laws, shoving your bleeding ass back into the closet, when we start winning the law suits... You're going to be perfectly fine with that?

My guess is that ya won't...
Your right that the pendulum can shift at any given time in the world, and in America too, and if all these things are being done out of disrespect of one another or one another's cultures in life, and being done in a militant way, then when the swing comes it can be a real tough time for those who were pushing the envelopes way to far in life. Doing anything in a disrespectful way as to be found within the created or natural order of things, is also a big issue for many in life. Going against the grain is a metaphor that is correctly used when we see people doing such things as attempting to go against a grain, because we all know what going against the grain means in real terms, and it applies so well in so many other ways in life as well. The only thing that people are hoping for, is when they use such things as the computer once took up 2 floors, and now it only takes up a 5x5 space upon your desk top, but is this the same things really in which they are after in life when using such as their analogy to get something excepted or to create a new ? Are people fooled by such cross issuing in which the nation is seeing going on in so many ways these days ? Their are groups whom also use the civil rights struggles and where that has all come to over the years as their reasoning behind something else or something new, but can that be applied the same as well to what they are asking in life ? You see the grain of the wood never changes, and when trying to go against something that never changes (the natural order of things), and to do it in that respect, then the results will never change either in that respect, because the saw will bind and run hot always as it is cutting against the grain of the wood. Many issues are not issues of going against the grain in life, but are simply issues of progress or the correcting of miss-understandings in life or the correcting of made mistakes and/or the making of mistakes in life. The civil rights issue was that of a correction and not that of trying to work against the grain in order to create something new by the usage of cross issuing it like so many are trying to use the issue for. The going against a grain wasn't a factor in that black and white issue, but rather it was a human mistake or many made mistakes that was the culprit in that issue.

Now proving that something is not an issue of going against the grain when trying to create or to push something onto others as a new, well is every ones responsibility to do so, and then it's just whether people except it or not as an issue that may have just been mistaken in life or just miss-understood in life or is an issue of going against the grain in life.

Now don't be mistaken anyone, because people are going to make the determinations in which they think each issue falls into in their minds, and then they will category them into a category in which they think it will fall up under as such or will fall into afterwards.
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I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

Winning law suits?

So... you're saying that because you win a lawsuit, that this makes it right?


So when we remove your Leftist Judges and our judges DECREE that sodomy laws were there for a reason and reinstitute those laws, shoving your bleeding ass back into the closet, when we start winning the law suits... You're going to be perfectly fine with that?

My guess is that ya won't...
Your right that the pendulum can shift at any given time in the world, and in America too, and if all these things are being done out of disrespect of one another or one another's cultures in life, and being done in a militant way, then when the swing comes it can be a real tough time for those who were pushing the envelopes way to far in life. Doing anything in a disrespectful way as to be found within the created or natural order of things, is also a big issue for many in life. Going against the grain is a metaphor that is correctly used when we see people doing such things as attempting to go against a grain, because we all know what going against the grain means in real terms, and it applies so well in so many other ways in life as well. The only thing that people are hoping for, is when they use such things as the computer once took up 2 floors, and now it only takes up a 5x5 space upon your desk top, but is this the same things really in which they are after in life when using such as their analogy to get something excepted or to create a new ? Their are groups whom also use the civil rights struggles and where that has all come to over the years as their reasoning behind something else or something new, but can that be applied the same as well to what they are asking in life ? You see the grain of the wood never changes, and when trying to go against something that never changes (the natural order of things), and to do it in that respect, then the results will never change either in that respect, because the saw will bind and run hot always as it is cutting against the grain of the wood. Many issues are not issues of going against the grain in life, but are simply issues of progress or the correcting of miss-understandings in life or the correcting of made mistakes and/or the making of mistakes in life. The civil rights issue was that of a correction and not that of trying to work against the grain in order to create something new by the usage of cross issuing it like so many are trying to use the issue for. The going against a grain wasn't a factor in that black and white issue, but rather it was a human mistake or many made mistakes that was the culprit in that issue.

Now proving that something is not an issue of going against the grain when trying to create or to push something onto others as a new, well is every ones responsibility to do so, and then it's just whether people except it or not as an issue that may have just been mistaken in life or just miss-understood in life or is an issue of going against the grain in life.

Now don't be mistaken anyone, because people are going to make the determinations in which they think each issue falls into in their minds, and then they will category them into a category in which they think it will fall up under as such or will fall into afterwards.

Well, the problem is that to be sexually deviant is to be mentally deviant. And it is THAT which the Left removed from the diagnosis, when it first began it's advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality.

When they did so, they began to normalize cognitive deviancy. And THAT is now producing what reason requires that it must.

Therefore, because these people lack the means to reason, they will consistently demonstrate themselves to be UNREASONABLE... and you see that in every facet of their existence, wherein they are ALL advocating for the removal of ALL CULTURAL STANDARDS, EVEN AS THEY ADVOCATE FOR GREATER POLICE POWERS...

Now, the end game here is that they will inevitably advocate for Police Powers to be used to enforce DEVIANCY... against those who oppose it and THIS is born out by the very existence of THIS VERY THREAD!

It's Evil... plain and simple, EVIL... of the OLD Testament variety.
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

Winning law suits?

So... you're saying that because you win a lawsuit, that this makes it right?


So when we remove your Leftist Judges and our judges DECREE that sodomy laws were there for a reason and reinstitute those laws, shoving your bleeding ass back into the closet, when we start winning the law suits... You're going to be perfectly fine with that?

My guess is that ya won't...
Your right that the pendulum can shift at any given time in the world, and in America too, and if all these things are being done out of disrespect of one another or one another's cultures in life, and being done in a militant way, then when the swing comes it can be a real tough time for those who were pushing the envelopes way to far in life. Doing anything in a disrespectful way as to be found within the created or natural order of things, is also a big issue for many in life. Going against the grain is a metaphor that is correctly used when we see people doing such things as attempting to go against a grain, because we all know what going against the grain means in real terms, and it applies so well in so many other ways in life as well. The only thing that people are hoping for, is when they use such things as the computer once took up 2 floors, and now it only takes up a 5x5 space upon your desk top, but is this the same things really in which they are after in life when using such as their analogy to get something excepted or to create a new ? Their are groups whom also use the civil rights struggles and where that has all come to over the years as their reasoning behind something else or something new, but can that be applied the same as well to what they are asking in life ? You see the grain of the wood never changes, and when trying to go against something that never changes (the natural order of things), and to do it in that respect, then the results will never change either in that respect, because the saw will bind and run hot always as it is cutting against the grain of the wood. Many issues are not issues of going against the grain in life, but are simply issues of progress or the correcting of miss-understandings in life or the correcting of made mistakes and/or the making of mistakes in life. The civil rights issue was that of a correction and not that of trying to work against the grain in order to create something new by the usage of cross issuing it like so many are trying to use the issue for. The going against a grain wasn't a factor in that black and white issue, but rather it was a human mistake or many made mistakes that was the culprit in that issue.

Now proving that something is not an issue of going against the grain when trying to create or to push something onto others as a new, well is every ones responsibility to do so, and then it's just whether people except it or not as an issue that may have just been mistaken in life or just miss-understood in life or is an issue of going against the grain in life.

Now don't be mistaken anyone, because people are going to make the determinations in which they think each issue falls into in their minds, and then they will category them into a category in which they think it will fall up under as such or will fall into afterwards.

Well, the problem is that to be sexually deviant is to be mentally deviant. And it is THAT which the Left removed from the diagnosis, when it first began it's advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality.

When they did so, they began to normalize cognitive deviancy. And THAT is now producing what reason requires that it must.

Therefore, because these people lack the means to reason, they will consistently demonstrate themselves to be UNREASONABLE... and you see that in every facet of their existence, wherein they are ALL advocating for the removal of ALL CULTURAL STANDARDS, EVEN AS THEY ADVOCATE FOR GREATER POLICE POWERS...

Now, the end game here is that they will inevitably advocate for Police Powers to be used to enforce DEVIANCY... against those who oppose it and THIS is born out by the very existence of THIS VERY THREAD!

It's Evil... plain and simple, EVIL... of the OLD Testament variety.
The enlistment of the feds could be the same as what you are speaking of above, and has that been the game all along in so many ways ? Without the feds, where would all this be right now I wonder ? Oh that's right the people would be the deciding factor again, and then where would all that be I wonder ? Is the nation suffering under a form of tyranny found in our government now, where as the will of the people is being subverted or denied on a grand scale over so many issues, and in this we find that the peoples will is no longer allowed in America or is even being supported any longer in America (Gruber of Obamacare did say we are all Dumb ya know) ? Who are the Americans of 2014 now, and what exactly do they want really ?
I heard something today on Rush Limbaugh, where as a person called in and asked Rush what he thought about him (the caller) as a person having to attend a meeting in Minnesota I think it was, and there the topic was concerning transgender people, and them being able to use the restroom that best suits their gender in which they feel that they are as human beings, but yet wasn't born as in their own unscientific opinions. Rush didn't respond to him with an answer, because he felt he was being set up on the question, but I will respond... I think that it is pushing the envelope way to far in these things, because If I send my grandchildren into a rest room that matches their gender in which they were born as, and a man who thinks of himself as a woman or vice-verse a woman whom thinks herself as a man tries to go in afterwards, then there's gonna be trouble is all I can say. This is a no-brainier folks, where as the answer is of course, NOPE, NOTTA, NOT or maybe better put as ABSOLUTELY NOT, that anyone would go into the girls restroom as a man, and would do this because somehow they would think of themselves as a woman when entering in ? Not happening is what I think most people would agree to when asked, but why the push now toward all these things ? Is it because of Obama that some are feeling empowered in such a radical or militant way now ?

Then you should probably invest in a porta potty to carry around because transgendered people are winning their lawsuits.

When someone is transitioning from male to female or female to male, they must live as the gender they wish to be re-assigned to before they can have the surgery. Do you really expect a man transitioning to a woman to use the men's bathroom?

Winning law suits?

So... you're saying that because you win a lawsuit, that this makes it right?


So when we remove your Leftist Judges and our judges DECREE that sodomy laws were there for a reason and reinstitute those laws, shoving your bleeding ass back into the closet, when we start winning the law suits... You're going to be perfectly fine with that?

My guess is that ya won't...
Your right that the pendulum can shift at any given time in the world, and in America too, and if all these things are being done out of disrespect of one another or one another's cultures in life, and being done in a militant way, then when the swing comes it can be a real tough time for those who were pushing the envelopes way to far in life. Doing anything in a disrespectful way as to be found within the created or natural order of things, is also a big issue for many in life. Going against the grain is a metaphor that is correctly used when we see people doing such things as attempting to go against a grain, because we all know what going against the grain means in real terms, and it applies so well in so many other ways in life as well. The only thing that people are hoping for, is when they use such things as the computer once took up 2 floors, and now it only takes up a 5x5 space upon your desk top, but is this the same things really in which they are after in life when using such as their analogy to get something excepted or to create a new ? Their are groups whom also use the civil rights struggles and where that has all come to over the years as their reasoning behind something else or something new, but can that be applied the same as well to what they are asking in life ? You see the grain of the wood never changes, and when trying to go against something that never changes (the natural order of things), and to do it in that respect, then the results will never change either in that respect, because the saw will bind and run hot always as it is cutting against the grain of the wood. Many issues are not issues of going against the grain in life, but are simply issues of progress or the correcting of miss-understandings in life or the correcting of made mistakes and/or the making of mistakes in life. The civil rights issue was that of a correction and not that of trying to work against the grain in order to create something new by the usage of cross issuing it like so many are trying to use the issue for. The going against a grain wasn't a factor in that black and white issue, but rather it was a human mistake or many made mistakes that was the culprit in that issue.

Now proving that something is not an issue of going against the grain when trying to create or to push something onto others as a new, well is every ones responsibility to do so, and then it's just whether people except it or not as an issue that may have just been mistaken in life or just miss-understood in life or is an issue of going against the grain in life.

Now don't be mistaken anyone, because people are going to make the determinations in which they think each issue falls into in their minds, and then they will category them into a category in which they think it will fall up under as such or will fall into afterwards.

Well, the problem is that to be sexually deviant is to be mentally deviant. And it is THAT which the Left removed from the diagnosis, when it first began it's advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality.

When they did so, they began to normalize cognitive deviancy. And THAT is now producing what reason requires that it must.

Therefore, because these people lack the means to reason, they will consistently demonstrate themselves to be UNREASONABLE... and you see that in every facet of their existence, wherein they are ALL advocating for the removal of ALL CULTURAL STANDARDS, EVEN AS THEY ADVOCATE FOR GREATER POLICE POWERS...

Now, the end game here is that they will inevitably advocate for Police Powers to be used to enforce DEVIANCY... against those who oppose it and THIS is born out by the very existence of THIS VERY THREAD!

It's Evil... plain and simple, EVIL... of the OLD Testament variety.
The enlistment of the feds could be the same as what you are speaking of above, and has that been the game all along in so many ways ? Without the feds, where would all this be right now I wonder ? Oh that's right the people would be the deciding factor again, and then where would all that be I wonder ? Is the nation suffering under a form of tyranny found in our government now, where as the will of the people is being subverted or denied on a grand scale over so many issues, and in this we find that the peoples will is no longer allowed in America or is even being supported any longer in America (Gruber of Obamacare did say we are all Dumb ya know) ? Who are the Americans of 2014 now, and what exactly do they want really ?

Yep... . The Left's PeasantPimp and his Executive Branch is the enemy of we, The Americans. And we, The Americans will allow the process designed by the Constitution to work him out of power, as it has provided that the Left be removed from legislative power.

We should be prepared to watch the Left pick our candidate for '16. As we now know that Romney is intrinsically tied to Gruber, who is intrinsically tied to The Left and Romney was their CHOICE last time and he'll be THEIR CHOICE THIS TIME... we'll hear them tell us that ONLY Romney can defeat "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES [THE TRUTH] MAKE!?"

In truth, ANY American can defeat evil... ANY American. The problem is getting one to RUN.
Strong support? You're speaking of the 'strong support' which would be expected within The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... of course.

I'm speaking of exactly what I said: strong support for the legality of same sex a margin of between 12 and 19 points. If you have any evidence that the dozens of polls affirming this degree of public support for the legality of same sex marriage, by all means present it.

You don't. You're done.

However in REALITY: The TRUE 'polls' indicate that the VAST MAJORITY of the People who are elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, reject the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, having set IN LAW the natural, defining attributes of Marriage, with MOST having set such into their State Constitutions.

You're not 'the People'. Poll after poll shows strong support for the legality of gay marriage. You can ignore the public sentiment. But you can't make us ignore it. Nor will your willful ignorance change the increasingly supportive sentiment regarding the legality of gay marriage held by the public at large.

As for the 'natural, defining attributes of marriage' we've already long since established that there's more than one valid basis of a marriage. You claim its only procreation. But the valid marriages of the infertile demonstrate that your claims are false. There are clearly criteria other than procreation that can define a valid marriage. Criteria that have nothing to do with the ability to bear children.

MOST PEOPLE REJECT YOUR IDEAS... because your ideas rest in the perversion of human reasoning; deviant reasoning, which, by its very nature represents a threat to the very viability of the culture, itself.

Says you, citing yourself. And you speak for no one but yourself. Gallup, AP, Reuters, Rassmussen, PPP, and many other polling agencies show public support for the legality of gay marriage leading opposition by 12 to 19 points. In dozens of polls.

Ya see, it turns out that tolerating deviant reasoning, cripples the moral fiber of the nation and that inevitably cripples the economy and well, we just can't allow that.

Says you. And your opinion regarding 'moral fiber' is uselessly subjective and meaninglessly personal. Your feelings don't define anyone else's right. Marriage is a right. And if you're going to deny it to gays and lesbians you need a very good reason. Your subjective feelings aren't good enough.
However in REALITY: The TRUE 'polls' indicate that the VAST MAJORITY of the People who are elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, reject the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, having set IN LAW the natural, defining attributes of Marriage, with MOST having set such into their State Constitutions.

You're not 'the People'.

I actually am, one OF the people. Who voted for those who represent me, who passed laws recognizing the natural standards that define marriage, which preclude lowering those standards in law to accommodate the perverse reasoning which would reject natural law, and bring the subsequent catastrophe that inevitably follows such.

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